コード例 #1
        public override void Update()
            int drawX = 800, drawY = 600;

            StopOrResumeAnimations(drawX, drawY += 20);

            AdjustAnimationSpeed(drawX, drawY += 20);

            DebugText.Print("I to start playing Idle", new Int2(drawX, drawY += 20));
            if (Input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.I))
                latestAnimation            = animation.Play("Idle");
                latestAnimation.TimeFactor = AnimationSpeed;

            DebugText.Print("R to crossfade to Run", new Int2(drawX, drawY += 20));
            if (Input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.R))
                latestAnimation            = animation.Crossfade("Run", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
                latestAnimation.TimeFactor = AnimationSpeed;

            // We can crossfade to a punch animation, but only if it is not already playing
            DebugText.Print("P to crossfade to Punch and play it once", new Int2(drawX, drawY += 20));
            if (Input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.P) && !animation.IsPlaying("Punch"))
                latestAnimation            = animation.Crossfade("Punch", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
                latestAnimation.RepeatMode = AnimationRepeatMode.PlayOnce;
                latestAnimation.TimeFactor = AnimationSpeed;

            // When the punch animation is the latest animation, but it is no longer playing, we set a new animation
            if (latestAnimation.Name == "Punch" && !animation.IsPlaying("Punch"))
                latestAnimation            = animation.Play("Idle");
                latestAnimation.RepeatMode = AnimationRepeatMode.LoopInfinite;
                latestAnimation.TimeFactor = AnimationSpeed;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CharacterController.cs プロジェクト: jayrulez/TOH
        private void UpdateMovement()
            MoveDirection = Entity.Transform.WorldMatrix.Forward.XY();
            var   Movement  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            float deltaTime = (float)Game.UpdateTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

            MouseDelta = Input.Mouse.Delta;

            var rotation = Rotation(MouseDelta.X, CurrentRotation);

            //Rotate player entity
            //Entity.Transform.Rotation = rotation;
            CurrentRotation = Entity.Transform.Rotation;

            //Sets forward velocity in rotation matrix
            Matrix tempMatrix;

            Matrix.RotationQuaternion(ref rotation, out tempMatrix);

            if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
                Movement       = -tempMatrix.Backward;
                MoveDirection += -Vector2.UnitY;

            if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
                Movement       = -tempMatrix.Forward;
                MoveDirection += Vector2.UnitY;

            if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                Movement       = -tempMatrix.Left;
                MoveDirection += -Vector2.UnitX;
            if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
                Movement       = -tempMatrix.Right;
                MoveDirection += Vector2.UnitX;

            var xx = new Vector3(MoveDirection.X, 0, MoveDirection.Y);

            var l = MoveDirection.Length();

            xx *= l;

            RB.SetVelocity(xx /** deltaTime*/);

            var yawOrientation = MathUtil.RadiansToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(-xx.Z, xx.X) + MathUtil.PiOverTwo);

            Entity.Transform.Rotation = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(yawOrientation), 0, 0);

            if (!Movement.Equals(Vector3.Zero))
                if (!animComponent.IsPlaying("walk"))
                    animComponent.Crossfade("walk", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
                if (!animComponent.IsPlaying("idle"))
                    animComponent.Crossfade("idle", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));

            // We store the local and world position of our entity's tranform in a Vector3 variable
            Vector3 localPosition = Camera.Entity.Transform.Position;
            Vector3 worldPosition = Entity.Transform.WorldMatrix.Forward;

            // We disaply the entity's name and its local and world position on screen
            DebugText.Print(Camera.Entity.Name + " - local position: " + localPosition, new Int2(400, 450));
            DebugText.Print(Entity.Name + " - world position: " + worldPosition, new Int2(400, 470));
            DebugText.Print($"{Movement.Z}: Z - {Movement.X} : X   {rotation} : Rotation", new Int2(20, 45));