コード例 #1
        public override void FireProjectile()
            //disconnect ammo from parent - however keep the object in memory to align the ball when  firing

            var parentObj = AmmoProjectile.transform.parent;

            //as we are going to rotate the parent obj - will need to rotate it back - thus get its default rotation for later
            //var temp = AmmoProjectile.transform.parent.rotation;

            //disconnect from parent
            AmmoProjectile.transform.parent = null;

            //enable the collider on the ammo so it can connect with other objects
            AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = true;

            //initialise rigidbody's gravity
            AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = true;

            //rotate the parent object - as below - cant seem to rotate the projectile the same
            //parentObj.Rotate(-45, 180, 0);
            //rotate this arrow to face forward z axis - this will be changed in future
            AmmoProjectile.transform.Rotate(0, 90, 0);

            //Get angle, if not 45deg set to 45deg
            var angle = AmmoProjectile.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x;

            Debugger.Trace("Weapon_Catapult.cs - Angle of Projectile: " + angle.ToString());
            AmmoProjectile.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-45.0f, AmmoProjectile.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, AmmoProjectile.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z);

            Debugger.Trace("Weapon_Catapult.cs - New Angle of Projectile: " + angle.ToString());

            //addforce (fire) using projectile's parent forward force parameter
            //AmmoProjectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(parentObj.forward * ProjectileForceApplied, ForceMode.Acceleration);

            AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(AmmoProjectile.transform.forward * ProjectileForceApplied, ForceMode.Impulse);

            //now rotate parent object back to as its default
            //parentObj.rotation = temp;
            //Weapon shown as not loaded
            weaponLoaded = false;

            //camera follow until object destroyed

            //tell camera manager that Animation has now stopped - so that it can follow the projectile
コード例 #2
    public override void LoadProjectile()
        //test purposes
        // SwitchAmmo(Ammo, 5);

        //if weapon currently doesn't have any projectiles attached then continue to load one
        if ((!weaponLoaded) && (!projectileExists))
            if (Ammo != null && AmmoCount > 0)
                if (AmmoLoadPos != null)
                    //There is a a position attached to the weapon that an object can be created at - therefore create a copy of the ammo prefab (attached to this script) and place it at AmmoLoadPos
                    AmmoProjectile = Instantiate(Ammo, new Vector3(AmmoLoadPos.transform.position.x, AmmoLoadPos.transform.position.y, AmmoLoadPos.transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

                    AmmoProjectile.transform.rotation = AmmoLoadPos.transform.rotation;

                    //rotate the arrow - remove it created in correct direction
                    //AmmoProjectile.transform.Rotate(0, -90, 0);

                    //Now that the object is created - get the script attached to it called projectile - and then get the force of this particular projectile type. - Projectile is an abstract class. This saves us having to hard code the value each time for different projectiles
                    this.ProjectileForceApplied = AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Projectile>().GetProjectileForce();

                    //If the object is actually created then attach it to the AmmoLoadPos - so that it will follow it during any animation
                    if (AmmoProjectile != null)
                        AmmoProjectile.transform.parent = AmmoLoadPos.transform;
                        //Weapon is now loaded so stop it being loaded at the moment
                        this.weaponLoaded     = true;
                        this.projectileExists = true;
                    //Error Cant find loading pos
                    Debug.Log("Error Cant find loading pos for Ammo - or you have not identified it in the script");
                weaponLoaded = false;
                Debug.Log("No ammo loaded or out of ammo - handle with UI notice!!!!");
            Debugger.Trace("Weapon already loaded");
            //Debug.Log("Weapon already loaded");
コード例 #3
    public override void FireProjectile()
        //disconnect ammo from parent - however keep the object in memory to align the ball when  firing
        var parentObj = AmmoProjectile.transform.parent;
        //as we are going to rotate the parent obj - will need to rotate it back - thus get its default rotation for later
        var temp = AmmoProjectile.transform.parent.rotation;

        //disconnect from parent
        AmmoProjectile.transform.parent = null;

        //enable the collider on the ammo so it can connect with other objects
        AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = true;

        //initialise rigidbody's gravity
        AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = true;
        //Get angle, if not 45deg set to 45deg

        //rotate the parent object - as below - cant seem to rotate the projectile the same
        //parentObj.Rotate(-45, 90, 0);

        // AmmoProjectile.transform.Rotate (-45,90,0);

        //addforce (fire) using projectile's parent forward force parameter
        AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(AmmoProjectile.transform.forward * ProjectileForceApplied, ForceMode.Impulse);

        //now rotate parent object back to as its default
        parentObj.rotation = temp;
        //Weapon shown as not loaded
        weaponLoaded = false;

        Arrow_Projectile arrow = AmmoProjectile.GetComponent <Arrow_Projectile>();


        //camera follow until object destroyed

        //tell camera manager that Animation has now stopped - so that it can follow the projectile
