private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var username = "******"; var apiKey = "APIKEY...."; var from = "+2ABXXYYYYYY"; var to = "+254720000000,+25472000000, [email protected]"; // Optional Param var id = "Test"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); try { var results = gateway.Call(from, to, id); Console.WriteLine(results); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException exception) { Console.WriteLine("Something went horribly wrong: " + exception.Message + ".\nCaused by :" + exception.StackTrace); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var username = "******"; var apiKey = "yourAPIKEY"; string env = "sandbox"; var recep = "+254724587654"; var msg = "Super awesome message ☻ 😁"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey, env); try { dynamic res = gateway.SendMessage(recep, msg); foreach (var re in res["SMSMessageData"]["Recipients"]) { Console.WriteLine((string)re["number"] + ": "); Console.WriteLine((string)re["status"] + ": "); Console.WriteLine((string)re["messageId"] + ": "); Console.WriteLine((string)re["cost"] + ": "); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string username = "******"; const string apikey = "1f6c70805d287caf585e4062f0f2abeccc1d067ce7a36b28038d5057c823c727"; const int productCode = 1234; const string productName = "coolproduct"; decimal amount = 150M; string currencyCode = "KES"; Dictionary <string, string> metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "mode", "transfer" } }; var gw = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey); try { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); StashResult res = gw.WalletTransfer(productName, productCode, currencyCode, amount, metadata); Console.WriteLine(res.ToString()); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("We had an errror: " + e); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var username = "******"; var environment = "sandbox"; var apiKey = "afd635a4f295dd936312836c0b944d55f2a836e8ff2b63987da5e717cd5ff745"; var productName = "coolproduct"; var phoneNumber = "+254724587654"; var currency = "KES"; int amount = 35700; var channel = "mychannel"; var metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "reason", "broken car" } }; var gw = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey, environment); try { var checkout = gw.Checkout(productName, phoneNumber, currency, amount, channel, metadata); Console.WriteLine(checkout); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("We ran into problems: " + e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var username = "******"; var apikey = "KEY"; var env = "sandbox"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey, env); var shortCode = "NNNNN"; var keyword = "keyword"; var phoneNum = "+254XXXXXXXXX"; var token = "Token"; try { var response = gateway.CreateSubscription(phoneNum, shortCode, keyword, token); Console.WriteLine(response); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("We hit a snag: " + e.StackTrace + ". " + e.Message); throw; } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalking_APIKey"; // Specify your AfricasTalking phone number in international format. // Comma separate them for more than one number string phoneNumbers = "+254711082XXX,+254205134YYY"; // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); // Wrap the call in a try-catch block // Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below try { dynamic results = gateway.getNumQueuedCalls(phoneNumbers); foreach(dynamic result in results) { Console.Write("Phone number: " + result["phoneNumber"]); Console.Write("Queue name: " + result["queueName"]); Console.WriteLine("Number of queued calls: " + result["numCalls"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); const string Username = "******"; const string Otp = "1234"; const string ApiKey = "Key"; const string TransactionId = "ATPid_LFDVLSDNLDSFLDSKLKDE39240DSKFLWDFWI29221efvsdw"; const string Env = "sandbox"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(Username, ApiKey, Env); try { var validate = gateway.ValidateCardOtp(TransactionId, Otp); var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(validate); if (res["status"] == "Success") { Console.WriteLine("Awesome"); } else { Console.WriteLine("We had an error " + res["status"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Validation Error occured : " + e.Message); throw; } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main() { string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; string recipients = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733XXXYYY"; string message = "I'm a lumberjack and its ok, I sleep all night and I work all day"; // Specify your AfricasTalking shortCode or sender id string from = "shortCode or senderId"; AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); try { dynamic results = gateway.sendMessage (recipients, message, from); foreach( dynamic result in results){ Console.Write((string)result["number"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["status"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["messageId"] + ","); Console.WriteLine((string)result["cost"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string username = "******"; const string apikey = "54a533717fcb1be4577e96ea7a02c1ca9c6e802a56a670379085582ca3c118a7"; const string productName = "coolproduct"; decimal amount = 150M; string currencyCode = "KES"; Dictionary <string, string> metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "what this is", "cool stuff" } }; var gw = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey); try { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); StashResponse res = gw.TopupStash(productName, currencyCode, amount, metadata); Console.WriteLine(res.ToString()); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("We had an errror: " + e); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); const string Username = "******"; const string Apikey = "afd635a4f295dd936312836c0b944d55f2a836e8ff2b63987da5e717cd5ff745"; const string Env = "sandbox"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(Username, Apikey, Env); var tokenId = "CkTkn_94248929024020408fh3hf02302qawjlasj32"; const string PhoneNumber = "+2348092226042"; const string Menu = "CON You're about to love C#\n1.Accept my fate\n2.No Never\n"; // Let's create a checkout token first try { var tkn = gateway.CreateCheckoutToken(PhoneNumber); if (tkn["description"] == "Success") { tokenId = tkn["token"]; } // Then send user menu... var prompt = gateway.InitiateUssdPushRequest(PhoneNumber, Menu, tokenId); if (prompt["errorMessage"] == "None") { Console.WriteLine("Awesome"); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Woopsies : " + e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var username = "******"; var apiKey = "afd635a4f295dd936312836c0b944d55f2a836e8ff2b63987da5e717cd5ff745"; var recep = "+254724587654,+254714587654,+254704876545"; var msg = "Super awesome message ☻ 😁"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); try { dynamic res = gateway.SendMessage(recep, msg); foreach (var re in res["SMSMessageData"]["Recipients"]) { Console.WriteLine((string)re["number"] + ": "); Console.WriteLine((string)re["status"] + ": "); Console.WriteLine((string)re["messageId"] + ": "); Console.WriteLine((string)re["cost"] + ": "); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalking_APIKey"; // Specify your the url of file to be uploaded string url = ""; // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); // Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below, // so wrap the call in a try-catch block try { gateway.uploadMediaFile(url); Console.WriteLine ("File upload initiated. Time for song and dance!"); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string username = "******"; const string apikey = "e952920d25a20cc9a8144ae200363d722f3459273815201914d8d4603e59d047"; AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey); var phoneNumber = "+254720000001"; var productName = "coolproduct"; var currency = "KES"; decimal amount = 1000M; var providerChannel = "mychannel"; var metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "dest", "oracle" } }; try { // Example only | Use older transactions, the results here will be "Failure" C2BDataResults checkoutResponse = gateway.Checkout(productName, phoneNumber, currency, amount, providerChannel, metadata); var transactionId = checkoutResponse.TransactionId; var findId = gateway.FindTransaction(transactionId); JObject findIdObject = JObject.Parse(findId); Console.WriteLine(findIdObject); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { throw new AfricasTalkingGatewayException(e.Message); } }
static public void _Smsshortcode() { string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; string recipients = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"; string message = "I'm a lumberjack and its ok, I sleep all night and I work all day"; // Specify your AfricasTalking shortCode or sender id string from = "shortCode or senderId"; AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); try { dynamic results = gateway.sendMessage(recipients, message, from); foreach (dynamic result in results) { Console.Write((string)result["number"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["status"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["messageId"] + ","); Console.WriteLine((string)result["cost"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } Console.Read(); }
