void SavePhotoClicked() { PhotoItemObject.PhotoLabel = PhotoLabel; PhotoLabel = null; if (NewCategory != null) { AllCategories.Add(new Category(NewCategory, true)); PickerSource.Add(NewCategory); MapCategorySource.Add(NewCategory); SaveCategoriesToJson(); } var selectedCategories = (from category in AllCategories where category.IsChecked select category.Name).ToList <string>(); // apply categories to most recent picture PhotoItemObject.Categories = selectedCategories; SaveToJson(); // reset category picker for (int i = 0; i < AllCategories.Count; i++) { AllCategories[i].IsChecked = false; } PreviewImage = null; IsPhotoSet = false; OnPropertyChanged("IsPhotoSet"); NewCategory = null; OnPropertyChanged("NewCategory"); }
public IActionResult Categories() { AllCategories allCategories = new AllCategories(); allCategories.Categories = dbContext.Categories.ToList(); return(View(allCategories)); }
// open category picker page async Task SwipedRightCategorize(object commandParameter) { // reset for (int i = 0; i < AllCategories.Count; i++) { AllCategories[i].IsChecked = false; } PhotoItemObject = (PhotoItem)commandParameter; for (int i = 0; i < AllCategories.Count; i++) { if (Array.IndexOf(PhotoItemObject.Categories.ToArray(), AllCategories[i].Name) != -1) { AllCategories[i].IsChecked = true; } } // show popup page var page = new PopupListView(); page.BindingContext = this; await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(page); if (NewCategory != null) { AllCategories.Add(new Category(NewCategory, true)); PickerSource.Add(NewCategory); MapCategorySource.Add(NewCategory); NewCategory = null; OnPropertyChanged("NewCategory"); SaveCategoriesToJson(); } }
public IActionResult AllCategories() { AllCategories model = new AllCategories(); model.Categories = categoryRepository.GetAll().OrderBy(c => c.Title); return(View(model)); }
public ModelCategory Find(string sCode) { if (AllCategories == null) { return(null); } return(AllCategories.Find(m => string.Equals(sCode, m.Code))); }
public List <ModelCategory> FindAllByParentID(int nID) { if (AllCategories == null) { return(new List <ModelCategory>()); } return(AllCategories.FindAll(m => m.ParentId == nID)); }
public ModelCategory Find(int nID) { if (AllCategories == null) { return(null); } return(AllCategories.Find(m => m.Id == nID)); }
public OrdersViewModel() { AllCategories = ComboBoxService.GetOptions(ComboBoxTargets.ProductCategories); AllCategories.Add(new NameID { Name = "All", ID = -1 }); CurrentCategory = AllCategories.Last(); }
public List <SelectListItem> GetCategoriesListItems() { var result = AllCategories.Select(c => new SelectListItem { Value = c.Id.ToString(), Text = c.Name }).ToList(); return(result); }
internal void AddCategory(ModelCategory modelParentCategory, ModelCategory modelCategory) { AllCategories.Add(modelCategory); modelParentCategory.Childs.Add(modelCategory); modelCategory.Parent = modelParentCategory; DacFactory.Current.Category.AddCategory(modelCategory); if (OnCategoryAdded != null) { OnCategoryAdded(modelCategory); } }
public void Search() { if (SearchText != String.Empty) { Categories = new ObservableCollection <Category> (AllCategories.Where(x => x.Name != null && x.Name.ToLower().Contains(_searchText.ToLower())) .ToList()); } else { Categories = AllCategories; } }
private static List <string> takeCategories(StreamReader file) { string categoryHeader = file.ReadLine()?.Substring(9) ?? ""; List <string> result = categoryHeader.Split(" ").ToList(); foreach (string category in result) { if (AllCategories.Find(cat => cat == category) == null) { AllCategories.Add(category); } } return(result); }
public object Get(AllCategories request) { List <Category> result = new List <Category>(); using (TagsDBUser user = new TagsDBUser(request.Test)) { var readIf = GetReadInterface(user, request); foreach (var categoryForLanguage in readIf.GetAllCategories()) { result.Add(CreateItemResponse <Category, String>(request, categoryForLanguage.Name, user)); } return(CreateHttpResponse(request, CreateItemResponse <AllCategoriesResponse, List <Category> >(request, result, user))); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化 /// </summary> private async void InitCategories() { var tasks = new[] { this._netWorkServices.GetAsync <PlayListCategory[]>("FindMusic", "GetPlayListCategories"), this._netWorkServices.GetAsync <PlayListCategory[]>("FindMusic", "GetHotPlayListCategories") }; await Task.WhenAll(tasks); if (tasks.All(x => x.Result.Successed)) { await Task.WhenAll(AllCategories.AddRangeAsync(tasks[0].Result.Data), HotCategories.AddRangeAsync(tasks[1].Result.Data)); } else { //todo 网络提示信息 } }
