public void AdvertCountByStatus() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); var result = repo.AdvertCountByStatus(); var expected = new List <CountPercentSummary> { new CountPercentSummary { Column = "APPROVED", Count = 2, Percent = 28.57 }, new CountPercentSummary { Column = "REJECTED", Count = 1, Percent = 14.29 }, new CountPercentSummary { Column = "SUBMITTED", Count = 4, Percent = 57.14 } }; Console.WriteLine("Expected - " + expected[0].Column); Console.WriteLine("result - " + result[0].Column); Assert.Equal(expected[0].Column, result[0].Column); Assert.Equal(expected[1].Column, result[1].Column); Assert.Equal(expected[2].Column, result[2].Column); Assert.Equal(3, result.Count); }
public void AdvertCountByLocation() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); var result = repo.AdvertCountByLocation(); var expected = new List <CountPercentSummary> { new CountPercentSummary { Column = "Gaborone", Count = 3, Percent = 42.86 }, new CountPercentSummary { Column = "Lobatse", Count = 1, Percent = 14.29 }, new CountPercentSummary { Column = "Mochudi", Count = 1, Percent = 14.29 }, new CountPercentSummary { Column = "Mogoditshane", Count = 2, Percent = 28.57 } }; Assert.Equal(expected[0].Column, result[0].Column); Assert.Equal(expected[1].Column, result[1].Column); Assert.Equal(expected[2].Column, result[2].Column); Assert.Equal(4, result.Count); }
public void FindByCategory() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); IEnumerable <Advert> adverts = repo.FindByCategory(6); Assert.Equal(3, adverts.Count()); }
} //Färdig form, se MakeNewAd private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (advertWindow.SelectedIndex > -1) { AdvertRepo.EditAd(AdvertTable.Rows[advertWindow.SelectedIndex], CurrentUser); } PopulateDataGrid(); }
public void PopulateDataGrid() { DataView dv = AdvertRepo.GetAllAds().DefaultView; dv.Sort = SearchSort.SelectedValue.ToString(); AdvertTable = dv.ToTable(); advertWindow.ItemsSource = AdvertTable.DefaultView; }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (advertWindow.SelectedIndex > -1) { AdvertRepo.DeleteAd(Convert.ToInt32( AdvertTable.Rows[advertWindow.SelectedIndex]["AdID"])); } PopulateDataGrid(); }
public void DeleteFile_BadRequest() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); JObject result = repo.DeleteFromStorage("98b9adf1-7019-4236-9d06-0bc7cecdc9e3"); int status = (int)result.Property("status").Value; Assert.Equal(400, status); }
private void cmdSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { listBox1.DataSource = null; if (txtSearch.Text == "") { listBox1.DataSource = AdvertRepo.GetData(); } AdvertRepo search = new AdvertRepo(); search.Search(txtSearch.Text, cboCategori, listBox1); }
public void RemoveAllPictures() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); int changedRows = repo.RemoveAllPictures(7); Advert advert = repo.Find(7); int count = advert.Detail.AdPictures.Count(); Assert.Equal(2, changedRows); Assert.Equal(0, count); }
public void Repository_Update2() { var advertRepo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); AdvertDetail newAdDetail = new AdvertDetail { ID = 8, Title = "Black Toyota for sale in mogoditshane", Body = "Black 4x4 Toyota cruiser", Email = "*****@*****.**", Location = "Mogoditshane", AdPictures = new List <AdPicture> { new AdPicture { ID = 3, Uuid = "new image", CdnUrl = "new cdn url", Name = "about me sampl.PNG", Size = 135083 } } }; Advert newAd = new Advert { ID = 8, Status = EnumTypes.AdvertStatus.SUBMITTED.ToString(), CategoryID = 6, Detail = newAdDetail }; string[] includes = new string[] { "Detail" }; int changedRows = advertRepo.Update(newAd, keyValues: new object[] { newAd.ID }, includes: includes); Advert editedAd = advertRepo.Find(8, new Expression <Func <Advert, object> >[] { x => x.Detail }); //changedRows is 4, detail is null Assert.True(changedRows > 0); Assert.Equal("Black Toyota for sale in mogoditshane", editedAd.Detail.Title); Assert.Equal("*****@*****.**", editedAd.Detail.Email); Assert.Equal("Mogoditshane", editedAd.Detail.Location); Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2019, 05, 10), editedAd.PublishedDate); Assert.Equal("71406569", editedAd.Detail.Phone); Assert.Single(editedAd.Detail.AdPictures); }
