public bool UndoTweak(Tweak tweak) { tweak.State = TweakList.Tweak.States.Unsellected; tweak.Status = false; if (!tweak.IsAvailable()) { return(false); } bool success; if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() || tweak.usrLevel) { success = TweakTools.UndoTweak(tweak); } else { success = App.client.UndoTweak(tweak); } TweakChanged?.Invoke(this, new TweakEventArgs() { tweak = tweak }); return(success); }
public bool ApplyTweak(Tweak tweak, bool?byUser = null) { if (byUser != null) { tweak.State = byUser == true ? TweakList.Tweak.States.Sellected : TweakList.Tweak.States.SelGroupe; } tweak.Status = true; if (!tweak.IsAvailable()) { return(false); } bool success; if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() || tweak.usrLevel) { success = TweakTools.ApplyTweak(tweak); } else { success = App.client.ApplyTweak(tweak); } TweakChanged?.Invoke(this, new TweakEventArgs() { tweak = tweak }); return(success); }
private void menuExit_Click(object Sender, EventArgs e) { //notifyIcon1.Visible = false; // Close the form, which closes the application. //Application.Exit(); if (Priv10Service.IsInstalled() && AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_stop_svc"), App.Title, MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question); switch (res) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: if (!Priv10Service.Terminate()) { MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_stop_svc_err"), App.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop); } break; case MessageBoxResult.Cancel: return; } } Application.Current.Shutdown(); }
private void toggle_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { ReqSU?.Invoke(this, e); OnStatusChanged(null, null); return; } /*if ((sender as ToggleSwitch).IsChecked == null) * (sender as ToggleSwitch).IsChecked = true;*/ bool state = (bool)(sender as ToggleSwitch).IsChecked; foreach (Tweak tweak in myGroup.Tweaks) { if (!tweak.IsAvailable()) { continue; } if (state && (tweak.Sellected == null ? !tweak.Optional : (bool)tweak.Sellected)) { tweak.Apply(); } else if (!state) { tweak.Undo(); } } }
static void TrayAction(object sender, TrayIcon.TrayEventArgs args) { if (MainWnd == null || !MainWnd.FullyLoaded) { return; } switch (args.Action) { case TrayIcon.Actions.ToggleWindow: { if (MainWnd.IsVisible) { MainWnd.Hide(); } else { MainWnd.Show(); } break; } case TrayIcon.Actions.ToggleNotify: { if (MainWnd.notificationWnd.IsVisible) { MainWnd.notificationWnd.HideWnd(); } else if (!MainWnd.notificationWnd.IsEmpty()) { MainWnd.notificationWnd.ShowWnd(); } break; } case TrayIcon.Actions.CloseApplication: { if (Priv10Service.IsInstalled() && AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_stop_svc"), App.Title, MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question); switch (res) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: if (!Priv10Service.Terminate()) { MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_stop_svc_err"), App.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop); } break; case MessageBoxResult.Cancel: return; } } Application.Current.Shutdown(); break; } } }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UpdateSysMenu(); // Install system menu if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() && App.GetConfigInt("Startup", "ShowSetup", 1) == 1 && !Priv10Service.IsInstalled()) { ShowSetup(); } }
public bool TestTweak(Tweak tweak, bool fixChanged = false) { if (!tweak.IsAvailable()) { return(false); } bool status; if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() || tweak.usrLevel || !App.client.IsConnected()) { status = TweakEngine.TestTweak(tweak); } else { status = App.client.TestTweak(tweak); } if (tweak.Status != status) { tweak.Status = status; tweak.LastChangeTime = DateTime.Now; Dictionary <string, string> Params = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Params.Add("Name", tweak.Name); Params.Add("Group", tweak.Group); Params.Add("Category", tweak.Category); if (tweak.Status == false && tweak.State != Tweak.States.Unsellected) { if (fixChanged == true && tweak.FixFailed == false) { ApplyTweak(tweak); if (TestTweak(tweak, false) != true) { tweak.FixFailed = true; App.LogError(App.EventIDs.TweakError, Params, App.EventFlags.Notifications, Translate.fmt("msg_tweak_stuck", tweak.Name, tweak.Group)); } else { tweak.FixedCount++; App.LogInfo(App.EventIDs.TweakFixed, Params, App.EventFlags.Notifications, Translate.fmt("msg_tweak_fixed", tweak.Name, tweak.Group)); } } else { App.LogWarning(App.EventIDs.TweakChanged, Params, App.EventFlags.Notifications, Translate.fmt("msg_tweak_un_done", tweak.Name, tweak.Group)); } } } return(status); }
