/// <summary> /// Retry price push for failed updates. /// </summary> /// <param name="fireFoxDriver">Firefox driver.</param> /// <param name="pricePushLogResults">Log list.</param> /// <param name="listingId">Listing id.</param> public static void RetryFailedPriceUpdates(RemoteWebDriver fireFoxDriver, List <PricePushResult> pricePushLogResults, string listingId) { var failedPriceUpdates = pricePushLogResults.Where(p => p.Channel == Channel.AirBnb && p.LogArea == PricePushLogArea.PriceUpdate && p.LogType == PricingPushLogType.Error && p.ListingId == listingId); if (failedPriceUpdates != null) { List <PricePushResult> updatesToBeRemoved = new List <PricePushResult>(); foreach (var failedUpdate in failedPriceUpdates) { // Navigate to the property here. AirBnbCalendar.NavigateToCalendar(fireFoxDriver, listingId); // Navigating to the correct month DateTime failedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(failedUpdate.ListingDate); AirBnbCalendar.NavigateToMonth(fireFoxDriver, failedDate.Month, failedDate.Year); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // Try updating the date once again. try { AirBnbCalendar.UpdateUnitPrice( fireFoxDriver, failedDate, Convert.ToDouble(failedUpdate.Price)); updatesToBeRemoved.Add(failedUpdate); } catch (Exception ex) { N.Note("Retry :" + ex.Message); } } foreach (var itemToBeRemoved in updatesToBeRemoved) { pricePushLogResults.Remove(itemToBeRemoved); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Pricing sync for AirBnb"); Config.I.UseProxy = true; AirBnbAccounts.Load(); var roomsMap = AirBnbRoomMap.Load(); var streamlineCollection = StreamlinePropertyCollection.Load(); PropertyMap.SetMap(roomsMap, streamlineCollection); var property = PropertyMap.GetBySenstayID("LA029"); var proxyNum = 0; var airAccount = AirBnbAccounts.GetAccountByEmail(property.AirbnbAccountEmail); var email = airAccount.Email; N.Note("Processing account " + email + " with proxy " + airAccount.ProxyAddress[proxyNum]); var profile = SeleniumProxy.GetFirefoxProfileWithProxy(airAccount.ProxyAddress, proxyNum); using (var driver = SeleniumFactory.GetFirefoxDriver(profile)) { var signInSucceed = AirBnbLogin.Process(driver, airAccount); if (signInSucceed.Status != AirBnbLoginStatus.Sucess) { N.Note("Password for " + email + " is wrong or account unreachable"); try { driver.Quit(); } catch { // ignored } } AirBnbCalendar.SetPricesForUnit(driver, property, AirbnbUnitDailyPriceList.Load()); } }
/// <summary> /// Push price to airbnb. /// </summary> /// <param name="processStartTime">Process start time.</param> /// <param name="pricePushLogger">Price push logger.</param> /// <param name="airBnbProperties">List of airbnb properties.</param> public static void PushPriceToAirBnb(DateTime processStartTime, OperationsJsonLogger <PricePushResult> pricePushLogger, List <Property> airBnbProperties) { List <PricePushResult> pricePushLogResults = new List <PricePushResult>(); try { if (airBnbProperties != null) { // Group the properties by their login email id. var propertiesGroupedByEmail = airBnbProperties.GroupBy(x => x.LoginAccount.Email); if (propertiesGroupedByEmail != null) { foreach (var propertyGroup in propertiesGroupedByEmail) { // Get the property list that needs to be updated. List <Property> properties = propertyGroup.ToList(); // Setup the login acccount which should be used to login to the account. var loginAccount = properties[0].LoginAccount; AirBnbAccount account = new AirBnbAccount { Email = loginAccount.Email, Password = loginAccount.Password, ProxyAddress = loginAccount.ProxyAddress, Active = loginAccount.Active, Test = loginAccount.Test }; // Set the firefox