コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup function
        /// </summary>
        private void Start()
            //Find time of day component in the scene
            m_timeOfDay = FindObjectOfType <AmbientSkiesTimeOfDay>();

            //If time of day component is not null
            if (m_timeOfDay != null)
                //Sets the render pipeline in this system
                m_renderPipelineSettings = m_timeOfDay.m_timeOfDayProfile.m_renderPipeline;
コード例 #2
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            //Set up the box style
            if (m_boxStyle == null)
                m_boxStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box);
                m_boxStyle.normal.textColor = GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor;
                m_boxStyle.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold;
                m_boxStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            //Get Time Of Day object
            AmbientSkiesTimeOfDay timeOfDay = (AmbientSkiesTimeOfDay)target;

            //Monitor for changes

            GUILayout.BeginVertical("Global Settings", m_boxStyle);
            bool showOptions = m_showOptions;

            showOptions = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Options", showOptions);
            AmbientSkiesTimeOfDayProfile todProfile = timeOfDay.m_timeOfDayProfile;

            if (showOptions)
                todProfile = (AmbientSkiesTimeOfDayProfile)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Time Of Day Profile", todProfile, typeof(AmbientSkiesTimeOfDayProfile), true);

            //Check for changes, make undo record, make changes and let editor know we are dirty
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                Undo.RecordObject(todProfile, "Made camera culling changes");

                timeOfDay.m_timeOfDayProfile = todProfile;
                m_showOptions = showOptions;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update function of the emission setup
        /// </summary>
        private void Update()
            if (m_timeOfDay == null)
                //Find time of day component in the scene
                m_timeOfDay = FindObjectOfType <AmbientSkiesTimeOfDay>();

            //If using sync to time of day system
            if (m_syncToASTimeOfDay)
                //If time of day componenet is null exit
                if (m_timeOfDay == null)
                    if (m_showDebugging)
                        Debug.Log("Missing AmbientSkiesTimeOfDay component in the scene... Exiting system");

                    //Gets the current stats to see if the sun is active or moon is active
                    m_sunActive = m_timeOfDay.m_sunActive;
                    //If the current time is night
                    if (!m_sunActive)
                        //Set the emissive status as on
                        m_activestats = true;

                        //Checks to see if the array list has more than one material
                        if (m_emissiveMaterials != null)
                            //Get all materials that's been assigned in the public materials list
                            foreach (Material mats in m_emissiveMaterials)
                                //If pipeline is HD
                                if (m_renderPipelineSettings == AmbientSkiesConsts.RenderPipelineSettings.HighDefinition)
                                    //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                    mats.SetVector("_EmissiveColor", m_emissiveOn / 10f);
                                    //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                    mats.SetVector("_EmissionColor", m_emissiveOn / 150f);

                            if (m_sceneRenderers.Count > 0)
                                if (m_renderPipelineSettings == AmbientSkiesConsts.RenderPipelineSettings.HighDefinition)
                                    //Applies the mesh render to the dynamic GI
                                    foreach (Renderer renderer in m_sceneRenderers)
                                        //Apply GI to renderer in list
                                        DynamicGI.SetEmissive(renderer, m_emissiveOn / 45f);
                                    //Applies the mesh render to the dynamic GI
                                    foreach (Renderer renderer in m_sceneRenderers)
                                        //Apply GI to renderer in list
                                        DynamicGI.SetEmissive(renderer, m_emissiveOn / 80f);
                    //If current time is day
                        //Set the emissive status as off
                        m_activestats = false;

                        //Checks to see if the array list has more than one material
                        if (m_emissiveMaterials != null)
                            //Get all materials that's been assigned in the public materials list
                            foreach (Material mats in m_emissiveMaterials)
                                //If pipeline is HD
                                if (m_renderPipelineSettings == AmbientSkiesConsts.RenderPipelineSettings.HighDefinition)
                                    //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                    mats.SetVector("_EmissiveColor", m_emissiveOff * 0);
                                    //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                    mats.SetVector("_EmissionColor", m_emissiveOff * 0);

                            if (m_sceneRenderers.Count > 0)
                                //Applies the mesh render to the dynamic GI
                                foreach (Renderer renderer in m_sceneRenderers)
                                    //Apply GI to renderer in list
                                    DynamicGI.SetEmissive(renderer, m_emissiveOff / 100);
            //If not syncing use keycode to switch emission on and off
                //If the button is pressed and the activation status is false
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(m_emissionOverwriteActivation) && !m_activestats)
                    //Set the emissive status as on
                    m_activestats = true;

                    //Checks to see if the array list has more than one material
                    if (m_emissiveMaterials != null)
                        //Get all materials that's been assigned in the public materials list
                        foreach (Material mats in m_emissiveMaterials)
                            //If pipeline is HD
                            if (m_renderPipelineSettings == AmbientSkiesConsts.RenderPipelineSettings.HighDefinition)
                                //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                mats.SetVector("_EmissiveColor", m_emissiveOn / 4f);
                                //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                mats.SetVector("_EmissionColor", m_emissiveOn / 7f);

                        if (m_sceneRenderers.Count > 0)
                            //Applies the mesh render to the dynamic GI
                            foreach (Renderer renderer in m_sceneRenderers)
                                //Apply GI to renderer in list
                                DynamicGI.SetEmissive(renderer, m_emissiveOn);

                        //Update the GI
                else if (Input.GetKeyDown(m_emissionOverwriteActivation))
                    //Set the emissive status as off
                    m_activestats = false;

                    //Checks to see if the array list has more than one material
                    if (m_emissiveMaterials != null)
                        //Get all materials that's been assigned in the public materials list
                        foreach (Material mats in m_emissiveMaterials)
                            //If pipeline is HD
                            if (m_renderPipelineSettings == AmbientSkiesConsts.RenderPipelineSettings.HighDefinition)
                                //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                mats.SetVector("_EmissiveColor", m_emissiveOff);
                                //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                mats.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", m_emissiveOff);
                                //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                mats.SetVector("_EmissionColor", m_emissiveOff);
                                //For each one assign the paramater as off
                                mats.SetColor("_EmissionColor", m_emissiveOff);

                        if (m_sceneRenderers.Count > 0)
                            //Applies the mesh render to the dynamic GI
                            foreach (Renderer renderer in m_sceneRenderers)
                                //Apply GI to renderer in list
                                DynamicGI.SetEmissive(renderer, m_emissiveOff);

                        //Update the GI