コード例 #1
 public string SqlQueryInsertIntoAlarms(Alarm_UDT Alarm, int pointer)
     return("INSERT INTO Alarms (" +
            "UniqueID" + "," +
            "RobotName" + "," +
            "AlarmID" + "," +
            "AlarmNo" + "," +
            "AlarmSeverity" + "," +
            "AlarmTimestamp" + "," +
            "Ticks" + "," +
            "Pointer" + "," +
            ")" +
            " Values (" +
            "\'" + Alarm.Alarm_ID.Value + "-" + Alarm.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.ToString("s", new CultureInfo("en-US")) + "\'" + "," +
            Alarm.Robot_Name.Value + "," +
            Alarm.Alarm_ID.Value + "," +
            Alarm.Alarm_No.Value + "," +
            Alarm.Alarm_Severity.Value + "," +
            // date format in SQL DB 09/13/2019 9:17:56 AM - US
            // date format from PLC 13/09/2019 9:17:56 AM - British
            "\'" + Alarm.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.ToString("G", new CultureInfo("en-US")) + "\'" + "," +
            Alarm.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.Ticks + "," +
            pointer + "," +
コード例 #2
 public void writeAlarmToDB(Alarm_UDT Alarms, SqlCommand command, int Pointer, SqlConnection cnn)
     // Write everything from PLC buffer to DB except for anything with AlarmID= 0
     if (Alarms.Alarm_ID.Value != 0)
         Console.WriteLine("Writing Alarm with ID:{0} to the database.", Alarms.Alarm_ID.Value);
         //command is use to perform read and write operations in the database
         //Command object, which is used to execute the SQL statement against the database
         command = new SqlCommand(SqlQueryInsertIntoAlarms(Alarms, Pointer), cnn);
         //DataAdapter object is used to perform specific SQL operations such as insert, delete and update commands
         SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
         //we now associate the insert SQL command to our adapter
         adapter.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(SqlQueryInsertIntoAlarms(Alarms, Pointer), cnn);
         //then issue the ExecuteNonQuery method which is used to execute the Insert statement against our database
         //Dispose of all temp objects created