コード例 #1
    private static void ProcessAnimation(AnimationClip clip, MouthModel mouthModel, Transform animationRoot, Transform jawRoot)
        var bindings = AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip);
        var uBinding = bindings.FirstOrDefault(binding => binding.propertyName == "material._MainTex_mouth_ST.z");
        var vBinding = bindings.FirstOrDefault(binding => binding.propertyName == "material._MainTex_mouth_ST.w");

        if (uBinding.path == null || vBinding.path == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't find animation binding for clip " + clip.name);

        var uCurve = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, uBinding);
        var vCurve = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, vBinding);
        var snapshotsAtPath = new Dictionary<string, AnimationSnapshotData>();

        for (int i = 0; i < uCurve.keys.Length; i++)
            // We can assume that that the curves for the U and V value have the same keyframes
            Vector2 uvValue = new Vector2(uCurve.keys[i].value, vCurve.keys[i].value);
            mouthModel.CurrentPoseIndex = RtdxTextureToMouthType.ContainsKey(uvValue) ? RtdxTextureToMouthType[uvValue] : 0;
            TraverseRig(jawRoot, snapshotsAtPath, GetRelativePath(jawRoot, animationRoot), uCurve.keys[i].time);
        foreach (var snapshot in snapshotsAtPath)
コード例 #2
ファイル: LerpPath.cs プロジェクト: jorgejgnz/HPTK
        private void Update()
            if (onlyInEditor)

            if (readyForNextStep)
                readyForNextStep = false;

                AnimationHelpers.Play(this, path[index], () =>
                    AsyncHelpers.DoAfterTime(this, waitTime, () =>
                        if (index == path.Count - 1 && loop)
                            index            = 0;
                            readyForNextStep = true;
                        else if (index < path.Count - 1)
                            readyForNextStep = true;
コード例 #3
 private void ApplyLastKeyFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!_cancelledAnimation)
         DoubleKeyFrame lastKeyFrame = _keyFrames[_resolvedKeyFrames.GetNextKeyFrameIndex(_keyFrames.Count - 1)];
         AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(_propertyContainer, _targetProperty, lastKeyFrame.Value, _parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
コード例 #4
        private static bool ValidateFromToOrByValue(object value)
            CornerRadius?nullable = (CornerRadius?)value;

            if (nullable.HasValue)
コード例 #5
 private Action OnAnimationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, object value, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath, Guid callBackGuid)
     return(() =>
         if (isLastLoop && _animationID == callBackGuid)
             AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(target, propertyPath, value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
コード例 #6
 private Action OnAnimationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath)
     return(() =>
         if (isLastLoop)
             AnimationHelpers.ApplyInstantAnimation(target, propertyPath, To.Value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
コード例 #7
ファイル: PointAnimation.cs プロジェクト: ndhelix/OpenSilver
        private void OnAnimationCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, object value, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath)
            if (!this._isUnapplied)
                if (isLastLoop)
                    AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(target, propertyPath, value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);

コード例 #8
ファイル: DoubleAnimation.cs プロジェクト: qasimnaeem/CSHTML5
        static void StartAnimation(DependencyObject target, CSSEquivalent cssEquivalent, double?from, object to, Duration Duration, EasingFunctionBase easingFunction, string visualStateGroupName, Action callbackForWhenfinished = null)
            if (cssEquivalent.Name != null && cssEquivalent.Name.Count != 0)
                UIElement uiElement = cssEquivalent.UIElement ?? (target as UIElement); // If no UIElement is specified, we assume that the property is intended to be applied to the instance on which the PropertyChanged has occurred.

                bool hasTemplate = (uiElement is Control) && ((Control)uiElement).HasTemplate;

                if (!hasTemplate || cssEquivalent.ApplyAlsoWhenThereIsAControlTemplate)
                    if (cssEquivalent.DomElement == null && uiElement != null)
                        cssEquivalent.DomElement = uiElement.INTERNAL_OuterDomElement; // Default value
                    if (cssEquivalent.DomElement != null)
                        if (cssEquivalent.Value == null)
                            cssEquivalent.Value = (finalInstance, value) => { return(value ?? ""); }; // Default value
                        object cssValue = cssEquivalent.Value(target, to);

                        object newObj = CSHTML5.Interop.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(@"new Object()");

