private async void Thumbnails_DownloadPhotos(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!await PhotosceneProperties(_photosceneid)) { return; } Thumbnails.ItemsSource = new ObservableCollection <ReCapPhotoItem> (); dynamic response = _recap.response(); dynamic files = response.Photoscenes.Photoscene.Files; string dlFolder = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + response.Photoscenes.Photoscene.photosceneid; if (!Directory.Exists(dlFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dlFolder); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in files.Dictionary) { dynamic fnode = pair.Value; AdskReCap.FileType type = (AdskReCap.FileType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AdskReCap.FileType), fnode.type, true); if (fnode.fileid == "" || type != AdskReCap.FileType.Image) { continue; } string location = dlFolder + @"\" + fnode.filename; if (File.Exists(location)) { ObservableCollection <ReCapPhotoItem> items = new ObservableCollection <ReCapPhotoItem> ((IEnumerable <ReCapPhotoItem>)Thumbnails.ItemsSource); items.Add(new ReCapPhotoItem() { Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fnode.filename), Type = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fnode.filename), Image = location }); Thumbnails.ItemsSource = items; continue; } if (!await _recap.GetFile(fnode.fileid, type)) { continue; } dynamic fileResponse = _recap.response(); dynamic file = fileResponse.Files.file; string link = file.filelink; DownloadFileWnd wnd = new DownloadFileWnd(link, location); wnd._callback = new DownloadFileCompletedDelegate(this.DownloadFileCompleted); wnd.Owner = this; wnd.Show(); } }
protected async Task <ProgressInfo> PhotosceneProgress(string photosceneid) { if (!ConnectWithReCap()) { return(null); } if (!await _recap.SceneProgress(photosceneid)) { return(null); } int pct = 0; string msg = ""; dynamic response = _recap.response(); try { pct = (int)Convert.ToDouble(response.Photoscene.progress); msg = response.Photoscene.progressmsg; } catch { } return(new ProgressInfo(pct, msg)); }
protected async Task <bool> TestConnection() { // Test connection LogInfo("Test Connection", LogIndent.PostIndent); if (!await _recap.ServerTime()) { connectedLabel.Content = "Connection to ReCap Server failed!"; connectedTimeLabel.Content = ""; LogError("ReCap Error: Connection to ReCap Server failed!", LogIndent.PostUnindent); MessageBox.Show("ReCap Error: Connection to ReCap Server failed!", "WpfReCap", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return(false); } // XML sample //XmlDocument doc =_recap.xml () ; //XmlNode node =doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Response/date") ; // doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("/Response/date/text()").Value //DateTime dt =DateTime.Parse (node.InnerText) ; // XML LINQ sample //XDocument doc =_recap.xmlLinq () ; //XElement node =doc.Element ("Response").Element ("date") ; //DateTime dt =(DateTime)node ; // JSON sample (would require to use true in the call of _recap.ServerTime (true)) //JObject doc =_recap.json () ; //JToken node =doc2 ["Response"] ["date"] ; //DateTime dt =(DateTime)node2 ; // ReCap Reponse dynamic object sample dynamic response = _recap.response(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(; connectedLabel.Content = dt.ToLongDateString(); connectedTimeLabel.Content = dt.ToLongTimeString(); LogInfo("ReCap Server date: " + dt.ToLongDateString() + " " + dt.ToLongTimeString(), LogIndent.PostUnindent); return(true); }