コード例 #1
        public override void OnNext()
                Layer2DBrickImp selLayer = SelectedLayer;
                var layerEncaps = new List<LayerEncap>() { new LayerEncap(selLayer.LayerDescriptor) };
                SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
                AnalysisCasePallet analysis = AnalysisCast;
                if (null == analysis)
                    _item = _document.CreateNewAnalysisCasePallet(
                        ItemName, ItemDescription
                        , SelectedPackable, SelectedPallet
                        , new List<InterlayerProperties>()
                        , null, null, null
                        , BuildConstraintSet()
                        , layerEncaps
                    analysis.ID.SetNameDesc(ItemName, ItemDescription);
                    analysis.Content = SelectedPackable;
                    analysis.PalletProperties = SelectedPallet;
                    analysis.ConstraintSet = BuildConstraintSet();

            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
        public List <Analysis> BuildAnalyses(ConstraintSetAbstract constraintSet, bool allowMultipleLayerOrientations)
            var analyses = new List <Analysis>();
            var constraintSetCasePallet = constraintSet as ConstraintSetCasePallet;

            if (null == constraintSetCasePallet)
            Vector2D overhang = constraintSetCasePallet.Overhang;

            if (allowMultipleLayerOrientations)
                List <KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int> > listLayer = new List <KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int> >();
                    ref listLayer);
                Solution.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
                var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(_packable, _palletProperties, constraintSet as ConstraintSetCasePallet);
                // only add analysis if it has a valid solution
                if (analysis.Solution.ItemCount > 0)
                // build layer list
                var            solver = new LayerSolver();
                List <Layer2D> layers = solver.BuildLayers(
                    , new Vector2D(_palletProperties.Length + 2.0 * overhang.X, _palletProperties.Width + 2.0 * overhang.Y)
                    , _palletProperties.Height
                    , constraintSetCasePallet
                    , true
                // loop on layers
                foreach (Layer2D layer in layers)
                    var layerDescs = new List <LayerDesc> {
                    var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(_packable, _palletProperties, constraintSet as ConstraintSetCasePallet);
                    // only add analysis if it has a valid solution
                    if (analysis.Solution.ItemCount > 0)
コード例 #3
        public AnalysisLayered BuildAnalysis(LayerDescBox layerDesc)
            SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
            AnalysisLayered analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(Packable, PalletProperties, ConstraintSet);

            analysis.AddSolution(new List <LayerDesc>()
コード例 #4
        public void Draw(Graphics3DControl ctrl, Graphics3D graphics)
            Layer2DBrickImp selLayer = SelectedLayer;
            PalletProperties pallet = SelectedPallet;
            Packable packable = SelectedPackable;
            if (null == selLayer || null == packable || null == pallet)
            var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(packable, pallet, BuildConstraintSet(), true /*temporary*/);
            analysis.AddSolution(new List<LayerDesc> { selLayer.LayerDescriptor });

            ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.SolutionLay);
            sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
コード例 #5
        public override void OnNext()
                List <LayerDesc> layerDescs = new List <LayerDesc>();
                foreach (Layer2D layer2D in uCtrlLayerList.Selected)

                Solution.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());

                AnalysisCasePallet analysis = AnalysisCast;
                if (null == analysis)
                    _item = _document.CreateNewAnalysisCasePallet(
                        ItemName, ItemDescription
                        , SelectedPackable, SelectedPallet
                        , new List <InterlayerProperties>()
                        , null, null, null
                        , BuildConstraintSet()
                        , layerDescs
                    analysis.ID.SetNameDesc(ItemName, ItemDescription);
                    analysis.Content          = SelectedPackable;
                    analysis.PalletProperties = SelectedPallet;
                    analysis.ConstraintSet    = BuildConstraintSet();

            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #6
        public List <Analysis> BuildAnalyses(ConstraintSetAbstract constraintSet)
            var analyses = new List <Analysis>();
            var constraintSetCasePallet = constraintSet as ConstraintSetCasePallet;

            if (null == constraintSetCasePallet)
            Vector2D overhang = constraintSetCasePallet.Overhang;
            // build layer list
            var            solver = new LayerSolver();
            List <Layer2D> layers = solver.BuildLayers(
                , new Vector2D(_palletProperties.Length + 2.0 * overhang.X, _palletProperties.Width + 2.0 * overhang.Y)
                , _palletProperties.Height
                , constraintSetCasePallet
                , true

