public void PlayLoopingAnimation() { if (Clip != null) { CurrentAnimationState = animancer.Play(Clip); } }
public static void CrossFadeQueued(AnimancerState state) { CleanUp(); var layer = state.Layer; // If the layer has no current state, just play the animation immediately. if (!layer.CurrentState.IsValid() || layer.CurrentState.Weight == 0) { var fadeDuration = state.CalculateEditorFadeDuration(AnimancerPlayable.DefaultFadeDuration); layer.Play(state, fadeDuration); return; } AnimationQueue queue; if (!PlayableToQueue.TryGetValue(layer, out queue)) { queue = new AnimationQueue(); PlayableToQueue.Add(layer, queue); } queue.Queue.Add(state); layer.CurrentState.Events.OnEnd -= queue.PlayNext; layer.CurrentState.Events.OnEnd += queue.PlayNext; }
/// <summary> /// 播放一个动画,默认过渡时间为0.3s,如果在此期间再次播放,则会继续播放 /// </summary> /// <param name="stateTypes"></param> /// <param name="fadeDuration">动画过渡时间</param> /// <returns></returns> public AnimancerState PlayAnim(string stateTypes, float fadeDuration = 0.3f, float speed = 1.0f) { AnimancerState animancerState = AnimancerComponent.CrossFade(this.AnimationClips[RuntimeAnimationClips[stateTypes]], fadeDuration); animancerState.Speed = speed; return(animancerState); }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Determines the <see cref="MatchType"/> representing the properties animated by the `state` in /// comparison to the properties that actually exist on the target <see cref="GameObject"/> and its /// children. /// <para></para> /// Also compiles a `message` explaining the differences if that paraneter is not null. /// </summary> public MatchType GetMatchType(AnimancerState state, StringBuilder message) { var clips = ObjectPool.AcquireSet <AnimationClip>(); state.GatherAnimationClips(clips); var bindings = message != null ? new Dictionary <EditorCurveBinding, bool>() : null; var existingBindings = 0; MatchType match = default; foreach (var clip in clips) { var clipMatch = GetMatchType(clip, message, bindings, ref existingBindings); if (match < clipMatch) { match = clipMatch; } } AppendBindings(message, bindings, existingBindings); ObjectPool.Release(clips); return(match); }
public void PlayIdle() { if (!animancer.IsPlaying(enemyData.GetIdleClip())) { animancerState_layer1 = animancer.Play(enemyData.GetIdleClip()); } }
public void PlayWalking() { if (!animancer.IsPlaying(enemyData.GetWalkingClip())) { animancerState_layer1 = animancer.Play(enemyData.GetWalkingClip(), 0.25f); } }
void Flinch() { if (isFlinching) { return; } if (currentState.Interupptable) { animancerState_layer1.NormalizedTime = 0; animancerState_layer1.IsPlaying = false; } animancer.Layers[1].IsAdditive = true; animancerState_layer2 = animancer.Layers[1].Play(enemyData.GetFlinchClip()); animancerState_layer2.NormalizedTime = 0; animancerState_layer2.Speed = 1.75f; animancerState_layer2.Events.Add(0.6f, OnEndFlinching); //Spawn Effect MessageDispatcher.SendMessageData(GameEvent.SPANW_BLOOD_MIST, transform.position + Vector3.up); isFlinching = true; }
/// <summary> /// 处理播放动画 /// </summary> /// <param name="stateTypes">动画对应StateType</param> private void HandlePlayAnim(string stateTypes, float fadeDuration = 0.3f) { //在播放完成后,每帧都会调用OnEnd委托,由于行为树中的FixedUpdate与Unity的Update频率不一致,所以需要作特殊处理 m_AnimancerState = this.TheUnitBelongTo.GetComponent <AnimationComponent>() .PlayAnim(stateTypes, fadeDuration); m_AnimancerState.OnEnd = this.m_OnAnimFinished; }
public void PlaySingleAnimation(AnimationClip clip) { if (clip != null) { AnimancerState a_state = animancer.Play(clip); a_state.Events.OnEnd += ReturnToCurrentStateFromSingleAnimation; } }