public ActionResult GetCategories() { List <Category> categories = new List <Category>(); using (var ef = new EfContext()) { categories = ef.Categories.ToList(); } AllCategories retVal = new AllCategories { Categories = categories, Role = "" }; return(Json(retVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public IActionResult AddCategoryProcess(AllCategories modelData) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Category NewCategory = modelData.Category; dbContext.Add(NewCategory); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Categories")); } else { AllCategories allCategories = new AllCategories(); allCategories.Categories = dbContext.Categories.ToList(); return(View("Products", allCategories)); } }
public IEnumerable <Category> OrderAllCategory(int id) { var allCategories = AllCategories.ToList(); List <Category> orderCategories = new List <Category>(); foreach (var categoryLevel1 in allCategories) { if ((categoryLevel1.NestingLevelId == null) && (categoryLevel1.Id != id)) { orderCategories.Add(categoryLevel1); foreach (var categoryLevel2 in allCategories) { if ((categoryLevel2.NestingLevelId == categoryLevel1.Id) && (categoryLevel2.Id != id)) { categoryLevel2.Name = "-" + categoryLevel2.Name; orderCategories.Add(categoryLevel2); foreach (var categoryLevel3 in allCategories) { if ((categoryLevel3.NestingLevelId == categoryLevel2.Id) && (categoryLevel3.Id != id)) { categoryLevel3.Name = "--" + categoryLevel3.Name; orderCategories.Add(categoryLevel3); foreach (var categoryLevel4 in allCategories) { if ((categoryLevel4.NestingLevelId == categoryLevel3.Id) && (categoryLevel4.Id != id)) { categoryLevel4.Name = "---" + categoryLevel4.Name; orderCategories.Add(categoryLevel4); foreach (var categoryLevel5 in allCategories) { if ((categoryLevel5.NestingLevelId == categoryLevel4.Id) && (categoryLevel5.Id != id)) { categoryLevel5.Name = "----" + categoryLevel5.Name; orderCategories.Add(categoryLevel5); } } } } } } } } } } return(orderCategories); }
internal List <ModelCategory> GetAllChildCategories(int nCategoryID) { List <ModelCategory> aryResult = new List <ModelCategory>(); ModelCategory category = AllCategories.Find(m => m.Id == nCategoryID); if (category != null) { aryResult.Add(category); List <ModelCategory> childCategories = AllCategories.FindAll(m => m.ParentId == nCategoryID); foreach (ModelCategory childCategory in childCategories) { List <ModelCategory> aryChildCategory = GetAllChildCategories(childCategory.Id); aryResult.AddRange(aryChildCategory); } } return(aryResult); }
public void AddCategory() { try { using (var ctx = new ServerContext()) { this.CreatedCategory.name = this.CategoryName; ctx.Category.Add(this.CreatedCategory); ctx.SaveChanges(); } AllCategories.Add(CreatedCategory); this.CreatedCategory = new Category(); } catch (System.Data.DataException) { PopupService.PopupMessage(Application.Current.FindResource("CouldNotConnectToDatabase").ToString(), Application.Current.FindResource("Error").ToString()); } }
private void InitData() { foreach (BuiltInCategory enumCat in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BuiltInCategory))) { try { FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(Rvt.Handler.Doc); ElementCollection elemC = new ElementCollection(collector.OfCategory(enumCat).ToList()); Category category = Category.GetCategory(Rvt.Handler.Doc, enumCat); if (elemC != null && elemC.Count > 0 && category != null && category.CategoryType == CategoryType.Model) { AllCategories.Add(new CategoryNode(category, elemC)); } } catch { continue; } } }
public IActionResult OnGet(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } StockToProducts = _context.StockToProducts.ToList(); Product = _context.Products.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Product_ID == id); Categories = _context.Categories.Select(n => new SelectListItem { Value = n.Cat_ID.ToString(), Text = n.CategoryName }).ToList(); AllCategories = _context.Categories.ToList(); SelectedTag = AllCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Cat_ID == Product.Cat_ID).Cat_ID.ToString(); StockItems = _context.Stock.ToList(); List <string> stc = new List <string>(); List <string> ssq = new List <string>(); for (int stp = 0; stp < StockToProducts.Count; stp++) { if (StockToProducts[stp].ProductId == Product.Product_ID) { stc.Add(StockItems[stp].StockName); string qty = StockToProducts.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == StockToProducts[stp].Id).QuantityUse.ToString(); ssq.Add(qty); } } StockItemChecked = stc; SelectedStockQuantities = ssq; if (Product == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Page()); }
private static ObservableCollection <StatisticItem> GetSpreadingStatisticItems( Func <List <FinancialTransaction> > getTransactionListFunc) { List <FinancialTransaction> transactionList = getTransactionListFunc(); List <StatisticItem> tempStatisticList = AllCategories.Select(category => new StatisticItem { Category = category.Name, Value = transactionList .Where(x => x.Category == category) .Sum(x => x.Amount) }).ToList(); RemoveNullList(tempStatisticList); tempStatisticList = tempStatisticList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToList(); List <StatisticItem> statisticList = tempStatisticList.Take(6).ToList(); AddOtherItem(tempStatisticList, statisticList); IncludeIncome(statisticList); return(new ObservableCollection <StatisticItem>(statisticList)); }
