コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return View for Goods item with specific id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id number in Goods table</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ViewResult Edit(int id)
            Goods goods = _repository.GetGoods()
                          .FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == id);
            AdminGoodsModel model = new AdminGoodsModel();

            if (goods != null)
                model.Id             = goods.Id;
                model.AvailableCount = goods.AvailableCount;
                model.Name           = goods.Name;
                model.CategoryId     = goods.CategoryId;
                model.Color          = goods.Color;
                model.Description    = goods.Description;
                model.Height         = goods.Height;
                model.Length         = goods.Length;
                model.Width          = goods.Width;
                model.PictrureName   = goods.Pictrure;
                model.Price          = goods.Price;

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Edit(AdminGoodsModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (model.Picture != null)
                    // Get file name
                    string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(model.Picture.FileName);
                    // Saving to Content folder
                    model.Picture.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Img/" + fileName));
                    model.PictrureName = fileName;

                // Set standart image for Goods without image
                if (model.PictrureName == null &&
                    _repository.GetGoods().ToList().First(g => g.Id == model.Id).Pictrure == "No_image_available.png")
                    model.PictrureName = "No_image_available.png";

                if (model.PictrureName == null &&
                    _repository.GetGoods().ToList().First(g => g.Id == model.Id).Pictrure != null)
                    model.PictrureName = _repository.GetGoods().ToList().First(g => g.Id == model.Id).Pictrure;

                if (model.AvailableCount < 0)
                    model.AvailableCount = 0;

                Goods goods = _repository.GetGoods().First(g => g.Id == model.Id);
                goods.AvailableCount = model.AvailableCount;
                goods.Name           = model.Name;
                goods.CategoryId     = model.CategoryId;
                goods.Color          = model.Color;
                goods.Description    = model.Description;
                goods.Height         = model.Height;
                goods.Length         = model.Length;
                goods.Width          = model.Width;
                goods.Pictrure       = model.PictrureName;
                goods.Price          = model.Price;

                // Saving current item and adding record to log file
                if (goods.Id != 0)

                logger.Info($"User {User.Identity.Name} have changed Goods by id: {goods.Id}");

                model.PictrureName = _repository.GetGoods().First(g => g.Id == model.Id).Pictrure;