コード例 #1
        public void CommodityBinaryEuropeanOptionTest()
            var goldOption = new BinaryOption(
                new Date(2015, 03, 20),
                new Date(2015, 06, 16),
                new Act365(),
                new[] { new Date(2015, 06, 16) },
                new[] { new Date(2015, 06, 16) },

            var market = GetMarket();
            IMarketCondition marketCondition = new MarketCondition(
                x => x.ValuationDate.Value  = market.ReferenceDate,
                x => x.DiscountCurve.Value  = market.GetData <CurveData>("Fr007").YieldCurve,
                x => x.DividendCurves.Value = new Dictionary <string, IYieldCurve> {
                { "", market.GetData <CurveData>("Fr007").YieldCurve }
                x => x.SpotPrices.Value = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "", 240.6 }
                x => x.VolSurfaces.Value = new Dictionary <string, IVolSurface> {
                { "", market.GetData <VolSurfMktData>("goldVolSurf").ToImpliedVolSurface(market.ReferenceDate) }

            var engine = new AnalyticalBinaryEuropeanOptionEngine();
            var result = engine.Calculate(goldOption, marketCondition, PricingRequest.All);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.615985804, result.Pv, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.409184000310747, result.Delta, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.239395655872165, result.Gamma, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.265082040475919, result.Vega, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-8.43816170E-07, result.Rho, 1e-8);

            var engine2 = new AnalyticalBinaryEuropeanOptionReplicationEngine(2.0, BinaryOptionReplicationStrategy.Up);

            result = engine2.Calculate(goldOption, marketCondition, PricingRequest.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.25655313, result.Pv, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.745647330608376, result.Delta, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.377738685022888, result.Gamma, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.417379971819684, result.Vega, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.72130447839702E-06, result.Rho, 1e-8);
コード例 #2
        public void CommodityJinTaoBinaryEuropeanOptionTest()
            var strike       = 3100.0;
            var spot         = 2900;
            var expiry       = new Date(2017, 12, 17);
            var valuationDay = "2017-12-01";
            var option       = new BinaryOption(
                new Date(2017, 12, 1),
                new Act365(),
                new[] { expiry },
                new[] { expiry },
                notional: 1

            var optionInfo = new BinaryOptionInfo(
                tradeId: "",
                valuationParameter: new OptionValuationParameters("Fr007", "diviCurve", "volSurf", "000300.SH"),
                underlyingTicker: "000300.SH",
                strike: strike,
                underlyingInstrumentType: "CommodityFutures",
                optionType: "Call",
                notional: 1,
                startDate: "2017-12-01",
                exerciseDates: "2017-12-17"
                CashOrNothingAmount             = 2,
                BinaryOptionPayoffType          = "CashOrNothing",
                BinaryOptionReplicationStrategy = "Down",
                ReplicationShiftSize            = 2,

            var curveName     = "Fr007";
            var volName       = "volSurf";
            var diviCurveName = "diviCurve";
            var market        = GetMarketJinTao(valuationDay, rate: 0.04, vol: 0.4, dividendRate: 0, curveName: curveName, volName: volName, diviCurveName: diviCurveName, spot: spot);
            var volsurf       = market.GetData <VolSurfMktData>(volName).ToImpliedVolSurface(market.ReferenceDate);
            IMarketCondition marketCondition = new MarketCondition(
                x => x.ValuationDate.Value  = market.ReferenceDate,
                x => x.DiscountCurve.Value  = market.GetData <CurveData>(curveName).YieldCurve,
                x => x.DividendCurves.Value = new Dictionary <string, IYieldCurve> {
                { "", market.GetData <CurveData>(diviCurveName).YieldCurve }
                x => x.SpotPrices.Value = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "", spot }
                x => x.VolSurfaces.Value = new Dictionary <string, IVolSurface> {
                { "", volsurf }

            var engine = new AnalyticalBinaryEuropeanOptionEngine();
            var result = engine.Calculate(option, marketCondition, PricingRequest.All);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.401208951727572, result.Pv, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00230806033816866, result.Delta, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(7.16979364767667E-06, result.Gamma, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0105751548032081, result.Vega, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.0149236357909549, result.Theta, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.75872031726865E-06, result.Rho, 1e-8);

            var engine2 = new AnalyticalBinaryEuropeanOptionReplicationEngine(2.0, BinaryOptionReplicationStrategy.Down);
            var result2 = engine2.Calculate(option, marketCondition, PricingRequest.All);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.403373182249897, result2.Pv, 1e-7);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00231550673674974, result2.Delta, 1e-7);
            Assert.AreEqual(7.16340764483903E-06, result2.Gamma, 1e-7);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0105550810113932, result2.Vega, 1e-7);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.0149004654797067, result2.Theta, 1e-7);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.74927811613657E-06, result2.Rho, 1e-7);

            var vfResult = new BinaryOptionVf(optionInfo).ValueTrade(market, PricingRequest.Pv);