public void GetCategories() { Categories = new ObservableCollection <Category>(AllCategories.Where(allcategory => Affiliation.CategoriesUsingInThisAffiliationFK.Contains(allcategory.CategoryId))); BindingContext = this; }
public static void AddNewCategory(Category category) { AllCategories.Add(category); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostExport(int currentPage, int pageSize, string sortOrder, string searchString) { Products = await InitiateView(currentPage, pageSize, sortOrder, searchString); string sWebRootFolder = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath; string sFileName = @"Product Data.xlsx"; string URL = string.Format("{0}://{1}/{2}", Request.Scheme, Request.Host, sFileName); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder, sFileName)); var memory = new MemoryStream(); using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder, sFileName), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(); package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Products"); ExcelWorksheet productsSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets["Products"]; using (var range = productsSheet.Cells["A1:I1"]) { range.Style.Font.Bold = true; range.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid; range.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(23, 121, 186)); range.Style.Font.Color.SetColor(Color.White); } productsSheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Product Id"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Product Name"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Product Short Description"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Product Detailed Description"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Selling Price"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 6].Value = "Cost Price"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 7].Value = "Profit Margin"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 8].Value = "Category"; productsSheet.Cells[1, 9].Value = "Stock Used"; for (int r = 0; r < Products.Count(); r++) { productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 1].Value = Products.ToList()[r].Product_ID; productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 2].Value = Products.ToList()[r].ProductName; productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 3].Value = Products.ToList()[r].ProductShortDescription; productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 4].Value = Products.ToList()[r].ProductDetailedDescription; productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 5].Value = Products.ToList()[r].SellingPrice; productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 6].Value = Products.ToList()[r].CostPrice; productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 7].Value = Products.ToList()[r].ProfitMargin; productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 8].Value = AllCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Cat_ID == Products.ToList()[r].Cat_ID).CategoryName; string stock = string.Empty; StockToProducts = _context.StockToProducts.ToList(); foreach (var stp in StockToProducts.Where(s => s.ProductId == Products.ToList()[r].Product_ID)) { if (stock == "") { stock += _context.Stock.FirstOrDefault(st => st.Id == stp.StockId).StockName; } else { stock += ", " + _context.Stock.FirstOrDefault(st => st.Id == stp.StockId).StockName; } } productsSheet.Cells[r + 2, 9].Value = stock; // List All stock for this product productsSheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 9].AutoFitColumns(); } package.SaveAs(fs); package.Dispose(); } using (var stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder, sFileName), FileMode.Open)) { await stream.CopyToAsync(memory); } memory.Position = 0; TempData["StatusMessage"] = "Products successfully exported to file " + sFileName + "."; return(File(memory, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", sFileName)); }
public IEnumerable <Category> GetChildCategories(int parentId) { return(AllCategories.Where(x => x.Parent_Id == parentId)); }
public ProductFormViewModel() { Product = StateService.CurrentProduct; AllCategories = ComboBoxService.GetOptions(ComboBoxTargets.ProductCategories); CurrentCategory = AllCategories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Product.CategoryID); }
private void SortCategoriesAlphabetically() { AllCategories = new ObservableCollection <Category>(AllCategories.OrderBy(cat => cat.FullName)); }
