/// <summary> /// Processes all events. /// </summary> /// <param name="altiEvent">Block of data to process.</param> /// <returns>An object with the event.</returns> protected virtual void ProcessEvent(AltiLinkPlus.ALPEvent altiEvent) { }
/// <summary> /// Processes all events. /// </summary> /// <param name="altiEvent">Block of data to process.</param> /// <returns>An object whith the event.</returns> protected override void ProcessEvent(AltiLinkPlus.ALPEvent altiEvent) { // Getting information only if event is for our SP control line. TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP::ProcessEvent LocId=" + altiEvent.LocationId + " EventId=" + ((ALPEvID)altiEvent.CommandId).ToString()); if (altiEvent.LocationId == ControlLocationID) { switch ((ALPEvID)(altiEvent.CommandId)) { // Event Ev.Ring. case ALPEvID.APC_CALLPRESENT: { CallInfo rInfo = new CallInfo(((AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)(altiEvent[0]))); ALPLine _line = this[rInfo.lineID]; if (!_line.IsUnderAPCControl) { AltiLinkPlus.ALPCommand ac = new AltiLinkPlus.ALPCommand(ControlLocationID, (int)(ALPCmdID.APC_GET_DATA)); ac[0] = new AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter(rInfo.lineID); ac[1] = new AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter((int)Diacom.AltiGen.ALPInfoType.APC_DATATYPE_USER); ac[2] = new AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter(0); StoredRingInfo.Add(ac.SequenceId, rInfo); base.SendALPCommand(ac); _line.InfoState = ALPLine.CallInfoState.CALL_INFO_REQ_SENT; _line.Digits.Clear(); TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP::APC_CALLPRESENT from :" + rInfo.callerID + " - requested extra info"); } break; } // Event Ev.RingBack. case ALPEvID.APC_RINGBACK: { CallInfo rbInfo = new CallInfo(((AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)(altiEvent[0]))); // Getting current line from hashtable. ALPLine _line = this[rbInfo.lineID]; if (_line != null) { // Updating line information. if (_line.SPLineInfo.Type == "T") { _line.SPLineInfo.CalledNumber = _line.SPLineInfo.AccessCode + rbInfo.calleeID; _line.SPLineInfo.CalledName = rbInfo.calleeName; } else { _line.SPLineInfo.CalledNumber = rbInfo.callerID; _line.SPLineInfo.CalledName = rbInfo.callerName; } _line.SPLineInfo.DNISNumber = rbInfo.DNISID; _line.SPLineInfo.DNISName = rbInfo.DNISName; _line.SPLineInfo.CIDNumber = rbInfo.ANIID; _line.SPLineInfo.CIDName = rbInfo.ANIName; _line.SPLineInfo.DIDNumber = rbInfo.calleeID; _line.SPLineInfo.DIDName = rbInfo.calleeName; TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP::APC_RINGBACK"); if (!_line.IsUnderAPCControl) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.RingBack(rbInfo.lineID, (SPLine)_line.SPLineInfo.Clone())); } } break; } // Event Ev.Connect. case ALPEvID.STCHG: { // Getting parameters. ALPLineState state = ((ALPLineState)(altiEvent[0].ReadInt32())); int lineID = altiEvent[1].ReadInt32(); // Getting current line from hashtable. ALPLine _line = this[lineID]; TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP::Line State=" + ((ALPLineState)state).ToString()); if ((_line != null) && (state == ALPLineState.APC)) { if (_line.IsUnderAPCControl && (_line.InfoState == ALPLine.CallInfoState.SNATCHED_SLAVE_LINE)) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(_line.ConnectedLine.SPLineInfo.ID, Cmd.CommandID.DISCONNECT_LINE, Diacom.Ev.CmdStatus.OK)); } else if (!_line.IsUnderAPCControl) { if (_line.InfoState == ALPLine.CallInfoState.CALL_INFO_RECEIVED) { // Have new connected line. Creating and sending event. TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP:: Line is APC controlled now"); _line.IsUnderAPCControl = true; this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.Connect(lineID)); foreach (string _digit in _line.Digits) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.Digit(lineID, _digit[0])); } } else { _line.InfoState = ALPLine.CallInfoState.CONNECT_DELAYED; } } } break; } // Event Ev.Digit. case ALPEvID.APC_DIGIT: { // Getting parameters. AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter param = (AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)altiEvent[0]; int lineID = param.ReadInt32(); char