public void DeleteFile() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); JObject result = repo.DeleteFromStorage("57ef964b-6fa4-44f9-b019-f1622ace0587"); string uuid = result.Property("uuid").Value.ToString(); string url = result.Property("url").Value.ToString(); int status = (int)result.Property("status").Value; Assert.Equal(200, status); Assert.Equal("57ef964b-6fa4-44f9-b019-f1622ace0587", uuid); Assert.Equal("", url); }
public void Repository_DeleteCascade() { var advertRepo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); Assert.Equal(2, appContext.Adverts.Count()); Assert.Equal(2, appContext.AdvertDetails.Count()); Assert.Equal(4, appContext.AdPictures.Count()); advertRepo.Delete(6); advertRepo.Save(); Assert.Equal(1, appContext.Adverts.Count()); Assert.Equal(1, appContext.AdvertDetails.Count()); Assert.Equal(2, appContext.AdPictures.Count()); }
private void btnCreateAd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AdID == 0) { AdvertRepo.NewAd(txtNewTitle.Text, txtNewAdText.Text, float.Parse(txtPrice.Text), Convert.ToInt32(cboCategoriesBox.SelectedValue), currentUserID); } else { AdvertRepo.DeleteAd(AdID); AdvertRepo.NewAd(txtNewTitle.Text, txtNewAdText.Text, float.Parse(txtPrice.Text), Convert.ToInt32(cboCategoriesBox.SelectedValue), currentUserID); } ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).PopulateDataGrid(); this.Close(); }
public void DeleteBatch_Successs() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); List <string> files = new List <string> { "07fac068-1eb8-4b32-92a4-96bf40d9f9d8", "624f9274-f568-484b-8f13-aed558d742b1" }; JObject result = repo.DeleteFromStorage(files); string status = result.Property("status").Value.ToString(); JArray results = (JArray)result.Property("result").Value; Assert.Equal("ok", status); Assert.NotEmpty(results); Assert.Equal(2, results.Count); }
public void Create() { Advert advert = GetAdvert(); AdvertRepo repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); repo.Create(advert); repo.Save(); IEnumerable <Advert> adverts = repo.FindAll(); Advert ad = adverts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 8); Assert.Equal(8, adverts.Count()); Assert.Equal("Black Toyota for sale", ad.Detail.Title); Assert.Equal(2, ad.Detail.AdPictures.Count()); }
public void DeleteBatch_ErrorResponse() { var repo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); List <string> files = new List <string> { "307cbed4-2f11-46ce-a3a4-f1d6fc5c268b", "fbc85a6f-baf8-4aad-866e-79c52e017b71" }; JObject result = repo.DeleteFromStorage(files); string status = result.Property("status").Value.ToString(); JObject problems = (JObject)result.Property("problems").Value; Assert.Equal("ok", status); Assert.Equal("Missing in the project", problems.Property(files[0]).Value); Assert.Equal("Missing in the project", problems.Property(files[1]).Value); }
public void Repository_UpdateWithChildren() { var advertRepo = new AdvertRepo(appContext); var categoryRepo = new CategoryRepo(appContext); Category category = categoryRepo.Find(5); Advert advert = advertRepo.Find(8); advert.Detail.Email = "*****@*****.**"; advert.Detail.Body = "4x4 for sale"; advert.SubmittedDate = new DateTime(2019, 6, 10); advert.Category = category; advertRepo.Update(advert); appContext.SaveChanges(); Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2019, 6, 10), appContext.Adverts.Find(8L).SubmittedDate); Assert.Equal("4x4 for sale", appContext.Adverts.Find(8L).Detail.Body); Assert.Equal("*****@*****.**", appContext.Adverts.Find(8L).Detail.Email); Assert.Equal(5, appContext.Adverts.Find(8L).Category.ID); Assert.Equal(2, appContext.Adverts.Find(8L).Category.ParentID); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); AdvertTable = AdvertRepo.GetAllAds(); }