            // loop on layers
            foreach (Layer2D layer in layers)
                var layerDescs = new List <LayerDesc>();
                var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(_packable, _palletProperties, constraintSet as ConstraintSetCasePallet);
                // only add analysis if it has a valid solution
                if (analysis.Solution.ItemCount > 0)
コード例 #7
        public static void GetSolution(
            Vector3D caseDim, double caseWeight, Bitmap bmpTexture,
            int palletIndex, double palletWeight,
            double maxPalletHeight,
            List <BoxPositionIndexed> boxPositions,
            bool mirrorLength, bool mirrorWidth,
            List <bool> interlayers,
            double angle,
            Size sz,
            ref byte[] imageBytes,
            ref int caseCount, ref int layerCount,
            ref double weightLoad, ref double weightTotal,
            ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
            SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
            // case
            var boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null, caseDim.X, caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z)
                TapeColor = Color.Tan,
                TapeWidth = new OptDouble(true, 50.0)

            if (null != bmpTexture)
                double ratio = (double)bmpTexture.Height / bmpTexture.Width;

                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, TexturePosition(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, TexturePosition(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, TexturePosition(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, TexturePosition(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
            boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat(Color.Beige, 6).ToArray());
            // pallet
            Vector3D palletDim        = PalletIndexToDim3D(palletIndex);
            var      palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, PalletIndexToPalletType(palletIndex), palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, palletDim.Z)
                Weight = palletWeight,
                Color  = Color.Yellow
            // constraint set
            var constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet();

            constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
            constraintSet.SetMaxHeight(new OptDouble(true, maxPalletHeight));
            // layer 2D
            var layer2D = new Layer2DBrickExpIndexed(caseDim, new Vector2D(), "", HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

            // analysis
            var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(boxProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);

            analysis.AddInterlayer(new InterlayerProperties(null, "interlayer", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow));
            analysis.AddSolution(layer2D, mirrorLength, mirrorWidth);
            // solution
            SolutionLayered sol           = analysis.SolutionLay;
            var             solutionItems = sol.SolutionItems;
            int             iCount        = solutionItems.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
                solutionItems[i].InterlayerIndex = ((i < interlayers.Count) && interlayers[i]) ? 0 : -1;
            if (iCount < interlayers.Count && interlayers[iCount])
                analysis.PalletCapProperties = new PalletCapProperties(null, "palletcap", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1, palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 0.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow);
            layerCount  = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;
            caseCount   = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
            weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
            weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;
            bbGlob      = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
            bbLoad      = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;

            // generate image path
            Graphics3DImage graphics = new Graphics3DImage(sz)
                BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
                FontSizeRatio   = ConfigSettings.FontSizeRatio,
                ShowDimensions  = true

            graphics.SetCameraPosition(10000.0, angle, 45.0);

            using (ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.SolutionLay))
                sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            Bitmap         bmp       = graphics.Bitmap;
            ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();

            imageBytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[]));
コード例 #8
        public static void Export(
            Vector3D caseDim, double caseWeight,
            int palletIndex, double palletWeight,
            int noLayers,
            List <BoxPositionIndexed> listBoxPositionIndexed,
            bool mirrorLength, bool mirrorWidth,
            List <bool> interlayers,
            ref byte[] fileBytes,
            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat imageFormat,
            ref byte[] imageFileBytes)
            SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());

            // case
            var boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null, caseDim.X, caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z)
                TapeColor = Color.LightGray,
                TapeWidth = new OptDouble(true, 50.0)

            boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat(Color.Beige, 6).ToArray());
            // pallet
            Vector3D palletDim        = PalletIndexToDim3D(palletIndex);
            var      palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, PalletIndexToPalletType(palletIndex), palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, palletDim.Z)
                Weight = palletWeight,
                Color  = Color.Yellow
            // constraint set
            var constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet();

            constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
            constraintSet.OptMaxLayerNumber = noLayers;

            // layer
            var layer2D = new Layer2DBrickExpIndexed(caseDim, new Vector2D(palletDim.X, palletDim.Y), "", HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

