コード例 #1
        private void DoIconAndName(Rect rect, AnimationWindowHierarchyNode node, bool selected, bool focused, float indent)
            EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(13, 13));               // If not set we see icons scaling down if text is being cropped

            // TODO: All this is horrible. SHAME FIX!
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                if (selected)
                    selectionStyle.Draw(rect, false, false, true, focused);

                // Leave some space for the value field that comes after.
                if (node is AnimationWindowHierarchyPropertyNode)
                    rect.width -= k_ValueFieldOffsetFromRightSide + 2;

                bool isLeftOverCurve = AnimationWindowUtility.IsNodeLeftOverCurve(node);
                bool isAmbiguous     = AnimationWindowUtility.IsNodeAmbiguous(node);
                bool isPhantom       = AnimationWindowUtility.IsNodePhantom(node);

                string warningText = "";
                string tooltipText = "";
                if (isPhantom)
                    warningText = " (Default Value)";
                    tooltipText = "Transform position, rotation and scale can't be partially animated. This value will be animated to the default value";
                if (isLeftOverCurve)
                    warningText = " (Missing!)";
                    tooltipText = "The GameObject or Component is missing (" + node.path + ")";
                if (isAmbiguous)
                    warningText = " (Duplicate GameObject name!)";
                    tooltipText = "Target for curve is ambiguous since there are multiple GameObjects with same name (" + node.path + ")";

                Color oldColor  = lineStyle.normal.textColor;
                Color textColor = oldColor;
                if (node.depth == 0)
                    string nodePrefix = "";
                    if (node.curves.Length > 0)
                        AnimationWindowSelectionItem selectionBinding = node.curves[0].selectionBinding;
                        string gameObjectName = GetGameObjectName(selectionBinding != null ? selectionBinding.rootGameObject : null, node.path);
                        nodePrefix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameObjectName) ? "" : gameObjectName + " : ";

                    Styles.content = new GUIContent(nodePrefix + node.displayName + warningText, GetIconForItem(node), tooltipText);

                    textColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? Color.gray * 1.35f : Color.black;
                    Styles.content = new GUIContent(node.displayName + warningText, GetIconForItem(node), tooltipText);

                    textColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? Color.gray : m_LightSkinPropertyTextColor;

                    var phantomColor = selected ? m_PhantomCurveColor * k_SelectedPhantomCurveColorMultiplier : m_PhantomCurveColor;
                    textColor = isPhantom ? phantomColor : textColor;
                textColor = isLeftOverCurve || isAmbiguous ? k_LeftoverCurveColor : textColor;
                SetStyleTextColor(lineStyle, textColor);

                rect.xMin += (int)(indent + foldoutStyleWidth + lineStyle.margin.left);
                GUI.Label(rect, Styles.content, lineStyle);

                SetStyleTextColor(lineStyle, oldColor);

            if (IsRenaming(node.id) && Event.current.type != EventType.Layout)
                GetRenameOverlay().editFieldRect = new Rect(rect.x + k_IndentWidth, rect.y, rect.width - k_IndentWidth - 1, rect.height);