public static InteractionReturn Postfix(InteractionReturn __result, AdvCannonFiringPiece __instance) { var self = __instance; var ShellRackModel = self.ShellRackModel; var Node = self.Node; var interactionReturn = __result; const int maxClipsPerLoader = 4; int[] nbLoaders = new int[maxClipsPerLoader + 1]; int nbBeltLoaders = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { nbLoaders[i] = 0; } for (int i = 1; i < self.Node.ShellRacks.Racks.Count; i++) { BeltFeedShellRackModel BeltFeed = self.Node.ShellRacks.Racks[i] as BeltFeedShellRackModel; if (null != BeltFeed) { nbBeltLoaders++; continue; } int NbClips = self.Node.ShellRacks.Racks[i].ContainerCount; if (NbClips < 0) { continue; } if (NbClips > maxClipsPerLoader) { NbClips = maxClipsPerLoader; } nbLoaders[NbClips]++; } for (int nbClips = 0; nbClips < (maxClipsPerLoader); nbClips++) { if (nbLoaders[nbClips] > 0) { interactionReturn.AddExtraLine(nbLoaders[nbClips].ToString() + " autoloaders with " + nbClips.ToString() + ((1 == nbClips) ? " clip" : " clips")); } } if (nbLoaders[maxClipsPerLoader] > 0) { interactionReturn.AddExtraLine(nbLoaders[maxClipsPerLoader].ToString() + " autoloaders with " + maxClipsPerLoader.ToString() + " clips or more"); } if (nbBeltLoaders > 0) { interactionReturn.AddExtraLine(nbBeltLoaders.ToString() + " belt feed autoloaders"); } interactionReturn.AddExtraLine(self.BarrelSystem.Coolers.ToString() + " coolers. " + self.Node.nRailgunChargers + " railgun chargers and " + self.Node.nRailgunMagnets + " railgun magnets"); //else Debug.Log("[Walrus Shells Ballistic Madness] No Shell loaded."); return(interactionReturn); }
public static void Prefix(ApsTab __instance, AdvCannonFiringPiece ____focus) { var self = __instance; var focus = ____focus; var ShellRackModel = focus.ShellRackModel; var Node = focus.Node; var barrelSystem = focus.BarrelSystem as CannonMultiBarrelSystem; string GetLoaderROF() { float culmROF = 0; if (Node.ShellRacks.Racks.Count > 1) { foreach (var thisRack in Node.ShellRacks.Racks) { //Debug.Log("[Walrus Shells Ballistic Madness] Checking For Loaded Shell."); if (thisRack.LoadedShell != null) { //Debug.Log("[Walrus Shells Ballistic Madness] Calculating Load Time."); float loadtime = ShellConstants.LoadTimeForShellVolume(new ShellModel_Propellant(thisRack.LoadedShell).GetTotalVolume()); //Debug.Log("[Walrus Shells Ballistic Madness] Is it a beltfed rack?"); if (thisRack as BeltFeedShellRackModel != null) { BeltFeedShellRackModel belty = thisRack as BeltFeedShellRackModel; //Debug.Log("[Walrus Shells Ballistic Madness] Doing Beltfed Math?"); culmROF += 60 / loadtime / belty.LoadingTimeComplexityModifier / 0.2f; } else { //Debug.Log("[Walrus Shells Ballistic Madness] Is it a standard rack?"); if (thisRack as ShellRackModel != null) { ShellRackModel standardRack = thisRack as ShellRackModel; //Debug.Log("[Walrus Shells Ballistic Madness] Doing Normal Math?"); culmROF += 60 / loadtime / standardRack.MultipleDirectionsSpeedUpFactor() / standardRack.LoadingTimeComplexityModifier / Rounding.R2(Mathf.Min(1f / Mathf.Sqrt(standardRack.LengthCapacity), 1f)); } } } } } return($"Semi-Stable RoF Estimation: <b>{culmROF:0.