                        if (from == null)
                            foreach (string csspropertyName in cssEquivalent.Name)
$0[$1] = $2;", newObj, csspropertyName, cssValue);
                            foreach (string csspropertyName in cssEquivalent.Name)
$0[$1] = [$2, $3];", newObj, csspropertyName, cssValue, from);

                        AnimationHelpers.CallVelocity(cssEquivalent.DomElement, Duration, easingFunction, visualStateGroupName, callbackForWhenfinished, newObj);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please set the Name property of the CSSEquivalent class.");
コード例 #9
 private Action OnKeyFrameCompleted(IterationParameters parameters, bool isLastLoop, object value, DependencyObject target, PropertyPath propertyPath, Guid callBackGuid)
     return(() =>
         if (_animationID == callBackGuid)
             AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(target, propertyPath, value, parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
             if (!CheckTimeLineEndAndRaiseCompletedEvent(_parameters))
                 ApplyKeyFrame(GetNextKeyFrame(), isLastLoop);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Export the animation clip meta data and spit to xml
        /// </summary>
        private Dictionary <String, AnimationData> PrepareAnimations(Dictionary <string, AnimationClip> animationClips,
                                                                     SkinningData skinningData, ContentProcessorContext context)
            Dictionary <String, AnimationData> animationMap = new Dictionary <String, AnimationData>();
            String sourceDir = SourceDirFromContext(context);
            String assetName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(context.OutputFilename);

            AnimationGroupType    groupType = AnimationGroupType.Base;
            ChannelBlendOperation blendOp   = ChannelBlendOperation.Exclusive;
            TimeSpan blendIn  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3571);
            TimeSpan blendOut = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3571);

            float[] defaultWeights = new float[skinningData.BindPose.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < defaultWeights.Length; defaultWeights[i] = 1.0f, ++i)


            foreach (var keyValue in animationClips)
                String        name = keyValue.Key;
                AnimationClip clip = keyValue.Value;

                String        xmlFile  = Path.Combine(sourceDir, assetName + "_" + name + ".xml");
                AnimationData animData = AnimationHelpers.DeserializeAnimationData(xmlFile);

                if (animData == null || animData.NumBones != skinningData.BindPose.Count)
                    animData = new Core.Animation.AnimationData(name, Scale, clip,
                                                                skinningData.BindPose.Count, skinningData.BoneMap, defaultWeights, groupType, blendOp, blendIn, blendOut);
                    AnimationHelpers.SerializeAnimationData(animData, xmlFile);

                // Overrides, not stored in Xml right now
                animData.BoneMap       = (Dictionary <String, Int32>)skinningData.BoneMap;
                animData.AnimationClip = clip;

                animationMap.Add(animData.Name, animData);

コード例 #11
        private void ApplyKeyFrame(ObjectKeyFrame keyFrame)
            object value = keyFrame.Value;

            if (value is string && _propDp.PropertyType != typeof(string))
                if (_propDp.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                    value = Enum.Parse(_propDp.PropertyType, (string)value);
                    value = DotNetForHtml5.Core.TypeFromStringConverters.ConvertFromInvariantString(_propDp.PropertyType, (string)value);

            object castedValue = DynamicCast(value, _propDp.PropertyType);

            AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(_propertyContainer, _targetProperty, castedValue, _parameters.IsVisualStateChange);
コード例 #12
    private static UnityEngine.AnimationClip ProcessClip(AssetStudio.AnimationClip animationClip, string savePath, string bundleName,
                                                         string materialAttributeName, CoordinateAttributeSet attributeSet, UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer[] skinnedMeshRenderers)
        var uCurve = new UnityEngine.AnimationCurve();
        var vCurve = new UnityEngine.AnimationCurve();

        var clip                = animationClip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip;
        var streamedFrames      = clip.m_StreamedClip.ReadData();
        var clipBindingConstant = animationClip.m_ClipBindingConstant;

        for (int frameIndex = 1; frameIndex < streamedFrames.Count - 1; frameIndex++)
            StreamedClip.StreamedCurveKey uCoordKey = null, vCoordKey = null;
            foreach (var key in streamedFrames[frameIndex].keyList)
                var binding = clipBindingConstant.FindBinding(key.index);
                if (binding.attribute == attributeSet.UAttribute)
                    uCoordKey = key;
                else if (binding.attribute == attributeSet.VAttribute)
                    vCoordKey = key;

            if (uCoordKey == null || vCoordKey == null)