public OverviewPage() { InitializeComponent(); string running = Translate.fmt("lbl_run_as", Translate.fmt(AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() ? "str_admin" : "str_user")); if (App.svc.IsInstalled()) { running += Translate.fmt("lbl_run_svc"); } lblRunning.Content = running; lblFirewallInfo.Content = Translate.fmt((App.GetConfigInt("Firewall", "Enabled", 0) != 0) ? "str_enabled" : "str_disabled"); }
private void UpdateSysMenu() { /// Get the Handle for the Forms System Menu IntPtr systemMenuHandle = GetSystemMenu(this.Handle, false); /// Create our new System Menu items just before the Close menu item InsertMenu(systemMenuHandle, 5, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, string.Empty); // <-- Add a menu seperator InsertMenu(systemMenuHandle, 6, MF_BYPOSITION | (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() ? MF_DISABLED : MF_ENABLED), SysMenu_Setup, Translate.fmt("menu_setup")); InsertMenu(systemMenuHandle, 7, MF_BYPOSITION | (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() ? MF_DISABLED : MF_ENABLED), SysMenu_Uninstall, Translate.fmt("menu_uninstall")); // Attach our WndProc handler to this Window HwndSource source = HwndSource.FromHwnd(this.Handle); source.AddHook(new HwndSourceHook(WndProc)); }
private void chkNoUAC_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (bHold) { return; } if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { if (MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_admin_prompt", App.Title), App.Title, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { App.Restart(true); } return; } AdminFunc.SkipUacEnable(App.Key, chkNoUAC.IsChecked == true); }
private void toggle_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!myTweak.usrLevel && !AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { ReqSU?.Invoke(this, e); OnStatusChanged(null, null); return; } if ((bool)toggle.IsChecked) { myTweak.Apply((System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys & System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control) == 0); } else { myTweak.Undo((System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys & System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control) == 0); } }
private void chkService_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (bHold) { return; } if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { if (MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_admin_prompt", App.Title), App.Title, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { App.Restart(true); } return; } if (chkService.IsChecked == true) { if (App.EngineProc != null) { App.StopEngine(); } Priv10Service.Install(true); App.Log.SetupEventLog(App.Key); App.client.Connect(); } else { App.client.Close(); Priv10Service.Terminate(); Priv10Service.Uninstall(); if (App.EngineProc == null && App.GetConfigInt("Firewall", "Enabled", 0) != 0) { App.StartEngine(); App.client.Connect(); } } App.MainWnd.UpdateEnabled(); }
private void chkService_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (bHold) { return; } if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { if (MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_admin_prompt", App.mName), App.mName, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { App.Restart(true); } return; } App.client.Close(); if (chkService.IsChecked == true) { if (App.engine != null) { App.engine.Stop(); App.engine = null; } App.svc.Install(true); App.Log.SetupEventLog(App.mAppName); } else { App.svc.Uninstall(); if (App.engine == null) { App.engine = new Engine(); App.engine.Start(); } } App.client.Connect(); }