##} rounds/min</b>"); } string GetBarrelROF() { var nextShell = Node.ShellRacks.GetNextShell(false); if (nextShell == null) { return("Burst RoF: No shell loaded"); } float baseCooldown = ShellConstants.CooldownTimeFromVolumeOfPropellant(nextShell.Propellant.GetNormalisedVolumeOfPropellant()); float cooldownFactor = Traverse.Create(barrelSystem).Method("CooldownFactor").GetValue <float>(); float rof = 60 / (baseCooldown * cooldownFactor) * barrelSystem.BarrelCount; return($"Burst RoF: <b>{rof:0.##} rounds/min</b>"); } string GetRecoilInfo() { float refresh = Node.HydraulicRefresh; float capacity = Node.HydraulicCapacity; float dt = 60 / focus.Data.MaxFireRatePerMinute; var shell = Node.ShellRacks.GetNextShell(false); if (shell == null) { return("No shell loaded, recoil information unavailable"); } float overclockFactor = Mathf.Max(focus.Data.CooldownOverClock + 1, 1); float railReloadTime = focus.RailReloadTime(); float railFraction = (railReloadTime < float.PositiveInfinity && railReloadTime > 0) ? Mathf.Clamp01(dt / railReloadTime) : 0; float total = overclockFactor * focus.GetRecoilForce( shell.Propellant.GetNormalisedVolumeOfPropellant(), focus.RailgunDraw() * railFraction); float reduction = Math.Min(refresh * dt, capacity); float actual = total - reduction; return ($"Recoil per shot at current RoF ({dt:0.####}s between shots): {total:0} - {reduction:0} = <b>{actual:0}</b>\n" + $"Maximum recoil reduction is {capacity:0} and recovers {refresh:0.#} per second"); } string GetAmmoInfo() { var shell = Node.ShellRacks.GetNextShell(false); if (shell == null) { return("Ammo Consumption: No shell loaded"); } float rof = focus.Data.MaxFireRatePerMinute / 60; float cost = shell.AmmoCost.GetAmmoCost(); return($"Ammo Consumption: <b>{cost * rof:0} ammo/s</b>"); } //Tuple<float, float> GetReductionForHydraulicLength(int len) //{ // return new Tuple<float, float>(1250f * len * len, Rounding.R0(10000f * Mathf.Pow(len, 2 / 3f))); //} //string recoilData = string.Join("\n", new[] { 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 }.Select(x => string.Join(", ", GetReductionForHydraulicLength(x)))); self.CreateHeader("Rate Of Fire Predictor", new ToolTip("")); var seg1 = self.CreateStandardSegment(); seg1.AddInterpretter(SubjectiveDisplay <AdvCannonFiringPiece> .Quick(focus, M.m <AdvCannonFiringPiece>(x => GetLoaderROF()), "Prediction of the cannon's actual rate of fire.")); seg1.AddInterpretter(SubjectiveDisplay <AdvCannonFiringPiece> .Quick(focus, M.m <AdvCannonFiringPiece>(x => GetBarrelROF()), "The maximum burst RoF of the cannon without overclocking. Based on cooldown time.")); seg1.AddInterpretter(SubjectiveDisplay <AdvCannonFiringPiece> .Quick(focus, M.m <AdvCannonFiringPiece>(x => GetRecoilInfo()), "Hydraulic Recoil Absorber data:\n\n" + "Length ║ Capacity │ Refresh Rate\n"+ "1m ║ 1250 │ 10000\n"+ "2m ║ 5000 │ 15874\n"+ "4m ║ 20000 │ 25198\n"+ "6m ║ 45000 │ 33019\n"+ "8m ║ 80000 │ 40000")); seg1.AddInterpretter(SubjectiveDisplay <AdvCannonFiringPiece> .Quick(focus, M.m <AdvCannonFiringPiece>(x => GetAmmoInfo()), "The ammunition requirement of the cannon at current RoF.")); }