public void ShowOptions(string title, string[] options, Action <object> action = null, string cancelText = "") { AlertDialog dialog = null; AlertDialog.Builder builder = Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.LollipopMr1 ? new AlertDialog.Builder(Instance, Resource.Style.AppCompatDialogStyle) : new AlertDialog.Builder(Instance); RunOnUiThread(() => { if (!IsFinishing) { dialog = builder.SetTitle(title) .SetItems(options, (sender, e) => { action?.Invoke(options[e.Which]); }) .SetNegativeButton(cancelText, (s, e) => { dialog?.Dismiss(); }) .Show(); } }); }
public static void Stop() { _recordingDialog?.Dismiss(); _recordingDialog = null; // stop recording try { _mic.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { Device.Log.Warn(e); } // prepare object for GC by calling dispose _mic.Release(); _mic.Dispose(); _mic = null; if (_callback != null) { DroidFactory.Navigate(new Link(_callback, new Dictionary <string, string> { { CallbackParam, _callbackId }, })); } }
public void Filter(string[] categories, int selected, Func <int, int> callback) { AlertDialog ad = null; var currentSelection = selected - 1; var top = Mvx.Resolve <IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity>(); var act = top.Activity; var adb = new AlertDialog.Builder(act, _alertDialogThemeId); adb.SetCancelable(true); adb.SetTitle(Resource.String.activity_filter_title); if (categories.Length == 0) { adb.SetMessage(Resource.String.activity_filter_empty); } else { adb.SetSingleChoiceItems(categories, currentSelection, (sender, args) => { callback(args.Which + 1); ad?.Dismiss(); }); //adb.SetPositiveButton("Выбрать", // (sender, args) => callback(currentSelection)); } adb.SetNegativeButton("Назад", (sender, args) => { }); ad = adb.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Dispose the specified disposing. /// </summary> /// <returns>The dispose.</returns> /// <param name="disposing">If set to <c>true</c> disposing.</param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { // Dialog.Dispose() does not close an open dialog view so explicitly dismiss it before disposing _dialog?.Dismiss(); _dialog?.Dispose(); _dialog = null; _listView?.Dispose(); _listView = null; _adapter?.Dispose(); _adapter = null; _context = null; if (_notifyCollection != null) { _notifyCollection.CollectionChanged -= ItemsSourceCollectionChanged; _notifyCollection = null; } if (_selectedCollection != null) { _selectedCollection.CollectionChanged -= SelectedItems_CollectionChanged; _selectedCollection = null; } _indicatorView?.RemoveFromParent(); _indicatorView?.SetImageDrawable(null); _indicatorView?.SetImageBitmap(null); _indicatorView?.Dispose(); _indicatorView = null; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
void SetupApp() { App.Initialize(); App.AlertFunction = (title, message) => { Toast.MakeText(this, $"{title} - {message}", ToastLength.Long).Show(); }; App.Invoker = this.RunOnUiThread; App.OnShowSpinner = (text) => { if (spinnerDialog != null) { spinnerDialog.Dismiss(); } spinnerDialog = new ProgressDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(text).SetCancelable(false).Show(); }; App.OnDismissSpinner = () => { spinnerDialog?.Dismiss(); spinnerDialog = null; }; }
private void SelectWeek() { var builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); AlertDialog dialog = null; dialog = builder.SetTitle(Resource.String.WeekSelection) .SetSingleChoiceItems( this.ViewModel.Weeks.Select(t => t.ToString()).ToArray(), this.ViewModel.Weeks.IndexOf(this.ViewModel.CurrentWeek), (sender, args) => { this.ViewModel.CurrentWeek = this.ViewModel.Weeks[args.Which]; dialog?.Dismiss(); }) .Create(); dialog.Show(); }
public void SetupEverything() { if (IsSetup) { return; } IsSetup = true; Xamarin.Insights.Initialize(ApiConstants.InsightsApiKey, this); var appInfo = this.ApplicationInfo; App.Context = this; App.Invoker = RunOnUiThread; App.DoPushFragment = (f) => { Navigate(f); }; App.OnShowSpinner = (text) => { if (spinnerDialog != null) { spinnerDialog.Dismiss(); } spinnerDialog = new ProgressDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(text).SetCancelable(false).Show(); }; App.OnDismissSpinner = () => { spinnerDialog?.Dismiss(); spinnerDialog = null; }; //Downloader.Init (); //Settings.Init (this); //var metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); //WindowManager.DefaultDisplay.GetMetrics(metrics); CheckApi(); }
protected override async void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.NotificationSettingsLayout); client = new MobileServiceClient(Backend_Endpoint); CurrentPlatform.Init(); await InitLocalStoreAsync(); tab = client.GetSyncTable <Currencies>(); ISharedPreferences pref = Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences("ListPref", FileCreationMode.Private); var listJsonString = pref.GetString("list", string.Empty); listNames = new List <string>(); listValues = new List <string>(); listOver = new List <bool>(); if (listJsonString != string.Empty) { var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ListForSharedPref> >(listJsonString); for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { listNames.Add(list[i].Name); listValues.Add(RemoveComas(list[i].Value)); listOver.Add(list[i].OverOrUnder); } } else { listNames = PrepareData.selectedCurrencies_Names; listValues = PrepareData.selectedCurrencies_Values; listOver = PrepareData.selectedCurrencies_Over; //domyslnie slidery na false } //textboxy od góry do do³u, zeby nie mieszac tb1 = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.textBox1); tb2 = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.textBox2); tb3 = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.textBox3); tb4 = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.textBox4); tb5 = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.textBox5); tv1 = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.curr1); tv2 = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.curr2); tv3 = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.curr3); tv4 = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.curr4); tv5 = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.curr5); sw1 = FindViewById <Switch>(Resource.Id.sw1); sw2 = FindViewById <Switch>(Resource.Id.sw2); sw3 = FindViewById <Switch>(Resource.Id.sw3); sw4 = FindViewById <Switch>(Resource.Id.sw4); sw5 = FindViewById <Switch>(Resource.Id.sw5); switches = new List <Switch> { sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5 }; btn_ok = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_okNotSettings); mLay = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.mLayout); rLayInsideScrollView = FindViewById <RelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.rLay_insideScrollview); mLay.Click += HideKb; rLayInsideScrollView.Click += HideKb; sw1.Click += HideKb; sw2.Click += HideKb; sw3.Click += HideKb; sw4.Click += HideKb; sw5.Click += HideKb; btn_ok.Click += Btn_ok_Click; edit_Boxes = new List <EditText>() { tb1, tb2, tb3, tb4, tb5 }; text_Views = new List <TextView>() { tv1, tv2, tv3, tv4, tv5 }; var listUserValuesJson = pref.GetString("userValues", string.Empty); var listUserValues = new List <string>(); for (var i = 0; i < listNames.Count; i++) { listUserValues.Add(string.Empty); } if (listUserValuesJson != string.Empty) { listUserValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(listUserValuesJson); } if (listNames.Count != 0 && listValues.Count != 0 && listOver.Count != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < listNames.Count; i++) { text_Views[i].Text = listNames[i]; text_Views[i].Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; edit_Boxes[i].Text = (listUserValues[i] != string.Empty)? listUserValues[i] : listValues[i]; edit_Boxes[i].Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; switches[i].Checked = listOver[i]; switches[i].Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; } } else { AlertDialog.Builder dlg = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); AlertDialog alert = dlg.Create(); alert.SetTitle("Brak walut"); var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity)); alert.SetButton("Ok", delegate { alert.Dismiss(); this.StartActivity(intent); }); alert.SetMessage("W menu walut, wybierz najpierw waluty, które chcesz œledziæ"); alert.Show(); } }