            // Round to 0.25 steps since the input UVs might not match perfectly
            var roundedUv = new Vector2(Mathf.Round(uCoordKey.value * 4) / 4, Mathf.Round(vCoordKey.value * 4) / 4);
            var value = RtdxTextureTo2x4Mappings[roundedUv];

            uCurve.AddKey(streamedFrames[frameIndex].time, value.x);
            vCurve.AddKey(streamedFrames[frameIndex].time, value.y);

        var newClip = new UnityEngine.AnimationClip {
            frameRate = animationClip.m_SampleRate

        foreach (var skinnedMeshRenderer in skinnedMeshRenderers)
            AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(newClip, new EditorCurveBinding
                path         = skinnedMeshRenderer.gameObject.name,
                type         = typeof(UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer),
                propertyName = $"material.{materialAttributeName}.z"
            }, uCurve);
            AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(newClip, new EditorCurveBinding
                path         = skinnedMeshRenderer.gameObject.name,
                type         = typeof(UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer),
                propertyName = $"material.{materialAttributeName}.w"
            }, vCurve);

        // We need to use this stupid workaround instead of doing it when adding the key because
        // apparently it glitches if the curve wasn't added to an animation

        string animationPath = $"{savePath}/{animationClip.m_Name}.anim";

        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newClip, animationPath);
        AssetImporter.GetAtPath(animationPath).assetBundleName = bundleName;

コード例 #13
ファイル: GameManager.cs プロジェクト: rootix/Billapong
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the ball animation tasks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialWindow">The initial window.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The start position.</param>
        /// <param name="initialDirection">The initial direction.</param>
        /// <returns>The calculated animation queue</returns>
        private Queue <BallAnimationTask> CalculateBallAnimationTasks(Models.Window initialWindow, Point startPosition, Vector initialDirection)
            var animationQueue      = new Queue <BallAnimationTask>();
            var isLastAnimation     = false;
            var currentWindow       = initialWindow;
            var currentBallPosition = startPosition;
            var currentDirection    = initialDirection;
            var stepCounter         = 0;
            var currentTask         = new BallAnimationTask {
                Window = currentWindow
            var          previousIntersection    = Intersection.None;
            var          windowPreviouslyChanged = false;
            const double BallRadius = GameConfiguration.BallDiameter / 2;

            while (!isLastAnimation)
                // Ensure an end of the animation
                if (stepCounter == 30)
                    isLastAnimation                = true;
                    currentTask.IsLastAnimation    = true;
                    currentTask.IntersectsWithHole = false;

                var borderPositionCorrection = new Point();

                // Calculate the ignorable intersection
                var ignoredIntersection = Intersection.None;
                if (previousIntersection != Intersection.None)
                    if (windowPreviouslyChanged)
                        switch (previousIntersection)
                        case Intersection.TopWall:
                            ignoredIntersection = Intersection.BottomWall;

                        case Intersection.LeftWall:
                            ignoredIntersection = Intersection.RightWall;

                        case Intersection.RightWall:
                            ignoredIntersection = Intersection.LeftWall;

                        case Intersection.BottomWall:
                            ignoredIntersection = Intersection.TopWall;
                        ignoredIntersection = previousIntersection;

                var           currentIntersection  = Intersection.None;
                Point?        intersectionPosition = null;
                Models.Window neighbourWindow      = null;

                // Generate a point outside of the window
                var intersectionTestPoint = currentBallPosition + (currentDirection * 1000);

                // Check for hole intersection
                if (currentWindow.Holes != null)
                    foreach (var hole in currentWindow.Holes)

                        var intersection = CalculationHelpers.CalculateLineSphereIntersection(
                            out firstIntersection,
                            out secondIntersection);

                        if (intersection > 0 && firstIntersection != null)
                            currentIntersection = Intersection.Hole;

                            // This hole intersection is only relevant, if the distance between this intersection and the ball is the shortest
                            if (intersectionPosition == null ||
                                < currentBallPosition.DistanceTo((Point)intersectionPosition))
                                intersectionPosition = firstIntersection;

                // Check for top wall hit
                if (intersectionPosition == null && ignoredIntersection != Intersection.TopWall)
                    intersectionPosition = CalculationHelpers.GetLineIntersection(
                        new Point(0, 0),
                        new Point(GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth, 0));

                    if (intersectionPosition != null)
                        previousIntersection = currentIntersection = Intersection.TopWall;

