public async Task <bool> CheckIfRecordExist(ulong id) { var records = await Base.ListRecords(table, filterByFormula : "{userId} = " + id); if (records.Records.Count() != 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
private async void Render(object state) { using var airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_configuration["Airtable:Key"], _configuration["Airtable:Base"]); var response = await airtableBase.ListRecords( "Redirections", view : "Main", maxRecords : 1); if (!response.Success) { return; } var records = response.Records .ToDictionary(x => x.Fields["Base Address"].ToString(), x => new DomainMappingValue { Desktop = new DomainVariantValue { Url = x.Fields["Desktop Redirection"].ToString() }, Mobile = new DomainVariantValue { Url = x.Fields["Mobile Redirection"].ToString() } }); foreach (var record in records) { record.Value.Mobile.Html = await FillHtmlCache("http://" + record.Value.Mobile.Url); record.Value.Desktop.Html = await FillHtmlCache("http://" + record.Value.Desktop.Url); _memoryCache.Set(record.Key, record.Value); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetCharts(string domainId, DeviceId deviceId) { using var airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_configuration["Airtable:Key"], _configuration["Airtable:Base"]); var redirectedToField = "RedirectedTo"; var creationTimeField = "CreationTime"; var records = await airtableBase.ListRecords("Views", fields : new[] { redirectedToField, creationTimeField }, filterByFormula : "AND({BaseDomain}='" + domainId + "', {RedirectedTo}='" + (deviceId == DeviceId.Mobile ? "Mobile" : "Desktop") + "')"); var typed = records.Records.Select(x => { return(new { RedirectedTo = x.Fields[redirectedToField], CreationDate = (DateTime)x.Fields[creationTimeField] }); }); var groupedByDay = typed .GroupBy(x => x.CreationDate.Date) .Select(x => new { Date = x.Key, Count = x.Count() }) .ToList(); var labelStr = string.Join("%2C", groupedByDay.Select(x => "%22" + x.Date.ToString("d") + "%22")); var dataStr = string.Join("%2C", groupedByDay.Select(x => x.Count.ToString())); return(Redirect( $"{labelStr}%0A%20%20%20%20%5D%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%22datasets%22%3A%20%5B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%22label%22%3A%20%22Redirections%22%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%22backgroundColor%22%3A%20%22%23A83400%22%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%22data%22%3A%20%5B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20{dataStr}%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%5D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%5D%0A%20%20%7D%0A%7D")); }
public async Task <(bool, string, List <AirtableRecord>)> FetchRecordsFilterByFormula(string table, string formula, List <string> fields) { string errorMessage = null; bool success = false; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); string offset = null; using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(ApiKey, BaseId)) { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( table, offset, fields, formula); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.OrderBy(r => r.Fields["Date"]).ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.GetBaseException().Message; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; } success = response.Success; } return(success, errorMessage, records); }
public async Task ListRecordsMethodAsync(AirtableBase airtableBase, string offset) { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( tablename, offset, fieldsArray, filterByFormula, maxRecords, pageSize, sort, view); response = await task; if (response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage != null) { // Error reporting errorMessageString = response.AirtableApiError.DetailedErrorMessage2; } else { // Do something with the retrieved 'records' and the 'offset' // for the next page of the record list. } }
public async Task <int> GetCount() { int count = 0; using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_appKey, _baseId)) { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse <ViewersTable> > task = airtableBase.ListRecords <ViewersTable>( "Viewers"); AirtableListRecordsResponse <ViewersTable> response = await task; if (response.Success) { var viewers = new List <ViewersTable>(); var records = response.Records.ToList(); foreach (var rec in records) { var viewer = new ViewersTable { Name = rec.Fields.Name, PreferredPronoun = rec.Fields.PreferredPronoun, EmailAddress = rec.Fields.EmailAddress, StreamersWatched = rec.Fields.StreamersWatched }; viewers.Add(viewer); } var distinctViewers = viewers.GroupBy(g => new { g.EmailAddress }); count = distinctViewers.Count(); } } return(count); }