            // analysis
            var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(boxProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);

            analysis.AddInterlayer(new InterlayerProperties(null, "interlayer", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow));
            analysis.AddSolution(layer2D, mirrorLength, mirrorWidth);

            SolutionLayered sol           = analysis.SolutionLay;
            var             solutionItems = sol.SolutionItems;
            int             iCount        = solutionItems.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
                solutionItems[i].InterlayerIndex = ((i < interlayers.Count) && interlayers[i]) ? 0 : -1;
            if (iCount < interlayers.Count && interlayers[iCount])
                analysis.PalletCapProperties = new PalletCapProperties(
                    null, "palletCap", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1, palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 0.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow);

            // export
            var exporter = ExporterFactory.GetExporterByName("csv (TechnologyBSA)");

            exporter.PositionCoordinateMode = Exporter.CoordinateMode.CM_COG;
            Stream stream = new MemoryStream();

            exporter.ExportIndexed(analysis, ref stream);
            // save stream to file
            using (var br = new BinaryReader(stream))
                fileBytes = br.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);

            // image
            var graphics = new Graphics3DImage(ConfigSettings.ExportImageSize)
                CameraPosition = Graphics3D.Corner_0,
                ShowDimensions = ConfigSettings.ExportShowDimensions

            using (ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.SolutionLay))
                sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);

            imageFileBytes = ImageToByteArray(graphics.Bitmap, imageFormat);
コード例 #9
        public static void GenerateExport(Vector3D caseDim, double caseWeight, Bitmap bmpTexture,
                                          int palletIndex, double palletWeight,
                                          int layerNumber,
                                          List <BoxPositionIndexed> boxPositions,
                                          bool mirrorLength, bool mirrorWidth,
                                          List <bool> interlayers,
                                          string filePath,
                                          ref int caseCount, ref int layerCount,
                                          ref double weightLoad, ref double weightTotal,
                                          ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
            SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
            // case
            var boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null, caseDim.X, caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z)
                TapeColor = Color.Tan,
                TapeWidth = new OptDouble(true, 50.0)

            if (null != bmpTexture)
                double ratio = (double)bmpTexture.Height / bmpTexture.Width;

                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, TexturePosition(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, TexturePosition(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, TexturePosition(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
                boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, TexturePosition(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
            boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat(Color.Beige, 6).ToArray());
            // pallet
            Vector3D palletDim        = PalletIndexToDim3D(palletIndex);
            var      palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, PalletIndexToPalletType(palletIndex), palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, palletDim.Z)
                Weight = palletWeight,
                Color  = Color.Yellow
            // constraint set
            var constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet();

            constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
            constraintSet.OptMaxLayerNumber = layerNumber;
            // layer 2D
            var layer2D = new Layer2DBrickExpIndexed(caseDim, new Vector2D(), "", HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

            // analysis
            var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(boxProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);

            analysis.AddInterlayer(new InterlayerProperties(null, "interlayer", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1.0, 0.0, Color.White));
            analysis.AddSolution(layer2D, mirrorLength, mirrorWidth);
            // solution
            SolutionLayered sol           = analysis.SolutionLay;
            var             solutionItems = sol.SolutionItems;
            int             iCount        = solutionItems.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
                solutionItems[i].InterlayerIndex = ((i < interlayers.Count) && interlayers[i]) ? 0 : -1;
            if (iCount < interlayers.Count && interlayers[iCount])
                analysis.PalletCapProperties = new PalletCapProperties(null, "palletcap", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1, palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 0.0, 0.0, Color.White);
            layerCount  = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;
            caseCount   = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
            weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
            weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;
            bbGlob      = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
            bbLoad      = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;
            // export file
            var exporter = new ExporterGLB();

            exporter.Export(analysis, filePath);
コード例 #10
        public static void Export(
            Vector3D caseDim, double caseWeight,
            Vector3D palletDim, double palletWeight,
            double maxPalletHeight,
            List <BoxPosition> boxPositions,
            bool mirrorLength, bool mirrorWidth,
            List <bool> interlayers,
            ref byte[] fileBytes)
            SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());

