コード例 #1
        private void CreateBackground()
            var background = new Entity("Background")
                             .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/BG.wpk"))
                             .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Opaque))
                             .AddComponent(new Transform2D {
                DrawOrder = 1


            var countdownAnimation = new Entity("Countdown")
                                     .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                X      = WaveServices.ViewportManager.VirtualWidth - 20,
                Y      = 20,
                Origin = Vector2.UnitX
                                     .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/Countdown.wpk"))
                                     .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/Countdown.xml")
                                                   .Add("Default", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 5, FramesPerSecond = 1
                                     .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer());


            this.countdownAnimationComponent = countdownAnimation.FindComponent <Animation2D>();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Yurei, the main character
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateYurei()
            Entity startDust = new Entity("dust")
                Enabled = false
            .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Position  = new Vector2(0, WaveServices.ViewportManager.BottomEdge - 27),
                DrawOrder = 140,
                Origin    = new Vector2(0.75f, 1)
            .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/Dust/Dust"))
            .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/Dust/Dust.xml")
                          .Add("start", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 0, Length = 13, FramesPerSecond = 30
            .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(typeof(ForegroundLayer)));


            this.yurei = new YureiDecorator(
                new Vector3(
                    WaveServices.ViewportManager.BottomEdge - 82,
                Vector3.One * 0.85f,

コード例 #3
ファイル: MyScene.cs プロジェクト: seraph526/Samples
        /// <summary>
        /// Add coins
        /// </summary>
        private void AddCoins()
            var         cratesLayer = this.tiledMap.ObjectLayers["Coins"];
            Animation2D anim;

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var obj in cratesLayer.Objects)
                Entity crateEntity = new Entity("coin_" + (i++))
                    Tag = "coin"
                .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                    LocalPosition = new Vector2(obj.X, obj.Y), Origin = Vector2.Center, DrawOrder = -9
                .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/coin.png")
                    SourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 128, 16, 16)
                .AddComponent(anim = Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/coin.xml").Add("flip", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                    First = 1, Length = 8, FramesPerSecond = 12
                .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha, AddressMode.PointWrap))
                .AddComponent(new CircleCollider())


                anim.CurrentAnimation = "flip";
コード例 #4
ファイル: Kite.cs プロジェクト: leluyun/QuickStarters
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Kite" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Kite()
            this.Transform = new Transform2D()
                X      = WaveServices.ViewportManager.VirtualWidth / 4,
                Y      = WaveServices.ViewportManager.VirtualHeight / 2,
                Origin = Vector2.Center

            this.entity = new Entity("kite")
                          .AddComponent(new Sprite(Textures.KITE_ANIMS))
                          .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>(Textures.KITE_ANIMS_XML)
                                        .Add(this.kiteAnimations[0], new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 9, FramesPerSecond = 27
                                        .Add(this.kiteAnimations[1], new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 10, Length = 9, FramesPerSecond = 27
                                        .Add(this.kiteAnimations[2], new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 19, Length = 9, FramesPerSecond = 27
                          .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(typeof(ObstaclesLayer)))
                          .AddComponent(new PerPixelCollider(Textures.KITE_COLLID, 0.5f))
                          .AddComponent(new KiteBehavior());
コード例 #5
ファイル: GameScene.cs プロジェクト: maral/Eyed
        private void CreatePlayers()
            var playerObjects = this.tiledMap.ObjectLayers["players"].Objects;

            for (int i = 0; i < Game.PLAYER_COUNT; i++)
                var eye = CreateEye(i);

                var player = new Entity("player" + i)
                             .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                    Position = new Vector2(playerObjects[i].X + Game.FIELD_SIZE / 2, playerObjects[i].Y),
                    Origin   = new Vector2(0.5f, 1)
                             .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/Animations/body.wpk"))
                             .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/Animations/body.xml")
                                           .Add(Game.PLAYER_SMALL_WALKING, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                    First           = 1, // + i * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                    Length          = 10,
                    FramesPerSecond = 30
                                           .Add(Game.PLAYER_GROWING, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                    First           = 11, // + index * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                    Length          = 8,
                    FramesPerSecond = 30
                                           .Add(Game.PLAYER_BIG_WALKING, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                    First           = 19, //+ index * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                    Length          = 12,
                    FramesPerSecond = 30
                                           .Add(Game.PLAYER_SHRINKING, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                    First           = 31, // + index * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                    Length          = 8,
                    FramesPerSecond = 30
                             .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer())
                             .AddComponent(new RectangleCollider())
                             .AddComponent(new RigidBody2D()
                    FixedRotation = true,
                    Mass          = Game.BODY_MASS,
                    Friction      = Game.BODY_FRICTION,
                    Restitution   = Game.BODY_RESTITUTION
                             .AddComponent(new PlayerController(i));