public void OnShow() { string running = Translate.fmt("lbl_run_as", Translate.fmt(AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() ? "str_admin" : "str_user")); if (Priv10Service.IsInstalled()) { running += Translate.fmt("lbl_run_svc"); } lblRunning.Content = running; lblFirewallInfo.Content = Translate.fmt((App.GetConfigInt("Firewall", "Enabled", 0) != 0) ? "str_enabled" : "str_disabled"); // filterming mode // current profile lblRuleGuardInfo.Content = Translate.fmt(App.client.IsFirewallGuard() ? "str_enabled" : "str_disabled"); // changed rules lblTweakGuardInfo.Content = Translate.fmt(App.GetConfigInt("TweakGuard", "AutoCheck", 1) != 0 ? "str_enabled" : "str_disabled"); // mode // changed tweaks }
public bool UndoTweak(Tweak tweak) { if (!tweak.IsAvailable()) { return(false); } bool success; if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() || tweak.usrLevel) { success = TweakEngine.UndoTweak(tweak); } else { success = App.client.UndoTweak(tweak); } //StatusChanged?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); return(success); }
public bool TestTweak(Tweak tweak, bool fixChanged = false) { if (!tweak.IsAvailable()) { return(false); } bool status; if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() || tweak.usrLevel || !App.client.IsConnected()) { status = TweakTools.TestTweak(tweak); } else { status = App.client.TestTweak(tweak); } if (tweak.Status != status) { tweak.Status = status; tweak.LastChangeTime = DateTime.Now; if (tweak.Status == false && tweak.State != Tweak.States.Unsellected) { Dictionary <string, string> Params = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Params.Add("Name", tweak.Name); Params.Add("Group", tweak.Group); Params.Add("Category", tweak.Category); TweakEventArgs.State state = TweakEventArgs.State.eChanged; if (fixChanged == true && tweak.FixFailed == false) { ApplyTweak(tweak); if (TestTweak(tweak, false) != true) { tweak.FixFailed = true; Priv10Logger.LogError(Priv10Logger.EventIDs.TweakError, Params, Priv10Logger.EventFlags.Notifications, Translate.fmt("msg_tweak_stuck", tweak.Name, tweak.Group)); } else { state = TweakEventArgs.State.eRestored; tweak.FixedCount++; Priv10Logger.LogInfo(Priv10Logger.EventIDs.TweakFixed, Params, Priv10Logger.EventFlags.Notifications, Translate.fmt("msg_tweak_fixed", tweak.Name, tweak.Group)); } } else { Priv10Logger.LogWarning(Priv10Logger.EventIDs.TweakChanged, Params, Priv10Logger.EventFlags.AppLogEntries, Translate.fmt("msg_tweak_un_done", tweak.Name, tweak.Group)); } if (state == TweakEventArgs.State.eChanged) { TweakChanged?.Invoke(this, new TweakEventArgs() { tweak = tweak, state = state }); } } } return(status); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { App.args = args; HasConsole = WinConsole.Initialize(TestArg("-console")); if (TestArg("-dbg_wait")) { MessageBox.Show("Waiting for debugger. (press ok when attached)"); } if (TestArg("-dbg_log")) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += FirstChanceExceptionHandler; } Log = new AppLog(Key); AppLog.ExceptionLogID = (long)Priv10Logger.EventIDs.Exception; AppLog.ExceptionCategory = (short)Priv10Logger.EventFlags.DebugEvents; Log.EnableLogging(); Log.LoadLog(); // load current version exePath = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; //System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exePath); Version = fvi.FileMajorPart + "." + fvi.FileMinorPart; if (fvi.FileBuildPart != 0) { Version += "." + fvi.FileBuildPart; } if (fvi.FilePrivatePart != 0) { Version += (char)('a' + (fvi.FilePrivatePart - 1)); } appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath); Translate.Load(); dataPath = appPath + @"\Data"; if (File.Exists(GetINIPath())) // if an ini exists in the app path, its considdered to be a portable run { isPortable = true; AppLog.Debug("Portable Mode"); } else { string progData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData); if (progData == null) { progData = @"C:\ProgramData"; } dataPath = progData + "\\" + Key; } AppLog.Debug("Config Directory: {0}", dataPath); // execute commandline commands if (ExecuteCommands()) { return; } if (!Directory.Exists(dataPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath); } if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { FileOps.SetAnyDirSec(dataPath); } // setup custom assembly resolution for x86/x64 synamic compatybility //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += AssemblyResolveHandler; Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Gui"; client = new Priv10Client(); if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { if (AdminFunc.SkipUacRun(App.Key, App.args)) { return; } if (App.GetConfigInt("Startup", "ShowSetup", 1) == 1) { AppLog.Debug("Trying to restart as admin..."); if (Restart(true)) { return; } } } AppLog.Debug("Trying to connect to engine..."); int conRes = client.Connect(1000); if (conRes == 0) { if (Priv10Service.IsProperlyInstalled()) { if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_admin_rights_svc", Title, SvcName), Title); Restart(true); return; } AppLog.Debug("Trying to start service..."); if (!Priv10Service.Startup()) { AppLog.Debug("Failed to start service..."); } } else if (App.GetConfigInt("Firewall", "Enabled", 0) != 0) { AppLog.Debug("Trying to start engine process..."); StartEngine(); } AppLog.Debug("Trying to connect to engine..."); if (client.Connect() != 0) { AppLog.Debug("Connected to engine..."); } else { AppLog.Debug("Failed to connect to engine..."); } } tweaks = new TweakManager(); presets = new PresetManager(); var app = new App(); app.InitializeComponent(); InitLicense(); MainWnd = new MainWindow(); TrayIcon = new TrayIcon(); TrayIcon.Visible = (GetConfigInt("Startup", "Tray", 1) != 0) || App.TestArg("-autorun"); if (!App.TestArg("-autorun") || !TrayIcon.Visible) { MainWnd.Show(); } app.Run(); TrayIcon.DestroyNotifyicon(); presets.Store(); tweaks.Store(); if (EngineProc != null) { StopEngine(); } else { client.Close(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { App.args = args; mConsole = WinConsole.Initialize(TestArg("-console") || TestArg("-console-debug")); if (TestArg("-help") || TestArg("/?")) { ShowHelp(); return; } else if (TestArg("-dbg_wait")) { MessageBox.Show("Waiting for debugger. (press ok when attached)"); } Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main"; Console.WriteLine("Starting..."); AppLog Log = new AppLog(); exePath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exePath); mVersion = fvi.FileMajorPart + "." + fvi.FileMinorPart; if (fvi.FileBuildPart != 0) { mVersion += (char)('a' + (fvi.FileBuildPart - 1)); } appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath); mSession = Process.GetCurrentProcess().SessionId; Translate.Load(); svc = new Service(mSvcName); if (TestArg("-engine")) { engine = new Engine(); engine.Run(); return; } else if (TestArg("-svc")) { if (TestArg("-install")) { Console.WriteLine("Installing service..."); svc.Install(TestArg("-start")); Console.WriteLine("... done"); } else if (TestArg("-remove")) { Console.WriteLine("Removing service..."); svc.Uninstall(); Console.WriteLine("... done"); } else { engine = new Engine(); ServiceBase.Run(svc); } return; } tweaks = new Tweaks(); client = new PipeClient(); if (!AdminFunc.IsDebugging()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect to Engine..."); if (!client.Connect(1000)) { if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to obtain Administrative proivilegs..."); if (AdminFunc.SkipUacRun(mName, App.args)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Trying to start with 'runas'..."); // Restart program and run as admin var exeName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; string arguments = "\"" + string.Join("\" \"", args) + "\""; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exeName, arguments); startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Verb = "runas"; try { Process.Start(startInfo); return; // we restarted as admin } catch { MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_admin_rights", mName), mName); return; // no point in cintinuing without admin rights or an already running engine } } else if (svc.IsInstalled()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to start service..."); if (svc.Startup()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect to service..."); if (client.Connect()) { Console.WriteLine("Connected to service..."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to service..."