            // case
            var boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null, caseDim.X, caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z)
                TapeColor = Color.LightGray,
                TapeWidth = new OptDouble(true, 50.0)

            boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat(Color.Beige, 6).ToArray());
            // pallet
            var palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, "EUR2", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, palletDim.Z)
                Weight = palletWeight,
                Color  = Color.Yellow
            // constraint set
            var constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet();

            constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
            constraintSet.SetMaxHeight(new OptDouble(true, maxPalletHeight));
            // layer
            var layer2D = new Layer2DBrickExp(caseDim, new Vector2D(palletDim.X, palletDim.Y), "", HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

            // analysis
            var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(boxProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);

            analysis.AddInterlayer(new InterlayerProperties(null, "interlayer", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow));
            analysis.AddSolution(layer2D, mirrorLength, mirrorWidth);

            SolutionLayered sol           = analysis.SolutionLay;
            var             solutionItems = sol.SolutionItems;
            int             iCount        = solutionItems.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
                solutionItems[i].InterlayerIndex = ((i < interlayers.Count) && interlayers[i]) ? 0 : -1;
            if (iCount < interlayers.Count && interlayers[iCount])
                analysis.PalletCapProperties = new PalletCapProperties(
                    null, "palletCap", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1, palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 0.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow);

            // export
            var exporter = ExporterFactory.GetExporterByName("csv (TechnologyBSA)");

            exporter.PositionCoordinateMode = Exporter.CoordinateMode.CM_COG;
            Stream stream = new MemoryStream();

            exporter.Export(analysis, ref stream);
            // save stream to file
            using (var br = new BinaryReader(stream))
                fileBytes = br.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
コード例 #11
        public static bool GetSolutionByLayer(
            PackableBrick packableProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties, InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties
            , ConstraintSetCasePallet constraintSet
            , LayerDesc layerDesc
            , Vector3D cameraPosition, bool showCotations, float fontSizeRatio, Size sz
            , ref int layerCount, ref int caseCount, ref int interlayerCount
            , ref double weightTotal, ref double weightLoad, ref double?weightNet
            , ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
            , ref double volumeEfficency, ref double?weightEfficiency
            , ref string palletMapPhrase
            , ref byte[] imageBytes
            , ref string[] errors
            List <string> lErrors = new List <string>();

                if (!packableProperties.FitsIn(palletProperties, constraintSet))
                    lErrors.Add($"{packableProperties.Name} does not fit in {palletProperties.Name} with given constraint set!");
                SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
                var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(packableProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);
                analysis.AddSolution(new List <LayerDesc>()

                layerCount      = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;
                caseCount       = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
                interlayerCount = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;

                weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
                weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;

                OptDouble optNetWeight = analysis.Solution.NetWeight;
                weightNet        = optNetWeight.Activated ? optNetWeight.Value : (double?)null;
                bbGlob           = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
                bbLoad           = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;
                volumeEfficency  = analysis.Solution.VolumeEfficiency;
                weightEfficiency = null;
                if (analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Activated)
                    weightEfficiency = analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Value;
                // generate image path
                Graphics3DImage graphics = new Graphics3DImage(sz)
                    FontSizeRatio  = fontSizeRatio,
                    CameraPosition = cameraPosition,
                    ShowDimensions = showCotations
                using (ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.SolutionLay))
                    sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
                Bitmap         bmp       = graphics.Bitmap;
                ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
                imageBytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[]));

                // pallet phrase
                palletMapPhrase = BuildPalletMapPhrase(analysis.SolutionLay);
            catch (Exception ex)
            errors = lErrors.ToArray();
            return(0 == lErrors.Count);
コード例 #12
    public static void GetSolution(
        Vector3D caseDim, double caseWeight,
        Vector3D palletDim, double palletWeight,
        double maxPalletHeight,
        List <BoxPosition> boxPositions,
        bool alternateLayer,
        bool interlayerBottom, bool interlayerIntermediate, bool interlayerTop,
        double angle,
        ref byte[] imageBytes,
        ref int caseCount, ref int layerCount,
        ref double weightLoad, ref double weightTotal,
        ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
        SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
        // case
        var boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null, caseDim.X, caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z)
            TapeColor = Color.LightGray,
            TapeWidth = new OptDouble(true, 50.0)

        boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat(Color.Beige, 6).ToArray());
        // pallet
        var palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, "EUR2", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, palletDim.Z)
            Weight = palletWeight,
            Color  = Color.Yellow
        // constraint set
        var constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet();

        constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
        constraintSet.SetMaxHeight(new OptDouble(true, maxPalletHeight));
        // layer 2D
        var layer2D = new Layer2DBrickExp(caseDim, new Vector2D(), "", HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