// STATUS [ July 13, 2019 ] : this works /// <summary> /// Get all the records from a given table /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Configuration for each table is setup in Startup.cs and airtableConfiguration.json /// See: /// </remarks> /// <param name="tableName"> /// Equivalent to the TableName in airtableConfiguration.json /// Equivalent to the tab name in actual airtable /// </param> /// <param name="tableAuthenticationString"> /// Equivalent to the AuthenticationString in airtableConfiguration.json /// </param> /// <example> /// var listOfRecords = await _atM.GetAllRecordsFromAirtableAsync(_spRankingsConfiguration.TableName, _spRankingsConfiguration.AuthenticationString); /// </example> public async Task <List <AirtableRecord> > GetAllRecordsFromAirtableAsync(string tableName, string tableAuthenticationString) { string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; List <AirtableRecord> records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_airtableConfig.ApiKey, tableAuthenticationString)) { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( tableName: tableName ); AirtableListRecordsResponse airResponse = await task.ConfigureAwait(false); if (airResponse.Success) { records.AddRange(airResponse.Records.ToList()); offset = airResponse.Offset; } else { errorMessage = airResponse.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException ? airResponse.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage : "Unknown error"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { C.WriteLine("ERROR"); } return(records); }
public async Task <WaifuObject> GetWaifus(ulong id) { WaifuObject waifu = new WaifuObject(); var records = await Base.ListRecords(table, filterByFormula : "{userId} = " + id); foreach (var record in records.Records) { waifu.Id = id; waifu.RecordId = record.Id; waifu.Feeds = Convert.ToString(record.GetField("Feeds")); waifu.Levels = Convert.ToString(record.GetField("Levels")); waifu.Waifus = Convert.ToString(record.GetField("Waifus")); waifu.Lewds = Convert.ToString(record.GetField("Lewds")); waifu.LastModifiedHour = Convert.ToString(record.GetField("LastModifedHour")); } return(waifu); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get() { var host = Request.Host.ToString(); var isMobile = _deviceResolver.Device.Type == DeviceType.Mobile; var isCrawler = _crawlerResolver.Crawler != null; var type = isMobile ? "Mobile Redirection" : "Desktop Redirection"; var ip = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString(); var userAgent = Request.Headers["User-Agent"].ToString(); var referer = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString(); var hasEntry = _memoryCache.TryGetValue <DomainMappingValue>(host, out var value); _ = Task.Run(async() => { using var airtableBaseInTask = new AirtableBase(_configuration["Airtable:Key"], _configuration["Airtable:Base"]); await airtableBaseInTask.CreateRecord("Views", new Fields { FieldsCollection = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["BaseDomain"] = host, ["Ip"] = ip, ["UserAgent"] = userAgent, ["RedirectedTo"] = isMobile ? "Mobile" : "Desktop", ["Referrer"] = referer } }); }); if (isCrawler && hasEntry) { var content = isMobile ? value.Mobile.Html : value.Desktop.Html; return(Content(content, "text/html")); } else { using var airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_configuration["Airtable:Key"], _configuration["Airtable:Base"]); var response = await airtableBase.ListRecords( "Redirections", fields : new[] { type }, filterByFormula : "{Base Address} = '" + host + "'", view : "Main", maxRecords : 1); if (!response.Success) { return(BadRequest()); } var airtableRecord = response.Records.FirstOrDefault(); if (airtableRecord == null) { return(BadRequest()); } var address = "https://" + airtableRecord.Fields[type]; return(base.Redirect(address)); } }
public async Task <List <BackgroundObject> > GetBackgrounds() { List <BackgroundObject> backgrounds = new List <BackgroundObject>(); var records = await Base.ListRecords("Backgrounds"); foreach (var record in records.Records) { backgrounds.Add(new BackgroundObject() { Name = Convert.ToString(record.GetField("Name")), Url = Convert.ToString(record.GetField("url")), Price = Convert.ToInt32(record.GetField("price")), Nitro = Convert.ToBoolean(record.GetField("Nitro")), Dev = Convert.ToBoolean(record.GetField("Dev")) }); } return(backgrounds); }
public async Task <List <Thing> > GetThingsAsync() { var response = await Airtable.ListRecords(TABLE_NAME, maxRecords : int.MaxValue); if (response.Success) { return(response.Records.Select(record => new Thing(record)).ToList()); } return(new List <Thing>()); }
