コード例 #1
        public void Init()
            _gameController = GameController.Instance;

//Get the positions in front of the player heroes, that's where the baddie will move to for attacking
            int len = BaddieAttackPositions.Length;

            _baddieAttackPositions = new Vector2[len];

            int cnt = -1;

            while (++cnt != len)
                _baddieAttackPositions[cnt] = BaddieAttackPositions[cnt].position;
                BaddieAttackPositions[cnt].gameObject.SetActive(false);                         //No longer needed

            int world = DataManager.Data.World;

//Get our Character_SO
            BaddieCharData = DataManager.Data.BaddieCharacter;
//Set the name
            var baddieNames = DataManager.Data.BaddieNames;

            BaddieCharData.Name = baddieNames[wrap(world - 1, 0, baddieNames.Length)];

//We don't care about the baddies XP, just it's level, as that affects it's stats
            BaddieCharData.Level = _gameController.SquadHandler.GetHighestHeroLevel();

//Attack and defence values
            int attackValue  = Random.Range(10, 20);
            int defenceValue = 35 - attackValue;

//We're going to cheat here a little and weaken the baddie on world 1 as we want the player to win the first
//time they play
            if (DataManager.Data.World == 1)
                defenceValue -= 10;

            BaddieCharData.Attack  = attackValue;
            BaddieCharData.Defence = defenceValue;

//Hardcoded 5 baddie types, it *is* a tight deadline
            int          baddieAnims = wrap(world, 0, 5);
            Animation_SO animData    = _gameController.BaddieAnimationDataHolder.CharacterAnimFrames[baddieAnims];

//Finally we can populate our (anti)Hero's data
            Baddie.SetInitialHealth(200);                       //They've got to have more health than the player
            Baddie.ThisHero = Hero.HeroType.Baddie;
            Baddie.Init(BaddieCharData, animData);
コード例 #2
//Here we're going to set up our squad, i.e. pull our data in and place it gently into the Hero instances
        public void Init()
            _gameController = GameController.Instance;

//Get the position the player squad will move to to perform an attack (We can turn off the gameObject afterwards,
//it's just to make life easier in the Editor)
            _playerAttackPosition = PlayerAttackPosition.position;

            List <Character_SO> chars = DataManager.Data.GetPlayerSquad();

            _numberOfSelectedCharacters = chars.Count;

//Populate Hero(s) with our juicy data
            Hero heroRef;
            int  cnt = -1;

            while (++cnt != _numberOfSelectedCharacters)
                heroRef          = Squad[cnt];
                heroRef.ThisHero = Hero.HeroType.Player;
                heroRef.heroID   = cnt;
                heroRef.AttackPosition = _playerAttackPosition;
//Get the correct animation SO for this character
                Animation_SO animData = _gameController.PlayerAnimationDataHolder.CharacterAnimFrames[chars[cnt].ID];
//Init him, init him good and proper
                heroRef.Init(chars[cnt], animData);

//Turn off any we're not using
            while (++cnt != 3)

//Get a reference to our baddie
            _target = _gameController.BaddieHandler.Baddie;
コード例 #3
        public void Init(Character_SO CharacterData, Animation_SO animData)
            _gameController = GameController.Instance;
            _hud            = _gameController.HUD;

            _characterData = CharacterData;
            _animFrames    = animData;

//Flip the sprite if it's a baddie
            HeroSprite.flipX = ThisHero == HeroType.Baddie;

//Set up the default frame
            _animOffset        = Random.Range(0, 3);                            //So the idle animations aren't in perfect sync
            HeroSprite.sprite  = _animFrames.IdleFrames[_animOffset];
            _animIdleLength    = _animFrames.IdleFrames.Length;
            _animWalkingLength = _animFrames.WalkingFrames.Length;

            AnimationState = AnimationTypes.Idle;

            _healthBarScale        = Vector2.one;
            _healthBarXScaleTarget = 1;