private static void WarningText(string updateTarget) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.WARN, $" :: If you have entered a {updateTarget.ToLower()} as a command line argument, "); AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.WARN, $" :: it is recommended that you clear your command history in any case."); AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.WARN, $" :: => history -d <history_num> OR history -c"); AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.WARN, $" :: <history_num> - If you run history with no arguments, you will see a numbered command history."); }
public static void Decomposition(string[] targetArgs) { if (targetArgs.Length < 1) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.CAUT, "Skipped config generate."); Settings.DoSkipConfigGenerate = true; return; } try { for (int i = 0; i < targetArgs.Length; i++) { switch (targetArgs[i]) { case "--user": Settings.DataBaseUserName = targetArgs[++i]; break; case "--pass": Settings.DataBasePassWord = targetArgs[++i]; break; } } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.ERR, "Incorrect Number of Arguments."); } }
private static string updateDbUserName(ConfigModel targetModel, [Optional] string dbUserName) { if (dbUserName == null) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, "No Update DataBase UserName."); return(targetModel.DB_ACCESS_USERNAME); } AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, $"Update DataBase UserName: {dbUserName}"); return(dbUserName); }
private static string updateDbPassWord(ConfigModel targetModel, [Optional] string dbPassWord) { if (dbPassWord == null) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, "No Update DataBase PassWord."); return(targetModel.DB_ACCESS_PASSWORD); } AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, $"Update DataBase PassWord: {Encrypter.onEncrypt(dbPassWord)}"); WarningText("Password"); return(dbPassWord); }
private static string updateApiKey(ConfigModel targetModel, [Optional] string apiKey) { if (apiKey == null) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, "No Update ApiKey."); return(targetModel.API_KEY); } AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, $"Update ApiKey: {apiKey.Substring(0, 3)}"); WarningText("apiKey"); return(apiKey); }
private static List <IgnoreData> updateIgnoreData(ConfigModel targetModel, List <IgnoreData> ignoreData) { if (ignoreData.Count <= 0) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, "No Update Ignore Data."); return(targetModel.ignoreData); } ignoreData.ForEach(data => targetModel.ignoreData.Add(data)); List <IgnoreData> update = targetModel.ignoreData; AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, $"Update Ignore Data: {ignoreData.Count} updates"); return(update); }
public static void Decomposition(string[] arg) { ConfigModel model = ConfigImporter.onDeserialize(false); try { for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; i++) { switch (arg[i]) { case "--clear": ConfigExporter.onTemplateGenerate(); break; case "-a": case "--api-key": apiKey = arg[++i]; break; case "-u": case "--user": userName = arg[++i]; break; case "-p": case "--pass": passWord = arg[++i]; break; case "-ia": case "--ignore-add": ignoreData.Add(CheckRequest.onCheck(model, arg[++i])); break; case "-iaa": case "--ignore-add-array": arg[++i].Split(',').ToList().ForEach(videoId => { ignoreData.Add(CheckRequest.onCheck(model, videoId)); }); break; } } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.ERR, "Incorrect Number of Arguments."); } ConfigUpdater.onUpdate(apiKey, userName, passWord, ignoreData); }
public static ConfigModel.IgnoreData onCheck(ConfigModel model, string ignoreVideoId) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); ParseObject parseObject; try { AlLite.WriteLine(WriteMode.INFO, $"Checking :: {ignoreVideoId}"); string getObj = httpClient.GetStringAsync( $"" + $"id={ignoreVideoId}&key={model.API_KEY}&" + $"fields=items(id,snippet/title)&part=snippet").Result; parseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ParseObject>(getObj); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } return(new ConfigModel.IgnoreData() { IgnoreDataName = parseObject.items[0].snippet.title, IgnoreVideoId = ignoreVideoId }); }