public static async Task <bool> CheckHasPlayedSet(SdlPlayer player) { string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; List <AirtableRecord> records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(Globals.BotSettings.AppKey, Globals.BotSettings.BaseId)) { do { Logger.Info($"Retrieving data with offset {offset}."); Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( "Draft Log", offset, null, null, null, null ); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { Logger.Info($"Success! Continuing with offset \"{response.Offset}\""); records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError != null) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { SdlAirTableException airTableException = new SdlAirTableException( errorMessage, SdlAirTableException.AirtableErrorType.CommunicationError); Logger.Error(airTableException); throw airTableException; } return(records.Any(x => ((JArray)x.Fields["Alpha Players"]).Any(y => y.Value <string>() == player.AirtableId) || ((JArray)x.Fields["Bravo Players"]).Any(y => y.Value <string>() == player.AirtableId))); }
public async Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> ListRecordsAsAsync() { AirtableListRecordsResponse response; using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(appKey, baseId)) { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords("Messages"); response = await task; } return(response); }
private static async Task <List <AirtableRecord> > GetAirTableDataAsync(string table, List <string> fields, string view = null) { string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(appKey, baseId)) { // // Use 'offset' and 'pageSize' to specify the records that you want // to retrieve. // Only use a 'do while' loop if you want to get multiple pages // of records. // do { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( table, offset, fields, null, null, null, null, view); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { // Error reporting throw new Exception(errorMessage); } else { // Do something with the retrieved 'records' and the 'offset' // for the next page of the record list. return(records); } }
private static async Task <AirtableRecord[]> GetAllPlayerRecords() { string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; List <AirtableRecord> records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(Globals.BotSettings.AppKey, Globals.BotSettings.BaseId)) { do { Logger.Info($"Retrieving data with offset {offset}."); Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( "Draft Standings", offset, null, null, null, null ); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { Logger.Info($"Success! Continuing with offset \"{response.Offset}\""); records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError != null) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { SdlAirTableException airTableException = new SdlAirTableException( errorMessage, SdlAirTableException.AirtableErrorType.CommunicationError); Logger.Error(airTableException); throw airTableException; } return(records.ToArray()); }
const string API_KEY = "keyvJVU4lZksGnWhI"; // airtable api key for tests public static ATTable GetData(string APPLICATION_ID, string TABLE_NAME) { string BASE_URL = $"{APPLICATION_ID}/{Uri.EscapeUriString(TABLE_NAME)}"; ATTable at = new ATTable(TABLE_NAME); try { AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(API_KEY, APPLICATION_ID); var task = airtableBase.ListRecords(TABLE_NAME); TaskHelper.RunTaskSynchronously(task); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = task.Result; if (null == response || response.Records == null) { return(at); } foreach (AirtableRecord rd in response.Records) { int index = int.Parse(rd.GetField("Index").ToString()); ATRow row = new ATRow(index, TABLE_NAME); IEnumerable <AirtableAttachment> attaches = rd.GetAttachmentField("Photo"); if (null != attaches && attaches.Count() > 0) { row.PhotoAttach = attaches.First(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in rd.Fields) { if (pair.Key != "Index" && pair.Key != "Photo") { row.Descriptions.Add(pair.Value.ToString()); } } if (!row.IsEmpty()) { at.Rows.Add(row); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } return(at); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetRepartitionChart(string domainId) { using var airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_configuration["Airtable:Key"], _configuration["Airtable:Base"]); var redirectedToField = "RedirectedTo"; var records = await airtableBase.ListRecords("Views", fields : new[] { redirectedToField }, filterByFormula : "{BaseDomain}='" + domainId + "'"); var mobileCount = records.Records.Count(x => x.Fields[redirectedToField].ToString() == "Mobile"); var desktopCount = records.Records.Count(x => x.Fields[redirectedToField].ToString() == "Desktop"); return(Redirect( $"{mobileCount}%2C%20{desktopCount}%5D%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20backgroundColor%3A%20%5B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%27%23A83400%27%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%27rgb(255%2C%20159%2C%2064)%27%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%5D%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20label%3A%20%27Dataset%201%27%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%5D%2C%0A%20%20%20%20labels%3A%20%5B%27Mobile%27%2C%20%27Desktop%27%5D%2C%0A%20%20%7D%0A%7D%0A")); }
public async Task <List <ResponseModel> > GetRecords(string appKey, string baseId) { var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(appKey, baseId); Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords("Messages"); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { throw new InvalidOperationException(response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown error"); } var responseList = new List <ResponseModel>(); foreach (var record in records) { if (record.Fields != null && RecordHasFields(record)) { var recordReponse = new ResponseModel { ID = record.Fields["id"].ToString(), Title = record.Fields["Summary"].ToString(), Text = record.Fields["Message"].ToString(), }; DateTime.TryParse(record.Fields["receivedAt"].ToString(), out var receivedAt); recordReponse.ReceivedAt = receivedAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ"); responseList.Add(recordReponse); } } return(responseList); }
public static async IAsyncEnumerable <AirtableRecord <T> > Rows <T>(this AirtableBase at, string table, string[] fields = null) { string offset = null; while (true) { var res = await at.ListRecords <T>(table, offset, fields); res.EnsureSuccess(); foreach (var r in res.Records) { yield return(r); } offset = res.Offset; if (offset == null) { break; } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> AcmeChallenge([FromRoute] string token) { using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_configuration["Airtable:Key"], _configuration["Airtable:Base"])) { var response = await airtableBase.ListRecords( "Acme", fields : new[] { "Value", "ContentType" }, filterByFormula : "{Token} = '" + token + "'", view : "Main", maxRecords : 1); if (response.Success) { var airtableRecord = response.Records.FirstOrDefault(); if (airtableRecord != null) { return(Content(airtableRecord.Fields["Value"].ToString(), new MediaTypeHeaderValue(airtableRecord.Fields["ContentType"].ToString()))); } } } return(NotFound()); }
//============================== GET ALL =============================== public async Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> GetAll() { string offset = null; IEnumerable <string> fields = null; string filterByFormula = null; int? maxRecords = 100; int? pageSize = 100; IEnumerable <Sort> sort = null; string view = null; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(appKey, baseId)) { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( tableName, offset, fields, filterByFormula, maxRecords, pageSize, sort, view); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; } return(response); } }
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <RecordModel> > GetRecords(int limit) { _logger.LogTrace($"{GetType()} - BEGIN {nameof(GetRecords)} with limit:{limit}"); string errorMessage = ""; string offset; List <RecordModel> results = new List <RecordModel>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(_config.ApiKey, _config.DatabaseId)) { do { AirtableListRecordsResponse res = await airtableBase.ListRecords(_config.TableName, view : _config.ViewName, maxRecords : limit); if (res.Success) { results.AddRange(_mapper.ProjectTo <RecordModel>(res.Records.AsQueryable())); offset = res.Offset; } else if (res.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = res.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { _logger.LogError(errorMessage); } return(results); }
public async Task <List <AirtableRecord <Cuisine> > > GetCuisinesAsync() { // check the cache if (_cuisines != null) { return(_cuisines); } _cuisines = new List <AirtableRecord <Cuisine> >(); string offset = null; using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(appKey, baseId)) { do { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse <Cuisine> > task = airtableBase.ListRecords <Cuisine>(tableName: "Cuisines", offset: offset); var response = await task; if (response.Success) { _cuisines.AddRange(response.Records); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { throw new Exception(response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage); break; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown error"); break; } } while (offset != null); } return(_cuisines); }
