public async Task <ShapeBinding> GetShapeBindingAsync(string shapeType) { if (!AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)) { return(null); } var localTemplates = _previewTemplatesProvider.GetTemplates(); if (localTemplates != null) { if (localTemplates.Templates.TryGetValue(shapeType, out var localTemplate)) { return(BuildShapeBinding(shapeType, localTemplate)); } } if (_templatesDocument == null) { _templatesDocument = await _templatesManager.GetTemplatesDocumentAsync(); } if (_templatesDocument.Templates.TryGetValue(shapeType, out var template)) { return(BuildShapeBinding(shapeType, template)); } else { return(null); } }
public void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext) { // Should only run on a full view rendering result if (!(filterContext.Result is ViewResult)) { return; } // Should only run on the Admin if (!AdminAttribute.IsApplied(filterContext.HttpContext)) { return; } // Populate main nav IShape menuShape = _shapeFactory.Create("Menu", Arguments.From(new { MenuName = "admin", RouteData = filterContext.RouteData, })); // Enable shape caching menuShape.Metadata.CacheContext .Cache("menu-admin") .AddContext("roles", "features") ; _layoutAccessor.GetLayout().Navigation.Add(menuShape); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { if (_scriptsCache == null) { var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <CookiesSettings>(); //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings?.ServicesScript)) //{ _scriptsCache = new HtmlString($"<script src=\"/TarteAuCitron.OrchardCore/Scripts/tarteaucitron.js\"></script>\n<script>tarteaucitron.init({{ \"privacyUrl\": \"{settings.PrivacyUrl}\", \"hashtag\": \"#tarteaucitron\", \"cookieName\": \"{settings.CookieName}\", \"orientation\": \"{settings.Orientation}\", \"showAlertSmall\": {settings.ShowAlertSmall.ToString().ToLower()}, \"cookieslist\": {settings.Cookieslist.ToString().ToLower()}, \"adblocker\": {settings.AdBlocker.ToString().ToLower()}, \"AcceptAllCta\" : {settings.AcceptAllCta.ToString().ToLower()}, \"highPrivacy\": {settings.HighPrivacy.ToString().ToLower()}, \"handleBrowserDNTRequest\": {settings.HandleBrowserDNTRequest.ToString().ToLower()}, \"removeCredit\": {settings.RemoveCredit.ToString().ToLower()}, \"moreInfoLink\": {settings.MoreInfoLink.ToString().ToLower()}, \"useExternalCss\": false, \"readmoreLink\": \"{settings.ReadMoreLink}\"}});</script>\n<script>{settings.ServicesScript}</script>"); //} } if (_scriptsCache != null) { //_resourceManager.RegisterLink(); _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(_scriptsCache); } } await next.Invoke(); }
public bool TryGetDescriptorBinding(string shapeType, out ShapeBinding shapeBinding) { if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)) { shapeBinding = null; return(false); } var localTemplates = _previewTemplatesProvider.GetTemplates(); if (localTemplates != null) { if (localTemplates.Templates.TryGetValue(shapeType, out var localTemplate)) { shapeBinding = BuildShapeBinding(shapeType, localTemplate); return(true); } } if (_templatesDocument.Templates.TryGetValue(shapeType, out var template)) { shapeBinding = BuildShapeBinding(shapeType, template); return(true); } else { shapeBinding = null; return(false); } }
public async void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext) { var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync(); var settings = siteSettings.As <LiveChatSettings>(); // Display only when enabled if (settings == null || !settings.Enable) { return; } // Don't display on admin pages if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(filterContext.HttpContext)) { return; } // Should only run on a full view rendering result if (!(filterContext.Result is ViewResult)) { return; } var content = new HtmlString(settings.Text); _resourceManager.RegisterFootScript(content); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext filterContext, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Dont run in the admin if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(filterContext.HttpContext)) { await next(); return; } // You can decide when the filter should be executed here. If this is a ViewResult or PageResult the shape // injection wouldn't make any sense since there wouldn't be any zones. if (!(filterContext.Result is ViewResult || filterContext.Result is PageResult)) { await next(); return; } // The layout can be handled easily if this is dynamic. dynamic layout = await _layoutAccessor.GetLayoutAsync(); // The dynamic Layout object will contain a Zones dictionary that you can use to access a zone. var contentZone = layout.Zones["Content"]; // Here you can add an ad-hoc generated shape to the content zone. contentZone.Add(await _shapeFactory.New.NotificationsPanel()); await next(); return; }