digit = Convert.ToChar(param.ReadByte()); // Creating and sending event. ALPLine _line = this[lineID]; if (_line.IsUnderAPCControl) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.Digit(lineID, digit)); } else { _line.Digits.Add(digit.ToString()); } break; } // Event Ev.Disconnect. case ALPEvID.APC_CALLDROP: { // Getting parameters. int lineID = altiEvent[0].ReadInt32(); ALPLine _line = this[lineID]; break; } // Event Ev.CommandStatus. case ALPEvID.APC_STATUS: { // Creating new StateInfo object. LineStateInfo sInfo = new LineStateInfo((AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)(altiEvent[0])); ALPCmdStatus lastCmdStatus = (ALPCmdStatus)sInfo.cmdStatus; TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP::APC Status Line=" + sInfo.lineID + " CmdId=" + ((ALPCmdID)sInfo.commandID).ToString() + " Status=" + lastCmdStatus.ToString()); // Getting current line from hashtable. ALPLine _line = this[sInfo.lineID]; if (_line == null) { break; } // Save the last status _line.LastCommand.Status = lastCmdStatus; // What was the command issued? switch ((ALPCmdID)(sInfo.commandID)) { // Status of APC_PLAY_DTMF command. case ALPCmdID.APC_PLAY_DTMF: if (lastCmdStatus == ALPCmdStatus.FAILED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.PLAY_DTMF, Ev.CmdStatus.ERROR)); } else { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.PLAY_DTMF, Ev.CmdStatus.OK)); } break; // Status of APC_PLAY_VOICE command. case ALPCmdID.APC_PLAY_VOICE: if (lastCmdStatus == ALPCmdStatus.FINISHED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.PLAY_FILE, Ev.CmdStatus.OK)); } else if (lastCmdStatus == ALPCmdStatus.FAILED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.PLAY_FILE, Ev.CmdStatus.ERROR)); } break; // Status of APC_RECORD_VOICE command. case ALPCmdID.APC_RECORD_VOICE: if (lastCmdStatus == ALPCmdStatus.FINISHED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.RECORD_FILE, Ev.CmdStatus.OK)); } else if (lastCmdStatus == ALPCmdStatus.FAILED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.RECORD_FILE, Ev.CmdStatus.ERROR)); } break; // Status of APC_CONNECT_CALL command. case ALPCmdID.APC_CONNECT_CALL: if (lastCmdStatus == ALPCmdStatus.SUCCEED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.CONNECT_LINES, Ev.CmdStatus.OK)); } else { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.CONNECT_LINES, Ev.CmdStatus.ERROR)); } break; // Status of APC_TRANSFER_CALL command. case ALPCmdID.APC_TRANSFER_CALL: if (lastCmdStatus != ALPCmdStatus.SUCCEED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.TRANSFER, Ev.CmdStatus.ERROR)); } break; // Status of APC_DROP_CALL command. case ALPCmdID.APC_DROP_CALL: if (lastCmdStatus == ALPCmdStatus.SUCCEED) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.DROP_CALL, Ev.CmdStatus.OK)); } else { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(sInfo.lineID, Cmd.CommandID.DROP_CALL, Ev.CmdStatus.ERROR)); } break; } break; } default: { base.ProcessEvent(altiEvent); break; } } } // Getting information for ALL line PADs - just want to know that is going on. switch ((ALPEvID)(altiEvent.CommandId)) { case ALPEvID.STCHG: { if (altiEvent.LocationId == ControlLocationID) { break; // We already processed this above } // Saving line state. ALPLineState state = (ALPLineState)(altiEvent[0].ReadInt32()); ALPLine _line = this[altiEvent.LocationId]; TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP::Line State=" + ((SPLineState)state).ToString()); if (_line != null) { // Rasing event the line is disconnected if status is DISCONNECT. if (state == ALPLineState.IDLE) { if (_line.IsUnderAPCControl) { TraceOut.Put("AltiGenSP:: Line is not APC controlled"); _line.IsUnderAPCControl = false; _line.InfoState = ALPLine.CallInfoState.INITIAL; this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.Disconnect(_line.SPLineInfo.ID)); } } else if ((state == ALPLineState.CONNECTED) && (_line.LastCommand.ID == ALPCmdID.APC_TRANSFER_CALL)) { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.CommandStatus(_line.SPLineInfo.ID, Cmd.CommandID.TRANSFER, Ev.CmdStatus.OK)); } _line.SPLineInfo.State = (SPLineState)state; // Rasing event state of the line