public static void testCalling() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalking_APIKey"; // Specify your Africa's Talking phone number in international format string from = "+254711082XYZ"; // Specify the numbers that you want to call to in a comma-separated list // Please ensure you include the country code (+254 for Kenya in this case) string to = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"; // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); // Any gateway error will be captured by our custom Exception class below, // so wrap the call in a try-catch block try {, to); Console.WriteLine ("Calls have been initiated. Time for song and dance!"); // Our API will now contact your callback URL once the recipient answers the call! } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddCustomerExperience(string customerId, string responseId, string isFirst) { ViewData["CustomerId"] = customerId; if (isFirst.Equals("True", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var m = await _context.Questions.OrderBy(i => i.Code).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); ViewData["Question"] = m; ViewData["Responses"] = await _context.Responses.Where(i => i.QuestionId == m.Id).ToListAsync(); return(View()); } var response = await _context.Responses.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == responseId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.NextQuestion)) { string id = customerId; string username = "******"; // substitute with your username if mot using sandbox string apikey = "5e515cfb45d3056ee46fa24c73414b61c2cb0a43424e0e835100e2ce075bffbc"; // substitute with your production API key if not using sandbox var customer = await _context.Customers.FindAsync(customerId); var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey); var sms = gateway.SendMessage(customer.Phone, $"Dear {customer.FullName} Thank you for contactinG ABC "); return(RedirectToAction("GetCustomerResponse", "Customers", new{ id })); } var q = await _context.Questions.Where(i => i.Id == response.NextQuestion).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); ViewData["Question"] = q; ViewData["Responses"] = await _context.Responses.Where(i => i.QuestionId == q.Id).ToListAsync(); return(View()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Dev Credentials var username = "******"; //use "sandbox for testing" var apikey = "MyApiKey"; //use sandbox API key for testing var environment = "sandbox"; //do not declare for live //Registered Africa's Talking Phone Number var caller = "+254-MY-NUMBER"; //Numbers to call var recepients = "+254-ANOTHER,+254-OTHERNMBER"; //Create an instance of our gateway var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey, environment); try { dynamic result = gateway.Call(caller, recepients); foreach (var i in result) { Console.WriteLine(result["status"] + ","); Console.WriteLine(result["phoneNumber"] + "\n"); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException exception) { Console.WriteLine("Encountered an error: " + exception.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var username = "******"; var apikey = "APIKEY"; // var env = "sandbox"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey /*, env*/); var opts = new Hashtable { ["keyword"] = "myKeyword", ["linkId"] = "NNNNNNN" }; // .... var from = "NNNNNNNNNN"; var to = "+NNNNNNNNNN"; var message = "Super Cool Message"; try { var res = gateway.SendPremiumMessage(to, message, from, 0, opts); // Set Bulk to true Console.WriteLine(res); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Whoops: " + e.Message); throw; } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var username = "******"; var apikey = "KEY"; var env = "sandbox"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey, env); var opts = new Hashtable { ["keyword"] = "mykeyword" }; // .... var from = "NNNNN"; var to = "+2547XXXXX"; var message = "Super Cool Message"; try { var res = gateway.SendMessage(to, message, from, 1, opts); // Set Bulk to true Console.WriteLine(res); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Whoops: " + e.Message); throw; } }
public static void Main() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; // Specify the number that you want to subscribe // Please ensure you include the country code (+254 for Kenya in this case) string phoneNumber = "+254711YYYZZZ"; //Specify your Africa's Talking premium short code and keyword string shortCode = "myAfricasTalkingShortCode"; string keyword = "myAfricasTalkingKeyword"; //Create an instance of our gateway class and pass your login credentials AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); // Any gateway error will be captured by our custom Exception class as shown below, // so wrap the call in a try-catch block try { dynamic result = gateway.createSubscription(phoneNumber, shortCode, keyword); Console.WriteLine("Status: " + result["status"]); Console.WriteLine("Description: " + result["description"]); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
private void btn_send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AfricasTalkingGateway af = new AfricasTalkingGateway("studentBiometircSystem", "211dc662c27cc4198ca90d4e00ba0971da52cf005dd8c92f8382ff22aace58c1"); af.sendMessage(txtTo.Text, txtMessage.Text); //clear text boxes txtMessage.Text = " "; txtTo.Text = " "; }
