コード例 #1
 public async Task Update(Khutrochoi obj)
     if (db != null)
         //Update that object
         // db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.Name).IsModified = true;
         // db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.Description).IsModified = true;
         // db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.Active).IsModified = true;
         db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.MaKhu).IsModified         = true;
         db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.TenKhu).IsModified        = true;
         db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.MaNvql).IsModified        = true;
         db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.GiaVeTreEm).IsModified    = true;
         db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.GiaVeNguoiLon).IsModified = true;
         //Commit the transaction
         await db.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #2
        public async Task Update(Nhanvien obj)
            if (db != null)
                //Update that object
                // db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.Name).IsModified = true;
                // db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.Description).IsModified = true;
                // db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.Active).IsModified = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.MaNv).IsModified          = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.TenNv).IsModified         = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.NgaySinh).IsModified      = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.GioiTinh).IsModified      = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.MaKhuPhuTrach).IsModified = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.MaPb).IsModified          = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.Luong).IsModified         = true;
                db.Entry(obj).Property(x => x.QueQuan).IsModified       = true;

                //Commit the transaction
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();