/// <summary> /// 播放一个动画,默认过渡时间为0.3s,如果在此期间再次播放,则会从头开始 /// </summary> /// <param name="stateTypes"></param> /// <param name="fadeDuration">动画过渡时间</param> /// <returns></returns> public AnimancerState PlayAnimFromStart(StateTypes stateTypes, float fadeDuration = 0.3f, float speed = 1.0f) { AnimancerState animancerState = AnimancerComponent.CrossFadeFromStart(this.AnimationClips[RuntimeAnimationClips[stateTypes.GetStateTypeMapedString()]], fadeDuration); animancerState.Speed = speed; return(animancerState); }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Logs a description of the issues found when comparing the properties animated by the `state` to the /// properties that actually exist on the target <see cref="GameObject"/> and its children. /// </summary> public void LogIssues(AnimancerState state, MatchType match) { var animator = state.Root?.Component.Animator; var newMatch = match; var message = ObjectPool.AcquireStringBuilder(); switch (match) { default: case MatchType.Unknown: message.Append("The animation bindings are still being checked."); Debug.Log(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; case MatchType.Correct: message.Append("No issues were found when comparing the properties animated by '") .Append(state) .Append("' to the Rig of '") .Append( .Append("'."); Debug.Log(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; case MatchType.Empty: message.Append("'") .Append(state) .Append("' does not animate any properties so it will not do anything."); Debug.Log(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; case MatchType.Warning: message.Append("Possible Bug Detected: some of the details of '") .Append(state) .Append("' do not match the Rig of '") .Append( .Append("' so the animation might not work correctly."); newMatch = GetMatchType(animator, state, message); Debug.LogWarning(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; case MatchType.Error: message.Append("Possible Bug Detected: the details of '") .Append(state) .Append("' do not match the Rig of '") .Append( .Append("' so the animation might not work correctly."); newMatch = GetMatchType(animator, state, message); Debug.LogError(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; } if (newMatch != match) { Debug.LogWarning($"{nameof(MatchType)} changed from {match} to {newMatch}" + " between the initial check and the button press."); } }
public override void OnPrePerform() { Agent.Memory.TryGetData(targetMemoryKey, out target); startTime = Time.time; navMeshAgent.stoppingDistance = stopDistance; navMeshAgent.updateRotation = true; navMeshAgent.isStopped = false; onPrePerform?.Invoke(); Debug.Log("追逐"); state = anim.Play(animationClip, 0.1f); }
/// <summary>Draws the Inspector for the given `state`.</summary> private void DoStateGUI(AnimancerState state) { if (!StateInspectors.TryGetValue(state, out var inspector)) { inspector = state.CreateDrawer(); StateInspectors.Add(state, inspector); } inspector.DoGUI(); DoChildStatesGUI(state); }
/// <summary> /// 一个动画播放完成后的回调 /// </summary> private void OnAnimFinished() { if (++m_Flag <= NodeDataForPlayAnims.Count - 1) { HandlePlayAnim(NodeDataForPlayAnims[m_Flag].StateTypes, NodeDataForPlayAnims[m_Flag].FadeOutTime); } else //说明所有动画都已经播放完毕 { m_AnimancerState.OnEnd = null; m_AnimancerState = null; } }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Logs a description of the issues found when comparing the properties animated by the `state` to the /// properties that actually exist on the target <see cref="GameObject"/> and its children. /// </summary> public void LogIssues(AnimancerState state, MatchType match) { var animator = state.Root?.Component.Animator; var newMatch = match; var message = ObjectPool.AcquireStringBuilder(); switch (match) { default: case MatchType.Correct: message.Append("No issues were found when comparing the properties animated by '") .Append(state) .Append("' to the Rig of '") .Append( .Append("'."); Debug.Log(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; case MatchType.Empty: message.Append("'") .Append(state) .Append("' does not animate any properties so it will not do anything."); Debug.Log(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; case MatchType.Warning: message.Append("Some of the properties animated by '") .Append(state) .Append("' do not exist in the Rig of '") .Append( .Append("' so they will have no effect."); newMatch = GetMatchType(state, message); Debug.LogWarning(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; case MatchType.Error: message.Append("None of the properties animated by '") .Append(state) .Append("' exist in the Rig of '") .Append( .Append("' so they will have no effect."); newMatch = GetMatchType(state, message); Debug.LogError(EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = message.ReleaseToString(), animator); break; } if (newMatch != match) { Debug.LogWarning($"{nameof(MatchType)} changed from {match} to {newMatch}" + " between the initial check and the button press."); } }