public Task SendAsync(IdentityMessage message) { // Plug in your SMS service here to send a text message. var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(Settings.Default.AfricaTalkingUserName, Settings.Default.AfricaTalkingAPIKey); gateway.SendMessage(message.Destination, message.Body); return(Task.FromResult(0)); }
public static void MobilePaymentB2C() { //Specify your credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; // NOTE: If connecting to the sandbox, please use your sandbox login credentials //Create an instance of our awesome gateway class and pass your credentials // AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey,"sandbox"); // NOTE: If connecting to the sandbox, please add the sandbox flag to the constructor: /// <summary> ///*********************************************************************************** /// ****SANDBOX**** AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey, "production"); /// ************************************************************************************* /// </summary> // Specify the name of your Africa's Talking payment product string productName = "My Online Store"; // The 3-Letter ISO currency code for the checkout amount string currencyCode = "KES"; // Provide the details of a mobile money recipient MobilePaymentB2CRecipient recipient1 = new MobilePaymentB2CRecipient("+254700YYYXXX", "KES", 10M); recipient1.AddMetadata("name", "Clerk"); recipient1.AddMetadata("reason", "May Salary"); // You can provide up to 10 recipients at a time MobilePaymentB2CRecipient recipient2 = new MobilePaymentB2CRecipient("+254741YYYXXX", "KES", 10M); recipient2.AddMetadata("name", "Accountant"); recipient2.AddMetadata("reason", "May Salary"); // Put the recipients into an array IList <MobilePaymentB2CRecipient> recipients = new List <MobilePaymentB2CRecipient>(); recipients.Add(recipient1); recipients.Add(recipient2); try { var responses = gateway.MobilePaymentB2CRequest(productName, recipients); Console.WriteLine(responses); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Received error response: " + ex.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); const string Username = "******"; const string ApiKey = "Key"; const string Otp = "1234"; const string Env = "sandbox"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(Username, ApiKey, Env); var transId = "id"; var productName = "coolproduct"; var accountName = "Fela Kuti"; var accountNumber = "1234567890"; var bankCode = 234001; var currencyCode = "NGN"; var amount = 1000.5M; var dob = "2017-11-22"; var metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Reason", "Buy Vega Records" } }; var narration = "We're buying something cool"; var receBank = new BankAccount(accountNumber, bankCode, dob, accountName); try { var res = gateway.BankCheckout(productName, receBank, currencyCode, amount, narration, metadata); res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(res); Console.WriteLine(res); if (res["status"] == "PendingValidation") { transId = res["transactionId"]; Console.WriteLine("Validating..."); } try { var valid = gateway.OtpValidate(transId, Otp); valid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(valid); if (valid["status"] == "Success") { Console.WriteLine("Whoooohoo..."); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Yikes: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Something odd happened: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // Suppose we want to move money from our *awesomeproduct* to *coolproduct* /* * Remember to register B2B products and callback urls:else these trasactions will fail */ string username = "******"; string apiKey = "bc203009d2b240e461c22d7a959ca4d752591d4553295d991e74824d599fc9b3"; string productName = "awesomeproduct"; string currencyCode = "KES"; decimal amount = 15; string provider = "Athena"; string destinationChannel = "mychannel"; // This is the channel that will be receiving the payment string destinationAccount = "coolproduct"; // Transfer Type /* * BusinessBuyGoods * BusinessPayBill * DisburseFundsToBusiness * BusinessToBusinessTransfer */ dynamic metadataDetails = new JObject(); metadataDetails.shopName = "cartNumber"; metadataDetails.Info = "Stuff"; string transferType = "BusinessToBusinessTransfer"; var gateWay = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); try { string response = gateWay.MobileB2B( productName, provider, transferType, currencyCode, amount, destinationChannel, destinationAccount, metadataDetails); Console.WriteLine(response); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Woopsies! We ran into issues: " + e.StackTrace + " : " + e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); const string username = "******"; const string apikey = "Key"; const string productname = "coolproduct"; const string env = "sandbox"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apikey, env); var currency_code = "NGN"; var recipient1_account_name = "Alyssa Hacker"; var recipient1_account_number = "1234567890"; var