public async Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> getAirtableData() { string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(appKey, baseId); Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( "People", offset); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SUCCESS!!! We received a response."); records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; } foreach (var r in records) { string theName = r.GetField("Name").ToString(); Names.Add(theName); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("RECORD: " + Names.Last()); } return(response); }
public async Task <List <string> > GetRecordsFromFormula(string table, string formula) { string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); AirtableRecord myRecord = new AirtableRecord(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(ApiKey, BaseId)) { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( table, offset, null, formula); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.GetBaseException().Message; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; } } List <string> jsonRecords = new List <string>(); foreach (AirtableRecord record in records) { var jsonRec = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record); jsonRecords.Add(jsonRec); } return(jsonRecords); }
//async method for listing records public async Task ListRecordsMethodAsync(AirtableBase airtableBase, string offset, IGH_DataAccess DA) { do { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( tablename, offset, fieldsArray, filterByFormula, maxRecords, pageSize, sort, view); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; task.Wait(); errorMessageString = task.Status.ToString(); if (response.Success) { errorMessageString = "Success!";//change Error Message to success here records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessageString = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessageString = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); }
public async Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> ListRecords( string tableName, string offset = null, IEnumerable <string> fields = null, string filterByFormula = null, int?maxRecords = null, int?pageSize = null, IEnumerable <Sort> sort = null, string view = null) { string errorMessage = null; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = null; using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(appKey, baseId)) { // // Use 'offset' and 'pageSize' to specify the records that you want // to retrieve. // Only use a 'do while' loop if you want to get multiple pages // of records. // do { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( tableName, offset, fields, filterByFormula, maxRecords, pageSize, sort, view); response = await task; if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { // Error reporting } else { // Do something with the retrieved 'records' and the 'offset' // for the next page of the record list. } return(response); }
async private void AirtableFetchRecords() { string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(App.AirtableKey, App.AirtableBase)) { do { if (offset != null) { // Sleep for half a second so we don't make requests too fast. // The free Airtable plan only allows 5 requests per second. // Each download is 100 records (pagesize). System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } AirtableListRecordsResponse response; response = await airtableBase.ListRecords( "Match", offset, null /*fieldsArray*/, $"EventKey='{App.currFRCEventKey}'" /*filterByFormula*/, null /*maxRecords*/, 100 /*pageSize*/, null /*sort*/, null /*view*/); if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { Label_Results.Text = errorMessage; return; } int RecordCount = 0; int NewCount = 0; int UpdateCount = 0; int IgnoreCount = 0; foreach (AirtableRecord ar in records) { RecordCount++; JObject jo = new JObject(); EventTeamMatch m = null; string uuid = ar.Fields["Uuid"].ToString(); string airtableId = ar.Id; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uuid)) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.Append("SELECT [EventTeamMatch].* FROM [EventTeamMatch]"); query.Append(" WHERE [EventTeamMatch].