private static void ShowGroup() { if ( == 0 || == 1) { RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(Base); view = LayoutInflater.From(Base).Inflate(Base.Assets.OpenXmlResourceParser("res/layout/xamarin_group_style_right.xml"), relativeLayout); auth = new AlertDialog.Builder(Base, 4) .SetView(relativeLayout) .SetCancelable(false) .Show(); auth.Window.SetBackgroundDrawableResource(Android.Resource.Color.Transparent); CardView cardView = (CardView)view.FindViewWithTag("view"); cardView.Radius = 45; cardView.Elevation = 1; cardView.PreventCornerOverlap = false; GradientDrawable gd1 = new GradientDrawable(); gd1.SetCornerRadius(45); gd1.SetColor( == 0 ? Color.White : Color.Black); cardView.Background = gd1; ImageView v = (ImageView)view.FindViewWithTag("image"); HttpApi.LoadImage2("" + + "&spec=100", v); if ( == 1) { ((TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("title")).SetTextColor(Color.White); ((TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("msg")).SetTextColor(Color.White); ((Button)view.FindViewWithTag("start")).SetTextColor(Color.White); ((Button)view.FindViewWithTag("qq")).SetTextColor(Color.White); ((Button)view.FindViewWithTag("more")).SetTextColor(Color.White); ((Button)view.FindViewWithTag("group")).SetTextColor(Color.White); } ((TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("title")).SetText(, BufferType.Normal); ((TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("msg")).SetText(, BufferType.Normal); if (share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) >= { ((Button)view.FindViewWithTag("start")).SetText("进入软件", BufferType.Normal); } view.FindViewWithTag("start").Click += (delegate { if (share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) >= { if (auth != null) { auth.Dismiss(); } HookView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.SEND"); intent.SetType("text/plain"); intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraSubject, "分享"); intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText,; intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask); intent.SetComponent(new ComponentName("com.tencent.mobileqq", "com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.JumpActivity")); Base.StartActivity(intent); new Handler().PostDelayed(() => { edit.PutInt("Share_Count", share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) + 1); edit.Apply(); Toast.MakeText(Base, "你已分享 " + share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) + " / " + + "次", ToastLength.Long).Show(); }, 7000); } }); view.FindViewWithTag("group").Click += (delegate { Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDefault, Android.Net.Uri.Parse("mqqapi://card/show_pslcard?src_type=internal&version=1&uin=" + + "&card_type=group&source=qrcode")); Base.StartActivity(browserIntent); }); view.FindViewWithTag("qq").Click += (delegate { Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDefault, Android.Net.Uri.Parse("mqqwpa://im/chat?chat_type=wpa&uin=" +; Base.StartActivity(browserIntent); }); view.FindViewWithTag("more").Click += (delegate { Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDefault, Android.Net.Uri.Parse(; Base.StartActivity(browserIntent); }); } else if ( == 2) { RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(Base); view = LayoutInflater.From(Base).Inflate(Base.Assets.OpenXmlResourceParser("res/layout/xamarin_group.xml"), relativeLayout); ((TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("Title")).SetText(, BufferType.Normal); ((TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("Tips")).SetText(, BufferType.Normal); TextView Count = (TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("Count"); Count.SetText("你已分享 " + share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) + " / " + + "次", BufferType.Normal); GradientDrawable gd1 = new GradientDrawable(); gd1.SetCornerRadius(100); gd1.SetColor(Color.ParseColor("#FF237686")); view.FindViewWithTag("Start1").Background = gd1; GradientDrawable gd = new GradientDrawable(); gd.SetCornerRadius(50); gd.SetStroke(3, Color.White); view.FindViewWithTag("bottom").Background = gd; TextView Group = (TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("Group"); TextView QQ = (TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("QQ"); TextView More = (TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("More"); if (share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) >= { ((TextView)view.FindViewWithTag("Start")).SetText("进入软件", BufferType.Normal); } view.FindViewWithTag("Start").Click += (delegate { if (share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) >= { if (auth != null) { auth.Dismiss(); } HookView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.SEND"); intent.SetType("text/plain"); intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraSubject, "分享"); intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText,; intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask); intent.SetComponent(new ComponentName("com.tencent.mobileqq", "com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.JumpActivity")); Base.StartActivity(intent); new Handler().PostDelayed(() => { edit.PutInt("Share_Count", share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) + 1); edit.Apply(); Count.SetText("你已分享 " + share.GetInt("Share_Count", 0) + " / " + + "次", BufferType.Normal); }, 7000); } }); Group.Click += (delegate { Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDefault, Android.Net.Uri.Parse("mqqapi://card/show_pslcard?src_type=internal&version=1&uin=" + + "&card_type=group&source=qrcode")); Base.StartActivity(browserIntent); }); QQ.Click += (delegate { Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDefault, Android.Net.Uri.Parse("mqqwpa://im/chat?chat_type=wpa&uin=" +; Base.StartActivity(browserIntent); }); More.Click += (delegate { Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDefault, Android.Net.Uri.Parse(; Base.StartActivity(browserIntent); }); Group.SetOnTouchListener(new Touch()); QQ.SetOnTouchListener(new Touch()); More.SetOnTouchListener(new Touch()); RoundImageView v = (RoundImageView)view.FindViewWithTag("img"); HttpApi.LoadImage("" + + "&spec=100", v); auth = new AlertDialog.Builder(Base, 4) .SetView(relativeLayout) .SetCancelable(false) .Show(); auth.Window.SetBackgroundDrawableResource(Android.Resource.Color.Transparent); auth.Window.SetLayout(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent); } }
public virtual void OnFilePrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, int type, string[] mimeTypes, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassFileCallback callback) { var currentActivity = BlazorWebViewService.GetCurrentActivity(); AlertDialog _futureDialog = null; //Workaround dismiss method not available on AlertDialog.Builder before Show(); bool shouldDismiss = true; var dialogBuilder = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(_renderer.Context); BlazorFileDialogDismissListener onDismissEvent = new BlazorFileDialogDismissListener(); onDismissEvent.SetDismissHandler(() => { if (shouldDismiss) { callback.Dismiss(); } dialogBuilder.Dispose(); }); dialogBuilder.SetOnDismissListener(onDismissEvent); GetContentCompatibleIntents(type, out List <IntentMetadata> intentList, out List <ResolveInfo> activitiesInfo); dialogBuilder.SetAdapter(BuilderAdapter(currentActivity, activitiesInfo), (sender, e) => { //On Intent click shouldDismiss = false; IntentMetadata selectedIntent = intentList.ElementAt(e.Which); //Check for Android permissions for intents RequestPermissionHelper.CheckForPermission(selectedIntent.RequiredPermissions, () => { //On Intent permission availables //We must manage multiple file selection