コード例 #1
        public void LexModelBuildingServiceGetBot()
            #region to-get-information-about-a-bot-1494431724188

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.GetBot(new GetBotRequest
                Name           = "DocOrderPizza",
                VersionOrAlias = "$LATEST"

            string        version                 = response.Version;
            string        name                    = response.Name;
            Statement     abortStatement          = response.AbortStatement;
            string        checksum                = response.Checksum;
            bool          childDirected           = response.ChildDirected;
            Prompt        clarificationPrompt     = response.ClarificationPrompt;
            DateTime      createdDate             = response.CreatedDate;
            string        description             = response.Description;
            int           idleSessionTTLInSeconds = response.IdleSessionTTLInSeconds;
            List <Intent> intents                 = response.Intents;
            DateTime      lastUpdatedDate         = response.LastUpdatedDate;
            string        locale                  = response.Locale;
            string        status                  = response.Status;

コード例 #2
        public override void Invoke(AWSCredentials creds, RegionEndpoint region, int maxItems)
            AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceConfig config = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceConfig();

            config.RegionEndpoint = region;
            AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient client = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient(creds, config);

            GetSlotTypesResponse resp = new GetSlotTypesResponse();

                GetSlotTypesRequest req = new GetSlotTypesRequest
                    NextToken = resp.NextToken
                    MaxResults = maxItems

                resp = client.GetSlotTypes(req);
                CheckError(resp.HttpStatusCode, "200");

                foreach (var obj in resp.SlotTypes)
            }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.NextToken));
コード例 #3
        public void LexModelBuildingServiceGetIntent()
            #region to-get-a-information-about-an-intent-1494432574147

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.GetIntent(new GetIntentRequest
                Version = "$LATEST",
                Name    = "DocOrderPizza"

            string              version             = response.Version;
            string              name                = response.Name;
            string              checksum            = response.Checksum;
            Statement           conclusionStatement = response.ConclusionStatement;
            Prompt              confirmationPrompt  = response.ConfirmationPrompt;
            DateTime            createdDate         = response.CreatedDate;
            string              description         = response.Description;
            FulfillmentActivity fulfillmentActivity = response.FulfillmentActivity;
            DateTime            lastUpdatedDate     = response.LastUpdatedDate;
            Statement           rejectionStatement  = response.RejectionStatement;
            List <string>       sampleUtterances    = response.SampleUtterances;
            List <Slot>         slots               = response.Slots;

コード例 #4
        public void LexModelBuildingServicePutSlotType()
            #region to-create-a-slot-type-1494357262258

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.PutSlotType(new PutSlotTypeRequest
                Name              = "PizzaSauceType",
                Description       = "Available pizza sauces",
                EnumerationValues = new List <EnumerationValue> {
                    new EnumerationValue {
                        Value = "red"
                    new EnumerationValue {
                        Value = "white"

            string   version     = response.Version;
            string   name        = response.Name;
            string   checksum    = response.Checksum;
            DateTime createdDate = response.CreatedDate;
            string   description = response.Description;
            List <EnumerationValue> enumerationValues = response.EnumerationValues;
            DateTime lastUpdatedDate = response.LastUpdatedDate;

        protected IAmazonLexModelBuildingService CreateClient(AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region)
            var config = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceConfig {
                RegionEndpoint = region

            Amazon.PowerShell.Utils.Common.PopulateConfig(this, config);
            var client = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient(credentials, config);

            client.BeforeRequestEvent += RequestEventHandler;
            client.AfterResponseEvent += ResponseEventHandler;
コード例 #6
        public void LexModelBuildingServiceGetIntents()
            #region to-get-a-list-of-intents-1494432416363

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.GetIntents(new GetIntentsRequest
                MaxResults = 10,
                NextToken  = ""

            List <IntentMetadata> intents = response.Intents;

コード例 #7
        public void LexModelBuildingServiceGetBots()
            #region to-get-a-list-of-bots-1494432220036

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.GetBots(new GetBotsRequest
                MaxResults = 5,
                NextToken  = ""

            List <BotMetadata> bots = response.Bots;

コード例 #8
        public void LexModelBuildingServiceGetSlotTypes()
            #region to-get-a-list-of-slot-types-1494432757458

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.GetSlotTypes(new GetSlotTypesRequest
                MaxResults = 10,
                NextToken  = ""

            List <SlotTypeMetadata> slotTypes = response.SlotTypes;

コード例 #9
        public void LexModelBuildingServiceGetSlotType()
            #region to-get-information-about-a-slot-type-1494432961004

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.GetSlotType(new GetSlotTypeRequest
                Version = "$LATEST",
                Name    = "DocPizzaCrustType"

            string   version     = response.Version;
            string   name        = response.Name;
            string   checksum    = response.Checksum;
            DateTime createdDate = response.CreatedDate;
            string   description = response.Description;
            List <EnumerationValue> enumerationValues = response.EnumerationValues;
            DateTime lastUpdatedDate = response.LastUpdatedDate;

コード例 #10
        public void LexModelBuildingServicePutIntent()
            #region to-create-an-intent-1494358144659