recipient1_bank_code = 234001; var recipient1_amount = 1500.50M; var recipient1_narration = "December Bonus"; var recipient2_account_name = "Ben BitDiddle"; var recipient2_account_number = "234567891"; var recipient2_bank_code = 234004; var recipient2_amount = 1500.50M; var recipient2_narration = "November Bonus"; var recepient1_account = new BankAccount(recipient1_account_number, recipient1_bank_code, recipient1_account_name); var recepient1 = new BankTransferRecipients(recipient1_amount, recepient1_account, currency_code, recipient1_narration); recepient1.AddMetadata("Reason", "Early Bonus"); var recipient2_account = new BankAccount(recipient2_account_number, recipient2_bank_code, recipient2_account_name); var recipient2 = new BankTransferRecipients(recipient2_amount, recipient2_account, currency_code, recipient2_narration); recipient2.AddMetadata("Reason", "Big Wins"); IList <BankTransferRecipients> recipients = new List <BankTransferRecipients> { recepient1, recipient2 }; try { var res = gateway.BankTransfer(productname, recipients); Console.WriteLine(res); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("We had issues: " + e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public dynamic MakeACall(string from, string to) { var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(config.sandboxUsername, config.sandboxApiKey, config.environment); try { var results = gateway.Call(from, to); var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(results); var status = res["entries"]; return(status); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException ex) { return(""); } }
static void SendSms(string phoneNo, int code) { InitialiseSettings(); var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(UserName, ApiKey); try { dynamic results = gateway.SendMessage(phoneNo, $"Your verification code is {code}"); WriteLine("Sms Sent"); } catch (Exception e) { WriteLine(e); throw; } }
public static void Main() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalking_APIKey"; // Specify an array list to hold numbers to receive airtime ArrayList AirtimeRecipientsList = new ArrayList(); // Declare hashtable to hold the first number // Please ensure you include the country code for phone numbers (+254 for Kenya in this case) // Specify the country currency and the amount as shown below (KES for Kenya in this case) Hashtable rec1 = new Hashtable(); rec1["phoneNumber"] = "+254722XXXYYY"; rec1["amount"] = "KES XXX"; // Add recipient to list AirtimeRecipientsList.Add(rec1); // Declare hashtable to hold the another number Hashtable rec2 = new Hashtable(); rec2["phoneNumber"] = "+254722XXXYYY"; rec2["amount"] = "KES XXX"; // Add recipient to list AirtimeRecipientsList.Add(rec2); // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); try { // That's it. Hit send and we will handle the rest dynamic response = gateway.sendAirtime(AirtimeRecipientsList); foreach (dynamic result in response) { Console.Write (result["status"] + ","); Console.Write (result["phoneNumber"] + ","); Console.Write (result["amount"] + ","); Console.Write (result["discount"] + ","); Console.WriteLine (result["errorMessage"]); } } catch(AfricasTalkingGatewayException ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var phoneNumber = "+254724587654"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway("username", "Key", "sandbox"); try { var token = gateway.CreateCheckoutToken(phoneNumber); Console.WriteLine("Your Token is: " + token["token"]); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public override TransactionResponse CommitTransaction(TransactionRequest request) { try { var recipients = new List <MobilePaymentB2CRecipient>(); recipients.Add(new MobilePaymentB2CRecipient(request.PayeeId, AppSettings.Site.CurrencyCode, request.Payment.ToDecimal())); AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(accountDetails.Username, accountDetails.ApiKey); var response = gateway.MobilePaymentB2CRequest(accountDetails.ProductName, recipients); return(new MPesaTransactionResponse(this, response)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogger.Log(ex); return(new MPesaTransactionResponse(this, ex)); } }
public static void Main() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalking_APIKey"; // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); // Our gateway will return 10 messages at a time back to you, starting with // what you currently believe is the lastReceivedId. Specify 0 for the first // time you access the gateway, and the ID of the last message we sent you // on subsequent results int lastReceivedId = 0; // Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below, // so wrap the call in a try-catch block try { // Here is a sample of how to fetch all messages using a while loop do { dynamic results = gateway.fetchMessages(lastReceivedId); foreach(dynamic result in results) { Console.WriteLine("From: " + result["from"]); Console.WriteLine("To: " + result["to"]); Console.WriteLine("Message: " + result["text"]); Console.WriteLine("Date: " + result["date"]); Console.WriteLine("linkId: " + result["linkId"]); lastReceivedId = (int)result["id"]; } } while ( results.Count > 0 ); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); }// NOTE: Be sure to save lastReceivedId here for next time // DONE!!! }
