public override void FinishUpdate(ViewGroup container) { if (_currentTransaction == null || _fragmentManager.IsDestroyed) { return; } _currentTransaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); _currentTransaction = null; _fragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); }
private static void OnTabChanged(Action <TabHostItemsSourceGenerator, object, object, bool, bool> baseAction, TabHostItemsSourceGenerator generator, object oldValue, object newValue, bool clearOldValue, bool setNewValue) { FragmentManager fragmentManager = null; FragmentTransaction ft = null; if (clearOldValue) { var fragment = oldValue as Fragment; if (fragment == null) { baseAction(generator, oldValue, newValue, true, false); } else if (fragment.IsAlive()) { fragmentManager = generator.TabHost.GetFragmentManager(); if (fragmentManager != null) { ft = fragmentManager.BeginTransaction().Detach(fragment); } } } if (setNewValue) { var fragment = newValue as Fragment; if (fragment == null) { baseAction(generator, oldValue, newValue, false, true); } else { if (ft == null) { fragmentManager = generator.TabHost.GetFragmentManager(); if (fragmentManager != null) { ft = fragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); } } if (ft != null) { ft = fragment.IsDetached ? ft.Attach(fragment) : ft.Replace(generator.TabHost.TabContentView.Id, fragment); } } } if (ft != null) { ft.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); } if (fragmentManager != null) { fragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); } }
public override void OnViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager fm = ChildFragmentManager; SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment)fm.FindFragmentByTag("mapFragment"); if (mapFragment == null) { mapFragment = new SupportMapFragment(); Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentTransaction ft = fm.BeginTransaction(); ft.Add(Resource.Id.notam_mapDialog_mapContainer, mapFragment, "mapFragment"); ft.Commit(); fm.ExecutePendingTransactions(); } mapFragment.GetMapAsync(this); _buttonContainerBottom.AddView(_dismissButton); }
public override void CommitPageTransaction(NavigationFragmentBase page) { try { var transaction = _fragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); _interceptTransaction?.Invoke(transaction); transaction.Replace(_rootFrame.Id, page) .DisallowAddToBackStack(); transaction.CommitNowAllowingStateLoss(); _fragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"There was an issue navigating to idndicated page, please ensure everyhting is set-up correctly. Exception: {e}"); if (ThrowOnNavigationException) { throw e; } } }
void RemovePage(Page page) { Fragment fragment = GetPageFragment(page); if (fragment == null) { return; } // Go ahead and take care of the fragment bookkeeping for the page being removed FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); transaction.DisallowAddToBackStack(); transaction.Remove(fragment); transaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); FragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); // And remove the fragment from our own stack _fragmentStack.Remove(fragment); // Now handle all the XF removal/cleanup IVisualElementRenderer rendererToRemove = Android.Platform.GetRenderer(page); if (rendererToRemove != null) { var containerToRemove = (PageContainer)rendererToRemove.View.Parent; rendererToRemove.View?.RemoveFromParent(); rendererToRemove?.Dispose(); containerToRemove?.RemoveFromParent(); containerToRemove?.Dispose(); } Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), () => { UpdateToolbar(); return(false); }); }
protected override void ShowView(IWindowView view, bool isDialog, IDataContext context) { view.Cancelable = !isDialog; FragmentManager fragmentManager = null; var parentViewModel = ViewModel.GetParentViewModel(); if (parentViewModel != null) { var fragment = parentViewModel.Settings.Metadata.GetData(ViewModelConstants.View) as Fragment; if (fragment != null) { fragmentManager = fragment.ChildFragmentManager; } } if (fragmentManager == null) { var activity = PlatformExtensions.CurrentActivity; Should.NotBeNull(activity, "CurrentActivity"); fragmentManager = activity.GetFragmentManager(); } view.Show(fragmentManager, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n")); fragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_fragment); TextView outputTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.output); mPlayerFragment = JWPlayerSupportFragment.NewInstance(new PlayerConfig.Builder() .File("") .Build()); Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager fm = this.SupportFragmentManager; Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentTransaction ft = fm.BeginTransaction(); ft.Add(Resource.Id.fragment_container, mPlayerFragment); ft.Commit(); fm.ExecutePendingTransactions(); mPlayerView = mPlayerFragment.Player; new KeepScreenOnHandler(mPlayerView, Window); mEventHandler = new JWEventHandler(mPlayerView, outputTextView); }