too //TODO: Even by adding this intent //this seem to not working yet. Not sure if possible through launching external intents if (type == FilePromptType.MULTIPLE) { selectedIntent.Intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraAllowMultiple, true); } currentActivity.StartActivityForResult(selectedIntent.Intent, 1, (int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) => { if (resultCode != Result.Ok) { //Do nothing as the user is still now on the Intent dialog box chooser //As on Permission not granted, see comment below => //We should reset this value to true if denied, as the user may don't click on Cancel but use a back button instead //As the back button will call the Dialog dismiss internally, we should emulate the cancel behavior (see SetNeutralButton code) shouldDismiss = true; } else { try { callback.Confirm(currentActivity, GetFileForBrowser(data.Data)); } catch (System.Exception e) { ConsoleHelper.WriteException(e); callback.Dismiss(); } _futureDialog.Dismiss(); } }); }, () => { //On Intent permission unavailable //We should reset this value to true if denied, as the user may don't click on Cancel but use a back button instead //As the back button will call the Dialog dismiss internally, we should emulate the cancel behavior (see SetNeutralButton code) shouldDismiss = true; }); }); dialogBuilder.SetNeutralButton(currentActivity.Resources.GetString(Android.Resource.String.Cancel), (sender, e) => { shouldDismiss = true; _futureDialog.Dismiss(); }); shouldDismiss = true; _futureDialog = dialogBuilder.Show(); }
public void Dismiss() { _dialog?.Dismiss(); _dialog = null; }
/// <summary> /// Dismisses the text input dialog /// </summary> public void DismissInputDialog() { inputDialog?.Dismiss(); inputDialog = null; }
private bool Alert(Color backgroundcolor, Color fontColor, string title, string content, bool isGetInput, string positiveButton, string negativeButton, string neutralButton, Action <string> callback, InputConfig config) { bool alercon = false; if (ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity == null) { throw new Exception("Call ModernAlertHelper.GetInstance().Init(this) in your MainActivity"); } try { AlertDialog alertdialog = null; ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity.RunOnUiThread(() => { AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity); LayoutInflater inflater = ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity.LayoutInflater; var alertLayout = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.customized_alertdialog, null); dialogBuilder.SetView(alertLayout); var header = alertLayout.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.header); LinearLayout bv = (LinearLayout)alertLayout.FindViewById(Resource.Id.body_view); var lineheader = alertLayout.FindViewById(Resource.Id.lineheader); lineheader.SetBackgroundColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); var linebody = alertLayout.FindViewById(Resource.Id.linebody); linebody.SetBackgroundColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); var root = alertLayout.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.root); var body = alertLayout.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.body); var buttons = alertLayout.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.buttons); var button1 = alertLayout.FindViewById <Android.Widget.Button>(Resource.Id.positinvebutton); var getinput_et = alertLayout.FindViewById <Android.Widget.EditText>(Resource.Id.getinput_et); getinput_et.SetHintTextColor(Color.Gray.ToAndroid()); header.Text = title; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { bv.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { body.Text = content; } header.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); body.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); buttons.SetBackgroundColor(backgroundcolor.ToAndroid()); root.SetBackgroundColor(backgroundcolor.ToAndroid()); button1.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; button1.Text = positiveButton; button1.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); button1.Click += ((si, e) => { if (isGetInput) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(getinput_et.Text)) { callback(getinput_et.Text); alertdialog.Dismiss(); } } else { callback(positiveButton); alertdialog.Dismiss(); } }); if (isGetInput) { if (config != null && config.MinLength != 0) { //button1.Background.Alpha = 100; button1.Enabled = false; getinput_et.TextChanged += (w, me) => { if (getinput_et.Text.Trim().Length >= config.MinLength) { button1.Enabled = true; //button1.Background.Alpha = 0; button1.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); } else { //button1.Background.Alpha = 50; button1.SetTextColor(Color.Gray.ToAndroid()); button1.Enabled = false; } }; } } if (isGetInput) { var getinputll = alertLayout.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.get_input_view); if (config != null) { getinput_et.SetBackgroundColor(config.BackgroundColor.ToAndroid()); getinput_et.SetTextColor(config.FontColor.ToAndroid()); getinput_et.Hint = config.placeholder; if (config.keyboard == Keyboard.Telephone) { getinput_et.InputType = InputTypes.ClassPhone; } else if (config.keyboard == Keyboard.Numeric) { getinput_et.InputType = InputTypes.ClassNumber; } else if (config.keyboard == Keyboard.Text) { if (config.isMultipleLine) { setMultiLine(getinput_et); } else { getinput_et.InputType = InputTypes.ClassText; } } else if (config.keyboard == Keyboard.Email) { getinput_et.InputType = InputTypes.TextVariationEmailAddress; } if (config.MaxLength != 0) { getinput_et.SetFilters(new IInputFilter[] { new InputFilterLengthFilter(config.MaxLength) }); } } getinputll.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { LinearLayout.LayoutParams ll = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FillParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FillParent); ll.SetMargins(0, 30, 0, 0); getinputll.LayoutParameters = ll; } } if (negativeButton != null) { var button2 = alertLayout.FindViewById <Android.Widget.Button>(Resource.Id.negativebutton); button2.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; button2.Text = negativeButton; button2.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); button2.Click += ((si, e) => { callback(negativeButton); alertdialog.Dismiss(); }); var second_separator_line = alertLayout.FindViewById(Resource.Id.second_separator_line); second_separator_line.SetBackgroundColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); second_separator_line.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; } if (neutralButton != null) { var button3 = alertLayout.FindViewById <Android.Widget.Button>(Resource.Id.neutralbutton); button3.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; button3.Text = neutralButton; button3.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); button3.Click += ((si, e) => { callback(neutralButton); alertdialog.Dismiss(); }); var first_separator_line = alertLayout.FindViewById(Resource.Id.first_separator_line); first_separator_line.SetBackgroundColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); first_separator_line.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; } alertdialog = dialogBuilder.Create(); if (isGetInput) { alertdialog.Window.SetSoftInputMode(SoftInput.StateAlwaysVisible); } alertdialog.Show(); if (config != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.DefaultValue)) { getinput_et.Text = config.DefaultValue; getinput_et.SetSelection(getinput_et.Text.Length); } ShowShadow(alertdialog); }); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(alercon); }