// constructor public PhotoViewModel() { // path of the file in the phone that stores the photo objects JsonFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "photos.json"); CategoryFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "categories.json"); /* * * if (File.Exists(JsonFilePath)) * { * File.Delete(JsonFilePath); * } * if (File.Exists(CategoryFilePath)) * { * File.Delete(CategoryFilePath); * } * return; */ try { if (!File.Exists(JsonFilePath)) { // first time setup FileStream stream = new FileStream(JsonFilePath, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); writer.WriteLine("[]"); writer.Close(); } else { // already have photo objects FileStream stream = new FileStream(JsonFilePath, FileMode.Open); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); string fileContents = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); AllPhotos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PhotoItem> >(fileContents); PhotoSource = new ObservableCollection <PhotoItem>(AllPhotos); } // read categories file if (!File.Exists(CategoryFilePath)) { // first time setup FileStream stream = new FileStream(CategoryFilePath, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); writer.WriteLine("[]"); writer.Close(); } else { /* * List<string> s = new List<string> { "Foo", "Bar"}; * FileStream ss = new FileStream(CategoryFilePath, FileMode.Create); * StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(ss); * writer.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(s)); * writer.Close(); */ // already have categories FileStream stream = new FileStream(CategoryFilePath, FileMode.Open); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); string fileContents = reader.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine("g" + fileContents); reader.Close(); List <string> fileCategories = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(fileContents); var categoryObjects = from category in fileCategories select new Category(category); foreach (string x in fileCategories) { MapCategorySource.Add(x); PickerSource.Add(x); } PickerSource.Add("Location"); PickerSource.Add("Rating"); PickerSource.Add("Time"); foreach (var x in PickerSource) { Console.WriteLine(x); } AllCategories = new ObservableCollection <Category>(categoryObjects); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception " + ex.Message); } InitialCategorizeCommand = new Command( execute: async() => { await InitialCategorize(); }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); PrintCommand = new Command( execute: () => { PrintJsonFile(); }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); SaveLabelCommand = new Command( execute: (obj) => { PhotoItem temp = (PhotoItem)obj; }); PopupCommand = new Command( execute: async() => { // show popup to categorize photo await PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAsync(); if (NewCategory != null) { AllCategories.Add(new Category(NewCategory, true)); PickerSource.Add(NewCategory); MapCategorySource.Add(NewCategory); NewCategory = null; OnPropertyChanged("NewCategory"); SaveCategoriesToJson(); } PhotoItemObject.Categories = (from category in AllCategories where category.IsChecked select category.Name).ToList(); SaveToJson(); }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); LoadPhotoCommand = new Command( execute: async() => { var photo = await Plugin.Media.CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync( new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.PickMediaOptions { CompressionQuality = 50, PhotoSize = Plugin.Media.Abstractions.PhotoSize.Large }); await SetNewPhoto(photo); }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); TakePhotoCommand = new Command( execute: async() => { var photo = await Plugin.Media.CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync( new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions { SaveToAlbum = true }); await SetNewPhoto(photo); }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); SavePhotoCommand = new Command( execute: () => { SavePhotoClicked(); }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); RatingCommand = new Command( execute: () => { IsRating = !IsRating; IsCategorize = false; }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); CategorizeCommand = new Command( execute: () => { IsCategorize = !IsCategorize; IsRating = false; }, canExecute: () => { return(true); }); SwipeCommandLeft = new Command( execute: (obj) => { if (isRating) { SwipedLeftRating(obj); } else if (isCategorize) { SwipedLeftCategorize(obj); } }, canExecute: (obj) => { return(true); }); SwipeCommandRight = new Command( execute: (obj) => { if (isRating) { SwipedRightRating(obj); } else if (isCategorize) { SwipedRightCategorize(obj); } }, canExecute: (obj) => { return(true); }); }
public CategoryCached GetCategory(int id) { return(AllCategories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Id == id).Value); }