コード例 #1
        public async void GetLocation()
            #region Arrange
            // todo: define the required assets
            var storeOptions = Options.Create(new OperationalStoreOptions());
            var options      = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <AmsApiDbContext>()
                               .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "AmsContext")
            using (var context = new AmsApiDbContext(options, storeOptions))
                context.Add(new Location()
                    Id           = 1,
                    Active       = true,
                    Address      = "Ab",
                    Address1     = "Ab",
                    Cancelation  = true,
                    City         = "Test city",
                    Confirmation = true,
                    ContactEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                    ContactName  = "Contact NAme",
                    Country      = "CountryName",
                    Description  = "Locatin Description",
                    NoShowUp     = true,
                    Phone        = "12345678901",
                    Reminder     = true,
                    Rescheduling = true,
                    State        = "State testing",
                    ThankYou     = true,
                    ZipCode      = "12345"

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
            Location location_existing    = null;
            Location location_notExisting = null;


            #region Act
            // todo: invoke the test

            using (var context = new AmsApiDbContext(options, storeOptions))
                var controller = new LocationsForTestController(context);
                location_existing    = (await controller.GetLocation(1)).Value;
                location_notExisting = (await controller.GetLocation(2)).Value;

            #region Assert
            // todo: verify that conditions are met.

            Assert.True(location_existing != null && location_notExisting == null);