Task <bool> SwitchContentAsync(Page view, bool animated, bool removed = false, bool popToRoot = false) { var activity = (FormsAppCompatActivity)Context; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); Fragment fragment = FragmentContainer.CreateInstance(view); FragmentManager fm = FragmentManager; List <Fragment> fragments = _fragmentStack; Current = view; FragmentTransaction transaction = fm.BeginTransaction(); if (animated) { SetupPageTransition(transaction, !removed); } transaction.DisallowAddToBackStack(); if (fragments.Count == 0) { transaction.Add(Id, fragment); fragments.Add(fragment); } else { if (removed) { // pop only one page, or pop everything to the root var popPage = true; while (fragments.Count > 1 && popPage) { Fragment currentToRemove = fragments.Last(); fragments.RemoveAt(fragments.Count - 1); transaction.Remove(currentToRemove); popPage = popToRoot; } Fragment toShow = fragments.Last(); // Execute pending transactions so that we can be sure the fragment list is accurate. fm.ExecutePendingTransactions(); if (fm.Fragments.Contains(toShow)) { transaction.Show(toShow); } else { transaction.Add(Id, toShow); } } else { // push Fragment currentToHide = fragments.Last(); transaction.Hide(currentToHide); transaction.Add(Id, fragment); fragments.Add(fragment); } } transaction.Commit(); // The fragment transitions don't really SUPPORT telling you when they end // There are some hacks you can do, but they actually are worse than just doing this: if (animated) { if (!removed) { UpdateToolbar(); if (_drawerToggle != null && Element.StackDepth == 2) { AnimateArrowIn(); } } else if (_drawerToggle != null && Element.StackDepth == 2) { AnimateArrowOut(); } Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200), () => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); fragment.UserVisibleHint = true; if (removed) { UpdateToolbar(); } return(false); }); } else { Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), () => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); fragment.UserVisibleHint = true; UpdateToolbar(); return(false); }); } Context.HideKeyboard(this); // 200ms is how long the animations are, and they are "reversible" in the sense that starting another one slightly before it's done is fine return(tcs.Task); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && !_disposed) { _disposed = true; var activity = (FormsAppCompatActivity)Context; // API only exists on newer android YAY if ((int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= 17) { if (!activity.IsDestroyed) { FragmentManager fm = FragmentManager; FragmentTransaction trans = fm.BeginTransaction(); foreach (Fragment fragment in _fragmentStack) { trans.Remove(fragment); } trans.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); fm.ExecutePendingTransactions(); } } if (Element != null) { for (var i = 0; i < Element.InternalChildren.Count; i++) { var child = Element.InternalChildren[i] as VisualElement; if (child == null) { continue; } IVisualElementRenderer renderer = Android.Platform.GetRenderer(child); renderer?.Dispose(); } Element.PushRequested -= OnPushed; Element.PopRequested -= OnPopped; Element.PopToRootRequested -= OnPoppedToRoot; Element.InsertPageBeforeRequested -= OnInsertPageBeforeRequested; Element.RemovePageRequested -= OnRemovePageRequested; Element.SendDisappearing(); } if (_toolbarTracker != null) { _toolbarTracker.CollectionChanged -= ToolbarTrackerOnCollectionChanged; _toolbarTracker.Target = null; _toolbarTracker = null; } if (_toolbar != null) { _toolbar.NavigationClick -= BarOnNavigationClick; _toolbar.Dispose(); _toolbar = null; } Current = null; Device.Info.PropertyChanged -= DeviceInfoPropertyChanged; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
Task <bool> SwitchContentAsync(Page page, bool animated, bool removed = false, bool popToRoot = false) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); Fragment fragment = GetFragment(page, removed, popToRoot); #if DEBUG // Enables logging of moveToState operations to logcat FragmentManager.EnableDebugLogging(true); #endif Current = page; ((Platform)Element.Platform).NavAnimationInProgress = true; FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); if (animated) { SetupPageTransition(transaction, !removed); } if (_fragmentStack.Count == 0) { transaction.Add(Id, fragment); _fragmentStack.Add(fragment); } else { if (removed) { // pop only one page, or pop everything to the root var popPage = true; while (_fragmentStack.Count > 1 && popPage) { Fragment currentToRemove = _fragmentStack.Last(); _fragmentStack.RemoveAt(_fragmentStack.Count - 1); transaction.Remove(currentToRemove); popPage = popToRoot; } Fragment toShow = _fragmentStack.Last(); // Execute pending transactions so that we can be sure the fragment list is accurate. FragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); if (FragmentManager.Fragments.Contains(toShow)) { transaction.Show(toShow); } else { transaction.Add(Id, toShow); } } else { // push Fragment currentToHide = _fragmentStack.Last(); transaction.Hide(currentToHide); transaction.Add(Id, fragment); _fragmentStack.Add(fragment); } } // We don't currently support fragment restoration, so we don't need to worry about // whether the commit loses state transaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); // The fragment transitions don't really SUPPORT telling you when they end // There