                player.FindComponent <PlayerController>().AttachEye(eye);
コード例 #6
        public Insect(int type, float speed, int score, string spriteName)
            m_Type       = type;
            m_Speed      = speed;
            m_Score      = score;
            m_SpriteName = spriteName;

            int    x          = WaveServices.Random.Next(0, 768);
            string spritePath = m_SpriteName + ".wpkk";
            string spriteMap  = m_SpriteName + ".xml";

            m_Entity = new Entity()
                new Transform2D()
                Origin = Vector2.Center,
                X      = x,
                Y      = 0,
                       .AddComponent(new Sprite(spritePath))
                       .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml> (spriteMap)
                                     .Add("Run", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First           = 2,
                Length          = 2,
                FramesPerSecond = 10
                                     .Add("Die", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First           = 1,
                Length          = 1,
                FramesPerSecond = 5
                       .AddComponent(new AnimationUI())
                       .AddComponent(new TouchGestures()
                EnabledGestures = SupportedGesture.Translation
                       .AddComponent(new RectangleCollider())
                       .AddComponent(new InsectBehavior())
                       .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Debug));

            var         move      = new SingleAnimation(0f, WaveServices.Platform.ScreenHeight, 1f / m_Speed, EasingFunctions.Cubic);
            AnimationUI animation = m_Entity.FindComponent <AnimationUI>();

            animation.BeginAnimation(Transform2D.YProperty, move);

            var anim2D = m_Entity.FindComponent <Animation2D>();


            var insectBehavior = m_Entity.FindComponent <InsectBehavior> ();

コード例 #7
        public Mob_Base(int start_grid_x, int start_grid_y, int [,] map, int i)
            HP           = 100;
            Alive        = true;
            Lives_value  = 1;
            Monster_gold = 20;
            Alive        = true;

            Last_Grid_X = Last_Grid_Y = -1;

            this.anim2D  = null;//new Animation2D();
            this.trans2D = null;

            this.Grid_x = start_grid_x;
            this.Grid_y = start_grid_y;

            var Ast = Static.Functions.Astar(Grid_x, Grid_y, Last_Grid_X, Last_Grid_Y, map);

            this.F_Grid_x = Ast.Item2;
            this.F_Grid_y = Ast.Item1;

            Mob = new Entity("Enemy " + i)
                  .AddComponent(trans2D = new Transform2D()
                X = (start_grid_x * Const.BITMAP_SIZE) + Const.OFFSET,
                Y = (start_grid_y * Const.BITMAP_SIZE) + Const.OFFSET,

                Origin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)
                  .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/Monsters/Monster_Beta/Mob.wpk"))
                  .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/Monsters/Monster_Beta/Mob.xml")
                                .Add("Idle", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 1, FramesPerSecond = 30
                                .Add("Running", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 4, FramesPerSecond = 5
                  .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha));

            anim2D = Mob.FindComponent <Animation2D>();
            anim2D.CurrentAnimation = "Running";
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Squid" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="positionY">The position Y.</param>
        public Squid(float positionY)
            this.initialPosY  = positionY;
            this.gamePlayPosY = WaveServices.ViewportManager.BottomEdge + 50;

            this.entity = new Entity("SquidEntity")
                          .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Origin    = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f),
                X         = WaveServices.ViewportManager.VirtualWidth / 2,
                Y         = this.gamePlayPosY,
                DrawOrder = 0.3f,
                          .AddComponent(new AnimationUI())
                          .AddComponent(new SquidBehavior())
                          .AddComponent(new Sprite(Directories.TexturePath + "squidSpriteSheet.wpk"))
                          .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>(Directories.TexturePath + "squidSpriteSheet.xml")
                                        .Add("swim", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 30, FramesPerSecond = 30
                          .AddComponent(new PerPixelCollider(Directories.TexturePath + "squidCollider.wpk", 0.5f))
                          .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha));

            // Cached
            this.transform   = this.entity.FindComponent <Transform2D>();
            this.animation2D = this.entity.FindComponent <Animation2D>();
            this.direction   = -Vector2.UnitY;
            this.animation   = this.entity.FindComponent <AnimationUI>();

