public Login() { LoginCommand = new RelayCommand(LoginAction, null); OpretBrugerCommand = new RelayCommand(OpretBruger, null); if (SingletonUsers.Instance.UserList == null) { AdminCollectionVM.AddDefaultAdmin(); } }
//Checks if the Json file exists then adds all users to SingletonUsers.Instance.UserList //but if the file don't exists then it creates it and continues else if the file is empty then AdminCollectionVM.AddDefaultAdmin() gets called //and the Default Admin get added to SingletonUsers.Instance.UserList and get saved to the file. public static async void LoadUsersAsync() { PersistenceFacade.FileCreationUser(); ObservableCollection <UserAccount> users = await PersistenceFacade.LoadUserFromJson(); SingletonUsers.Instance.UserList.Clear(); if (users == null) { AdminCollectionVM.AddDefaultAdmin(); } else { foreach (var user in users) { SingletonUsers.Instance.UserList.Add(user); } } }