public void ReadNotification([FromBody] AnswerTeamInputModel model) { var notification = _db.Notifications.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == model.NoteId); notification.IsRead = true; notification.ReadAt = DateTime.Now; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void AcceptTeam([FromBody] AnswerTeamInputModel model) { var currentUser = _userDb.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == _userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User)); var notification = _db.Notifications.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == model.NoteId); var team = _db.Teams.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == notification.ToTeamId); if (team == null) { return; } if (notification == null) { return; } if (currentUser == null) { return; } var userTeam = new UserTeam { TeamId = notification.ToTeamId, UserId = currentUser.Id, IsAdmin = false }; _db.UserTeams.Add(userTeam); _db.SaveChanges(); notification.IsRead = true; notification.ReadAt = DateTime.Now; notification.Message = "You have accepted the invitation to join " + team.Name; _db.SaveChanges(); var newNotification = new Notification { ToId = notification.FromId, ToName = notification.FromName, Message = "@" + notification.ToName + " has accepted the invitation to join your team.", FromId = currentUser.Id, FromName = currentUser.UserName, IsRead = false, ToTeamId = notification.ToTeamId, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Type = 2, Link = notification.Link }; _db.Notifications.Add(newNotification); _db.SaveChanges(); }