changed. this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.LineStateChanged(_line.SPLineInfo.ID, (SPLineState)state)); } break; } // Event Ev.Tone. case ALPEvID.TONE: { // Getting parameters. AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter param = (AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)altiEvent[0]; int lineID = param.ReadInt32(); param = (AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)altiEvent[1]; int tone = Convert.ToChar(param.ReadInt32()); // Creating and sending event. this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.Tone(lineID, ((Ev.ToneType)(tone)))); break; } // Line information changed. case ALPEvID.CONFIG_CHG: { const int CONFIG_CHANGED_TYPE_LINEINFO = 0x8000; AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter param = (AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)altiEvent[0]; int type = param.ReadInt32(); if (type == CONFIG_CHANGED_TYPE_LINEINFO) { // Command to Get Lines Information. this.SendALPCommand(new Diacom.AltiGen.AltiLinkPlus.ALPCommand(altiEvent.LocationId, Convert.ToInt32(ALPCmdID.GET_LINEINFO))); } break; } // System configuration changed. case ALPEvID.SYSCONFIG_CHG: { AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter param = (AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)altiEvent[0]; SystemConfigChangeCodes type = ((SystemConfigChangeCodes)(param.ReadInt32())); switch (type) { // Line added. case SystemConfigChangeCodes.LINEADD: { // Issue command to Get Line Information. When we get the response - then the code there will send an event. this.SendALPCommand(new Diacom.AltiGen.AltiLinkPlus.ALPCommand(altiEvent.LocationId, Convert.ToInt32(ALPCmdID.GET_LINEINFO))); break; } // Line removed. case SystemConfigChangeCodes.LINEREMOVE: { this.SendSpEvent(new Ev.LineStateChanged(altiEvent.LocationId, SPLineState.LINE_REMOVE)); break; } } break; } default: { if (altiEvent.LocationId != ControlLocationID) { base.ProcessEvent(altiEvent); } break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Prints <see cref="AltiLinkPlus.ALPDataBlock"/> to standard error stream of application. /// </summary> /// <param name="time">Current time the data is putting into stream.</param> /// <param name="aData">Data block to print.</param> public static void Put(DateTime time, AltiLinkPlus.ALPDataBlock aData) { if (aData == null) { return; } string str = String.Empty; string HTMLStr = time.ToString("[HH:mm:ss:fff]") + " "; // The command. if (aData is AltiLinkPlus.ALPCommand) { AltiLinkPlus.ALPCommand cmd = ((AltiLinkPlus.ALPCommand)(aData)); str = "Command:" + Environment.NewLine; HTMLStr += HTML.GHF("Command:") + Environment.NewLine; str += String.Format("ID: {0} [{1}], location ID: {2}, sequence ID: {3}, number of parameters: {4}{5}", ((ALPCmdID)(cmd.CommandId)), cmd.CommandId, cmd.LocationId, cmd.SequenceId, cmd.Count, Environment.NewLine); HTMLStr += HTML.GPF("ID: ") + HTML.GCF(((ALPCmdID)(cmd.CommandId)).ToString()) + HTML.GPF(" [") + cmd.CommandId.ToString() + HTML.GPF("], location ID: ") + cmd.LocationId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", sequence ID: ") + cmd.SequenceId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", number of parameters: ") + cmd.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Count; i++) { str += String.Format("param#{0}: {1}{2}", i, BitConverter.ToString(cmd[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Count; i++) { HTMLStr += String.Format("{0}{1}{2} {3}{4}", HTML.GPF("param#"), i, HTML.GPF(":"), BitConverter.ToString(cmd[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } } else if (aData is AltiLinkPlus.ALPEvent) { AltiLinkPlus.ALPEvent ev = ((AltiLinkPlus.ALPEvent)(aData)); str = "Event:" + Environment.NewLine; HTMLStr += HTML.GHF("Event:") + Environment.NewLine; str += String.Format("ID: {0} [{1}], location ID: {2}, sequence ID: {3}, number of parameters: {4}{5}", ((ALPEvID)(ev.CommandId)), ev.CommandId, ev.LocationId, ev.SequenceId, ev.Count, Environment.NewLine); HTMLStr += HTML.GPF("ID: ") + HTML.GCF(((ALPEvID)(ev.CommandId)).ToString()) + HTML.GPF(" [") + ev.CommandId.ToString() + HTML.GPF("], location ID: ") + ev.LocationId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", sequence ID: ") + ev.SequenceId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", number of parameters: ") + ev.