are some hacks you can do, but they actually are worse than just doing this: if (animated) { if (!removed) { UpdateToolbar(); if (_drawerToggle != null && ((INavigationPageController)Element).StackDepth == 2) { AnimateArrowIn(); } } else if (_drawerToggle != null && ((INavigationPageController)Element).StackDepth == 2) { AnimateArrowOut(); } Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TransitionDuration), () => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); fragment.UserVisibleHint = true; if (removed) { UpdateToolbar(); } return(false); }); } else { Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), () => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); fragment.UserVisibleHint = true; UpdateToolbar(); return(false); }); } Context.HideKeyboard(this); ((Platform)Element.Platform).NavAnimationInProgress = false; // TransitionDuration is how long the built-in animations are, and they are "reversible" in the sense that starting another one slightly before it's done is fine return(tcs.Task); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && !_disposed) { _disposed = true; if (_toolbarTracker != null) { _toolbarTracker.CollectionChanged -= ToolbarTrackerOnCollectionChanged; _toolbarTracker.Target = null; _toolbarTracker = null; } if (_toolbar != null) { _toolbar.SetNavigationOnClickListener(null); _toolbar.Dispose(); _toolbar = null; } if (_drawerLayout != null && _drawerListener != null) { _drawerLayout.RemoveDrawerListener(_drawerListener); } if (_drawerListener != null) { _drawerListener.Dispose(); _drawerListener = null; } if (_drawerToggle != null) { _drawerToggle.Dispose(); _drawerToggle = null; } if (_backgroundDrawable != null) { _backgroundDrawable.Dispose(); _backgroundDrawable = null; } Current = null; // We dispose the child renderers after cleaning up everything related to DrawerLayout in case // one of the children is a MasterDetailPage (which may dispose of the DrawerLayout). if (Element != null) { foreach (Element element in PageController.InternalChildren) { var child = element as VisualElement; if (child == null) { continue; } IVisualElementRenderer renderer = Android.Platform.GetRenderer(child); renderer?.Dispose(); } var navController = (INavigationPageController)Element; navController.PushRequested -= OnPushed; navController.PopRequested -= OnPopped; navController.PopToRootRequested -= OnPoppedToRoot; navController.InsertPageBeforeRequested -= OnInsertPageBeforeRequested; navController.RemovePageRequested -= OnRemovePageRequested; } Device.Info.PropertyChanged -= DeviceInfoPropertyChanged; // API only exists on newer android YAY if ((int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= 17) { FragmentManager fm = FragmentManager; if (!fm.IsDestroyed) { FragmentTransaction trans = fm.BeginTransaction(); foreach (Fragment fragment in _fragmentStack) { trans.Remove(fragment); } trans.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); fm.ExecutePendingTransactions(); } } } base.Dispose(disposing); }
public bool SetContent(object view, object content) { var targetView = view as ViewGroup; if (targetView == null) { return(false); } if (content == null) { FragmentManager fragmentManager = targetView.GetFragmentManager(); Fragment oldFragment = fragmentManager?.FindFragmentById(targetView.Id); if (oldFragment != null && !fragmentManager.IsDestroyed) { BeginTransaction(fragmentManager, targetView, null) .Remove(oldFragment) .CommitAllowingStateLoss(); fragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); return(true); } return(false); } var fragment = content as Fragment; if (fragment == null) { return(false); } AndroidToolkitExtensions.ValidateViewIdFragment(targetView, fragment); FragmentManager manager = targetView.GetFragmentManager(); if (manager == null) { return(false); } FragmentTransaction transaction = BeginTransaction(manager, targetView, fragment); var addToBackStack = targetView.GetBindingMemberValue(AttachedMembers.ViewGroup.AddToBackStack); if (addToBackStack && fragment.Arguments != null) { addToBackStack = !fragment.Arguments.GetBoolean(AddedToBackStackKey); } if (fragment.IsDetached) { transaction.Attach(fragment); } else { if (addToBackStack) { if (fragment.Arguments == null) { fragment.Arguments = new Bundle(); } fragment.Arguments.PutBoolean(AddedToBackStackKey, true); } transaction.Replace(targetView.Id, fragment); } if (addToBackStack) { transaction.AddToBackStack(null); } transaction.Commit(); manager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); return(true); }