public dynamic ValidateOTP(string transactionID, string OTP, string state) { if (state == "live") { AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(config.liveUsername, config.liveApiKey, "production"); var validate = gateway.ValidateCardOtp(transactionID, OTP); return(validate); } else { AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(config.sandboxUsername, config.sandboxApiKey, config.environment); var validate = gateway.ValidateCardOtp(transactionID, OTP); return(validate); } }
public static void Main() { string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; string recipients = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"; string message = "Get your daily message and thats how we roll."; // Specify your premium shortCode and keyword string shortCode = "XXXXX"; string keyword = "premiumKeyword"; // Set the bulkSMSMode flag to 0 so that the subscriber get charged int bulkSMSMode = 0; // Create an array which would hold the following parameters: // keyword: Your premium keyword, // retryDurationInHours: The numbers of hours our API should retry to send the message // incase it doesn't go through. It is optional Hashtable options = new Hashtable(); options["keyword"] = keyword; options["retryDurationInHours"] = No. of hours to retry sending message; AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); try { dynamic results = gateway.sendMessage (recipients, message, shortCode, bulkSMSMode, options); foreach( dynamic result in results){ Console.Write((string)result["number"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["status"] + ","); Console.WriteLine((string)result["messageId"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); const string Username = "******"; const string ApiKey = "afd635a4f295dd936312836c0b944d55f2a836e8ff2b63987da5e717cd5ff745"; var gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(Username, ApiKey); int msgId = 0; try { var res = gateway.FetchMessages(msgId); Console.WriteLine(res); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("We had an Error: " + e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var username = "******"; var apiKey = "yourLIVEAccountAPIKEY"; var gw = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); try { var res = gw.GetUserData(); Console.WriteLine(res); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("We ran into a bunch of problems: " + e.Message + " :" + e.StackTrace); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static public void _Smspremiumrate() { string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; string recipients = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"; string message = "Get your daily message and that's how we roll."; // Specify your premium shortCode and keyword string shortCode = "XXXXX"; string keyword = "premiumKeyword"; // Set the bulkSMSMode flag to 0 so that the subscriber get charged int bulkSMSMode = 0; // Create an array which would hold the following parameters: // keyword: Your premium keyword, // retryDurationInHours: The numbers of hours our API should retry to send the message // incase it doesn't go through. It is optional Hashtable options = new Hashtable(); options["keyword"] = keyword; options["retryDurationInHours"] = "No. of hours to retry sending message"; AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(username, apiKey); try { dynamic results = gateway.sendMessage(recipients, message, shortCode, bulkSMSMode, options); foreach (dynamic result in results) { Console.Write((string)result["number"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["status"] + ","); Console.WriteLine((string)result["messageId"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
public dynamic DebitUserCard(CardPaymentData data, string state) { if (state == "live") { AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(config.liveUsername, config.liveApiKey, "production"); string ProductName = config.livePaymentProduct; data.CurrencyCode = "NGN"; data.CountryCode = "NG"; data.Narration = "Testing Out LSW USSD"; var cardDetails = new PaymentCard(data.CardPin, data.CountryCode, (short)data.CardCvv, data.ValidTillMonth, data.ValidTillYear, data.CardNum); var checkout = gateway.CardCheckout( ProductName, cardDetails, data.CurrencyCode, data.Amount, data.Narration); return(checkout); } else { AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway(config.sandboxUsername, config.sandboxApiKey, config.environment); string ProductName = config.sandboxPaymentProduct; data.CurrencyCode = "NGN"; data.CountryCode = "NG"; data.Narration = "Testing Out YellowCard USSD"; var cardDetails = new PaymentCard(data.CardPin, data.CountryCode, (short)data.CardCvv, data.ValidTillMonth, data.ValidTillYear, data.CardNum); var checkout = gateway.CardCheckout( ProductName, cardDetails, data.CurrencyCode, data.Amount, data.Narration); return(checkout); } }