        // analysis
        var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(boxProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);

        analysis.AddInterlayer(new InterlayerProperties(null, "interlayer", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow));
        analysis.AddSolution(layer2D, alternateLayer);
        if (interlayerTop)
            analysis.PalletCapProperties = new PalletCapProperties(null, "palletcap", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1, palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 0.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow);
        // solution
        SolutionLayered sol           = analysis.SolutionLay;
        var             solutionItems = sol.SolutionItems;
        int             iCount        = solutionItems.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
            bool hasInterlayer = (i == 0 && interlayerBottom) ||
                                 (i != 0 && interlayerIntermediate);
            solutionItems[i].InterlayerIndex = hasInterlayer ? 0 : -1;
        layerCount  = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;
        caseCount   = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
        weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
        weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;
        bbGlob      = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
        bbLoad      = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;

        // generate image path
        Graphics3DImage graphics = new Graphics3DImage(new Size(500, 500))
            FontSizeRatio  = ConfigSettings.FontSizeRatio,
            ShowDimensions = true

        graphics.SetCameraPosition(10000.0, angle, 45.0);

        using (ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.SolutionLay))
            sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
        Bitmap         bmp       = graphics.Bitmap;
        ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();

        imageBytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[]));
コード例 #13
    public static void GenerateExport(Vector3D caseDim, double caseWeight, Bitmap bmpTexture,
                                      Vector3D palletDim, double palletWeight,
                                      double maxPalletHeight,
                                      List <BoxPosition> boxPositions,
                                      bool mirrorLength, bool mirrorWidth,
                                      bool interlayerBottom, bool interlayerIntermediate, bool interlayerTop,
                                      string filePath,
                                      ref int caseCount, ref int layerCount,
                                      ref double weightLoad, ref double weightTotal,
                                      ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
        SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
        // case
        var boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null, caseDim.X, caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z)
            TapeColor = Color.Tan,
            TapeWidth = new OptDouble(true, 50.0)

        if (null != bmpTexture)
            double ratio = (double)bmpTexture.Height / bmpTexture.Width;

            boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, TexturePosition(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
            boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, TexturePosition(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.Y, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
            boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, TexturePosition(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
            boxProperties.AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, TexturePosition(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), TextureSize(caseDim.X, caseDim.Z, ratio), 0.0, bmpTexture);
        boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat(Color.Beige, 6).ToArray());
        // pallet
        var palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, "EUR2", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, palletDim.Z)
            Weight = palletWeight,
            Color  = Color.Yellow
        // constraint set
        var constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet();

        constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
        constraintSet.SetMaxHeight(new OptDouble(true, maxPalletHeight));
        // layer 2D
        var layer2D = new Layer2DBrickExp(caseDim, new Vector2D(), "", HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

        // analysis
        var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(boxProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);

        analysis.AddInterlayer(new InterlayerProperties(null, "interlayer", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow));
        analysis.AddSolution(layer2D, mirrorLength, mirrorWidth);
        if (interlayerTop)
            analysis.PalletCapProperties = new PalletCapProperties(null, "palletcap", "", palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 1, palletDim.X, palletDim.Y, 0.0, 0.0, Color.LightYellow);
        // solution
        SolutionLayered sol           = analysis.SolutionLay;
        var             solutionItems = sol.SolutionItems;
        int             iCount        = solutionItems.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
            bool hasInterlayer = (i == 0 && interlayerBottom) ||
                                 (i != 0 && interlayerIntermediate);
            solutionItems[i].InterlayerIndex = hasInterlayer ? 0 : -1;
        layerCount  = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;
        caseCount   = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
        weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
        weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;
        bbGlob      = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
        bbLoad      = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;
        // export file
        var exporter = new ExporterGLB();

        exporter.Export(analysis as AnalysisLayered, filePath);