private async void Set_location_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Final_Position = googleMap.CameraPosition.Target; try { loader.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible; set_location.Enabled = false; var Issue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Pothole>(Intent.GetStringExtra("objtopass")); Issue.locationLatitude = Final_Position.Latitude.ToString(); Issue.locationLongitude = Final_Position.Longitude.ToString(); Issue.Status = "unverified"; Issue.issueType = "Pothole"; Issue.isWorkingStarted = 0; Issue.amount_collected = 0; Issue.estimated_cost = 0; Issue.issueFlag = new Control.IssueFlagDetector().DetectPotholeFlag(Issue); try { mapFuncHelper = new MapFunctions.MapFunctionHelper(APIKEY, googleMap); var LocationName = await mapFuncHelper.FindCordinateAddress(Final_Position); if (LocationName == " ") { loader.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone; set_location.Enabled = true; Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); AlertDialog alert = dialog.Create(); alert.SetTitle("Zoom In"); alert.SetMessage("Please be more specific when selecting location, you can zoom in the map to point the exact location."); alert.SetButton("OK", (c, ev) => { alert.Dismiss(); }); alert.Show(); } else { Issue.issueStatement = "Pothole " + Issue.waterLevel + " near " + LocationName; Issue.location_name = LocationName; // Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); AlertDialog alert = dialog.Create(); //alert.SetContentView(Resource.Layout.createisue3); alert.SetMessage("Please wait while your issue is being posted ..."); alert.Show(); _ = Control.IssueController.PostIssue <Model.Pothole>(Issue, this); } } catch (Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(this, ex.ToString(), ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } catch (Exception) { Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); AlertDialog alert = dialog.Create(); alert.SetTitle("Select Location"); alert.SetMessage("Please select issue location by dragging pin on Issue Location"); alert.SetButton("OK", (c, ev) => { alert.Dismiss(); }); alert.Show(); set_location.Enabled = true; loader.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone; } }
private void NoButton(object sender, DialogClickEventArgs e) { alert.Dismiss(); }
private void StopEditTransaction(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create a dialog to prompt the user to commit or rollback AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); // Create the layout LinearLayout dialogLayout = new LinearLayout(this) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical }; // Create a button to commit edits Button commitButton = new Button(this) { Text = "Commit" }; // Handle the click event for the Commit button commitButton.Click += (s, args) => { // See if there is a transaction active for the geodatabase if (_localGeodatabase.IsInTransaction) { // If there is, commit the transaction to store the edits (this will also end the transaction) _localGeodatabase.CommitTransaction(); _messageTextBlock.Text = "Edits were committed to the local geodatabase."; } _stopEditDialog.Dismiss(); }; // Create a button to rollback edits Button rollbackButton = new Button(this) { Text = "Rollback" }; // Handle the click event for the Rollback button rollbackButton.Click += (s, args) => { // See if there is a transaction active for the geodatabase if (_localGeodatabase.IsInTransaction) { // If there is, rollback the transaction to discard the edits (this will also end the transaction) _localGeodatabase.RollbackTransaction(); _messageTextBlock.Text = "Edits were rolled back and not stored to the local geodatabase."; } _stopEditDialog.Dismiss(); }; // Create a button to cancel and return to the transaction Button cancelButton = new Button(this) { Text = "Cancel" }; // Handle the click event for the Cancel button rollbackButton.Click += (s, args) => _stopEditDialog.Dismiss(); // Add the controls to the dialog dialogLayout.AddView(cancelButton); dialogLayout.AddView(rollbackButton); dialogLayout.AddView(commitButton); dialogBuilder.SetView(dialogLayout); dialogBuilder.SetTitle("Stop Editing"); // Show the dialog _stopEditDialog = dialogBuilder.Show(); }
private async void TakeMapOfflineButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create a path for the output mobile map. string tempPath = $"{Path.GetTempPath()}"; string[] outputFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(tempPath, "NapervilleWaterNetwork*"); // Loop through the folder names and delete them. foreach (string dir in outputFolders) { try { // Delete the folder. Directory.Delete(dir, true); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore exceptions (files might be locked, for example). } } // Create a new folder for the output mobile map. string packagePath = Path.Combine(tempPath, @"NapervilleWaterNetwork"); int num = 1; while (Directory.Exists(packagePath)) { packagePath = Path.Combine(tempPath, @"NapervilleWaterNetwork" + num.ToString()); num++; } // Create the output directory. Directory.CreateDirectory(packagePath); try { // Show the progress dialog while the job is running. _alertDialog.Show(); // Create an offline map task with the current (online) map. OfflineMapTask takeMapOfflineTask = await OfflineMapTask.CreateAsync(_mapView.Map); // Create the default parameters for the task, pass in the area of interest. GenerateOfflineMapParameters parameters = await takeMapOfflineTask.CreateDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParametersAsync(_areaOfInterest); // Create the job with the parameters and output location. _generateOfflineMapJob = takeMapOfflineTask.GenerateOfflineMap(parameters, packagePath); // Handle the progress changed event for the job. _generateOfflineMapJob.ProgressChanged += OfflineMapJob_ProgressChanged; // Await the job to generate geodatabases, export tile packages, and create the mobile map package. GenerateOfflineMapResult results = await _generateOfflineMapJob.GetResultAsync(); // Check for job failure (writing the output was denied, e.g.). if (_generateOfflineMapJob.Status != JobStatus.Succeeded) { // Report failure to the user. ShowStatusMessage("Failed to take the map offline."); } // Check for errors with individual layers. if (results.LayerErrors.Any()) { // Build a string to show all layer errors. System.Text.StringBuilder errorBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Layer, Exception> layerError in results.LayerErrors) { errorBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} : {1}", layerError.Key.Id, layerError.Value.Message)); } // Show layer errors. ShowStatusMessage(errorBuilder.ToString()); } // Display the offline map. _mapView.Map = results.OfflineMap; // Apply the original viewpoint for the offline map. _mapView.SetViewpoint(new Viewpoint(_areaOfInterest)); // Enable map interaction so the user can explore the offline data. _mapView.InteractionOptions.IsEnabled = true; // Change the title and disable the "Take map offline" button. _takeMapOfflineButton.Text = "Map is offline"; _takeMapOfflineButton.Enabled = false; } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Generate offline map task was canceled. ShowStatusMessage("Taking map offline was canceled"); } catch (Exception ex) { // Exception while taking the map offline. ShowStatusMessage(ex.Message); } finally { // Hide the loading overlay when the job is done. _alertDialog.Dismiss(); } }
