public Aluno_pgto Pagar(Aluno_pgto ap) { EnvironmentConfiguration.ChangeEnvironment(isSandbox); // Instantiate a new preApproval request PreApprovalRequest preApproval = new PreApprovalRequest(); // Sets the currency preApproval.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Sets a reference code for this preApproval request, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. preApproval.Reference = "AP" + ap.codigo.ToString(); ap.CompletaCampos(); // Sets your customer information. preApproval.Sender = new Sender( ap.aluno.nome,, new Phone(ap.aluno.ddd, ap.aluno.telefone) ); valor = Convert.ToDecimal(ap.curso.valor); if (ap.aluno.codigo == 4284) { valor = 1; } preApproval.PreApproval = new PreApproval(); // Sets the preApproval informations var now = DateTime.Now; preApproval.PreApproval = new PreApproval(); preApproval.PreApproval.Charge = Charge.Auto; preApproval.PreApproval.Name = "Assinatura " + ap.curso.titulo; preApproval.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment = valor; preApproval.PreApproval.MaxAmountPerPeriod = valor; preApproval.PreApproval.MaxPaymentsPerPeriod = 1; preApproval.PreApproval.Details = string.Format("Todo dia {0} sera cobrado o valor de {1} referente a sua assinatura {2}. A assinatura esta sendo contratada ate o termino da vigencia, no entanto voce podera fazer o cancelamento quando quiser!", now.Day, preApproval.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment.ToString("C2"), ap.curso.titulo); preApproval.PreApproval.Period = Period.Monthly; preApproval.PreApproval.DayOfMonth = now.Day; preApproval.PreApproval.InitialDate = now; preApproval.PreApproval.FinalDate = now.AddMonths(qtd_max_meses); preApproval.PreApproval.MaxTotalAmount = qtd_max_meses * valor; // Sets the url used by PagSeguro for redirect user after ends checkout process preApproval.RedirectUri = new Uri(""); // Sets the url used for user review the signature or read the rules preApproval.ReviewUri = new Uri(""); SenderDocument senderCPF = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), ap.aluno.cpf.Replace(".", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "").Replace("/", "").Replace(",", "")); preApproval.Sender.Documents.Add(senderCPF); try { //AccountCredentials credentials = new AccountCredentials(email, token); AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials(isSandbox); Uri preApprovalRedirectUri = preApproval.Register(credentials); ap.situacao = 0; ap.obs = preApprovalRedirectUri.ToString(); ap.txt = ""; ap.Alterar(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { ap.situacao = 1; ap.obs = ""; ap.txt = exception.Message + "\n"; foreach (ServiceError element in exception.Errors) { ap.txt += (element + "\n"); } ap.Alterar(); } return(ap); }
public void PgtoConcluido(Aluno_pgto pgto) { pgto.CompletaCampos(); pgto.Confirma(); }