コード例 #1
 internal bool IsAffectedBy(PuzzlePiece toolPuzzlePiece)
     if (AffectedBy == null)
コード例 #2
        public CharacterData(MobPrototypeData prototype) : this()
            // Simple assignments
            Prototype        = prototype;
            Name             = prototype.Name;
            ShortDescription = prototype.ShortDescription;
            LongDescription  = prototype.LongDescription;
            Description      = prototype.Description;
            SpecialFunction  = prototype.SpecialFunction;
            Prompt           = null;
            Group            = prototype.Group;
            Action           = prototype.Actions;
            Communication    = CommunicationFlag.NoChannels | CommunicationFlag.NoShout | CommunicationFlag.NoTell;
            AffectedBy       = prototype.AffectedBy;
            Alignment        = prototype.Alignment;
            Level            = prototype.Level;
            HitRoll          = prototype.HitRoll;
            DamRoll          = prototype.Damage.Bonus;
            Damage           = prototype.Damage;
            Armor            = prototype.ArmorRating;
            Offense          = prototype.Offense;
            Immunity         = prototype.Immunity;
            Resist           = prototype.Resistance;
            Vulnerability    = prototype.Vulnerability;
            StartPosition    = prototype.StartingPosition;
            DefaultPosition  = prototype.DefaultPosition;
            Race             = prototype.Race;
            Form             = prototype.Form;
            Parts            = prototype.Parts;
            Size             = prototype.Size;
            Material         = prototype.Material;
            Affects          = new List <AffectData>();
            PermanentStats   = new Stats();
            ModifiedStats    = new Stats();

            // Calculated assignments
            if (prototype.Wealth == 0)
                Gold   = 0;
                Silver = 0;
                Random rand = new Random();

                // Calculate the randomized wealth of the mob (0.5x - 1.5x the mob's wealth value)
                long actualWealth = rand.Next(prototype.Wealth / 2, 3 * prototype.Wealth / 2);

                // Set gold based on actual wealth
                Gold   = rand.Next((int)actualWealth / 200, (int)actualWealth / 100);
                Silver = actualWealth - (Gold * 100);

            // Roll the hit dice to determine max health; set current to the max.
            MaxHealth = prototype.Health.RollDice();
            Health    = MaxHealth;

            // Roll the mana dice to determine max mana; set current to the max
            MaxMana = prototype.Mana.RollDice();
            Mana    = MaxMana;

            // If no damage class is set, choose from slash, pound, and pierce
            if (prototype.DamageType.DamageClass == DamageClass.None)
                Random rand = new Random();
                DamageType = Consts.DamageTypes.AttackTable[rand.Next(3)];
                DamageType = prototype.DamageType;

            // If the prototype gender is random, choose one now; otherwise, set
            if (prototype.Gender.GenderCode == Sex.Random)
                Random rng = new Random();
                Gender = Consts.Gender.GenderTable[rng.Next(2)];
                Gender = prototype.Gender;

            // Set stats - first, set a base across all stats
            PermanentStats = new Stats(Helpers.Miscellaneous.LowestOf(new int[] { 25, 11 + (Level / 4) }));

            // Next, adjust stats based on action flags (classes, mostly)
            if (Action.HasFlag(ActionFlag.Warrior))
                PermanentStats.Strength     += 3;
                PermanentStats.Intelligence -= 1;
                PermanentStats.Constitution += 2;

            if (Action.HasFlag(ActionFlag.Thief))
                PermanentStats.Dexterity    += 3;
                PermanentStats.Intelligence += 1;
                PermanentStats.Wisdom       -= 1;

            if (Action.HasFlag(ActionFlag.Cleric))
                PermanentStats.Wisdom    += 3;
                PermanentStats.Dexterity -= 1;
                PermanentStats.Strength  += 1;

            if (Action.HasFlag(ActionFlag.Mage))
                PermanentStats.Intelligence += 3;
                PermanentStats.Strength     -= 1;
                PermanentStats.Dexterity    += 1;

            // 2 point dexterity bonus for Fast
            if (Offense.HasFlag(OffensiveFlag.Offense_Fast))
                PermanentStats.Dexterity += 2;

            // Size modifiers to strength and constitution - increase when size > medium
            PermanentStats.Strength     += (int)Size.SizeCode - (int)Enums.Size.Medium;
            PermanentStats.Constitution += ((int)Size.SizeCode - (int)Enums.Size.Medium) / 2;

            // Permanent spells
            // Sanctuary
            if (AffectedBy.HasFlag(AffectedByFlag.Sanctuary))
                SkillType  skill  = Consts.Skills.SkillTable.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Name.ToLower().Equals("sanctuary"));
                AffectData affect = new AffectData()
                    Where     = ToWhere.Affects,
                    Type      = skill,
                    Level     = Level,
                    Duration  = -1,
                    Location  = ApplyType.None,
                    Modifier  = 0,
                    BitVector = AffectedByFlag.Sanctuary


            // Haste - also applies a dexterity modifier based on level
            if (AffectedBy.HasFlag(AffectedByFlag.Haste))
                SkillType  skill  = Consts.Skills.SkillTable.Single(s => s.Name.ToLower().Equals("haste"));
                AffectData affect = new AffectData()
                    Where     = ToWhere.Affects,
                    Type      = skill,
                    Level     = Level,
                    Duration  = -1,
                    Location  = ApplyType.Dexterity,
                    Modifier  = (Level >= 32) ? 4 : (Level >= 25) ? 3 : (Level >= 18) ? 2 : 1,
                    BitVector = AffectedByFlag.Haste


            // Protection from Evil
            if (AffectedBy.HasFlag(AffectedByFlag.ProtectEvil))
                SkillType  skill  = Consts.Skills.SkillTable.Single(s => s.Name.ToLower().Equals("protection evil"));
                AffectData affect = new AffectData()
                    Where     = ToWhere.Affects,
                    Type      = skill,
                    Level     = Level,
                    Duration  = -1,
                    Location  = ApplyType.Saves,
                    Modifier  = -1,
                    BitVector = AffectedByFlag.ProtectEvil


            // Protection from Good
            if (AffectedBy.HasFlag(AffectedByFlag.ProtectGood))
                SkillType skill = Consts.Skills.SkillTable.Single(s => s.Name.ToLower().Equals("protection good"));

                AffectData affect = new AffectData()
                    Where     = ToWhere.Affects,
                    Type      = skill,
                    Level     = Level,
                    Duration  = -1,
                    Location  = ApplyType.Saves,
                    Modifier  = -1,
                    BitVector = AffectedByFlag.ProtectGood

コード例 #3
        public void AddAffectedBy(string name)
            AffectedByTypes type = Realm.Library.Common.Extensions.EnumerationExtensions.GetEnumByName <AffectedByTypes>(name);

コード例 #4
 public bool IsAffected(AffectedByTypes affectedBy) => AffectedBy.IsSet((int)affectedBy);