public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { try { convertView = LayoutInflater.From(context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.overview, parent, false); // convertView.FindViewById\\(Resource.Id.ovt1).Typeface = typeface; // convertView.FindViewById\\(Resource.Id.ovt1b).Typeface = typeface; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt2).Typeface = typeface; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt3).Typeface = typeface; if (action == "overview" && filtered != null) { TextView tv1 = convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1); tv1.Text = filtered[position].Currency; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt2).Text = filtered[position].Balance; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt3).Text = filtered[position].USD; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt2).Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt3).Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; if (position == 0) { // convertView.FindViewById\\(Resource.Id.ovt1b).SetTextColor(new Color(Resource.Color.black_overlay)); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Text = "[refresh]"; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).SetTypeface(Typeface.Monospace, TypefaceStyle.Italic); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Sp, 13); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt3).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt2).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Click += delegate { if (position == 0) { convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Enabled = false; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1).Enabled = false; activity.Recreate(); } }; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1).Click += delegate { if (position == 0) { convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Enabled = false; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1).Enabled = false; activity.Recreate(); } }; } if (action == "accounts" && NWSfiltered != null) { TextView tv1 = convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1); tv1.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt2).Text = NWSfiltered[position].BlkNet.ToUpper(); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt3).Text = NWSfiltered[position].BTCAddress; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt2).SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Sp, 16); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt3).SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Sp, 13); if (position == 0) { // convertView.FindViewById\\(Resource.Id.ovt1b).SetTextColor(new Color(Resource.Color.black_overlay)); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Text = "[balances]"; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).SetTypeface(Typeface.Monospace, TypefaceStyle.Italic); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Sp, 12); convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt3).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt2).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; tv1.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; tv1.Text = NWSfiltered[position].ViewKey; } convertView.FindViewById \ \ (Resource.Id.ovt1b).Click += delegate { if (position == 0) { action = "overview"; activity.Recreate(); } }; convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.ovinf).Click += delegate { if (position \ > \ 0) { ImageView image = new ImageView(context); image.SetImageBitmap(ConvertQr(NWSfiltered[position].BTCAddress, NWSfiltered[position].BlkNet)); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context).SetTitle(NWSfiltered[position].BlkNet.ToUpper()).SetMessage(NWSfiltered[position].BTCAddress).SetCancelable(true).SetPositiveButton("CLOSE", (EventHandler \ \)null); AlertDialog alert = builder.Create(); alert.SetView(image); alert.Show(); var okBtn = alert.GetButton((int)DialogButtonType.Positive); okBtn.Click += (asender, args) = \ > \ { alert.Dismiss(); }; } }; } } catch (Exception) { } return(convertView); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); var context = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext(); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); var send = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.Send); var host = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.Host); var connect = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.Connect); var listView = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.dataList); var text = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.sendText); var adapter = new MessageAdapter(); listView.Adapter = adapter; host.Click += (sender, e) => { _progress = ProgressSpinner.Show(this, null, null, true, false); _service.Host(new MultiplayerGame { Name = Build.Manufacturer.Trim() + " " + Build.Model.Trim(), }) .ContinueWith(t => { if (t.IsFaulted) { ShowPopUp("Error", t.Exception.InnerExceptions.First().Message); } else { ShowPopUp("Success", "You have hosted a game."); } }, context); }; connect.Click += (sender, e) => { _progress = ProgressSpinner.Show(this, null, null, true, false); _service.FindGames() .ContinueWith(t => { if (t.IsFaulted) { ShowPopUp("Error", t.Exception.InnerExceptions.First().Message); return; } AlertDialog dialog = null; var games = t.Result.Select(g => g.Name).ToArray(); var builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.SetTitle("Select Connection"); builder.SetSingleChoiceItems(games, -1, (s, o) => { var game = t.Result.ElementAtOrDefault(o.Which); if (game != null) { _progress = ProgressSpinner.Show(this, null, null, true, false); dialog.Dismiss(); _service.Join(game).ContinueWith(c => { if (c.IsFaulted) { ShowPopUp("Error", c.Exception.InnerExceptions.First().Message); } else { ShowPopUp("Success", "You have connected to the game."); } }, context); } }); dialog = builder.Create(); dialog.Show(); _progress.Dismiss(); }, context); }; send.Click += (sender, e) => { var message = new TestMessage { Text = text.Text, ShouldEcho = true, TimeStamp = DateTime.Now }; _service.Send("T", message).ContinueWith(t => { if (t.IsFaulted) { ShowPopUp("Error", t.Exception.InnerExceptions.First().Message); return; } }, context); }; _service.Received += (sender, e) => { var message = e.Message as TestMessage; if (message.ShouldEcho) { adapter.Logs.Add("RECEIVED: " + message.Text); adapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); message.ShouldEcho = false; _service.Send("T", message); } else { adapter.Logs.Add("Send: " + message.Text + " Latency: " + message.RoundTripMillis); } }; }
private bool ShowActionSheet(Color backgroundcolor, Color fontColor, string title, string[] content, string negativeButton, Action <string> callback) { bool alercon = false; if (ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity == null) { throw new Exception("Call ModernAlertHelper.GetInstance().Init(this) in your MainActivity"); } try { AlertDialog alertdialog = null; ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity.RunOnUiThread(() => { AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity); LayoutInflater inflater = ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity.LayoutInflater; var convertView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.customized_alertdialog, null); dialogBuilder.SetView(convertView); LinearLayout bv = (LinearLayout)convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.body_view); LinearLayout listview_root = (LinearLayout)convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.listview_root); listview_root.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; bv.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; Android.Widget.ListView lv = (Android.Widget.ListView)convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.listiview); AlertDialogListViewAdapter adapter = new AlertDialogListViewAdapter(ModernAlertsHelper.currentActivity, content, backgroundcolor.ToAndroid(), fontColor.ToAndroid()); lv.Adapter = adapter; lv.SetDrawSelectorOnTop(true); lv.Divider = new ColorDrawable(Color.LightGray.ToAndroid()); lv.DividerHeight = 2; var header = convertView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.header); var root = convertView.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.root); var lineheader = convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.lineheader); lineheader.SetBackgroundColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); var linebody = convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.linebody); linebody.SetBackgroundColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); //var leftSpacer = convertView.FindViewById<LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.leftSpacer); //leftSpacer.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; var buttons = convertView.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.buttons); var button1 = convertView.FindViewById <Android.Widget.Button>(Resource.Id.positinvebutton); header.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); header.Text = title; buttons.SetBackgroundColor(backgroundcolor.ToAndroid()); root.SetBackgroundColor(backgroundcolor.ToAndroid()); button1.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; button1.Text = negativeButton; button1.SetTextColor(fontColor.ToAndroid()); button1.Click += ((si, e) => { callback(negativeButton); alertdialog.Dismiss(); }); lv.ItemClick += ((sd, w) => { callback(content[w.Position]); alertdialog.Dismiss(); }); lv.ItemSelected += ((sd, w) => { callback(content[w.Position]); alertdialog.Dismiss(); }); alertdialog = dialogBuilder.Create(); alertdialog.Show(); ShowShadow(alertdialog); }); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(alercon); }