Task <bool> SwitchContentAsync(Page page, bool animated, bool removed = false, bool popToRoot = false) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); Fragment fragment = GetFragment(page, removed, popToRoot); #if DEBUG // Enables logging of moveToState operations to logcat FragmentManager.EnableDebugLogging(true); #endif Current?.SendDisappearing(); Current = page; ((Platform)Element.Platform).NavAnimationInProgress = true; FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); if (animated) { SetupPageTransition(transaction, !removed); } var fragmentsToRemove = new List <Fragment>(); if (_fragmentStack.Count == 0) { transaction.Add(Id, fragment); _fragmentStack.Add(fragment); } else { if (removed) { // pop only one page, or pop everything to the root var popPage = true; while (_fragmentStack.Count > 1 && popPage) { Fragment currentToRemove = _fragmentStack.Last(); _fragmentStack.RemoveAt(_fragmentStack.Count - 1); transaction.Hide(currentToRemove); fragmentsToRemove.Add(currentToRemove); popPage = popToRoot; } Fragment toShow = _fragmentStack.Last(); // Execute pending transactions so that we can be sure the fragment list is accurate. FragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions(); if (FragmentManager.Fragments.Contains(toShow)) { transaction.Show(toShow); } else { transaction.Add(Id, toShow); } } else { // push Fragment currentToHide = _fragmentStack.Last(); transaction.Hide(currentToHide); transaction.Add(Id, fragment); _fragmentStack.Add(fragment); } } // We don't currently support fragment restoration, so we don't need to worry about // whether the commit loses state transaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); // The fragment transitions don't really SUPPORT telling you when they end // There are some hacks you can do, but they actually are worse than just doing this: if (animated) { if (!removed) { UpdateToolbar(); if (_drawerToggle != null && ((INavigationPageController)Element).StackDepth == 2) { AnimateArrowIn(); } } else if (_drawerToggle != null && ((INavigationPageController)Element).StackDepth == 2) { AnimateArrowOut(); } AddTransitionTimer(tcs, fragment, FragmentManager, fragmentsToRemove, TransitionDuration, removed); } else { AddTransitionTimer(tcs, fragment, FragmentManager, fragmentsToRemove, 1, true); } Context.HideKeyboard(this); ((Platform)Element.Platform).NavAnimationInProgress = false; return(tcs.Task); }
public static bool ExecutePendingTransactionsEx(this FragmentManager fragmentManager) { return(fragmentManager.ExecutePendingTransactions()); }
private Task <bool> SwitchContentAsync(Page page, bool animated, bool removed = false, bool popToRoot = false) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); Fragment fragment = _hepler.GetFragment(page, removed, popToRoot); List <Fragment> fragments = _hepler.FragmentStack; FragmentManager fm = _hepler.FragmentManager; var currentPade = (removed ? _hepler.CurrentPage : page); var currentAnimPade = currentPade as IAnimationPage; var animation = AnimationNavigationPage.GetAnimation(currentPade, animated); _hepler.CurrentPage = page; _hepler.SetNavAnimationInProgress(Element, true); FragmentTransaction transaction = fm.BeginTransaction(); AnimationHelper.SetupTransition(transaction, animation, !removed, animated); if (animation.Type != AnimationType.Empty && animation.Duration != AnimationDuration.Zero) { currentAnimPade?.OnAnimationStarted(removed); } transaction.DisallowAddToBackStack(); if (fragments.Count == 0) { transaction.Add(Id, fragment); fragments.Add(fragment); } else { if (removed) { // pop only one page, or pop everything to the root var popPage = true; var fragmentsToRemove = new List <Fragment>(); while (fragments.Count > 1 && popPage) { var currentToRemove = fragments.Last(); fragments.RemoveAt(fragments.Count - 1); fragmentsToRemove.Add(currentToRemove); transaction.Hide(currentToRemove); popPage = popToRoot; } // we need it for poping pages with animation RemoveFragments(fragmentsToRemove); Fragment toShow = fragments.Last(); // Execute pending transactions so that we can be sure the fragment list is accurate. fm.ExecutePendingTransactions(); if (fm.Fragments.Contains(toShow)) { transaction.Show(toShow); } else { transaction.Add(Id, toShow); } } else { // push Fragment currentToHide = fragments.Last(); transaction.Hide(currentToHide); transaction.Add(Id, fragment); fragments.Add(fragment); } } // We don't currently support fragment restoration, so we don't need to worry about // whether the commit loses state transaction.CommitAllowingStateLoss(); // The fragment transitions don't really SUPPORT telling you when they end // There are some hacks you can do, but they actually are worse than just doing this: if (animated) { if (!removed) { _hepler.UpdateToolbar(); if (_hepler.DrawerToggle != null && ((INavigationPageController)Element).StackDepth == 2) { _hepler.AnimateArrowIn(); } } else if (_hepler.DrawerToggle != null && ((INavigationPageController)Element).StackDepth == 2) { _hepler.AnimateArrowOut(); } Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TransitionDuration), () => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); fragment.UserVisibleHint = true; if (removed) { _hepler.UpdateToolbar(); } return(false); }); } else { Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), () => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); fragment.UserVisibleHint = true; _hepler.UpdateToolbar(); return(false); }); } Context.HideKeyboard(this); if (animation.Type != AnimationType.Empty && animation.Duration != AnimationDuration.Zero && currentAnimPade != null) { Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(GetAnimationDuration(currentAnimPade.PageAnimation)), delegate { currentAnimPade.OnAnimationFinished(removed); return(false); }); } _hepler.SetNavAnimationInProgress(Element, false); return(tcs.Task); }