                        var upperWindow = this.CurrentGame.Map.Windows.FirstOrDefault(w => w.X == currentWindow.X && w.Y == currentWindow.Y - 1);
                        if (upperWindow != null)
                            neighbourWindow = upperWindow;
                            borderPositionCorrection.Y += BallRadius;

                if (intersectionPosition == null && ignoredIntersection != Intersection.LeftWall)
                    // Check for left wall hit
                    intersectionPosition = CalculationHelpers.GetLineIntersection(
                        new Point(0, 0),
                        new Point(0, GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth));

                    if (intersectionPosition != null)
                        previousIntersection = currentIntersection = Intersection.LeftWall;

                        var leftWindow = this.CurrentGame.Map.Windows.FirstOrDefault(w => w.X == currentWindow.X - 1 && w.Y == currentWindow.Y);
                        if (leftWindow != null)
                            neighbourWindow = leftWindow;
                            borderPositionCorrection.X += BallRadius;

                if (intersectionPosition == null && ignoredIntersection != Intersection.RightWall)
                    // Check for right wall hit
                    intersectionPosition = CalculationHelpers.GetLineIntersection(
                        new Point(GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth, 0),
                        new Point(GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth, GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth));

                    if (intersectionPosition != null)
                        previousIntersection = currentIntersection = Intersection.RightWall;

                        var rightWindow = this.CurrentGame.Map.Windows.FirstOrDefault(w => w.X == currentWindow.X + 1 && w.Y == currentWindow.Y);
                        if (rightWindow != null)
                            neighbourWindow = rightWindow;
                            borderPositionCorrection.X -= BallRadius;

                if (intersectionPosition == null && ignoredIntersection != Intersection.BottomWall)
                    // Check for bottom wall hit
                    intersectionPosition = CalculationHelpers.GetLineIntersection(
                        new Point(0, GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth),
                        new Point(GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth, GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth));

                    if (intersectionPosition != null)
                        previousIntersection = currentIntersection = Intersection.BottomWall;

                        var bottomWindow = this.CurrentGame.Map.Windows.FirstOrDefault(w => w.X == currentWindow.X && w.Y == currentWindow.Y + 1);
                        if (bottomWindow != null)
                            neighbourWindow = bottomWindow;
                            borderPositionCorrection.Y -= BallRadius;

                if (currentIntersection != Intersection.None && intersectionPosition != null)
                    var newPosition = (Point)intersectionPosition;

                    // Apply correction
                    newPosition.X += borderPositionCorrection.X;
                    newPosition.Y += borderPositionCorrection.Y;

                    currentTask.Steps.Add(AnimationHelpers.GetPointAnimation(currentBallPosition, newPosition));

                    // If the ball intersects a hole, end the calculation after this step
                    if (currentIntersection == Intersection.Hole)
                        currentTask.IsLastAnimation    = true;
                        currentTask.IntersectsWithHole = true;

                    currentBallPosition = newPosition;

                    // Ball will leave the window
                    if (neighbourWindow != null)
                        currentWindow = neighbourWindow;
                        currentTask   = new BallAnimationTask {
                            Window = currentWindow
                        windowPreviouslyChanged = true;

                        // Set new initial position for the next window
                        switch (currentIntersection)
                        case Intersection.TopWall:
                            currentBallPosition.Y = GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth;

                        case Intersection.LeftWall:
                            currentBallPosition.X = GameConfiguration.GameWindowWidth;

                        case Intersection.RightWall:
                            currentBallPosition.X = 0;

                        case Intersection.BottomWall:
                            currentBallPosition.Y = 0;
                        // Change ball direction within the current window
                        if (currentIntersection == Intersection.TopWall || currentIntersection == Intersection.BottomWall)
                            currentDirection.Y *= -1;
                            currentDirection.X *= -1;

                        windowPreviouslyChanged = false;

            // Add the last animation task to the queue because we had no wall hit (timeout)
            if (currentTask.Steps.Count > 0)

コード例 #14
        // todo: find a way to not have to do this.
        private void SetInitialAnimationValue(bool isVisualStateChange)
            object initialAnimationValue = _propertyContainer.GetValue(_propDp);

            AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(_propertyContainer, _targetProperty, initialAnimationValue, isVisualStateChange);
コード例 #15
 private void UnApply(bool isVisualStateChange)
     AnimationHelpers.ApplyValue(_propertyContainer, _targetProperty, DependencyProperty.UnsetValue, isVisualStateChange);
     //_targetProperty.INTERNAL_PropertySetAnimationValue(_propertyContainer, INTERNAL_NoValue.NoValue);
コード例 #16
        static bool TryStartAnimation(DependencyObject target, CSSEquivalent cssEquivalent, Color?from, object to, Duration Duration, EasingFunctionBase easingFunction, string visualStateGroupName, Action callbackForWhenfinished = null)
            if (cssEquivalent.Name != null && cssEquivalent.Name.Count != 0)
                UIElement uiElement = cssEquivalent.UIElement ?? (target as UIElement); // If no UIElement is specified, we assume that the property is intended to be applied to the instance on which the PropertyChanged has occurred.

                bool hasTemplate = (uiElement is Control) && ((Control)uiElement).HasTemplate;

                if (!hasTemplate || cssEquivalent.ApplyAlsoWhenThereIsAControlTemplate)
                    if (cssEquivalent.DomElement == null && uiElement != null)
                        cssEquivalent.DomElement = uiElement.INTERNAL_OuterDomElement; // Default value
                    if (cssEquivalent.DomElement != null)
                        if (cssEquivalent.Value == null)
                            cssEquivalent.Value = (finalInstance, value) =>
                                if (value == null)
                                    Dictionary <string, object> valuesDict = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                    foreach (string name in cssEquivalent.Name)
                                        if (!name.EndsWith("Alpha"))
                                            valuesDict.Add(name, ((Color)value).INTERNAL_ToHtmlStringForVelocity());
                                            valuesDict.Add(name, ((double)((Color)value).A) / 255);
                                //return value ?? "";
                            };     // Default value
                        object cssValue = cssEquivalent.Value(target, to);

                        //INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.SetDomElementStyleProperty(cssEquivalent.DomElement, cssEquivalent.Name, cssValue);

                        object newObj = CSHTML5.Interop.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(@"new Object()");

                        if (AnimationHelpers.IsValueNull(from)) //todo: when using Bridge, I guess we would want to directly use "from == null" since it worked in the first place (I think).
                            if (!(cssValue is Dictionary <string, object>))
                                foreach (string csspropertyName in cssEquivalent.Name)
                                    //todo: check the note below once the clone will work properly (a value set through velocity is not set in c#, which makes the clone take the former value).
                                    //Note: the test below is to avoid setting Background because Velocity cannot handle it,
                                    //      which makes the element go transparent (no color) before then changing color with backgroundColor.
                                    //      Therefore, we no longer go in the animation from the previous color to the new one but from no color to the new one
                                    if (csspropertyName != "background") //todo: when we will be able to use velocity for linearGradientBrush, we will need another solution here.
                                        CSHTML5.Interop.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(@"$0[$1] = $2;", newObj, csspropertyName, cssValue);
                                Dictionary <string, object> cssValueAsDictionary = (Dictionary <string, object>)cssValue;
                                foreach (string csspropertyName in cssEquivalent.Name)
                                    //todo: check the note below once the clone will work properly (a value set through velocity is not set in c#, which makes the clone take the former value).
                                    //Note: the test below is to avoid setting Background because Velocity cannot handle it,
                                    //      which makes the element go transparent (no color) before then changing color with backgroundColor.
                                    //      Therefore, we no longer go in the animation from the previous color to the new one but from no color to the new one
                                    if (csspropertyName != "background") //todo: when we will be able to use velocity for linearGradientBrush, we will need another solution here.
                                        CSHTML5.Interop.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(@"$0[$1] = $2;", newObj, csspropertyName, cssValueAsDictionary[csspropertyName]);
                            object fromCssValue = cssEquivalent.Value(target, from);
                            foreach (string csspropertyName in cssEquivalent.Name)
                                //todo: check the note below once the clone will work properly (a value set through velocity is not set in c#, which makes the clone take the former value).
                                //Note: the test below is to avoid setting Background because Velocity cannot handle it,
                                //      which makes the element go transparent (no color) before then changing color with backgroundColor.
                                //      Therefore, we no longer go in the animation from the previous color to the new one but from no color to the new one
                                if (csspropertyName != "background") //todo: when we will be able to use velocity for linearGradientBrush, we will need another solution here.
                                    object currentCssValue = cssValue;
                                    if (cssValue is Dictionary <string, object> )
                                        currentCssValue = ((Dictionary <string, object>)cssValue)[csspropertyName];
                                    object currentFromCssValue = fromCssValue;
                                    if (fromCssValue is Dictionary <string, object> )
                                        currentFromCssValue = ((Dictionary <string, object>)fromCssValue)[csspropertyName];
                                    CSHTML5.Interop.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(@"$0[$1] = [$2, $3];", newObj, csspropertyName, currentCssValue, currentFromCssValue);