private static void PlatformCancel(int?result) { alert.Dismiss(); tcs.SetResult(result); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.LayoutAnadirUsuario); btnAnadirUsuario = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnAnadirUsu); btnBorrarUsuario = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnBorrarUsu); btnAtrasUsers = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnAtrasUsers); listaUsuarios = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.listaUsuarios); rol = Intent.GetStringExtra("Rol"); nombre = Intent.GetStringExtra("Nombre"); nick = Intent.GetStringExtra("Usuario"); telefono = Intent.GetStringExtra("Telefono"); profesion = Intent.GetStringExtra("Profesion"); idUsuario = Intent.GetStringExtra("Id"); //Rellena el grid de usuarios mItems = ConsultaUsuariosBaseDatosByRol(rol); var usuarioActual = new Usuario(Convert.ToInt32(idUsuario), nombre, profesion, telefono, nick); MyListViewAdapterUsuarios myAdapter = new MyListViewAdapterUsuarios(this, mItems, usuarioActual); listaUsuarios.Adapter = myAdapter; btnAnadirUsuario.Click += delegate { //Nos lleva a la pantalla de registro Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(ActivityRegistro)); intent.PutExtra("Rol", rol.ToString()); intent.PutExtra("Id", idUsuario); intent.PutExtra("Usuario", nick); intent.PutExtra("Telefono", telefono); intent.PutExtra("Profesion", profesion); intent.PutExtra("Nombre", nombre); StartActivity(intent); Finish(); }; btnAtrasUsers.Click += delegate { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(ActivityTareas)); intent.PutExtra("Id", idUsuario); intent.PutExtra("Usuario", nick); intent.PutExtra("Telefono", telefono); intent.PutExtra("Profesion", profesion); intent.PutExtra("Nombre", nombre); StartActivity(intent); Finish(); }; btnBorrarUsuario.Click += delegate { //borrar con modal var alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); alert.SetCancelable(true); View customView = LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.LayoutModalBorrarUsuarios, null); alert.SetView(customView); var spUsuarios = (Spinner)customView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.spUsuariosBorrar); //Establece los items que habrá dentro del "ComboBox", que en este caso es un "Spinner", seran los usuarios a los que este cargo ese rol con el que hemos entrado List <Usuario> items = ConsultaUsuariosBaseDatosByRol(rol); MyListViewAdapterUsuarios adaptador = new MyListViewAdapterUsuarios(this, items, null, true); spUsuarios.Adapter = adaptador; if (items.Count > 0) //si viene con usuarios { var btnCerrarModalBorrar = (Button)customView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnCerrarModalBorrarUsu); var btnBorrarUsuarioModal = (Button)customView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnBorrarUsuario); dialog = alert.Show(); dialog.Create(); dialog.Window.SetLayout(750, 500); btnCerrarModalBorrar.Click += delegate { dialog.Dismiss(); }; btnBorrarUsuarioModal.Click += delegate { usuarioSeleccionado = spUsuarios.SelectedItem.Cast <Usuario>(); BorraUsuarioById(usuarioSeleccionado.Id); Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "Se ha borrado el usuario con nick " + usuarioSeleccionado.Nick + " y con nombre " + usuarioSeleccionado.NombreUsuario, ToastLength.Long).Show(); dialog.Dismiss(); //RECARGAMOS EL GRID/LIST PRINCIPAL mItems = ConsultaUsuariosBaseDatosByRol(rol); MyListViewAdapterUsuarios adapter = new MyListViewAdapterUsuarios(this, mItems, null); listaUsuarios.Adapter = adapter; }; } else { Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "No hay usuarios para borrar.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }; }
/// <summary> /// Dismisses the text / icon dialog /// </summary> public void DismissDialog() { iconDialog?.Dismiss(); iconDialog = null; }
public override RecyclerView.ViewHolder OnCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { View itemView = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.ExerciseRow, parent, false); // View deleteView = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.DeleteItem, null); //View editView = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.EditExerciseDialog, null); ExerciseListViewHolder viewHolder = new ExerciseListViewHolder(itemView, OnClick); //click event for delete viewHolder.deleteButton.Click += (sender, e) => { var pos = viewHolder.AdapterPosition;; var exerciseName = exercises[pos].name; //make popup menu for confirmation of deleting from database View deleteView = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.DeleteItem, null); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(parent.Context); builder.SetView(deleteView); AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.Create(); Button deleteButton = deleteView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnDelete); Button cancelButton = deleteView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnCancel); TextView txtTitle = deleteView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.titleDelete); txtTitle.Text = "Remove exercise from playlist?"; deleteButton.Click += delegate { dataBase.removeExerciseFromPlaylist(playlistName, exerciseName); Toast.MakeText(parent.Context, exerciseName + " removed", ToastLength.Short).Show(); exercises.RemoveAt(pos); NotifyDataSetChanged(); alertDialog.Dismiss(); }; cancelButton.Click += delegate { //close window alertDialog.Dismiss(); }; alertDialog.Show(); }; //click event for edit viewHolder.editButton.Click += (sender, e) => { var pos = viewHolder.AdapterPosition;; var exerciseName = exercises[pos].name; View editView = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.EditExerciseDialog, null); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(parent.Context); builder.SetView(editView); AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.Create(); Button okButton = editView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnCreate); Button cancelButton = editView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnCancel); EditText txtName = editView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtExerciseName); EditText txtSets = editView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtSets); EditText txtReps = editView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtReps); EditText txtWeight = editView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtWeight); EditText txtEquipment = editView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtEquipment); EditText txtTargetArea = editView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtTargetArea); //Put current values of the exercise in the dialog so its easy to see //what they are when the user is editing the exercise //if they have a value of N/A leave them blank so the text hint shows txtName.Text = exercises[pos].name; if (exercises[pos].sets != "0") { txtSets.Text = exercises[pos].sets.ToString(); } if (exercises[pos].reps != "0") { txtReps.Text = exercises[pos].reps.ToString(); } if (exercises[pos].weight != "N/A") { txtWeight.Text = exercises[pos].weight; } if (exercises[pos].equipment != "N/A") { txtEquipment.Text = exercises[pos].equipment; } if (exercises[pos].targetArea != "N/A") { txtTargetArea.Text = exercises[pos].targetArea; } okButton.Click += delegate { //Need a valid name, the rest can be 0 or N/A if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text)) { Toast.MakeText(parent.Context, "Please enter a valid name.", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSets.Text)) { txtSets.Text = "0"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtReps.Text)) { txtReps.Text = "0"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWeight.Text)) { txtWeight.Text = "N/A"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEquipment.Text)) { txtEquipment.Text = "N/A"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTargetArea.Text)) { txtTargetArea.Text = "N/A"; } if (dataBase.updateExercise(exerciseName, txtName.Text, txtSets.Text, txtReps.Text, txtWeight.Text, txtTargetArea.Text, txtEquipment.Text)) { Toast.MakeText(parent.Context, "Exercise updated.", ToastLength.Short).Show(); //update exercise in recyclerview list to add to the recyclerview list exercises[pos].name = txtName.Text; exercises[pos].sets = txtSets.Text; exercises[pos].reps = txtReps.Text; exercises[pos].weight = txtWeight.Text; exercises[pos].targetArea = txtTargetArea.Text; exercises[pos].equipment = txtEquipment.Text; NotifyDataSetChanged(); alertDialog.Dismiss(); } else { Toast.MakeText(parent.Context, "Name is taken.", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }; cancelButton.Click += delegate { alertDialog.Dismiss(); }; alertDialog.Show(); }; //click event for search //this will open the youtube app for the user to search //for the exercise they clicked on viewHolder.searchButton.Click += (sender, e) => { var pos = viewHolder.AdapterPosition; var name = exercises[pos].name; Context context = parent.Context; //start new intent that will open the youtube app //and display search results for specific exercise Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSearch); intent.SetPackage(""); intent.PutExtra("query", name + " how to"); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask); context.StartActivity(intent); }; return(viewHolder); }
/// <summary> /// Dismisses the searchable list dialog /// </summary> public void DismissSearchListDialog() { searchList?.Dismiss(); searchList = null; }
private void CheckTollRoad() { if (!inTollRoad && !isExiting) //Toll Yolda Değilken Ve Çıkmıyor İken { //Toll Yola Girip Girmediğimizi Burdan Anlıyoruz foreach (Area tollAreaItem in tollAreaList.Where(x => x.isBooth)) { double dist = CommonMethods.GetDistance(tollAreaItem.areaLatitude, tollAreaItem.areaLongitude, currentLocation.Latitude, currentLocation.Longitude); if (dist < avgApproximity && tollAreaItem.isBooth) { tollAreaExitList = dbOperations.GetAreaPassListWithDisctance(tollAreaItem.areaID).ReturnObject.OrderBy(x => x.distance).ToList(); if (tollAreaExitList.Count != 0) { NotificationList = new List <ExitNotification>(); notificationLayout = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.notificationLayout); notificationLayout.RemoveAllViews(); dialog.Dismiss(); foreach (var exitItem in tollAreaExitList) { //bu liste giris sonrasi cikan kutulari yaratiyor if (exitItem.isBooth) { //eger exitItem gise ise listeye ekle notificationLayout.AddView(RoadNotification(exitItem.areaID)); } } //yola girildi olarak kayit atiliyor inTollRoad = true; tollAreaEnter = tollAreaItem; tollAreaEnterTime = DateTime.Now; break; } } } } else //Toll yola girdikten sonra { //Yolun İçindeyken ve cikis halinde degilken if (!isExiting) { //her exit icin foreach (var tollAreaItem in tollAreaExitList.ToList()) { double dist = CommonMethods.GetDistance(tollAreaItem.areaLatitude, tollAreaItem.areaLongitude, currentLocation.Latitude, currentLocation.Longitude); ExitNotification currentNotify = NotificationList.Where(x => x.areaID == tollAreaItem.areaID).FirstOrDefault(); notificationLayout = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.notificationLayout); if (tollAreaItem.isBooth) { LinearLayout Container = (LinearLayout)FindViewById(currentNotify.ContainerID); if (Container != null) { TextView LeftText = (TextView)FindViewById(currentNotify.LeftID); TextView CenterText = (TextView)FindViewById(currentNotify.CenterID); TextView RightText = (TextView)FindViewById(currentNotify.RightID); TextView UpperRight = (TextView)FindViewById(currentNotify.RightUpperID); TimeSpan TimeLeft = CommonMethods.GetMinutesLeft(tollAreaItem.distance, carMaxSpeed, tollAreaEnterTime); Container.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; if (TimeLeft == TimeSpan.Zero) { Container.SetBackgroundColor(Color.Argb(200, 39, 174, 96)); } //kutularin icindeki verileri guncelle LeftText.Text = tollAreaItem.areaName; CenterText.Text = CommonMethods.GetExitTime(tollAreaItem.distance, carMaxSpeed, tollAreaEnterTime).ToString("HH:mm"); RightText.Text = TimeLeft != null && TimeLeft.Hours > 0 ? string.Format(timeDisplayFormatWithHour, TimeLeft.Hours, TimeLeft.Minutes, TimeLeft.Seconds) : string.Format(timeDisplayFormat, TimeLeft.Minutes, TimeLeft.Seconds); //eger cikisa gelinmis ise if (dist < avgApproximity) { //yaziyi degistir UpperRight.Text = "Çıkış Saati"; //cikis saatini goster RightText.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"); //diger tum cikislari listeden cikar foreach (ExitNotification item2 in NotificationList) { if (item2.areaID != tollAreaItem.areaID) { LinearLayout delContainer = (LinearLayout)FindViewById(item2.ContainerID); notificationLayout.RemoveView(delContainer); } } //cikiliyor olarak kayit yap isExiting = true; inTollRoad = false; //cikis popup mesaji olusturm #region Popup Mesaji PopupMessage(this, TimeLeft); break; #endregion Popup Mesaji } } } else //Yon tayini ile ilgili bolumler { //gatelerden birine girmisse if (dist < avgApproximity) { //giris noktasindan yolun bitis istikametine dogru gidiyor if (tollAreaItem.areaID > tollAreaEnter.areaID) { foreach (AreaWithDistance item2 in tollAreaExitList.ToList()) { if (item2.areaID < tollAreaItem.areaID) { if (item2.isBooth) { ExitNotification delnotify = NotificationList.Where(x => x.areaID == item2.areaID).FirstOrDefault(); LinearLayout delContainer = (LinearLayout)FindViewById(delnotify.ContainerID); notificationLayout.RemoveView(delContainer); //AdMob çıkıyor ShowInterstitialAd(); } tollAreaExitList.Remove(item2); } } } else //giris noktasindan yolun baslangic istikametine dogru gidiyor { foreach (AreaWithDistance item2 in tollAreaExitList.ToList()) { if (tollAreaItem.areaID < item2.areaID) { if (item2.isBooth) { ExitNotification delnotify = NotificationList.Where(x => x.areaID == item2.areaID).FirstOrDefault(); LinearLayout delContainer = (LinearLayout)FindViewById(delnotify.ContainerID); notificationLayout.RemoveView(delContainer); //AdMob çıkıyor ShowInterstitialAd(); } tollAreaExitList.Remove(item2); } } } } } } } else //Yoldan Çıkıyorken { Boolean stillExiting = false; foreach (AreaWithDistance item in tollAreaExitList) { double dist = CommonMethods.GetDistance(item.areaLatitude, item.areaLongitude, currentLocation.Latitude, currentLocation.Longitude); if (dist < avgExitApproximity) { stillExiting = true; } } if (!stillExiting) { isExiting = stillExiting; inTollRoad = false; tollAreaEnter = null; tollAreaEnterTime = DateTime.MinValue; tollAreaExitList = null; TollWaitingPopUpShow(); } } } }
