IEnumerator Die() { movement.speed = 0f; anim.DeathAni(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.8f)); GameManager.Instance.IncreasePlayerCoin(); Destroy(this.gameObject); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { if (col.tag == "Food") { Player.INSTANCE.Heal(1); Destroy(col.transform.parent.gameObject); } if (col.tag == "EnemySide") { if (!Player.INSTANCE.isInvincible) { Player.INSTANCE.TakeDamage(1); if ( == "EnemySideRight") { /* * If the player looks right and the enemy hits from the front of his head, the player must be pushed to the right side */ if (Player.INSTANCE.lookRight) { Player.INSTANCE.rigidBody.AddForce((Vector3.right * 5) + (Vector3.up * 3), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } /* * If the player looks left and the enemy hits from the the front of his head, the player must be pushed to the left side */ else { Player.INSTANCE.rigidBody.AddForce((Vector3.left * 5) + (Vector3.up * 3), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } } if ( == "EnemySideLeft") { /* * If the player looks right and hits the enemy from the back(spiky side), the player must be pushed to the left side */ if (Player.INSTANCE.lookRight) { Player.INSTANCE.rigidBody.AddForce((Vector3.left * 8) + (Vector3.up * 3), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } /* * If the player looks left and hits the enemy from the back(spiky side), the player must be pushed to the right side */ else { Player.INSTANCE.rigidBody.AddForce((Vector3.right * 8) + (Vector3.up * 3), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } } } } if (col.tag == "EnemyHead") { //Chek if player is invincible, he cannot deal damage if he's invincible, to broken if (!Player.INSTANCE.isInvincible) { //make the player jump, like Mario on the head of the enemy Player.INSTANCE.rigidBody.AddForce(Vector3.up * 10, ForceMode2D.Impulse); //Nedd the animation made by the asset from the market to have the death animation of the enemy Animation_Test at = col.transform.parent.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <Animation_Test> (); //deactivate the colliders from front and back, so he can't deal damage col.transform.parent.parent.Find("EnemySideLeft").gameObject.SetActive(false); col.transform.parent.parent.Find("EnemySideRight").gameObject.SetActive(false); //deactiate the last collider because it's not needed. col.gameObject.SetActive(false); //stop the enemy from moving, he's dead col.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <Patroling> ().canMove = false; //launch death animation at.DeathAni(); //launch Coroutine, to have the animation display, then the enemy disapear StartCoroutine(die(col)); } } }