            // Bubble
            this.entity.AddChild(new Entity("bubblesParticle")
                                 .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                LocalY = 210,
                                     new Material2D(new BasicMaterial2D(Directories.TexturePath + "waterParticle.wpk",
                                 .AddComponent(new ParticleSystemRenderer2D("bubblesParticle")));

            // Cached
            this.particleSystem = this.entity.FindChild("bubblesParticle").FindComponent <ParticleSystem2D>();

            // Animations
            this.appearAnim = new SingleAnimation(gamePlayPosY, this.initialPosY, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5f), EasingFunctions.Cubic);
コード例 #9
ファイル: GameScene.cs プロジェクト: maral/Eyed
        private Entity CreateEye(int index)
            var eye = new Entity("eye" + index)
                Tag = Game.TAG_EYE
            .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Origin = Vector2.Center
            .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/Animations/eye.wpk"))
            .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/Animations/eye.xml")
                          .Add(Game.ANIMATION_RIGHT, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First  = 1 + index * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                Length = 1
                          .Add(Game.ANIMATION_TURNING, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First           = 1 + index * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                Length          = 11,
                FramesPerSecond = 50
                          .Add(Game.ANIMATION_LEFT, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First  = 11 + index * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                Length = 1
                          .Add(Game.ANIMATION_HOT, new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First  = 12 + index * Game.EYE_ANIMATION_COUNT,
                Length = 1
            .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer())
            .AddComponent(new CircleCollider())
            .AddComponent(new RigidBody2D()
                Restitution = Game.EYE_RESTITUTION
            .AddComponent(new JointMap2D())
            .AddComponent(new EyeController());


コード例 #10
        private void CreateExplosion()
            this.explosion = new Entity("boom")
                             .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                XScale = 3, YScale = 2.5f, Origin = new Vector2(0.5f)
                             .AddComponent(new Sprite(TEXTUREEXPLOSION))
                             .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>(EXPLOSIONSPRITESHEET)
                                           .Add("Explosion", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 16, FramesPerSecond = 16
                             .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer());
            this.explosion.Enabled = false;

コード例 #11
        private Entity CreateExplosion()
            var explode = new Entity()
                          .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Origin = Vector2.Center, XScale = 2, YScale = 2
                          .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/explodeSprite.wpk"))
                          .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/explodeSprite.xml")
                                        .Add("explosion", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 0, Length = 10, FramesPerSecond = 60

                          .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Additive));

            explode.Enabled = false;

            var anim2D = explode.FindComponent <Animation2D>();


コード例 #12
ファイル: MyScene.cs プロジェクト: frodo5654/Samples
        protected override void CreateScene()
            RenderManager.BackgroundColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;

            var credits = new TextBlock()
                Text = "Braid's art copyright from their original owners\n" +
                       "Sprites from Cyrus Annihilator, background from David Hellman's web\n" +
                       "We just love this game and wanted to make a small tribute within this sample :-)",
                Margin     = new Thickness(10, 10, 0, 0),
                Foreground = Color.Black

            var sky = new Entity("Sky")
                      .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/Sky.wpk"))
                      .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha))
                      .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Origin = new Vector2(0.5f, 1),
                X      = WaveServices.Platform.ScreenWidth / 2,
                Y      = WaveServices.Platform.ScreenHeight
            var floor = new Entity("Floor")
                        .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/Floor.wpk"))
                        .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha))
                        .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Origin = new Vector2(0.5f, 1),
                X      = WaveServices.Platform.ScreenWidth / 2,
                Y      = WaveServices.Platform.ScreenHeight

            // Tim
            var tim = new Entity("Tim")
                      .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                X      = WaveServices.Platform.ScreenWidth / 2,
                Y      = WaveServices.Platform.ScreenHeight - 46,
                Origin = new Vector2(0.5f, 1)
                      .AddComponent(new Sprite("Content/TimSpriteSheet.wpk"))
                      .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>("Content/TimSpriteSheet.xml")
                                    .Add("Idle", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 22, FramesPerSecond = 11
                                    .Add("Running", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 23, Length = 27, FramesPerSecond = 27
                      .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer())
                      .AddComponent(new TimBehavior());

            // We add the floor the first so the rocks are on top of Tim

            var anim2D = tim.FindComponent <Animation2D>();