private void AddBookmark() { // Create a dialog for entering the bookmark name AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); // Create the layout LinearLayout dialogLayout = new LinearLayout(this) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical }; // Create a layout for the text entry LinearLayout nameTextLayout = new LinearLayout(this) { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; nameTextLayout.SetPadding(10, 0, 10, 0); // EditText control for entering the bookmark name _bookmarkNameText = new EditText(this); // Layout parameters for making views fill available width LinearLayout.LayoutParams fillWidthParam = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent, 1.0f ); _bookmarkNameText.LayoutParameters = fillWidthParam; // Label for the text entry TextView nameLabel = new TextView(this) { Text = "Name:" }; // Add the controls to the layout nameTextLayout.AddView(nameLabel); nameTextLayout.AddView(_bookmarkNameText); // Create a layout for the dialog buttons (OK and Cancel) LinearLayout buttonLayout = new LinearLayout(this) { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; // Button to cancel the new bookmark Button cancelButton = new Button(this) { Text = "Cancel", LayoutParameters = fillWidthParam }; cancelButton.Click += (s, e) => _newBookmarkDialog.Dismiss(); // Button to save the current viewpoint as a new bookmark Button okButton = new Button(this) { Text = "OK", LayoutParameters = fillWidthParam }; okButton.Click += CreateNewBookmark; // Add the buttons to the layout buttonLayout.AddView(cancelButton); buttonLayout.AddView(okButton); // Build the dialog with the text control and button layouts dialogLayout.AddView(nameTextLayout); dialogLayout.AddView(buttonLayout); // Set dialog content dialogBuilder.SetView(dialogLayout); dialogBuilder.SetTitle("New Bookmark"); // Show the dialog _newBookmarkDialog = dialogBuilder.Show(); }
public void next(KfkPageData data) { Loading.Hide(); RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(Base); View view = LayoutInflater.From(Base).Inflate(Base.Assets.OpenXmlResourceParser("res/layout/xamarin_pay.xml"), relativeLayout); CardView cardView = (CardView)view.FindViewWithTag("cardview"); cardView.Radius = 45; cardView.Elevation = 1; cardView.PreventCornerOverlap = false; Spinner Goods = (Spinner)view.FindViewWithTag("goods"); Goods.Adapter = new GoodsAdapter(Base,; Spinner Products = (Spinner)view.FindViewWithTag("products"); Button button = (Button)view.FindViewWithTag("Pay"); AlertDialog pay = new AlertDialog.Builder(Base, 4) .SetView(relativeLayout) .Create(); pay.Show(); pay.Window.SetBackgroundDrawableResource(Android.Resource.Color.Transparent); Goods.ItemSelected += (v, i) => { Products.Adapter = new ProductAdapter(Base,[i.Position].products); }; button.Click += delegate { List <string> item = new List <string>(); if (data.ZfbPay) { item.Add("支付宝支付"); } if (data.WxPay) { item.Add("微信支付"); } if (data.QQPay) { item.Add("QQ钱包支付"); } AlertDialog PayType = null; PayType = new AlertDialog.Builder(Base, 5).SetTitle("请选择支付方式") .SetSingleChoiceItems(item.ToArray(), -1, (dialog, pos) => { //创建订单 Loading.Show(Base); int p = 0; switch (item[pos.Which]) { case "支付宝支付": p = 1; break; case "微信支付": p = 2; break; case "QQ钱包支付": p = 3; break; } HttpApi.Build_order(this,[Goods.SelectedItemPosition].products[Products.SelectedItemPosition].product_id, p, data.buyer_token,; PayType.Dismiss(); }) .Show(); }; }
void ShowPublish() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); LayoutInflater liView = LayoutInflater; customView = liView.Inflate(Resource.Layout.PublishLayout, null, true); ImageView imgPerfil = customView.FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.imgPerfil); if (post.Usuario.Usuario_Fotografia_Perfil != null) { imgPerfil.SetImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(post.Usuario.Usuario_Fotografia_Perfil, 0, post.Usuario.Usuario_Fotografia_Perfil.Length)); } else { imgPerfil.SetImageResource(Resource.Mipmap.ic_profile_empty); } customView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.lblNombre).Text = post.Usuario.Usuario_Nombre; customView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.lblPuesto).Text = post.Usuario.Usuario_Puesto; customView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.lblFecha).Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.imgPicture).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnDeleteImage).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.imgPicture).Click += delegate { AndHUD.Shared.ShowImage(this, Drawable.CreateFromPath(_file.ToPath().ToString())); }; customView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtPublicacion).TextChanged += (sender, e) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((EditText)sender).Text)) { customView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnPublishApply).Enabled = true; } else { customView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnPublishApply).Enabled = false; } }; customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnDeleteImage).Click += delegate { ImageButton imgPicture = customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.imgPicture); imgPicture.SetImageURI(null); imgPicture.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; _file = null; customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnDeleteImage).Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; }; customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnTakePicture).Click += delegate { CreateDirectoryForPictures(); IsThereAnAppToTakePictures(); Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ActionImageCapture); _file = new File(_dir, String.Format("{0}.png", Guid.NewGuid())); intent.PutExtra(MediaStore.ExtraOutput, Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(_file)); StartActivityForResult(intent, TakePicture); }; customView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btnAttachImage).Click += delegate { var imageIntent = new Intent(); imageIntent.SetType("image/*"); imageIntent.SetAction(Intent.ActionGetContent); StartActivityForResult( Intent.CreateChooser(imageIntent, "Select photo"), PickImageId); }; customView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnPublishApply).Click += delegate { System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); bitmap?.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 0, stream); byte[] bitmapData = stream?.ToArray(); if (bitmapData.Length != 0 || customView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtPublicacion).Text.Trim().Length != 0) { if (DashboardController.CommentPost(post_id, localStorage.Get("Usuario_Id"), localStorage.Get("Usuario_Tipo"), customView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtPublicacion).Text, bitmapData)) { customView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtPublicacion).Text = ""; customView.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtPublicacion).ClearFocus(); comentarios = DashboardController.GetComentariosPost(post_id, localStorage.Get("Usuario_Id"), localStorage.Get("Usuario_Tipo"), page, sizePage); FillComments(); svComentarios.ScrollY = svComentarios.Height; } else { Toast.MakeText(this, Resource.String.str_general_save_error, ToastLength.Short); } } else { Toast.MakeText(this, "Escribe o envía una imagen", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } dialog.Dismiss(); }; builder.SetView(customView); builder.Create(); dialog = builder.Show(); dialog.Window.SetGravity(GravityFlags.Top | GravityFlags.Center); }
/// <summary> /// Show an alert which simply notifies the user with only 1 optional change in action. /// </summary> /// <param name="title">The title of the alert.</param> /// <param name="message">The message of the alert.</param> public void ShowInertAlert(string title = EMPTY_STRING, string message = EMPTY_STRING, EventHandler e = null, DialogButton button1 = null) { //Create the new alert AlertDialog alert = dialogBuilder.Create(); //Set the title and message. alert.SetTitle(title); alert.SetMessage(message); //Setup the dismiss listener if not null if (e != null) { alert.SetOnDismissListener(new OnDismissListener(() => { //Invoke the event attached. e.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); })); //Setup the dismiss button. alert.SetButton(context.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.item_options_close), (s, e) => alert.Dismiss()); //Setup the button. if (button1 != null) { alert.SetButton2(button1.Title, button1.Action); } } else if (button1 != null) { alert.SetButton(button1.Title, button1.Action); } //Show the alert. alert.Show(); }