コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates user and redirects to campaign list screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void lbtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //lbtnLogin.Text = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button blue small\" title=\"Logging In\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";

            //lbtnLogin.Enabled = false;

            if (IsValidate())
                    Agent agent = new Agent();

                    //Checks credentials from agent table and sets session object to agent if successful
                    agent = (Agent)Session["LoggedAgent"];

                    if (agent != null)
                        //Call AgentActivity_AgentID

                        //if stationid is missing and phone number is missing then give them message

                        //if logouttime is not null then give message
                        //"You are already logged into "Station1" at "datetimelogin" please logout first or choose another agent to log in as."

                        if (agent.AgentID != 0)
                            if (agent.IsAdministrator)
                                    AgentService objAgentService = new AgentService();
                                    Agent        objAgentToReset = (Agent)Serialize.DeserializeObject(
                                        objAgentService.GetAgentByAgentID(agent.AgentID), "Agent");
                                    XmlDocument xDocAgent = new XmlDocument();
                                    xDocAgent.LoadXml(Serialize.SerializeObject(objAgentToReset, "Agent"));

                                    PageMessage       = "Login_Click admin Problem updating agent logout.";
                                    lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                                    lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";
                                    // We will log the person out in case the
                                    // are still left logged into the system.
                                    //DBCampaign dbCampaign = new DBCampaign();
                                    //                        agent.AgentActivityID);

                                    /*if (agent.PhoneNumber == "") {
                                     *     PageMessage = "A phone number is required and missing.  Please contact your system administrator to add your phone number.";
                                     *     ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "key", "alert('" + PageMessage + "');", true);
                                     *     Response.Redirect("../agent/LoginStatus.aspx");
                                     * }*/
                                    Agent        objAgent        = new Agent();
                                    AgentService objAgentService = new AgentService();
                                        objAgent.LogoutTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        long agentid = agent.AgentID;
                                        objAgent = (Agent)Serialize.DeserializeObject(
                                            objAgentService.AgentActivity_AgentID(agentid), "Agent");

                                        Session["LoggedAgent"] = objAgent;
                                        PageMessage       = "Problem contacting database thru webservice. Please check with the system administrator.";
                                        lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                                        lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";
                                    Agent objMyAgent = (Agent)Serialize.DeserializeObject(
                                        objAgentService.GetAgentByAgentID(agent.AgentID), "Agent");
                                        if (objAgent.LogoutTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                                            PageMessage = "You are already logged into station " + objAgent.StationHost + " at " + objAgent.LoginTime + " Please have the system administrator reset the account.";
                                            lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                                            lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";

                                            if (objMyAgent.IsReset)
                                                long agentid = agent.AgentID;
                                                objAgentService.ToggleAgentReset(agentid, false);
                                    catch (Exception ex) {
                                        Web.ActivityLogger.WriteAgentEntry(agent, "Error checking if they are already logged in: " + ex.Message);
                                        lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                                        lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";

                                        if (objAgent.LogoutTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                                            //XmlDocument xDocAgent = new XmlDocument();
                                            //xDocAgent.LoadXml(Serialize.SerializeObject(objMyAgent, "Agent"));
                                            string sIP          = GetIpAddress();
                                            string sMachineName = GetClientsMachineName();

                                            XmlDocument xDocAgent = new XmlDocument();
                                            xDocAgent.LoadXml(Serialize.SerializeObject(agent, "Agent"));

                                            XmlNode xNodeAgent = objAgentService.InsGet_AgentActivity(xDocAgent, agent.CampaignDB, sIP, sMachineName);
                                            agent = (Agent)Serialize.DeserializeObject(xNodeAgent, "Agent");
                                            Session["LoggedAgent"] = agent;
                                        PageMessage       = "Login_Click agent Problem updating new agent activity id.";
                                        lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                                        lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";

                                    if (PageMessage != "")

                                    //HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("InventiveGuid");
                                    //Set the cookies value
                                    //cookie.Values["AgentGuid"] = agent.AgentID.ToString();
                                    //cookie.Values["AgentActivityGuid"] = agent.AgentActivityID.ToString();

                                    // int timeout = 60;
                                    // this.Session.Timeout = 60;
                                    // try

                                    /* {
                                     *   if (this.Session.Timeout > 10)
                                     *   {
                                     *       timeout = this.Session.Timeout;
                                     *   }
                                     * }
                                     * catch { }*/

                                    // Coolkies set to expire twice as long as
                                    // time out for now.

                                    /* TimeSpan tsMinute = new TimeSpan(0, 0, timeout, 0);
                                     * DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
                                     * cookie.Expires = dtNow + tsMinute;
                                     * Response.Cookies.Add(cookie);
                                    Web.ActivityLogger.WriteAgentEntry(agent, "Logging into system.");
                                catch (Exception ex) {
                                    Web.ActivityLogger.WriteAgentEntry(agent, "Error lbtnLogin_Click outer exception: " + ex.Message);
                                    lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                                    lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";
                            PageMessage = "Invalid Credentials. Please try again";
                        lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                        lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";
                        Web.ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "Failure on login authentication, agent has returned null. Check database connection string in WS config.");
                    PageMessage       = "Error authenticating or connecting to remote server.  Please contact your administrator if this error continues.";
                    lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                    lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    PageMessage       = ex.Message;
                    lbtnLogin.Enabled = true;
                    lbtnLogin.Text    = "<div border=\"0\" class=\"button green small\" title=\"Login\" alt=\"\" >Login</div>";