            Assert.AreEqual(vfResult.Pv, result2.Pv, 1e-7);
            Assert.AreEqual(result2.Pv > result.Pv, true);
コード例 #3
        public void CommodityBinaryOptionGreekTest(double vol, double spot, double strike, Boolean isCall = true, Boolean isCashOrNothing = true,
                                                   string t0 = "2017-12-01", string t1 = "2017-12-02", double volMove = 0.10, double mktMove = 1e-4, double toleranceInPct = 2)
            var T0      = DateFromStr(t0);
            var T1      = DateFromStr(t1);
            var spotNew = spot + spot * mktMove;
            var volNew  = vol + volMove;

            var expiry          = new Date(2017, 12, 17);
            var valuationDay    = t0;
            var valuationDayNew = t1;
            var option          = new BinaryOption(
                isCall ? OptionType.Call : OptionType.Put,
                isCashOrNothing ? BinaryOptionPayoffType.CashOrNothing : BinaryOptionPayoffType.AssetOrNothing,
                new Act365(),
                new[] { expiry },
                new[] { expiry },
                notional: 1

            var curveName     = "Fr007";
            var volName       = "volSurf";
            var diviCurveName = "diviCurve";
            var market        = GetMarketJinTao(valuationDay, rate: 0.04, vol: vol, dividendRate: 0, curveName: curveName, volName: volName, diviCurveName: diviCurveName);
            IMarketCondition marketCondition = new MarketCondition(
                x => x.ValuationDate.Value  = market.ReferenceDate,
                x => x.DiscountCurve.Value  = market.GetData <CurveData>(curveName).YieldCurve,
                x => x.DividendCurves.Value = new Dictionary <string, IYieldCurve> {
                { "", market.GetData <CurveData>(diviCurveName).YieldCurve }
                x => x.SpotPrices.Value = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "", spot }
                x => x.VolSurfaces.Value = new Dictionary <string, IVolSurface> {
                { "", market.GetData <VolSurfMktData>(volName).ToImpliedVolSurface(market.ReferenceDate) }

            var marketNew = GetMarketJinTao(valuationDayNew, rate: 0.04, vol: volNew, dividendRate: 0, curveName: curveName, volName: volName, diviCurveName: diviCurveName);
            IMarketCondition marketConditionNew = new MarketCondition(
                x => x.ValuationDate.Value  = marketNew.ReferenceDate,
                x => x.DiscountCurve.Value  = marketNew.GetData <CurveData>(curveName).YieldCurve,
                x => x.DividendCurves.Value = new Dictionary <string, IYieldCurve> {
                { "", marketNew.GetData <CurveData>(diviCurveName).YieldCurve }
                x => x.SpotPrices.Value = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "", spotNew }
                x => x.VolSurfaces.Value = new Dictionary <string, IVolSurface> {
                { "", marketNew.GetData <VolSurfMktData>(volName).ToImpliedVolSurface(market.ReferenceDate) }

            IMarketCondition marketConditionPI = new MarketCondition(
                x => x.ValuationDate.Value  = market.ReferenceDate,
                x => x.DiscountCurve.Value  = market.GetData <CurveData>(curveName).YieldCurve,
                x => x.DividendCurves.Value = new Dictionary <string, IYieldCurve> {
                { "", market.GetData <CurveData>(diviCurveName).YieldCurve }
                x => x.SpotPrices.Value = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "", spotNew }
                x => x.VolSurfaces.Value = new Dictionary <string, IVolSurface> {
                { "", market.GetData <VolSurfMktData>(volName).ToImpliedVolSurface(market.ReferenceDate) }

            var marketVI = GetMarketJinTao(valuationDay, rate: 0.04, vol: volNew, dividendRate: 0, curveName: curveName, volName: volName, diviCurveName: diviCurveName);
            IMarketCondition marketConditionVI = new MarketCondition(
                x => x.ValuationDate.Value  = marketVI.ReferenceDate,
                x => x.DiscountCurve.Value  = marketVI.GetData <CurveData>(curveName).YieldCurve,
                x => x.DividendCurves.Value = new Dictionary <string, IYieldCurve> {
                { "", marketVI.GetData <CurveData>(diviCurveName).YieldCurve }
                x => x.SpotPrices.Value = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "", spot }
                x => x.VolSurfaces.Value = new Dictionary <string, IVolSurface> {
                { "", marketVI.GetData <VolSurfMktData>(volName).ToImpliedVolSurface(market.ReferenceDate) }

