public void SerializeDeserializeLoadEntityBinary() { if ( == "SqlCe") { Assert.Ignore("Not tested for SqlCe."); } else { int key = 0; aggTest.Query.Where( aggTest.Query.LastName == "Douglas", aggTest.Query.FirstName == "Fred"); aggTest.Query.Load(); key = aggTest.Id.Value; aggTest = new AggregateTest(); aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(key); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); bf.Serialize(ms, aggTest); ms.Position = 0; aggClone = (AggregateTest)bf.Deserialize(ms); ms.Close(); Assert.AreEqual("Douglas", aggClone.str().LastName); } }
public void TestCommandTimeoutConfig() { switch ( { case "EntitySpaces.SqlClientProvider": // Collection aggTestColl = new AggregateTestCollection(); Assert.AreEqual(39,; Assert.IsTrue(aggTestColl.Query.Load(), "Query.Load"); aggTestColl = new AggregateTestCollection(); Assert.AreEqual(39,; Assert.IsTrue(aggTestColl.LoadAll(), "LoadAll"); // Entity aggTest = new AggregateTest(); Assert.AreEqual(39,; = 1; Assert.IsTrue(aggTest.Query.Load(), "Query.Load"); int aggKey = aggTest.Id.Value; aggTest = new AggregateTest(); Assert.AreEqual(39,; Assert.IsTrue(aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(aggKey), "LoadByPK"); break; default: Assert.Ignore("tested for SQL Server only"); break; } }
public void TestFailedTransaction() { switch ( { case "SQLStoredProcEnterprise": case "SQLDynamicEnterprise": case "ORACLEStoredProcEnterprise": case "ORACLEDynamicEnterprise": case "VistaDBDynamic": Assert.Ignore("Using esTransactionScope only"); break; default: try { aggTest = new AggregateTest(); AggregateTest aggTest2 = new AggregateTest(); int tempId1 = -1; int tempId2 = -1; aggTest2.str().HireDate = "1/1/1"; using (esTransactionScope scope = new esTransactionScope()) { try { aggTest.Save(); tempId1 = aggTest.Id.Value; aggTest2.Save(); tempId2 = aggTest2.Id.Value; throw new Exception(); scope.Complete(); } catch { } } aggTest = new AggregateTest(); Assert.IsFalse(aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(tempId1)); aggTest = new AggregateTest(); Assert.IsFalse(aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(tempId2)); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.ToString()); } break; } }
public void TestDateTimeMicroSeconds() { int testId = -1; AggregateTest test = new AggregateTest(); switch ( { case "EntitySpaces.MSAccessProvider": Assert.Ignore("MS Access only resolves to MilliSeconds."); break; case "EntitySpaces.MySqlClientProvider": Assert.Ignore("Not supported."); break; case "EntitySpaces.SqlServerCeProvider": case "EntitySpaces.SqlServerCe4Provider": case "EntitySpaces.SqlClientProvider": Assert.Ignore("Requires SQL Server 2008 and datetime2 data type."); break; default: try { using (esTransactionScope scope = new esTransactionScope()) { test.HireDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1902-01-01 01:01:01.000001"); test.Save(); testId = test.Id.Value; test = new AggregateTest(); Assert.IsTrue(test.LoadByPrimaryKey(testId)); Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDateTime("1902-01-01 01:01:01.000001"), test.HireDate.Value, "MicroSeconds"); } } finally { // Clean up test = new AggregateTest(); if (test.LoadByPrimaryKey(testId)) { test.MarkAsDeleted(); test.Save(); } } break; } }
public void EntityLoadByPrimaryKey() { aggTest.Query .Select() .Where ( aggTest.Query.FirstName.Equal("Sarah"), aggTest.Query.LastName.Equal("Doe") ); Assert.IsTrue(aggTest.Query.Load()); int primaryKey = aggTest.Id.Value; Assert.IsTrue(aggClone.LoadByPrimaryKey(primaryKey)); Assert.AreEqual("Doe", aggClone.str().LastName); Assert.AreEqual("Sarah", aggClone.str().FirstName); }
