コード例 #1
    // called by the recorder when he is done recording
    public void PutHoloRecordingIntoPlayer(string id, HoloRecording recording, GameObject anchoredObject, AnchorStore store, bool openKeyboard = true)
        recordingId   = id;
        holoRecording = recording;
        anchorStore   = store;
        anchor        = anchoredObject;

        // update UI
        StartCoroutine(AddScreenshotToRepresentation(recording.pathToScreenshot)); // set the screenshot of the representation, done asynchronously because it loads from disk
        if (openKeyboard)
            OpenSystemKeyboard();              // open keyboard to give the representation a title.
            instructionObject.SetActive(true); // the instructionobject tells the user that he has to type the title of the recording
            // If recording is loaded from anchors, open keyboard not needed
            titleOfRepresentation.text = recording.titleOfClip;
        timerText.text = recording.lengthOfClip.ToString() + "s";
        InstantiateHandAndSetInactive(leftHand, ref instantiatedLeftHand, ref anchoredObject); // the hands should only become visible when the animation is running
        InstantiateHandAndSetInactive(rightHand, ref instantiatedRightHand, ref anchoredObject);

        // add animationclip to hand prefabs and audio clip of recording to the audiosource of the representation
        (AnimationClip leftHandClip, AnimationClip rightHandClip) = GetAnimationClipsFromAllKeyFrames(recording.allKeyFrames);
        Debug.Log("AnimationClips were loaded");
        instantiatedLeftHand.GetComponent <Animation>().AddClip(leftHandClip, "leftHand");
        instantiatedRightHand.GetComponent <Animation>().AddClip(rightHandClip, "rightHand");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a remote anchor has been deserialized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        /// <param name="anchorBatch"></param>
        private void ImportComplete(SerializationCompletionReason status, WorldAnchorTransferBatch anchorBatch)
            bool       successful     = status == SerializationCompletionReason.Succeeded;
            GameObject objectToAnchor = null;

            if (successful)
                if (ShowDetailedLogs)
                    Debug.LogFormat("[SharingWorldAnchorManager] Successfully imported \"{0}\" anchors.", anchorBatch.anchorCount.ToString());

                if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                    AnchorDebugText.text += string.Format("\nSuccessfully imported \"{0}\" anchors.", anchorBatch.anchorCount.ToString());

                string[] anchorNames = anchorBatch.GetAllIds();

                for (var i = 0; i < anchorNames.Length; i++)
                    if (AnchorGameObjectReferenceList.TryGetValue(anchorNames[i], out objectToAnchor))
                        AnchorStore.Save(anchorNames[i], anchorBatch.LockObject(anchorNames[i], objectToAnchor));
                        //TODO: Figure out how to get the GameObject reference from across the network.  For now it's best to use unique GameObject names.
                        Debug.LogWarning("[SharingWorldAnchorManager] Unable to import anchor!  We don't know which GameObject to anchor!");

                        if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                            AnchorDebugText.text += "\nUnable to import anchor!  We don\'t know which GameObject to anchor!";
                Debug.LogError("[SharingWorldAnchorManager] Import failed!");

                if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                    AnchorDebugText.text += "\nImport failed!";

            if (AnchorDownloaded != null)
                AnchorDownloaded(successful, objectToAnchor);

            rawAnchorDownloadData = null;
            isImportingAnchors    = false;
コード例 #3
    public virtual async void Start()
        anchorStoreInstance = new GameObject();
        anchorStoreInstance.AddComponent <AnchorStore>();
        anchorStore = anchorStoreInstance.GetComponent <AnchorStore>();

        instantiatedAnchorIds = new HashSet <string>();

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when anchors are changed in the room.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="room">The room where the anchors were changed.</param>
        private void RoomManagerListener_AnchorsChanged(Room room)
            if (SharingStage.Instance.CurrentRoom.GetID() == room.GetID())
                if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                    AnchorDebugText.text += "\nRoom Anchors Updated!  Clearing the local Anchor Store and attempting to download the update...";

                // Clear our local anchor store, and download all our shared anchors again.
                // TODO: Only download the anchors that changed. Currently there's no way to know which anchor changed.

                if (ShowDetailedLogs)
                    Debug.LogFormat("[SharingWorldAnchorManager] Anchors updated for room \"{0}\".\nClearing the local Anchor Store and attempting to download the update...", room.GetName().GetString());

                if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                    AnchorDebugText.text += string.Format("\nAnchors updated for room \"{0}\".\nClearing the local Anchor Store and attempting to download the update...", room.GetName().GetString());

                int roomAnchorCount = SharingStage.Instance.CurrentRoom.GetAnchorCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < roomAnchorCount; i++)
                    GameObject anchoredObject;
                    string     roomAnchorId = SharingStage.Instance.CurrentRoom.GetAnchorName(i).GetString();

                    if (AnchorGameObjectReferenceList.TryGetValue(roomAnchorId, out anchoredObject))
                        if (ShowDetailedLogs)
                            Debug.LogFormat("[SharingWorldAnchorManager] Found cached GameObject reference for \"{0}\".", roomAnchorId);

                        if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                            AnchorDebugText.text += string.Format("\nFound cached GameObject reference for \"{0}\".", roomAnchorId);

                        AttachAnchor(anchoredObject, roomAnchorId);
                        anchoredObject = GameObject.Find(roomAnchorId);

                        if (anchoredObject != null)
                            if (ShowDetailedLogs)
                                Debug.LogFormat("[SharingWorldAnchorManager] Found a GameObject reference form scene for \"{0}\".", roomAnchorId);

                            if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                                AnchorDebugText.text += string.Format("\nFound a GameObject reference form scene for \"{0}\".", roomAnchorId);

                            AttachAnchor(anchoredObject, roomAnchorId);
                            Debug.LogWarning("[SharingWorldAnchorManager] Unable to find a matching GameObject for anchor!");
                            if (AnchorDebugText != null)
                                AnchorDebugText.text += "\nUnable to find a matching GameObject for anchor!";