            var marketPVC = GetMarketJinTao(valuationDay, rate: 0.04, vol: volNew, dividendRate: 0, curveName: curveName, volName: volName, diviCurveName: diviCurveName);
            IMarketCondition marketConditionPVC = new MarketCondition(
                x => x.ValuationDate.Value  = marketPVC.ReferenceDate,
                x => x.DiscountCurve.Value  = marketPVC.GetData <CurveData>(curveName).YieldCurve,
                x => x.DividendCurves.Value = new Dictionary <string, IYieldCurve> {
                { "", marketPVC.GetData <CurveData>(diviCurveName).YieldCurve }
                x => x.SpotPrices.Value = new Dictionary <string, double> {
                { "", spotNew }
                x => x.VolSurfaces.Value = new Dictionary <string, IVolSurface> {
                { "", marketPVC.GetData <VolSurfMktData>(volName).ToImpliedVolSurface(market.ReferenceDate) }

            var engine    = new AnalyticalBinaryEuropeanOptionEngine();
            var result    = engine.Calculate(option, marketCondition, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultNew = engine.Calculate(option, marketConditionNew, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultPI  = engine.Calculate(option, marketConditionPI, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultVI  = engine.Calculate(option, marketConditionVI, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultPVC = engine.Calculate(option, marketConditionPVC, PricingRequest.All);

            var actualPL = resultNew.Pv - result.Pv;

            //price Impact
            //PI = PV(t-1, priceNew) - Pv(t-1)
            var basePv  = result.Pv;
            var PI      = resultPI.Pv - basePv;
            var thetapl = result.Theta * (T1 - T0);

            //vol impact
            //VI = PV(t-1. volNew) - Pv (t-1)
            var VI = resultVI.Pv - basePv;

            //price vol cross impact
            //PVC = PV(t-1. volNew, PriceNew) - Pv (t-1) - (PI+VI)
            var PVC = resultPVC.Pv - basePv - PI - VI;

            var newEstimate    = PI + VI + PVC + thetapl;
            var newUnexplained = actualPL - newEstimate;

            //Time impact
            //TI = PV(t, all OldInfo) - Pv(t-1)

            //Time/ price cross Impact
            //TPC = PV(t, priceNew) - pv(t-1) - (TI +PI)

            //Time/vol cross impact
            //TVC = PV(t, volNew) - pv(t-1) -(TI+VI)

            //in case of big move ( vol and spot), we need high order risk to explain pnl
            //var diff = actualPL - esimstatedPL;
            //Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(diff / actualPL) * 100.0 < toleranceInPct); //pnl well explained in not too extreme moves
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(newUnexplained / actualPL) * 100.0 < toleranceInPct);

            var engine2    = new AnalyticalBinaryEuropeanOptionReplicationEngine(2.0, BinaryOptionReplicationStrategy.Up);
            var result2    = engine2.Calculate(option, marketCondition, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultNew2 = engine2.Calculate(option, marketConditionNew, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultPI2  = engine2.Calculate(option, marketConditionPI, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultVI2  = engine2.Calculate(option, marketConditionVI, PricingRequest.All);
            var resultPVC2 = engine2.Calculate(option, marketConditionPVC, PricingRequest.All);

            var actualPL2 = resultNew2.Pv - result2.Pv;

            //price Impact
            //PI = PV(t-1, priceNew) - Pv(t-1)
            var basePv2  = result2.Pv;
            var PI2      = resultPI2.Pv - basePv2;
            var thetapl2 = result2.Theta * (T1 - T0);

            //vol impact
            //VI = PV(t-1. volNew) - Pv (t-1)
            var VI2 = resultVI2.Pv - basePv2;

            //price vol cross impact
            //PVC = PV(t-1. volNew, PriceNew) - Pv (t-1) - (PI+VI)
            var PVC2 = resultPVC2.Pv - basePv2 - PI2 - VI2;

            var newEstimate2    = PI2 + VI2 + PVC2 + thetapl2;
            var newUnexplained2 = actualPL2 - newEstimate2;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(newUnexplained2 / actualPL2) * 100.0 < toleranceInPct);