public void WhereLikeEscapedMultiWithSubOp() { int tempId = -1; AggregateTestCollection collection = new AggregateTestCollection(); AggregateTest aggTest = new AggregateTest(); switch ( { case "EntitySpaces.MSAccessProvider": Assert.Ignore("Not supported."); break; default: try { using (esTransactionScope scope = new esTransactionScope()) { aggTest.LastName = "a 10% name"; aggTest.Save(); tempId = aggTest.Id.Value; collection.Query .Select() .Where ( collection.Query.LastName.Trim().Like("%10!%%", '!'), collection.Query.LastName.Like("%a%") ); Assert.IsTrue(collection.Query.Load()); Assert.AreEqual(1, collection.Count); } } finally { // Clean up aggTest = new AggregateTest(); if (aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(tempId)) { aggTest.MarkAsDeleted(); aggTest.Save(); } } break; } }
public void TestTransactions() { switch ( { case "SQLStoredProcEnterprise": case "SQLDynamicEnterprise": case "ORACLEStoredProcEnterprise": case "ORACLEDynamicEnterprise": case "VistaDBDynamic": Assert.Ignore("Using esTransactionScope only"); break; default: int tempId1 = 0; int tempId2 = 0; aggTest = new AggregateTest(); AggregateTest aggTest2 = new AggregateTest(); using (esTransactionScope scope = new esTransactionScope()) { aggTest.Save(); tempId1 = aggTest.Id.Value; aggTest2.Save(); tempId2 = aggTest2.Id.Value; scope.Complete(); } aggTest = new AggregateTest(); Assert.IsTrue(aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(tempId1)); aggTest.MarkAsDeleted(); aggTest.Save(); aggTest = new AggregateTest(); Assert.IsTrue(aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(tempId2)); aggTest.MarkAsDeleted(); aggTest.Save(); break; } }
public void TestDateTime() { int testId = -1; AggregateTestCollection aggTestColl = new AggregateTestCollection(); AggregateTest test = new AggregateTest(); try { using (EntitySpaces.Interfaces.esTransactionScope scope = new EntitySpaces.Interfaces.esTransactionScope()) { aggTestColl.Query.Load(); aggTestColl.Filter = aggTestColl.AsQueryable().OrderBy(s => s.Id); test = (AggregateTest)aggTestColl[0]; DateTime date = test.HireDate.Value; Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDateTime("02/16/2000 05:59:31"), date); test = new AggregateTest(); test.HireDate = Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/9999"); test.Save(); testId = test.Id.Value; test = new AggregateTest(); Assert.IsTrue(test.LoadByPrimaryKey(testId)); Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/9999"), test.HireDate.Value); test.MarkAsDeleted(); test.Save(); } } finally { // Clean up test = new AggregateTest(); if (test.LoadByPrimaryKey(testId)) { test.MarkAsDeleted(); test.Save(); } } }
public void TestTransactionWithoutComplete() { switch ( { case "SQLStoredProcEnterprise": case "SQLDynamicEnterprise": case "ORACLEStoredProcEnterprise": case "ORACLEDynamicEnterprise": case "VistaDBDynamic": Assert.Ignore("Using esTransactionScope only"); break; default: int tempId = 0; try { using (esTransactionScope scope = new esTransactionScope()) { aggTest.Save(); tempId = aggTest.Id.Value; } aggTest = new AggregateTest(); Assert.IsFalse(aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(tempId)); } finally { aggTest = new AggregateTest(); if (aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(tempId)) { aggTest.MarkAsDeleted(); aggTest.Save(); } } break; } }
public void EntityLoadByPrimaryKeyFalse() { Assert.IsFalse(aggTest.LoadByPrimaryKey(-1)); }