public void AggProperties_NullOrEmptyList() { // 1. Null -> error AssertException.Expects <ArgumentNullException>(() => new AggregatePropertiesProvider(null)); // 2. Empty list of providers -> valid but returns nothing var provider = new AggregatePropertiesProvider(new IAnalysisPropertyProvider[] { }); Assert.AreEqual(0, provider.GetAllProperties().Count()); var success = provider.TryGetProperty("any key", out Property actualProperty); Assert.IsFalse(success, "Not expecting a property to be returned"); Assert.IsNull(actualProperty, "Returned property should be null"); }
public void AggProperties_NullOrEmptyList() { // 1. Null -> error Action act = () => new AggregatePropertiesProvider(null); act.Should().ThrowExactly <ArgumentNullException>(); // 2. Empty list of providers -> valid but returns nothing var provider = new AggregatePropertiesProvider(new IAnalysisPropertyProvider[] { }); provider.GetAllProperties().Should().BeEmpty(); var success = provider.TryGetProperty("any key", out var actualProperty); success.Should().BeFalse("Not expecting a property to be returned"); actualProperty.Should().BeNull("Returned property should be null"); }
public void AggProperties_NullOrEmptyList() { // 1. Null -> error AssertException.Expects<ArgumentNullException>(() => new AggregatePropertiesProvider(null)); // 2. Empty list of providers -> valid but returns nothing AggregatePropertiesProvider provider = new AggregatePropertiesProvider(new IAnalysisPropertyProvider[] { }); Assert.AreEqual(0, provider.GetAllProperties().Count()); Property actualProperty; bool success = provider.TryGetProperty("any key", out actualProperty); Assert.IsFalse(success, "Not expecting a property to be returned"); Assert.IsNull(actualProperty, "Returned property should be null"); }