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to start service..."); } } } } // if we couldn't connect to the engine start it and connect if (!client.IsConnected() && AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { Console.WriteLine("Starting Engine Thread..."); engine = new Engine(); engine.Start(); Console.WriteLine("... engine started."); client.Connect(); } // ToDo: use a more direct communication when running in one process itf = client; cb = client; /*if (TestArg("-console-debug")) * { * Console.WriteLine("Private WinTen reporting for duty, sir!"); * Console.WriteLine(""); * * for (bool running = true; running;) * { * String Line = Console.ReadLine(); * if (Line.Length == 0) * continue; * * String Command = TextHelpers.GetLeft(ref Line).ToLower(); * * if (Command == "quit" || Command == "exit") * running = false; * * if (Command == "test") * { * } * else * { * Console.WriteLine("Unknown Command, sir!"); * continue; * } * Console.WriteLine("Yes, sir!"); * } * * return; * }*/ Console.WriteLine("Preparing GUI..."); var app = new App(); app.InitializeComponent(); InitLicense(); mTray = new TrayIcon(); mTray.Action += TrayAction; mTray.Visible = GetConfigInt("Startup", "Tray", 0) != 0; mMainWnd = new MainWindow(); if (!App.TestArg("-autorun") || !mTray.Visible) { mMainWnd.Show(); } app.Run(); mTray.DestroyNotifyicon(); client.Close(); if (engine != null) { engine.Stop(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { App.args = args; HasConsole = WinConsole.Initialize(TestArg("-console")); if (TestArg("-dbg_wait")) { MessageBox.Show("Waiting for debugger. (press ok when attached)"); } if (TestArg("-dbg_log")) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += FirstChanceExceptionHandler; } StartModes startMode = StartModes.Normal; // Normal GUI Mode if (TestArg("-svc")) { startMode = StartModes.Service; } else if (TestArg("-engine")) { startMode = StartModes.Engine; } Log = new AppLog(Key); AppLog.ExceptionLogID = (long)Priv10Logger.EventIDs.Exception; AppLog.ExceptionCategory = (short)Priv10Logger.EventFlags.DebugEvents; // When running as worker we need the windows event log if (!Log.UsingEventLog()) { Log.SetupEventLog(Key); } // load current version exePath = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; //System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; //*FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exePath); //Version = fvi.FileMajorPart + "." + fvi.FileMinorPart; //if (fvi.FileBuildPart != 0) // Version += "." + fvi.FileBuildPart; //if (fvi.FilePrivatePart != 0) // Version += (char)('a' + (fvi.FilePrivatePart - 1)); appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath); dataPath = appPath + @"\Data"; if (File.Exists(GetINIPath())) // if an ini exists in the app path, its considdered to be a portable run { isPortable = true; AppLog.Debug("Portable Mode"); } else { string progData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData); if (progData == null) { progData = @"C:\ProgramData"; } dataPath = progData + "\\" + Key; } AppLog.Debug("Config Directory: {0}", dataPath); if (!Directory.Exists(dataPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath); } if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { FileOps.SetAnyDirSec(dataPath); } Priv10Logger.LogInfo("PrivateWin10 Service Process Started, Mode {0}.", startMode.ToString()); // setup custom assembly resolution for x86/x64 synamic compatybility AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += AssemblyResolveHandler; // is the process starting as a service/worker? if (startMode != StartModes.Normal) { engine = new Priv10Engine(); if (startMode == StartModes.Service) { using (Priv10Service svc = new Priv10Service()) ServiceBase.Run(svc); } else { engine.Run(); } return; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { App.args = args; HasConsole = WinConsole.Initialize(TestArg("-console")); if (TestArg("-dbg_wait")) { MessageBox.Show("Waiting for debugger. (press ok when attached)"); } if (TestArg("-dbg_log")) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += FirstChanceExceptionHandler; } StartModes startMode = StartModes.Normal; // Normal GUI Mode if (TestArg("-svc")) { startMode = StartModes.Service; } else if (TestArg("-engine")) { startMode = StartModes.Engine; } Log = new AppLog(Key); AppLog.ExceptionLogID = (long)EventIDs.Exception; AppLog.ExceptionCategory = (short)EventFlags.DebugEvents; if (startMode == StartModes.Normal) { Log.EnableLogging(); Log.LoadLog(); } // When running as worker we need the windows