profile. //var firefoxProfile = SeleniumProxy.GetFirefoxProfileWithProxy(account.ProxyAddress[0]); var chromeOptions = SeleniumProxy.GetChromeOptionsWithProxy(account.ProxyAddress[0]); try { using (RemoteWebDriver driver = SeleniumFactory.GetChromeDriver(chromeOptions)) //using (RemoteWebDriver driver = SeleniumFactory.GetFirefoxDriver(firefoxProfile)) { N.Note("Trying to login with the user :"******"Login succeeded"); foreach (Property property in properties) { var validPropertyPrices = property.Prices.Where(x => (x.SeasonEndDate.Date > DateTime.UtcNow.Date)); if (AirBnbCalendar.NavigateToCalendar(driver, property.AirbnbId)) { ///AirBnbCalendar.ZoomOut(driver); if (validPropertyPrices.Count() > 0) { string currentMonthYear = string.Empty; bool navigateToMonth = true; foreach (Price propPrice in validPropertyPrices) { int noOfDays = propPrice.NoOfDaysToBeUpdated(); if (string.Compare(currentMonthYear, propPrice.SeasonStartDate.Month.ToString() + propPrice.SeasonStartDate.Year.ToString(), true) != 0) { navigateToMonth = AirBnbCalendar.NavigateToMonth(driver, propPrice.SeasonStartDate.Month, propPrice.SeasonStartDate.Year); if (navigateToMonth) { currentMonthYear = propPrice.SeasonStartDate.Month.ToString() + propPrice.SeasonStartDate.Year.ToString(); } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); } if (navigateToMonth) { for (int i = 1; i <= noOfDays; i++) { DateTime startDate = propPrice.SeasonStartDate.AddDays(i); if (string.Compare(currentMonthYear, startDate.Month.ToString() + startDate.Year.ToString(), true) != 0) { AirBnbCalendar.NavigateToMonth(driver, startDate.Month, startDate.Year); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(700)); N.Note("Updating price for the day :" + propPrice.SeasonStartDate.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); try { AirBnbCalendar.UpdateUnitPrice( driver, propPrice.SeasonStartDate.AddDays(i), propPrice.PropertyPrice); } catch (Exception ex) { PricingPushLogType logType = PricingPushLogType.Error; if (ex.GetType() == typeof(PriceUpdateInformation)) { logType = PricingPushLogType.Information; } LogPriceUpdationError(pricePushLogResults, PricePushLogArea.PriceUpdate, logType, property, propPrice.SeasonStartDate.AddDays(i), propPrice.PropertyPrice, ex.Message); } } } else { for (int startDay = 1; startDay <= noOfDays; startDay++) { LogPriceUpdationError(pricePushLogResults, PricePushLogArea.PriceUpdate, PricingPushLogType.Error, property, propPrice.SeasonStartDate.AddDays(startDay), propPrice.PropertyPrice, "Navigating to the month " + propPrice.SeasonStartDate.ToString("MMMM") + " in the calendar failed for the property " + property.AirbnbTitle); } } } } } else { LogError(pricePushLogResults, PricePushLogArea.Property, PricingPushLogType.Error, property, "Listing Id :" + property.AirbnbId + " for the property " + property.AirbnbTitle + " is wrong"); } RetryFailedPriceUpdates(driver, pricePushLogResults, property.AirbnbId); } } else { LogError(pricePushLogResults, PricePushLogArea.Login, PricingPushLogType.Error, signInSucceed.Message.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty)); try { driver.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { N.Note("Exception while closing the driver : " + ex.Message); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(pricePushLogResults, PricePushLogArea.Property, PricingPushLogType.Error, "Pricing push to AirBnb failed", ex.Message); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(pricePushLogResults, PricePushLogArea.Property, PricingPushLogType.Error, "Pricing push to AirBnb failed", ex.Message); } finally { pricePushLogger.Log(pricePushLogResults); } }