static public void Main (){ // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; // Specify your premium shortcode and keyword string shortCode = "XXXXX"; string keyword = "myPremiumKeyword"; // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); // Our gateway will return 100 subscription numbers at a time back to you, starting with // what you currently believe is the lastReceivedId. Specify 0 for the first // time you access the gateway, and the ID of the last message we sent you // on subsequent results int lastReceivedId = 0; // Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below, // so wrap the call in a try-catch block try { // Here is a sample of how to fetch all messages using a while loop do { dynamic results = gateway.fetchPremiumSubscriptions(shortCode, keyword, lastReceivedId); foreach(dynamic result in results) { Console.WriteLine("phoneNumber: " + result["phoneNumber"]); lastReceivedId = (int)result["id"]; } } while ( results.Count > 0 ); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
public static void Main() { string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; string recipients = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"; string message = "Get your daily message and thats how we roll."; string shortCode = "XXXXX"; string keyword = "premiumKeyword"; // string keyword = null; int bulkSMSMode = 0; // Create a hashtable which would hold the parameters keyword, retryDurationInHours and linkId // linkId is received from the message sent by subscriber to your onDemand service string linkId = "messageLinkId"; Hashtable options = new Hashtable(); options["keyword"] = keyword; options["linkId"] = linkId; options["retryDurationInHours"] = No. of hours to retry sending message; AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); try { dynamic results = gateway.sendMessage (recipients, message, shortCode, bulkSMSMode, options); foreach( dynamic result in results){ Console.Write((string)result["number"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["status"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["messageId"] + ","); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
public static void Main() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalking_APIKey"; // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); // Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below, // so wrap the call in a try-catch block try { dynamic response = gateway.getUserData (); Console.WriteLine (response["balance"]); } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
public static void Main() { // Specify your login credentials string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; // Specify the numbers that you want to send to in a comma-separated list // Please ensure you include the country code (+254 for Kenya in this case) string recipients = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"; // And of course we want our recipients to know what we really do string message = "I'm a lumberjack and its ok, I sleep all night and I work all day"; // Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); // Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below, // so wrap the call in a try-catch block try { // Thats it, hit send and we'll take care of the rest dynamic results = gateway.sendMessage (recipients, message); foreach( dynamic result in results){ Console.Write((string)result["number"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["status"] + ","); // status is either "Success" or "error message" Console.Write((string)result["messageId"] + ","); Console.WriteLine((string)result["cost"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }
public static void Main() { string username = "******"; string apiKey = "MyAfricasTalkingAPIKey"; string recipients = "+254711XXXYYY,+254733YYYZZZ"; string message = "I'm a lumberjack and its ok, I sleep all night and I work all day"; string from = null; //$from = "shortCode or senderId"; int bulkSMSMode = 1; // This should always be 1 for bulk messages // enqueue flag is used to queue messages incase you are sending a high volume. // The default value is 0. Hashtable options = new Hashtable(); options["enqueue"] = 1; AfricasTalkingGateway gateway = new AfricasTalkingGateway (username, apiKey); try { dynamic results = gateway.sendMessage (recipients, message, from, bulkSMSMode, options); foreach( dynamic result in results){ Console.Write((string)result["number"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["status"] + ","); Console.Write((string)result["messageId"] + ","); Console.WriteLine((string)result["cost"]); } } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException e) { Console.WriteLine ("Encountered an error: " + e.Message); } }