/// <summary>Draws the Inspector for the given `state`.</summary> private void DoStateGUI(AnimancerState state, IAnimancerComponent owner) { IAnimancerNodeDrawer Inspector; if (!StateInspectors.TryGetValue(state, out Inspector)) { Inspector = state.GetDrawer(); StateInspectors.Add(state, Inspector); } Inspector.DoGUI(owner); DoChildStatesGUI(state, owner); }
/// <summary> /// 一个动画播放完成后的回调 /// </summary> private void OnAnimFinished() { if (++m_Flag <= NodeDataForPlayAnims.Count - 1) { HandlePlayAnim(NodeDataForPlayAnims[m_Flag].StateTypes, NodeDataForPlayAnims[m_Flag].FadeOutTime); } else //说明所有动画都已经播放完毕 { this.TheUnitBelongTo.GetComponent <AnimationComponent>().PlayAnimByStackFsmCurrent(); //Log.Info("栈式状态机已刷新,应该会衔接切换到正确的动画"); this.m_Flag = 0; m_AnimancerState.OnEnd = null; m_AnimancerState = null; } }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary>Draws all child states of the `state`.</summary> private void DoChildStatesGUI(AnimancerState state) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; foreach (var child in state) { if (child == null) { continue; } DoStateGUI(child); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Called by <see cref="AnimancerPlayable.Transition"/> to apply the <see cref="Speed"/> and /// <see cref="StartTime"/>. /// </summary> public override void Apply(AnimancerState state) { state.OnEnd = OnEnd; state.Speed = _Speed; if (!float.IsNaN(_StartTime)) { if (_StartTimeIsNormalized) { state.NormalizedTime = _StartTime; } else { state.Time = _StartTime; } } }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Called by <see cref="AnimancerPlayable.Play(ITransition)"/> to apply the <see cref="Speed"/> /// and <see cref="NormalizedStartTime"/>. /// </summary> public override void Apply(AnimancerState state) { base.Apply(state); if (!float.IsNaN(_Speed)) { state.Speed = _Speed; } if (!float.IsNaN(_NormalizedStartTime)) { state.NormalizedTime = _NormalizedStartTime; } else if (state.Weight == 0) { state.NormalizedTime = AnimancerEvent.Sequence.GetDefaultNormalizedStartTime(_Speed); } }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Determines the <see cref="MatchType"/> representing the properties animated by the `state` in /// comparison to the properties that actually exist on the target <see cref="GameObject"/> and its /// children. /// <para></para> /// Also compiles a `message` explaining the differences if that paraneter is not null. /// </summary> public MatchType GetMatchType(Animator animator, AnimancerState state, StringBuilder message, bool forceGather = true) { using (ObjectPool.Disposable.AcquireSet <AnimationClip>(out var clips)) { state.GatherAnimationClips(clips); var bindings = message != null ? new Dictionary <EditorCurveBinding, bool>() : null; var existingBindings = 0; var match = default(MatchType); if (animator.avatar == null) { message?.AppendLine() .Append($"{LinePrefix}The {nameof(Animator)} has no {nameof(Avatar)}."); if (animator.isHuman) { match = MatchType.Error; } } foreach (var clip in clips) { var clipMatch = GetMatchType(clip, message, bindings, ref existingBindings, forceGather); if (match < clipMatch) { match = clipMatch; } } AppendBindings(message, bindings, existingBindings); return(match); } }
public void Apply(AnimancerState state) { }
void OnDisable() { CurrentAnimationState = null; }
public void PlayAttack() { animancerState_layer1 = animancer.Play(enemyData.GetAttackClip(), 0.25f); }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ private void OnEnable() { Creature.Rigidbody.velocity += new Vector2(0, _Force); _AnimancerState = Creature.Animancer.Play(_Animation); }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ protected virtual void OnEnable() { Creature.Rigidbody.velocity += new Vector2(0, CalculateJumpSpeed(_Height)); AnimancerState = Creature.Animancer.Play(_Animation); }
/************************************************************************************************************************/ public override void Apply(AnimancerState state) { base.Apply(state); state.Root.Component.Animator.applyRootMotion = _ApplyRootMotion; }