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < ev.Count; i++) { str += String.Format("param#{0}: {1}{2}", i, BitConverter.ToString(ev[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } for (int i = 0; i < ev.Count; i++) { HTMLStr += String.Format("{0}{1}{2} {3}{4}", HTML.GPF("param#"), i, HTML.GPF(":"), BitConverter.ToString(ev[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } } else if (aData is AltiLinkPlus.ALPResponse) { AltiLinkPlus.ALPResponse rsp = ((AltiLinkPlus.ALPResponse)(aData)); str = "Responce:" + Environment.NewLine; HTMLStr += HTML.GHF("Responce:") + Environment.NewLine; str += String.Format("ID: {0} [{1}], location ID: {2}, sequence ID: {3}, responce code: {4} [{5}], number of parameters: {6}{7}", ((ALPCmdID)(rsp.CommandId)), rsp.CommandId, rsp.LocationId, rsp.SequenceId, ((ALPRespID)(rsp.ResponseCode)), rsp.ResponseCode, rsp.Count, Environment.NewLine); HTMLStr += HTML.GPF("ID: ") + HTML.GCF(((ALPCmdID)(rsp.CommandId)).ToString()) + HTML.GPF(" [") + rsp.CommandId.ToString() + HTML.GPF("], location ID: ") + rsp.LocationId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", sequence ID: ") + rsp.SequenceId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", responce code: ") + HTML.GCF(((ALPRespID)(rsp.ResponseCode)).ToString()) + HTML.GPF(" [") + rsp.ResponseCode.ToString() + HTML.GPF("], number of parameters: ") + rsp.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < rsp.Count; i++) { str += String.Format("param#{0}: {1}{2}", i, BitConverter.ToString(rsp[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } for (int i = 0; i < rsp.Count; i++) { HTMLStr += String.Format("{0}{1}{2} {3}{4}", HTML.GPF("param#"), i, HTML.GPF(":"), BitConverter.ToString(rsp[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } if (rsp.CommandId.Equals(1021)) { // GET_LINE_INFO responce. /* StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString()+".html", false, Encoding.Unicode); * sw.WriteLine(""); * sw.WriteLine("<html>{0}<head>{0}<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=unicode\">{0}</head>{0}<body>{0}<pre>{0}", Environment.NewLine); * sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd, HH:mm:ss:fff")); * for(int i = 0; i < 80; i++) sw.Write("*"); * sw.WriteLine(""); * for(int i = 0; i < rsp.Count; i++) * { * sw.WriteLine("param #{0}", i); * Diacom.AltiGen.AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter par = ((Diacom.AltiGen.AltiLinkPlus.ALPParameter)(rsp[i])); * sw.WriteLine("ID: {0}, length: {1}, size: {2}, type: {3}", par.ParameterID, par.Length, par.ParameterSize, par.ParameterType); * int l = par.Length; * char [] c = new char[l]; * byte [] b = par.GetBytes(); * for(int j = 0; j < l; j++) * { * if(j%10 == 0) sw.Write("|"); * else sw.Write(" "); * c[j] = Convert.ToChar(b[j]); * } * sw.WriteLine(""); * sw.WriteLine(c); * sw.WriteLine(""); * } * sw.WriteLine("</pre>{0}</body>{0}</html>{0}", Environment.NewLine); * sw.Close(); */ } } else { str = "Unrecognized:" + Environment.NewLine; HTMLStr += HTML.GHF("Unrecognized:") + Environment.NewLine; str += String.Format("ID: ... [{0}], location ID: {1}, sequence ID: {2}, number of parameters: {3}{4}", aData.CommandId, aData.LocationId, aData.SequenceId, aData.Count, Environment.NewLine); HTMLStr += HTML.GPF("ID: ... [") + aData.CommandId.ToString() + HTML.GPF("], location ID: ") + aData.LocationId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", sequence ID: ") + aData.SequenceId.ToString() + HTML.GPF(", number of parameters: ") + aData.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < aData.Count; i++) { str += String.Format("param#{0}: {1}{2}", i, BitConverter.ToString(aData[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } for (int i = 0; i < aData.Count; i++) { HTMLStr += String.Format("{0}{1}{2} {3}{4}", HTML.GPF("param#"), i, HTML.GPF(":"), BitConverter.ToString(aData[i].GetBytes()), Environment.NewLine); } } // Saving string to a storage and putting it to trace output. TraceOut.Put(str); Storage.Append(HTMLStr + Environment.NewLine + "<hr>" + Environment.NewLine); }