コード例 #1
        public void AsEnumerableReturnsTheMessages()
            var maximumSize = 5000;
            var options     = new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = maximumSize
            var batchMessages = new ServiceBusMessage[5];

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            for (var index = 0; index < batchMessages.Length; ++index)
                batchMessages[index] = new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[0]);

            IEnumerable <ServiceBusMessage> batchEnumerable = batch.AsEnumerable <ServiceBusMessage>();

            Assert.That(batchEnumerable, Is.Not.Null, "The batch enumerable should have been populated.");

            var batchEnumerableList = batchEnumerable.ToList();

            Assert.That(batchEnumerableList.Count, Is.EqualTo(batch.Count), "The wrong number of messages was in the enumerable.");

            for (var index = 0; index < batchMessages.Length; ++index)
                Assert.That(batchEnumerableList.Contains(batchMessages[index]), $"The message at index: { index } was not in the enumerable.");
コード例 #2
        public void DisposeClearsTheSize()
            var options = new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = 5000
            var messages = new AmqpMessage[5];

            for (var index = 0; index < messages.Length; ++index)
                messages[index] = AmqpMessage.Create(new Data {
                    Value = new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[] { 0x66 })

            // Add the messages to the batch; all should be accepted.

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            for (var index = 0; index < messages.Length; ++index)
                Assert.That(batch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[0])), Is.True, $"The addition for index: { index } should fit and be accepted.");

            Assert.That(batch.SizeInBytes, Is.GreaterThan(0), "The size should have been set when the batch was updated.");

            Assert.That(batch.SizeInBytes, Is.EqualTo(0));
コード例 #3
        public void TryAddSetsTheCount()
            var options = new CreateBatchOptions {
                MaximumSizeInBytes = 5000
            var messages = new AmqpMessage[5];

            for (var index = 0; index < messages.Length; ++index)
                messages[index] = AmqpMessage.Create(new Data {
                    Value = new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[] { 0x66 })

            // Add the messages to the batch; all should be accepted.

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            for (var index = 0; index < messages.Length; ++index)
                Assert.That(batch.TryAdd(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[0])), Is.True, $"The addition for index: { index } should fit and be accepted.");

            Assert.That(batch.Count, Is.EqualTo(messages.Length), "The count should have been set when the batch was updated.");
コード例 #4
        public void TryAddValidatesTheMessage()
            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = 25

            Assert.That(() => batch.TryAddMessage(null), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
コード例 #5
        public void TryAddDoesNotAcceptAMessageBiggerThanTheMaximumSize()
            var maximumSize = 50;
            var options     = new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = maximumSize
            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            Assert.That(batch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[50])), Is.False, "A message of the maximum size is too large due to the reserved overhead.");
コード例 #6
        public void TryAddValidatesNotDisposed()
            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = 25


            Assert.That(() => batch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[0])), Throws.InstanceOf <ObjectDisposedException>());
コード例 #7
        public void AsEnumerableValidatesTheTypeParameter()
            var options = new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = 5000

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            Assert.That(() => batch.AsEnumerable <AmqpMessage>(), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
コード例 #8
        public void ConstructorSetsTheMaximumSize()
            var maximumSize = 9943;
            var options     = new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = maximumSize

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            Assert.That(batch.MaxSizeInBytes, Is.EqualTo(maximumSize));
コード例 #9
        public void TryAddAcceptsAMessageSmallerThanTheMaximumSize()
            var maximumSize = 50;
            var options     = new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = maximumSize

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            Assert.That(batch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[0])), Is.True);
        public void DisposeClearsTheSize()
            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(new CreateBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = 99

            Assert.That(batch.TryAdd(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[10])), Is.True);


            Assert.That(batch.SizeInBytes, Is.EqualTo(0));
        public void DisposeClearsTheCount()
            var options = new CreateBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = 5000
            var messages = new AmqpMessage[5];

            // Add the messages to the batch; all should be accepted.

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            for (var index = 0; index < messages.Length; ++index)
                Assert.That(batch.TryAdd(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[0])), Is.True, $"The addition for index: { index } should fit and be accepted.");

            // Dispose the batch and verify that each message has also been disposed.

            Assert.That(batch.Count, Is.EqualTo(0), "The count should have been cleared when the batch was disposed.");
コード例 #12
        public void TryAddAcceptMessagesUntilTheMaximumSizeIsReached()
            var maximumSize = 100;
            var options     = new CreateMessageBatchOptions {
                MaxSizeInBytes = maximumSize
            var messages = new AmqpMessage[3];

            var batch = new AmqpMessageBatch(options);

            for (var index = 0; index < messages.Length; ++index)
                if (index == messages.Length - 1)
                    Assert.That(batch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[10])), Is.False, "The final addition should not fit in the available space.");
                    Assert.That(batch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage(new byte[10])), Is.True, $"The addition for index: { index } should fit and be accepted.");
コード例 #13
 // <summary>
 ///   Reads the size reserved for AMQP message overhead in a batch using its private field.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instance">The instance to consider.</param>
 /// <returns>The reserved size of the batch.</returns>
 private static long GetReservedSize(AmqpMessageBatch instance) =>
 .GetField("_reservedSize", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)