private List <AdminCollection> GetCollectionsByDeploymentName(string deploymentName) { try { PowerShellExecutor <AdminCollection> executor; if (!AdminCollectionsController.executors.TryGetValue(deploymentName, out executor)) { executor = new PowerShellExecutor <AdminCollection>(); executor.CmdName = ""; executor.NewFunc = this.NewFunc; executor.Configure = (engine) => { engine.AddCommand("Get-RDSessionCollection"); engine.AddParameter("ConnectionBroker", deploymentName); }; executor = AdminCollectionsController.executors.GetOrAdd(deploymentName, executor); } var list = executor.GetList(); if (list == null || list.Count() == 0) { return(list); } // Get the Collection Burst settings/ Collection Guids/ Audit files from the Database before returning the list var query = string.Format("SELECT CollectionName, IsActive FROM CollectionBurstSettings WHERE DeploymentFQDN ='{0}'", deploymentName); var queryResults = ServicesManager.Instance.ExecuteQuery <AdminCollection>(query, (rdr, results) => { var collection = new AdminCollection(); collection.Name = rdr["CollectionName"].ToString(); collection.Burst = (bool)rdr["IsActive"]; results.Add(collection); }); if (queryResults != null) { queryResults.ForEach(r => { var collection = list.Where(i => i.Name == r.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (collection != null) // populate the information before returning the list back { collection.Burst = r.Burst; } }); } return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendExcepToDB(ex, "GetCollectionsByDeploymentName", deploymentName); throw ex; } }
public void OnRemoveUserButtonClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DefaultButtonState(); var selectedList = view.userListBox.SelectedItem == null ? view.adminListBox : view.userListBox; if (selectedList == view.adminListBox) { AdminCollection.Remove(SelectedUser); } else { UserCollection.Remove(SelectedUser); } }
public void UpdateP() { try { sqlCon.Open(); AdminCollection.Clear(); string statusr = "******"; SqlCommand running = new SqlCommand(statusr, sqlCon); running.CommandType = CommandType.Text; running.Parameters.AddWithValue("@statusr", "Заезд подтвержден"); running.ExecuteNonQuery(); string statusd = "UPDATE ParkingPlace SET Status = @statusd WHERE ExitDate < GETDATE()"; SqlCommand done = new SqlCommand(statusd, sqlCon); done.CommandType = CommandType.Text; done.Parameters.AddWithValue("@statusd", "Бронирование завершено"); done.ExecuteNonQuery(); string sql = "SELECT EnterDate, ExitDate, CarNumber, VehicleType, ParkingType, Price, Username, Status, Id FROM ParkingPlace ORDER BY Status"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, sqlCon); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ParkingPlace place = new ParkingPlace(); place.Entrydate = reader.GetDateTime(0); place.Exitdate = reader.GetDateTime(1); place.Carnumber = reader.GetString(2); place.Vehicletype = reader.GetString(3); place.Parkingtype = reader.GetString(4); place.Price = reader.GetInt32(5); place.Username = reader.GetString(6); place.Status = reader.GetString(7); place.Id = reader.GetInt32(8); AdminCollection.Add(place); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { if (sqlCon != null) { sqlCon.Close(); } } }
public void NewFunc(dynamic psObject, List <AdminCollection> collList) { var collection = new AdminCollection(); collection.Name = psObject.CollectionName; collection.NavName = ApplicationController.GenNavName(psObject.CollectionName); collection.Description = psObject.CollectionDescription; collection.CollectionType = psObject.ResourceType; double used = 0; if (psObject.Size != null) { double.TryParse(psObject.Size.ToString(), out used); } collection.Size = (int)used; collection.Burst = false; collList.Add(collection); }
public void OnChangeRankButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (view.changeRank.Content.ToString() == "Make User") { UserCollection.Add(SelectedUser); AdminCollection.Remove(SelectedUser); DefaultButtonState(); } else if (view.changeRank.Content.ToString() == "Make Admin") { AdminCollection.Add(SelectedUser); UserCollection.Remove(SelectedUser); DefaultButtonState(); } }
public AdminCollection GetCollectionProperty(string deploymentName, string collectionName) { try { string pslgetCollection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/getCollection.ps1"; string psl_Script = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslgetCollection); } AdminCollection result = new AdminCollection(); // Get Audit location result.AuditLocation = string.Empty; // TODO: populate real data when this feature is ready // Get the description using powershell var command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "CollectionName", "ConnectionBroker" }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { result.Name = psObject.CollectionName; result.Size = psObject.Size; result.CollectionType = psObject.ResourceType; result.Description = psObject.CollectionDescription; }); var data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "ConnectionBroker", deploymentName }, { "CollectionName", collectionName } }; command.Init(data); command.Execute(); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendExcepToDB(ex, "GetCollectionProperty", deploymentName); throw ex; } }
public async Task UpdateAsync(AdminCollection obj) { _context.AdminCollection.Update(obj); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task CreateAsync(AdminCollection obj) { await _context.AdminCollection.AddAsync(obj); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }