コード例 #1
        public List <EventTierInfo> GetEventTiersByEventId(long eventId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from t in context.EventsTier
                            where t.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            t.event_id == eventId
                            select new EventTierInfo()
                    TierId = t.tier_id,
                    EventId = t.event_id,
                    ReferenceId = t.ref_id,
                    Title = t.title,
                    Description = t.description,
                    TotalTickets = t.total_tickets,
                    AvailableTickets = t.available_tickets,
                    Price = t.price,
                    Status = t.status,
                    TierUniqueId = t.address

コード例 #2
        public EventInfo GetEventByRef(long hostId, string refId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from e in context.Events
                            join w in context.Wallet on e.event_id equals w.owner_id
                            where w.owner_type == WalletOwnerTypes.Event &&
                            e.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            w.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            e.host_id == hostId &&
                            e.ref_id == refId
                            select new EventInfo()
                    EventId = e.event_id,
                    ReferenceId = e.ref_id,
                    Title = e.title,
                    Description = e.description,
                    Status = e.status,
                    StartDate = e.start_date,
                    EventUniqueId = e.address,
                    WalletAddress = w.address,
                    WalletBalance = w.balance

コード例 #3
        public List <TicketInfo> GetTicketsByEvent(long hostId, string eventReferenceId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from tic in context.CustomerTicket
                            join b in context.CustomerBooking on tic.booking_id equals b.booking_id
                            join e in context.Events on b.event_id equals e.event_id
                            join t in context.EventsTier on new { Key1 = e.event_id, Key2 = tic.tier_id } equals new { Key1 = t.event_id, Key2 = t.tier_id }
                            join u in context.Customer on b.customer_id equals u.customer_id
                            where b.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            e.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            tic.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            e.host_id == hostId &&
                            e.ref_id == eventReferenceId
                            select new TicketInfo
                    BookingId = b.booking_id,
                    TicketId = tic.ticket_id,
                    CustomerReferenceId = u.ref_id,
                    EventReferenceId = e.ref_id,
                    TierReferenceId = t.ref_id,
                    EventTitle = e.title,
                    TierTitle = t.title,
                    TicketNo = tic.ticket_number,
                    BookingConfirmationNo = b.confirmation_number,
                    Status = tic.status,
                    PaidPrice = tic.paid_price,
                    TicketAddress = tic.address

コード例 #4
        public EventTierInfo GetEventTiersByRef(long hostId, string refId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from t in context.EventsTier
                            where t.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            t.host_id == hostId &&
                            t.ref_id == refId
                            select new EventTierInfo()
                    TierId = t.tier_id,
                    EventId = t.event_id,
                    ReferenceId = t.ref_id,
                    Title = t.title,
                    Description = t.description,
                    TotalTickets = t.total_tickets,
                    AvailableTickets = t.available_tickets,
                    Price = t.price,
                    Status = t.status,
                    TierUniqueId = t.address

コード例 #5
ファイル: WalletServices.cs プロジェクト: yasinkultur/anno
        public void Transfer(string fromAddress, string toAddress, decimal amount, long?bookingId, string description)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                //Insert transaction to database
                context.Transaction.Add(new Transaction()
                    transaction_datetime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    address_from         = fromAddress,
                    address_to           = toAddress,
                    amount       = amount,
                    booking_id   = bookingId,
                    description  = description,
                    created_date = DateTime.UtcNow

                //Update sender wallet
                var fromWallet = context.Wallet.Where(x => x.address == fromAddress).FirstOrDefault();
                if (fromWallet != null)
                    fromWallet.balance = fromWallet.balance - amount;

                //Update recipient wallet
                var toWallet = context.Wallet.Where(x => x.address == toAddress).FirstOrDefault();
                if (toWallet != null)
                    toWallet.balance = toWallet.balance + amount;

コード例 #6
        public long InsertUserTicket(long customerId, long bookingId, long eventId, long tierId, string ticketNumber, decimal paidPrice, string status, string address)
            long newTicketId = 0;

            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                //Insert customer ticket to database
                var newCustomerTicket = new CustomerTicket()
                    customer_id   = customerId,
                    booking_id    = bookingId,
                    event_id      = eventId,
                    tier_id       = tierId,
                    ticket_number = ticketNumber,
                    status        = status,
                    seat_number   = null,
                    paid_price    = paidPrice,
                    address       = address,
                    record_status = RecordStatuses.Live,
                    created_date  = DateTime.UtcNow

                //Get the ID of the newly created record
                newTicketId = newCustomerTicket.ticket_id;

コード例 #7
        public BookingDetails GetBookingByConfirmationNo(long hostId, string confirmationNo)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                BookingDetails result = null;

                //TODO: Change to Linq query
                string sql = @"SELECT b.confirmation_number, e.title as event_title, t.title as tier_title, e.ref_id as event_ref, t.ref_id as tier_ref, u.ref_id as customer_ref, 
                                tic.ticket_id, tic.ticket_number, tic.status as ticket_status, tic.paid_price, tic.address as ticket_address
                                FROM customer_booking b
                                INNER JOIN customer_ticket tic ON (tic.customer_id = b.customer_id AND tic.event_id = b.event_id)
                                INNER JOIN events e ON (e.event_id = b.event_id)
                                INNER JOIN events_tier t ON (t.tier_id = tic.tier_id)
                                INNER JOIN customer u ON (u.customer_id = tic.customer_id)
                                WHERE b.record_status='Live'
                                AND tic.record_status='Live'
                                AND e.record_status='Live'
                                AND t.record_status='Live'
                                AND e.host_id=@hostId  
                                AND b.confirmation_number=@confirmationNo";

                sql = sql
                      .Replace("@hostId ", DataUtility.ToMySqlParam(hostId))
                      .Replace("@confirmationNo", DataUtility.ToMySqlParam(confirmationNo));

                DataTable dt = context.DataTable(sql);
                if (DataUtility.HasRecord(dt))
                    DataRow firstRow = dt.Rows[0];

                    result = new BookingDetails();
                    result.UserReferenceId    = ConvertUtility.ToString(firstRow["customer_ref"]);
                    result.EventReferenceId   = ConvertUtility.ToString(firstRow["event_ref"]);
                    result.ConfirmationNumber = ConvertUtility.ToString(firstRow["confirmation_number"]);
                    result.Tickets            = new List <TicketInfo>();

                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                        TicketInfo ticket = new TicketInfo();
                        ticket.TicketId            = ConvertUtility.ToInt64(row["ticket_id"]);
                        ticket.CustomerReferenceId = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["customer_ref"]);
                        ticket.EventReferenceId    = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["event_ref"]);
                        ticket.TierReferenceId     = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["tier_ref"]);
                        ticket.TicketNo            = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["ticket_number"]);
                        ticket.Status                = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["ticket_status"]);
                        ticket.PaidPrice             = ConvertUtility.ToInt64(row["paid_price"]);
                        ticket.TicketAddress         = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["ticket_address"]);
                        ticket.EventTitle            = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["event_title"]);
                        ticket.TierTitle             = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["tier_title"]);
                        ticket.BookingConfirmationNo = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["confirmation_number"]);

コード例 #8
ファイル: IdentityServices.cs プロジェクト: yasinkultur/anno
        public string AddressOf(string addressType, long id)
            string result = null;

            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                if (addressType == AddressTypes.Host)
                    var data = context.Host.Where(x => x.host_id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (data != null)
                        result = data.address;
                else if (addressType == AddressTypes.Customer)
                    var data = context.Customer.Where(x => x.customer_id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (data != null)
                        result = data.address;
                else if (addressType == AddressTypes.Event)
                    var data = context.Events.Where(x => x.event_id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (data != null)
                        result = data.address;
                else if (addressType == AddressTypes.EventTier)
                    var data = context.EventsTier.Where(x => x.tier_id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (data != null)
                        result = data.address;
                else if (addressType == AddressTypes.Ticket)
                    var data = context.CustomerTicket.Where(x => x.ticket_id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (data != null)
                        result = data.address;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized address type", addressType);

コード例 #9
 public void UpdateTicketStatus(long ticketId, string status)
     using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
         var record = context.CustomerTicket.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ticket_id == ticketId);
         if (record != null)
             record.status = status;
コード例 #10
 public void UpdateAvailableTickets(long tierId, int availableTickets)
     using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
         var record = context.EventsTier.SingleOrDefault(x => x.tier_id == tierId);
         if (record != null)
             record.available_tickets = availableTickets;
コード例 #11
ファイル: CustomerServices.cs プロジェクト: yasinkultur/anno
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new customer record in database.
        /// </summary>
        public CreateCustomerResponse CreateCustomer(long hostId, CreateCustomerRequest value)
            CreateCustomerResponse result = new CreateCustomerResponse();

            long newCustomerId = 0;

            //Generate address
            string customerAddress = HashUtility.GenerateHash();

            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                //Insert customer to database
                Customer customer = new Customer()
                    host_id       = hostId,
                    ref_id        = value.ReferenceId,
                    address       = customerAddress,
                    record_status = RecordStatuses.Live,
                    created_date  = DateTime.UtcNow

                //Get the Id of the newly created customer
                newCustomerId = customer.customer_id;

            //Create customer wallet
            WalletServices walletServices = new WalletServices();

            walletServices.CreateWallet(newCustomerId, WalletOwnerTypes.Customer, customerAddress);

            //Commit to blockchain
            IdentityServices   identityService    = new IdentityServices();
            BlockchainContract blockchainContract = new BlockchainContract();

            blockchainContract.CreateCustomer(identityService.AddressOf(IdentityServices.AddressTypes.Host, hostId), customerAddress, value.ReferenceId);

            //TODO: For demo purpose, give 1000 ANN tokens to new customers
            walletServices.Transfer(Config.OwnerScriptHash, customerAddress, 1000, null, "Demo");

            //Commit to blockchain
            blockchainContract.Transfer(Config.OwnerScriptHash, customerAddress, 1000);

            result.WalletAddress = customerAddress;
            result.WalletBalance = 1000;

コード例 #12
 public void UpdateEventStatus(long hostId, UpdateEventStatusRequest value)
     using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
         var record = context.Events.SingleOrDefault(x =>
                                                     x.host_id == hostId &&
                                                     x.ref_id == value.ReferenceId &&
                                                     x.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live);
         if (record != null)
             record.status = value.NewStatus;
コード例 #13
ファイル: WalletServices.cs プロジェクト: yasinkultur/anno
 public void CreateWallet(long ownerId, string ownerType, string address)
     using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
         context.Wallet.Add(new Wallet()
             owner_id      = ownerId,
             owner_type    = ownerType,
             address       = address,
             balance       = 0,
             record_status = RecordStatuses.Live,
             created_date  = DateTime.UtcNow
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new host record in database.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateHost(CreateHostRequest value, out string newAPIKey)
            long newHostId = 0;

            //Generate address
            WalletServices walletServices = new WalletServices();
            string         hostAddress    = walletServices.GenerateWalletAddress();

            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                //Insert host to database
                var newHost = new Host()
                    name          = value.Name,
                    address       = hostAddress,
                    record_status = RecordStatuses.Live,
                    created_date  = DateTime.UtcNow

                //Get the ID of the newly created host
                newHostId = newHost.host_id;

                //Generate new API key
                newAPIKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");

                //Insert into api_keys table
                context.ApiKey.Add(new ApiKey()
                    host_id       = newHostId,
                    api_key       = newAPIKey,
                    record_status = RecordStatuses.Live,
                    created_date  = DateTime.UtcNow

                //Create host wallet
                WalletServices walletService = new WalletServices();
                walletService.SaveWallet(newHostId, WalletOwnerTypes.Host, hostAddress);

            //Commit to blockchain
            ContractApi blockchainContract = new ContractApi();

            blockchainContract.CreateHost(hostAddress, value.Name);
コード例 #15
ファイル: IdentityServices.cs プロジェクト: yasinkultur/anno
        public bool IsRefIdExists(string refIdType, long hostId, string refId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                if (refIdType == RefIdTypes.Customer)
                    var data = (from a in context.Customer
                                where a.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                                a.host_id == hostId &&
                                a.ref_id == refId
                                select a.ref_id)

                    return(data != null);
                else if (refIdType == RefIdTypes.Event)
                    var data = (from a in context.Events
                                where a.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                                a.host_id == hostId &&
                                a.ref_id == refId
                                select a.ref_id)

                    return(data != null);
                else if (refIdType == RefIdTypes.EventTier)
                    var data = (from a in context.EventsTier
                                where a.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                                a.host_id == hostId &&
                                a.ref_id == refId
                                select a.ref_id)

                    return(data != null);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized reference ID type", refIdType);
コード例 #16
        public static long?GetCallerHostId()
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from a in context.ApiKey
                            where a.api_key == RequestHeaders.API_KEY
                            select new { a.host_id })

                if (data != null)
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the host record by the given api key.
        /// Returns null if record is not found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="apiKey">API Key</param>
        /// <returns>Host record, null if record is not found.</returns>
        public Host GetHostByAPIKey(string apiKey)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from a in context.Host
                            join b in context.ApiKey on a.host_id equals b.host_id
                            where b.api_key == apiKey
                            select new Host()
                    host_id = a.host_id,
                    name = a.name,
                    address = a.address,
                    record_status = a.record_status,
                    created_date = a.created_date

コード例 #18
        public List <BookingSummary> GetBookingsSummary(long hostId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                List <BookingSummary> result = null;

                //TODO: Change to Linq query
                string sql = @"SELECT e.ref_id as event_ref, e.title as event_title, t.ref_id as tier_ref, t.title as tier_title, count(tic.ticket_id) as tickets_sold
                                FROM customer_booking b
                                INNER JOIN customer_ticket tic ON (tic.booking_id = b.booking_id)
                                INNER JOIN events e ON (e.event_id = b.event_id)
                                INNER JOIN events_tier t ON (t.event_id = e.event_id and t.tier_id=tic.tier_id)
                                WHERE b.record_status='Live'
                                AND e.record_status='Live'
                                AND e.host_id=@hostId 
                                GROUP BY e.event_id, t.tier_id";

                sql = sql
                      .Replace("@hostId ", DataUtility.ToMySqlParam(hostId));

                DataTable dt = context.DataTable(sql);
                if (DataUtility.HasRecord(dt))
                    result = new List <BookingSummary>();

                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                        result.Add(new BookingSummary()
                            EventReferenceId = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["event_ref"]),
                            TierReferenceId  = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["tier_ref"]),
                            EventTitle       = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["event_title"]),
                            TierTitle        = ConvertUtility.ToString(row["tier_title"]),
                            TicketsSoldCount = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(row["tickets_sold"])

コード例 #19
ファイル: CustomerServices.cs プロジェクト: yasinkultur/anno
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all customer records by host.
        /// </summary>
        public List <CustomerInfo> GetCustomers(long hostId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from u in context.Customer
                            join w in context.Wallet on u.customer_id equals w.owner_id
                            where w.owner_type == WalletOwnerTypes.Customer &&
                            u.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            w.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            u.host_id == hostId
                            select new CustomerInfo()
                    CustomerId = u.customer_id,
                    RefId = u.ref_id,
                    CustomerAddress = u.address,
                    WalletBalance = w.balance,
                    WalletAddress = w.address

コード例 #20
        public List <Booking> GetBookingsByCustomer(long hostId, string customerReferenceId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from b in context.CustomerBooking
                            join u in context.Customer on b.customer_id equals u.customer_id
                            join e in context.Events on b.event_id equals e.event_id
                            where b.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            e.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            e.host_id == hostId &&
                            u.ref_id == customerReferenceId
                            select new Booking
                    UserReferenceId = u.ref_id,
                    EventReferenceId = e.ref_id,
                    EventTitle = e.title,
                    ConfirmationNumber = b.confirmation_number

コード例 #21
        public HostInfo GetHostInfoById(long hostId)
            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                var data = (from h in context.Host
                            join w in context.Wallet on h.host_id equals w.owner_id //TODO: join owner type here
                            where w.owner_type == WalletOwnerTypes.Host &&
                            h.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            w.record_status == RecordStatuses.Live &&
                            h.host_id == hostId
                            select new HostInfo()
                    HostId = h.host_id,
                    Name = h.name,
                    WalletAddress = w.address,
                    WalletBalance = w.balance

コード例 #22
        public long InsertUserBooking(long customerId, long eventId, string confirmationNumber)
            long newBookingId = 0;

            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                //Insert customer booking to database
                var newCustomerBooking = new CustomerBooking()
                    customer_id         = customerId,
                    event_id            = eventId,
                    confirmation_number = confirmationNumber,
                    record_status       = RecordStatuses.Live,
                    created_date        = DateTime.UtcNow

                //Get the ID of the newly created record
                newBookingId = newCustomerBooking.booking_id;

コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new event record in the Events table.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateEvent(long hostId, CreateEventsRequest value)
            long          newEventId            = 0;
            List <string> eventTierUniqueIdList = new List <string>();

            //Generate address
            string eventUniqueId = HashUtility.GenerateHash();

            using (var context = new AnnoDBContext())
                //Insert event to database
                var newEvent = new Events()
                    host_id       = hostId,
                    ref_id        = value.ReferenceId,
                    title         = value.Title,
                    description   = value.Description,
                    start_date    = value.StartDate,
                    status        = "Active",
                    address       = eventUniqueId,
                    record_status = RecordStatuses.Pending,
                    created_date  = DateTime.UtcNow

                //Get the ID of the newly created record
                newEventId = newEvent.event_id;

                //Insert event tiers to database
                foreach (var tier in value.Tiers)
                    //Generate address
                    string eventTierUniqueId = HashUtility.GenerateHash();

                    //Insert event to database
                    var newEventTier = new EventsTier()
                        host_id           = hostId,
                        event_id          = newEventId,
                        ref_id            = tier.ReferenceId,
                        title             = tier.Title,
                        description       = tier.Description,
                        total_tickets     = tier.TotalTickets,
                        available_tickets = tier.TotalTickets, //available tickets is set to total tickets for initial insert
                        price             = Convert.ToDecimal(tier.Price),
                        status            = "Active",
                        address           = eventTierUniqueId,
                        record_status     = RecordStatuses.Live,
                        created_date      = DateTime.UtcNow


                //Update event record status to live
                var record = context.Events.SingleOrDefault(x => x.event_id == newEventId);
                if (record != null)
                    record.record_status = RecordStatuses.Live;

            //Create event wallet
            WalletServices walletServices = new WalletServices();

            walletServices.SaveWallet(newEventId, WalletOwnerTypes.Event, eventUniqueId);

            //Commit to blockchain
            IdentityServices identityServices = new IdentityServices();
            string           hostAddress      = identityServices.AddressOf(IdentityServices.AddressTypes.Host, hostId);

            ContractApi blockchainContract = new ContractApi();

            blockchainContract.CreateEvent(eventUniqueId, hostAddress, value.ReferenceId, value.Title, value.StartDate.Value, "Active");

            for (int i = 0; i < value.Tiers.Count; i++)
                    eventTierUniqueIdList[i], hostAddress, eventUniqueId, value.Tiers[i].ReferenceId, value.Tiers[i].Title,
                    value.Tiers[i].TotalTickets.Value, value.Tiers[i].TotalTickets.Value, value.Tiers[i].Price.Value);