public void CoolTimeChooseOneMoreGameWin() // I choose try one more game ... { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" CoolTimeChooseOneMoreGameWin Reset ... "); etcInfoObj.DtContWin = Ag.Now().AddSeconds(AgStt.CTContWin + 1); etcInfoObj.ShowMyself(); UpdateEtcInfoObj("CoolTimeChooseOneMoreGameWin"); }
public void HeartCoolTimeNewGameStarted() { etcInfoObj.HeartRemainSec = CurrentRemainSec() - AgStt.CTHeartGameHealth; etcInfoObj.DtHeart = Ag.Now(); etcInfoObj.ShowMyself(); UpdateEtcInfoObj("HeartCoolTimeNewGameStarted"); }
int CurrentRemainSecWithNoLimit() { int remainSec = etcInfoObj.HeartRemainSec; double healthAdded = (Ag.Now() - etcInfoObj.DtHeart).TotalSeconds; // + healthAdded *= AgStt.CTHeartRecoverFactor; remainSec += (int)healthAdded; return(remainSec); }
public void HeartCoolTimeResetWithNow() { etcInfoObj.HeartRemainSec = CurrentRemainSecWithNoLimit(); Ag.LogIntenseWord(" etcInfoObj.HeartCoolTimeResetWithNow >> remainSec :: " + etcInfoObj.HeartRemainSec + " with Now "); etcInfoObj.DtHeart = Ag.Now(); etcInfoObj.ShowMyself(); UpdateEtcInfoObj("HeartCoolTimeResetWithNow"); }
public void HeartSetMax() { etcInfoObj.HeartRemainSec = AgStt.CTHeartMaxSeconds; etcInfoObj.DtHeart = Ag.Now(); UpdateEtcInfoObj("HeartSetMax"); }
public void CoolTimeScoutUse() { etcInfoObj.DtScout = Ag.Now().AddSeconds(AgStt.CTScout + 1); etcInfoObj.ShowMyself(); UpdateEtcInfoObj("CoolTimeScoutUse"); }
public void CoolTimePostingAction() { etcInfoObj.DtPosting = Ag.Now().AddSeconds(AgStt.CTFacebookPostingLimit + 1); etcInfoObj.ShowMyself(); UpdateEtcInfoObj("CoolTimePostingAction"); }
public void SetColumnC() { int colN = 0, colEA; muiCol++; muiRow = 0; // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _///////////////////////_ _____ *** _____ column 3 _____ Rect rect004 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); int h, m, s; // 타이머 테스트 timerObj.TimeLeft(out h, out m, out s); GUI.Label(myGUI.DivideRect(rect004, 3, 0), h + ":" + m + ":" + s + " " + timerObj.DidTimerFinished() + " , " + timerObj.SecondsLeft()); // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _///////////////////////_ _____ Go to _____ Node Screen _____ if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect004, 3, 2), "Node >")) { IsNodeScreen = true; } colN = 0; Rect rectPlugin = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); // if (GUI.Button (myGUI.DivideRect (rectPlugin, 3, colN++), "JailBrk")) { // pluginObj.CheckRootingJailbreak (); // } // if (GUI.Button (myGUI.DivideRect (rectPlugin, 3, 1), "Percent")) { // AgUtil.LinearPercentVari (100, 10000, 3800); // // } string msggg = ""; #if UNITY_IPHONE if (NotificationServices.deviceToken == null) { msggg = "null"; } else { msggg = " Token "; } #endif if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rectPlugin, 3, colN++), msggg)) { JCE.JceNotiTokenSetting(myUser); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rectPlugin, 3, colN++), "Noti " + Ag.arrNoti.Count)) { // arrNoti = NotificationServices.remoteNotifications; // for (int k = 0; k < arrNoti.Length; k++) { // RemoteNotification curNoti = arrNoti [k]; // Ag.LogString (" Notification :: alertBody > " + curNoti.alertBody + " userInfo.Count > " + curNoti.userInfo.Count + // " badgeNum > " + curNoti.applicationIconBadgeNumber); // // Ag.arrNoti.Add (new AmNotification () { msg = curNoti.alertBody }); // } } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rectPlugin, 3, colN++), "SendNoti")) { JCE.JceNotiSendMessage(myUser, " 안드로이드 iOS .. .. "); } // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _///////////////////////_ _____ SingleTry _____ Test _____ Rect rect005 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; colEA = 5; if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect005, colEA, colN++), "Try A")) { myUser.ShowSingleTry(false).ToString().HtLog(); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect005, colEA, colN++), "Confirm")) { myUser.ConfirmSingleTry(false); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect005, colEA, colN++), "Try S")) { myUser.ShowSingleTry(true).ToString().HtLog(); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect005, colEA, colN++), "Confirm")) { myUser.ConfirmSingleTry(true); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect005, colEA, colN++), "Init")) { myUser.InitSingleTry(); } Rect rect006 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; colEA = 5; int mm, ss; myUser.HeartCoolTime(out mm, out ss); mm = myUser.HeartCoolTime(); // % if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect006, colEA, colN++), "H " + mm + " %, S " + ss)) { myUser.HeartCoolTimeNewGameStarted(); //myUser.HeartSetMax (); // Set Maximum } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect006, colEA, colN++), " SetMax")) { myUser.HeartSetMax(); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect006, colEA, colN++), " CurTime")) { (" Remain Sec :: " + myUser.CurrentRemainSec()).HtLog(); } // Scout // myUser.ScoutCoolTimeRemain (out mm, out ss); // if (GUI.Button (myGUI.DivideRect (rect006, colEA, colN++), "S " + mm + ":" + ss)) { // myUser.CoolTimeScoutUse (); // } myUser.ContWinCoolTimeRemain(out mm, out ss); if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect006, colEA, colN++), "CW " + mm + ":" + ss)) { myUser.CoolTimeChooseOneMoreGameWin(); myUser.ContWinCoolTimeRemainPercent().ToString().HtLog(); // + or - ... } Rect rect007 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; colEA = 4; if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect007, colEA, colN++), "PopupIAPL")) { WasPopupStoreIAPurchaseList aObj = new WasPopupStoreIAPurchaseList() { User = myUser }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect007, colEA, colN++), "PopupL")) { WasPopupStoreList aObj = new WasPopupStoreList() { User = myUser }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect007, colEA, colN++), "Popup")) { WasPopupPurchase aObj = new WasPopupPurchase() { User = myUser, PopupCode = "DiscHeartDay" }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; aObj = new WasPopupPurchase() { User = myUser, PopupCode = "DiscHeartWeek" }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; aObj = new WasPopupPurchase() { User = myUser, PopupCode = "DiscHeartMonth" }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rect007, colEA, colN++), "PopPurchase")) { WasPopupPurchase aObj = new WasPopupPurchase() { User = myUser, PopupCode = "DiscGlove" }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; } Rect rctNoti = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctNoti, 3, colN++), "Logout")) { JCE.JceNotiMessage(myUser, "logout"); // logout, alarmOn, alarmOff } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctNoti, 3, colN++), "Alm : On")) { JCE.JceNotiMessage(myUser, "alarmOn"); // logout, alarmOn, alarmOff } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(rctNoti, 3, colN++), "Alm : Off")) { JCE.JceNotiMessage(myUser, "alarmOff"); // logout, alarmOn, alarmOff } Rect joy1 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; colEA = 4; if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy1, colEA, colN++), "JCE")) // //JoyLogin jObj = new JoyLogin (); { JCE.JceUrgentNoticePT(myUser); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy1, colEA, colN++), "Img")) // { JCE.JceImageNotice(myUser); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy1, colEA, colN++), "Text")) // //JCE.JceEventBanner (myUser); { JCE.JceTextNoticePT(myUser); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy1, colEA, colN++), "Event")) // //JCE.JceEventBanner (myUser); { JCE.JceEventBanner(myUser); } // if (GUI.Button (myGUI.DivideRect (joy1, colEA, colN++), "Test")) { // // int wid1, wid2; // WasCard was = myUser.arrCard [2].WAS; // myUser.arrCard [2].GetSkillWidth (false, out wid1, out wid2); // (" Wid1, wid2 :: " + was.condition + " " + was.skill [0] + " / " + was.skill [1] + " >>> " + wid1 + " / " + wid2).HtLog (); // myUser.arrCard [2].GetSkillWidth (true, out wid1, out wid2); // (" drink on Wid1, wid2 :: " + wid1 + " " + wid2).HtLog (); // // } // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Code Only _____ Packet Send _____ Rect joy2 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; colEA = 3; packetNum = int.Parse(GUI.TextField(myGUI.DivideRect(joy2, colEA, colN++), packetNum.ToString(), 5)); if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy2, colEA, colN++), "Send")) // { WasCodeOnlyProtocol aObj = new WasCodeOnlyProtocol() { User = Ag.mySelf, protoCode = packetNum }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy2, colEA, colN++), "TEST")) // { WasPurchaseItem aObj = new WasPurchaseItem() { User = myUser, itemType = "HEARTUPGRADE", itemTypeId = "HeartSpeedUp", //"HeartLimitUp", ea = 1, }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { aObj = null; }; // WasHeartFillMax aObj = new WasHeartFillMax () { User = myUser }; // aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { // aObj = null; // }; } Rect corot = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; colEA = 4; if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(corot, colEA, colN++), "Corout")) // { StartCoroutine("SomeCrtine"); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(corot, colEA, colN++), "End")) // { StopCoroutine("SomeCrtine"); } #if UNITY_IPHONE // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Purchase _____ IAP _____ string iapMsg = "N : " + AgStt.mIAP.arrProduct.Count + " Psble : " + AgStt.mIAP.CanMakePayment(); GUI.Label(myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++), iapMsg); Rect iap1 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); int colNum = 3; int col = 0; if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(iap1, colNum, col++), "IAP:Init")) // { AgStt.mIAP.ProductRequest(); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(iap1, colNum, col++), "cash0030")) // { AgStt.mIAP.PurchaseProduct("com.appsgraphy.psykickbattlekakao.cash0030"); } #endif // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Code _____ Etc Test _____ Rect joy9 = myGUI.GetRect(muiCol, muiRow++); colN = 0; colEA = 3; if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy9, colEA, colN++), " SetNow ")) { testDT = DateTime.Now; Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Now is " + testDT + " Ag. Now () :: " + Ag.Now()); Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Diff is " + (testDT - Ag.Now()).TotalSeconds); } if (GUI.Button(myGUI.DivideRect(joy9, colEA, colN++), " Time ")) { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Total Seconds ... " + Ag.TotalSecondsHavePassedInSeoulSince(testDT)); } }
bool ParseUserProp(JSONNode pData) { string header = " ParseUserProp ::>> "; try { Ag.LogStartWithStr(1, header + " Country , League, etcInfo, freeCoupon "); WAS.Country = pData ["country"].AsInt; try { WAS.TeamName = pData ["teamName"]; } catch { " Team Name Error. ".HtLog(); } pData.ParseTo("league", out WAS.League, "etcInfo", out WAS.etcInfo); try { FreeCouponTime = long.Parse(pData ["freeCouponDate"]) / 1000; // formatVersion 1 : yyyyMMddHHmmss .. parse .. FreeCouponDT = Ag.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(FreeCouponTime); Ag.LogString(" freeCouponDate : " + pData ["freeCouponDate"]); // Ag.UnixTimeStampToDateTime ( Ag.LogString(" FreeCouponDT : " + FreeCouponDT + " Remain Sec " + FreeCouponTS.TotalSeconds + " IsFreeCouponRemain ? " + IsFreeCouponRemain); } catch { FreeCouponTime = Ag.TimeNow; " Free Coupon Date Not Set >> set to now ".HtLog(); } } catch { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >] Parse User Info [ Country, league, freeCoupon ] >>>>> E R R O R :: "); } if (WAS.League == null || WAS.League.Length < 3) { WAS.League = "PRO_5"; } try { pData.ParseTo("cost", out WAS.Cost, "reviewEvent", out WAS.reviewEvent); // 리뷰 확인 0: 아직 안함, 1: 함.. pData.ParseTo("gold", out mGold, "cash1", out mCash1, "cash2", out mCash2); (header + " gold / cash1 / cash2 " + mGold + " " + mCash1 + " " + mCash2).HtLog(); } catch { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >] Parse User Info [ cost, review, gold/cash ] >>>>> E R R O R :: "); return(false); } if (pData ["etcInfo"].ToString().IsJsonNull()) { " etcInfo is NULL Reset ... and Update ".HtLog(); etcInfoObj = new WasUserEtcInfo(); DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; etcInfoObj.DailyChkMon = dtNow.Month; etcInfoObj.DailyChkDay = dtNow.Day; etcInfoObj.HeartRemainSec = AgStt.CTHeartMaxSeconds; etcInfoObj.DtHeart = Ag.Now(); UpdateEtcInfoObj("Parsing .. JsonNull"); } else { try { (header + " etcInfo : " + pData ["etcInfo"]).HtLog(); //etcInfoObj = JsonMapper.ToObject<WasUserEtcInfo> (pData ["etcInfo"].ToJson ().RecoverFromDodge ().RemoveHeadFootOneChar ()); etcInfoObj = new WasUserEtcInfo(); etcInfoObj.Parse(JSON.Parse(pData ["etcInfo"].ToString().RecoverFromDodge().RemoveHeadFootOneChar())); etcInfoObj.ShowMyself(); } catch { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >] Parse etc Info >>>>> E R R O R :: Read etcInfo "); } } try { (" My Rank : " + pData ["myRank"].ToString()).HtLog(); myRank = new Rank(pData ["myRank"]); // JsonMapper.ToObject<WasRank> (pData ["myRank"].ToJson ()); //.HtLog (); } catch { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >] Parse Rank >>>>> E R R O R :: "); } //Ag.LogString (" FreeCoupon :: " + WAS.freeCouponDate + " Length : " + WAS.freeCouponDate.Length); //FreeCouponLimitDT = WAS.freeCouponDate.ToDateTime (); // if (WAS.freeCouponDate.Length > 5) { // < 10) { // try { // FreeCouponLimitDT = WAS.freeCouponDate.ToDateTime (); // } catch { // FreeCouponLimitDT = DateTime.Now; // } // } else // FreeCouponLimitDT = DateTime.Now; Ag.LogString(header + WAS.TeamName + " has Cash : " + mCash1 + " / " + mCash2 + " Gold : " + mGold + " Review : " + WAS.reviewEvent + " Cost : " + WAS.Cost + " in league : " + WAS.League); Ag.LogString(header + WAS.TeamName + " etcInfo :: " + WAS.etcInfo); myRank.WAS.ShowMyself(); Ag.LogIntense(2, false); return(true); }