コード例 #13
ファイル: Rock.cs プロジェクト: leluyun/QuickStarters
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Rock" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockType">Type of the rock.</param>
        public Rock(RockType rockType, Vector2 position)
            this.entity = new Entity()
                          .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                X         = position.X,
                Y         = position.Y,
                DrawOrder = 0.2f,
                          .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha));

            string  textureName;
            Vector2 rockOrigin, seaweedsPosition;

            switch (rockType)
            case RockType.Center:
                textureName      = "centralRock";
                rockOrigin       = Vector2.Center;
                seaweedsPosition = Vector2.Zero;

            case RockType.Left:
                textureName      = "leftRock";
                rockOrigin       = Vector2.Zero;
                seaweedsPosition = new Vector2(225, 135);

            case RockType.Right:
                textureName      = "rightRock";
                rockOrigin       = Vector2.UnitX;
                seaweedsPosition = new Vector2(-170, 100);

                textureName      = "centralRock";
                rockOrigin       = Vector2.Zero;
                seaweedsPosition = Vector2.Zero;
            this.entity.AddComponent(new Sprite(Directories.TexturePath + string.Format("{0}.wpk", textureName))
                IsGlobalAsset = true
            this.entity.AddComponent(new PerPixelCollider(Directories.TexturePath + string.Format("{0}Collider.wpk", textureName), 0.5f)
                IsGlobalAsset = true
            this.entity.FindComponent <Transform2D>().Origin = rockOrigin;

            // Seaweeds
            Entity seaweeds = new Entity()
                              .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Origin    = new Vector2(0.5f, 1),
                X         = seaweedsPosition.X,
                Y         = seaweedsPosition.Y,
                DrawOrder = 0.1f,
                              .AddComponent(new Sprite(Directories.TexturePath + "seaweedsSpriteSheet.wpk")
                IsGlobalAsset = true
                              .AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>(Directories.TexturePath + "seaweedsSpriteSheet.xml")
                                            .Add("wave", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 80, FramesPerSecond = 20
                              .AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha));


            seaweeds.FindComponent <Animation2D>().Play(true);

            this.Collider = this.entity.FindComponent <Collider2D>(false);
コード例 #14
        public JellyFish(JellyFishType type, Vector2 position, bool rightAnimation = true)
            this.entity = new Entity()
                          .AddComponent(new Transform2D()
                Origin    = Vector2.Center,
                X         = position.X,
                Y         = position.Y,
                DrawOrder = 0.3f,
                          .AddComponent(new AnimationUI());

            // Cached
            this.animation = this.entity.FindComponent <AnimationUI>();

            string textureName, colliderName;

            switch (type)
            case JellyFishType.Big:
                textureName  = "jellyFishSpriteSheet";
                colliderName = "jellyFishCollider.wpk";

            case JellyFishType.Little:
                textureName  = "jellyFishLittleSpriteSheet";
                colliderName = "jellyFishLittleCollider.wpk";

                textureName  = "jellyFishSpriteSheet";
                colliderName = "jellyFishCollider.wpk";

            this.entity.AddComponent(new PerPixelCollider(Directories.TexturePath + colliderName, 0.5f)
                IsGlobalAsset = true
            this.entity.AddComponent(new Sprite(Directories.TexturePath + string.Format("{0}.wpk", textureName))
                IsGlobalAsset = true
            this.entity.AddComponent(Animation2D.Create <TexturePackerGenericXml>(Directories.TexturePath + string.Format("{0}.xml", textureName))
                                     .Add("swim", new SpriteSheetAnimationSequence()
                First = 1, Length = 40, FramesPerSecond = 30
            this.entity.AddComponent(new AnimatedSpriteRenderer(DefaultLayers.Alpha));

            this.entity.FindComponent <Animation2D>().Play(true);

            // Animations
            float offset = 80;

            this.leftAnim            = new SingleAnimation(position.X + offset, position.X, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
            this.leftAnim.Completed += (s, o) =>
                this.animation.BeginAnimation(Transform2D.XProperty, this.rightAnim);
            this.rightAnim            = new SingleAnimation(position.X, position.X + offset, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
            this.rightAnim.Completed += (s, o) =>
                this.animation.BeginAnimation(Transform2D.XProperty, this.leftAnim);

            if (rightAnimation)
                this.animation.BeginAnimation(Transform2D.XProperty, this.rightAnim);
                this.animation.BeginAnimation(Transform2D.XProperty, this.leftAnim);

            this.Collider = this.entity.FindComponent <Collider2D>(false);