                        AnimationHelpers.CallVelocity(cssEquivalent.DomElement, Duration, easingFunction, visualStateGroupName, callbackForWhenfinished, newObj);

                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please set the Name property of the CSSEquivalent class.");
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Animation.ThicknessAnimation"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="defaultOriginValue">The suggested origin value, used if the animation does not have its own explicitly set start value.</param><param name="defaultDestinationValue">The suggested destination value, used if the animation does not have its own explicitly set end value.</param><param name="animationClock">An <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Animation.AnimationClock"/> that generates the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Media.Animation.Clock.CurrentTime"/> or <see cref="P:System.Windows.Media.Animation.Clock.CurrentProgress"/> used by the animation.</param>
        protected override CornerRadius GetCurrentValueCore(CornerRadius defaultOriginValue, CornerRadius defaultDestinationValue, AnimationClock animationClock)
            if (!this._isAnimationFunctionValid)
            double          num1           = animationClock.CurrentProgress.Value;
            IEasingFunction easingFunction = this.EasingFunction;

            if (easingFunction != null)
                num1 = easingFunction.Ease(num1);
            var  from       = new CornerRadius();
            var  to         = new CornerRadius();
            var  thickness1 = new CornerRadius();
            var  thickness2 = new CornerRadius();
            bool flag1      = false;
            bool flag2      = false;

            switch (this._AnimationMode)
            case AnimationMode.Automatic:
                from  = defaultOriginValue;
                to    = defaultDestinationValue;
                flag1 = true;
                flag2 = true;

            case AnimationMode.From:
                from  = this._keyValues[0];
                to    = defaultDestinationValue;
                flag2 = true;

            case AnimationMode.To:
                from  = defaultOriginValue;
                to    = this._keyValues[0];
                flag1 = true;

            case AnimationMode.By:
                to         = this._keyValues[0];
                thickness2 = defaultOriginValue;
                flag1      = true;

            case AnimationMode.FromTo:
                from = this._keyValues[0];
                to   = this._keyValues[1];
                if (this.IsAdditive)
                    thickness2 = defaultOriginValue;
                    flag1      = true;

            case AnimationMode.FromBy:
                from = this._keyValues[0];
                to   = AnimationHelpers.AddCornerRadius(this._keyValues[0], this._keyValues[1]);
                if (this.IsAdditive)
                    thickness2 = defaultOriginValue;
                    flag1      = true;
            if (flag1 && !AnimationHelpers.IsValidAnimationValueCornerRadius(defaultOriginValue))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Animation_Invalid_DefaultValue");
            if (flag2 && !AnimationHelpers.IsValidAnimationValueCornerRadius(defaultDestinationValue))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Animation_Invalid_DefaultValue");
            if (this.IsCumulative)
                int?   currentIteration = animationClock.CurrentIteration;
                int    num2             = 1;
                double factor           = (double)(currentIteration.HasValue ? new int?(currentIteration.GetValueOrDefault() - num2) : new int?()).Value;
                if (factor > 0.0)
                    thickness1 = AnimationHelpers.ScaleCornerRadius(AnimationHelpers.SubtractCornerRadius(to, from), factor);
            return(AnimationHelpers.AddCornerRadius(thickness2, AnimationHelpers.AddCornerRadius(thickness1, AnimationHelpers.InterpolateCornerRadius(from, to, num1))));
コード例 #18
        private void ApplyLastKeyFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DoubleKeyFrame lastKeyFrame = _keyFrames[_resolvedKeyFrames.GetNextKeyFrameIndex(_keyFrames.Count - 1)];

            AnimationHelpers.ApplyInstantAnimation(_target, _targetProperty, lastKeyFrame.Value, _parameters.IsVisualStateChange);