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.PutIntent(new PutIntentRequest
                Name = "DocOrderPizza",
                ConclusionStatement = new Statement {
                    Messages = new List <Message> {
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "All right, I ordered  you a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "OK, your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce is on the way.",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                    ResponseCard = "foo"
                ConfirmationPrompt = new Prompt {
                    MaxAttempts = 1,
                    Messages    = new List <Message> {
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "Should I order  your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce?",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                Description         = "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
                FulfillmentActivity = new FulfillmentActivity {
                    Type = "ReturnIntent"
                RejectionStatement = new Statement {
                    Messages = new List <Message> {
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "Ok, I'll cancel your order.",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "I cancelled your order.",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                SampleUtterances = new List <string> {
                    "Order me a pizza.",
                    "Order me a {Type} pizza.",
                    "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza",
                    "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce."
                Slots = new List <Slot> {
                    new Slot {
                        Name             = "Type",
                        Description      = "The type of pizza to order.",
                        Priority         = 1,
                        SampleUtterances = new List <string> {
                            "Get me a {Type} pizza.",
                            "A {Type} pizza please.",
                            "I'd like a {Type} pizza."
                        SlotConstraint         = "Required",
                        SlotType               = "DocPizzaType",
                        SlotTypeVersion        = "$LATEST",
                        ValueElicitationPrompt = new Prompt {
                            MaxAttempts = 1,
                            Messages    = new List <Message> {
                                new Message {
                                    Content     = "What type of pizza would you like?",
                                    ContentType = "PlainText"
                                new Message {
                                    Content     = "Vegie or cheese pizza?",
                                    ContentType = "PlainText"
                                new Message {
                                    Content     = "I can get you a vegie or a cheese pizza.",
                                    ContentType = "PlainText"
                    new Slot {
                        Name             = "Crust",
                        Description      = "The type of pizza crust to order.",
                        Priority         = 2,
                        SampleUtterances = new List <string> {
                            "Make it a {Crust} crust.",
                            "I'd like a {Crust} crust."
                        SlotConstraint         = "Required",
                        SlotType               = "DocPizzaCrustType",
                        SlotTypeVersion        = "$LATEST",
                        ValueElicitationPrompt = new Prompt {
                            MaxAttempts = 1,
                            Messages    = new List <Message> {
                                new Message {
                                    Content     = "What type of crust would you like?",
                                    ContentType = "PlainText"
                                new Message {
                                    Content     = "Thick or thin crust?",
                                    ContentType = "PlainText"
                    new Slot {
                        Name             = "Sauce",
                        Description      = "The type of sauce to use on the pizza.",
                        Priority         = 3,
                        SampleUtterances = new List <string> {
                            "Make it {Sauce} sauce.",
                            "I'd like {Sauce} sauce."
                        SlotConstraint         = "Required",
                        SlotType               = "DocPizzaSauceType",
                        SlotTypeVersion        = "$LATEST",
                        ValueElicitationPrompt = new Prompt {
                            MaxAttempts = 1,
                            Messages    = new List <Message> {
                                new Message {
                                    Content     = "White or red sauce?",
                                    ContentType = "PlainText"
                                new Message {
                                    Content     = "Garlic or tomato sauce?",
                                    ContentType = "PlainText"

            string              version             = response.Version;
            string              name                = response.Name;
            string              checksum            = response.Checksum;
            Statement           conclusionStatement = response.ConclusionStatement;
            Prompt              confirmationPrompt  = response.ConfirmationPrompt;
            DateTime            createdDate         = response.CreatedDate;
            string              description         = response.Description;
            FulfillmentActivity fulfillmentActivity = response.FulfillmentActivity;
            DateTime            lastUpdatedDate     = response.LastUpdatedDate;
            Statement           rejectionStatement  = response.RejectionStatement;
            List <string>       sampleUtterances    = response.SampleUtterances;
            List <Slot>         slots               = response.Slots;

コード例 #11
        public void LexModelBuildingServicePutBot()
            #region to-create-a-bot-1494360003886

            var client   = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient();
            var response = client.PutBot(new PutBotRequest
                Name           = "DocOrderPizzaBot",
                AbortStatement = new Statement {
                    Messages = new List <Message> {
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "I don't understand. Can you try again?",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "I'm sorry, I don't understand.",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                ChildDirected       = true,
                ClarificationPrompt = new Prompt {
                    MaxAttempts = 1,
                    Messages    = new List <Message> {
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Can you repeat what you just said?",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                        new Message {
                            Content     = "Can you say that again?",
                            ContentType = "PlainText"
                Description             = "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
                IdleSessionTTLInSeconds = 300,
                Intents = new List <Intent> {
                    new Intent {
                        IntentName    = "DocOrderPizza",
                        IntentVersion = "$LATEST"
                Locale          = "en-US",
                ProcessBehavior = "SAVE"

            string        version                 = response.Version;
            string        name                    = response.Name;
            Statement     abortStatement          = response.AbortStatement;
            string        checksum                = response.Checksum;
            bool          childDirected           = response.ChildDirected;
            Prompt        clarificationPrompt     = response.ClarificationPrompt;
            DateTime      createdDate             = response.CreatedDate;
            string        description             = response.Description;
            int           idleSessionTTLInSeconds = response.IdleSessionTTLInSeconds;
            List <Intent> intents                 = response.Intents;
            DateTime      lastUpdatedDate         = response.LastUpdatedDate;
            string        locale                  = response.Locale;
            string        status                  = response.Status;