event log else if (!Log.UsingEventLog()) { Log.SetupEventLog(Key); } // load current version exePath = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; //System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exePath); Version = fvi.FileMajorPart + "." + fvi.FileMinorPart; if (fvi.FileBuildPart != 0) { Version += "." + fvi.FileBuildPart; } if (fvi.FilePrivatePart != 0) { Version += (char)('a' + (fvi.FilePrivatePart - 1)); } appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath); Translate.Load(); dataPath = appPath + @"\Data"; if (File.Exists(GetINIPath())) // if an ini exists in the app path, its considdered to be a portable run { isPortable = true; AppLog.Debug("Portable Mode"); } else { string progData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData); if (progData == null) { progData = @"C:\ProgramData"; } dataPath = progData + "\\" + Key; } AppLog.Debug("Config Directory: {0}", dataPath); // execute commandline commands if (ExecuteCommands()) { return; } if (!Directory.Exists(dataPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath); } if (AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { FileOps.SetAnyDirSec(dataPath); } App.LogInfo("PrivateWin10 Process Started, Mode {0}.", startMode.ToString()); Session = Process.GetCurrentProcess().SessionId; // setup custom assembly resolution for x86/x64 synamic compatybility AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += AssemblyResolveHandler; // is the process starting as a service/worker? if (startMode != StartModes.Normal) { engine = new Priv10Engine(); if (startMode == StartModes.Service) { using (Priv10Service svc = new Priv10Service()) ServiceBase.Run(svc); } else { engine.Run(); } return; } Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Gui"; client = new Priv10Client(); // Encure wie have the required privilegs //if (!AdminFunc.IsDebugging()) { AppLog.Debug("Trying to connect to Engine..."); int conRes = client.Connect(1000); if (conRes == 0) { if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { AppLog.Debug("Trying to obtain Administrative proivilegs..."); if (AdminFunc.SkipUacRun(App.Key, App.args)) { return; } AppLog.Debug("Trying to start with 'runas'..."); // Restart program and run as admin string arguments = "\"" + string.Join("\" \"", args) + "\""; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exePath, arguments); startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Verb = "runas"; try { Process.Start(startInfo); return; // we restarted as admin } catch { //MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_admin_rights", mName), mName); //return; // no point in cintinuing without admin rights or an already running engine } } else if (Priv10Service.IsInstalled()) { AppLog.Debug("Trying to start service..."); if (Priv10Service.Startup()) { AppLog.Debug("Trying to connect to service..."); if (client.Connect() != 0) { AppLog.Debug("Connected to service..."); } else { AppLog.Debug("Failed to connect to service..."); } } else { AppLog.Debug("Failed to start service..."); } } } else if (conRes == -1) { MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_dupliate_session", Title), Title); return; // no point in cintinuing without admin rights or an already running engine } } // tweaks = new TweakManager(); // if we couldn't connect to the engine start it and connect if (!client.IsConnected() && AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { AppLog.Debug("Starting Engine Thread..."); engine = new Priv10Engine(); engine.Start(); AppLog.Debug("... engine started."); client.Connect(); } var app = new App(); app.InitializeComponent(); InitLicense(); MainWnd = new MainWindow(); TrayIcon = new TrayIcon(); TrayIcon.Action += TrayAction; TrayIcon.Visible = (GetConfigInt("Startup", "Tray", 0) != 0) || App.TestArg("-autorun"); if (!App.TestArg("-autorun") || !TrayIcon.Visible) { MainWnd.Show(); } app.Run(); TrayIcon.DestroyNotifyicon(); client.Close(); tweaks.Store(); if (engine != null) { engine.Stop(); } }
public static bool HasAdministrator() { return(AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() || App.client.IsConnected()); }
public static bool HasAdministrator() { return(AdminFunc.IsAdministrator() || (App.engine == null && App.client.IsConnected())); }