[Uuid] = '"); query.Append(uuid); query.Append("'"); m = App.Database.GetEventTeamMatchAsyncUuid(uuid); if (m != null && m.Changed >= (long)ar.Fields["Changed"]) { // this record is newer, ignore airtable IgnoreCount++; continue; } } if (m == null) { m = new EventTeamMatch(); m.AirtableId = ar.Id; NewCount++; } else { UpdateCount++; } // convert to JObject and back so individual match fields are not needed here jo = m.ToJson(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kv in ar.Fields) { if (kv.Key == "Id" || kv.Key == "AirtableId") { continue; } int intValue; if (int.TryParse(kv.Value.ToString(), out intValue)) { if (kv.Key == "Changed") { // only update if lower if (m.Changed < intValue) { m.Changed = intValue; } } else { jo.SetValue(kv.Key, intValue); } } else { jo.SetValue(kv.Key, kv.Value.ToString()); } } // Rebuild the EventTeamMatch from the JObject data m = EventTeamMatch.FromJson(jo); if (m.Changed % 2 == 1) { m.Changed++; } // save to the database await App.Database.SaveEventTeamMatchAsync(m); } Label_Results.Text = ""; Label_Results.Text += $"Records found: {RecordCount}\r\n"; Label_Results.Text += $"Records added: {NewCount}\r\n"; Label_Results.Text += $"Records updated: {UpdateCount}\r\n"; Label_Results.Text += $"Records ignored: {IgnoreCount}"; }
/// <summary> /// overload to accept appkeys and baseid to access more tables. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="AppKey"></param> /// <param name="BaseId"></param> /// <param name="tableName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <T> > GetTableAsync <T>(string AppKey, string BaseId, string tableName, string view = null) where T : IAirtable { var table = new List <AirtableRecord <T> >(); string offset = null; var retryCount = 0; await semaphore.WaitAsync(); // wait for your place in line using AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(AppKey, BaseId); try { do { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse <T> > task = airtableBase.ListRecords <T>(tableName: tableName, offset: offset, view: view); var response = await task; if (response.Success) { PopulateIds(response.Records); table.AddRange(response.Records); offset = response.Offset; } // look for timeouts and add retry logic. else if (response.AirtableApiError != null) { if (retryCount < 3) { retryCount++; await Task.Delay(500); //pause half-a-sec } else { // too many retrys table = null; break; } } } while (offset != null); } catch (Exception e) { table = null; } finally { semaphore.Release(); // let the next one in } List <T> list = null; if (table != null) { list = new List <T>(); try { list = (from c in table select c.Fields).ToList(); } catch (Exception e) { var err = e.InnerException; } } return(list); }
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //AirtableListRecordsResponse res; //AirtableBase airtable = new AirtableBase(AirtableKey, AirtableBase); //try //{ // res = airtable.ListRecords("Match").Result; //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // textBox1.Text = ex.Message; // return; //} //textBox1.Text = ""; //foreach (AirtableRecord ar in res.Records) //{ // textBox1.Text += ar.ToString(); // textBox1.Text += "\r\n"; //} //textBox1.Text += "--- Done ---"; string offset = null; string errorMessage = null; string eventKey = "2020test"; var records = new List <AirtableRecord>(); using (AirtableBase airtableBase = new AirtableBase(AirtableKey, AirtableBase)) { // Use 'offset' and 'pageSize' to specify the records that you want // to retrieve. // Only use a 'do while' loop if you want to get multiple pages // of records. do { Task <AirtableListRecordsResponse> task = airtableBase.ListRecords( "Match", offset, null /*fieldsArray*/, $"EventKey='{eventKey}'" /*filterByFormula*/, null /*maxRecords*/, null /*pageSize*/, null /*sort*/, null /*view*/); AirtableListRecordsResponse response = await task; if (response.Success) { records.AddRange(response.Records.ToList()); offset = response.Offset; } else if (response.AirtableApiError is AirtableApiException) { errorMessage = response.AirtableApiError.ErrorMessage; break; } else { errorMessage = "Unknown error"; break; } } while (offset != null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { textBox1.Text = errorMessage; } else { foreach (AirtableRecord ar in records) { bool addComma = false; textBox1.AppendText("{"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kv in ar.Fields) { if (addComma) { textBox1.AppendText(","); } addComma = true; textBox1.AppendText($"\"{kv.Key}\":"); switch (Type.GetTypeCode(kv.Value.GetType())) { case TypeCode.String: textBox1.AppendText($"\"{kv.Value}\""); break; default: textBox1.AppendText($"{kv.Value}"); break; } } textBox1.AppendText("}\r\n"); } } }