public async Task <LookAndFeelSelectorResult> GetLookAndFeelAsync() { // Should only run on the front end not Admin if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)) { return(null); } // Should only run if user is authenticated var user = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User; if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(null); } var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <LookAndFeelAuthenticatedUserSettings>(); if (settings != null) { string theme = settings.Theme; string layout = settings.Layout; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(theme)) { return(new LookAndFeelSelectorResult { Priority = 20, Theme = theme, Layout = layout }); } } return(null); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Only display on admin pages if (!(context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) || !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { await next(); return; } try { dynamic layout = await _layoutAccessor.GetLayoutAsync(); layout.Zones["NavbarTop"].Add( await _shapeFactory.New.DeploymentNavBar() ); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Failed to add DeploymentNavBar to Header Shapes"); } await next(); return; }
public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run if user is authenticated if (!(context.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)) { await next.Invoke(); return; } // Should only run on the front end home Page if (!IsHomePage(context.HttpContext)) { await next.Invoke(); return; } // Should only run on the front end not Admin if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { await next.Invoke(); return; } //redirect to custom action to render specific view // context.Result = // new RedirectToRouteResult( // "my-user-home-page"); //redirect to custom action to render specific view context.Result = new RedirectToActionResult("Index", "AuthenticatedUser", new { area = "Intelli" }); // context.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult("my-user-home-page"); }
private Task BuildViewModel(WizardConfigPartViewModel model, WizardConfigPart configPart) { model.Theme = configPart.Theme; model.IsAdminMode = AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private Task BuildViewModel(TabPanelPartViewModel model, TabPanelPart part) { model.Title = part.Title; model.Icon = part.Icon; model.IsAdminMode = AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private Task BuildViewModel(PartPanelPartViewModel model, PartPanelPart part) { model.ContentItem = part.ContentItem; model.Part = part.Part; model.Hidden = part.Hidden; model.PartPanelPart = part; model.IsAdminMode = AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public async Task <LookAndFeelSelectorResult> GetLookAndFeelAsync() { // Should only run on the front end not Admin if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)) { return(null); } var currentContentItem = await _currentContentItemAccessor.GetCurrentContentItem(); /* * var currentContentItemId = _currentContentItemAccessor.CurrentContentItemId(); * if (currentContentItemId == null) * { * return null; * * } * * * //this is cached so any other calls in request _contentManager.GetAsync will use the same cached item * var currentContentItem = await _contentManager.GetAsync(currentContentItemId); */ if (currentContentItem == null) { return(null); } var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <LookAndFeelContentTypeSettings>(); var contentTypeSettings = ContentTypeLookAndFeelSettings(settings.SetUpProperties); // site.LookAndFeelSettings(); contentTypeSettings.TryGetValue(currentContentItem.ContentType, out var themeSettings); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(themeSettings)) //this is a comma separated string Theme,Layout { var themeProperties = themeSettings.Split(','); string theme = themeProperties[0]; string layout = themeProperties.Length > 1 ? themeProperties[1] : string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(theme)) { return(new LookAndFeelSelectorResult { Priority = 10, Theme = theme, Layout = layout }); } } // } return(null); }
public override IDisplayResult Edit(ActionsPanelPart part, BuildPartEditorContext context) { //return Initialize<LayoutPartViewModel>("LayoutPart_Edit", m => BuildViewModel(m, part)); //add to bus to be picked up by content ishapetableprovider for shifting // _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items["PartPanelContainer_CustomerPart"] ="PartPanelContainer_CustomerPart"; // _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items["PartPanelContainer_SupplierPart"] ="PartPanelContainer_SupplierPart"; return(Initialize <FlowPartEditViewModel>("ActionsPanelPart_Edit", m => { var settings = context.TypePartDefinition.GetSettings <ActionsPanelPartSettings>(); // GetPartSettings(part); bool isAdminMode = AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext); if (isAdminMode == true) { if (settings.AllowOverrideActionsPanelPerInstance == true) { //if in admin mode show settings m.FlowPartDisplayMode = settings.FlowPartDisplayMode; m.FlowPartEditMode = settings.FlowPartEditMode; m.FlowPartCreateMode = settings.FlowPartCreateMode; } } /* * _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items["ActionsPanelPartCorrelationId"] = part.ContentItem.ContentItemId; * * * Dictionary<string, string> flattenedProps = new Dictionary<string, string>();// * if (context.IsNew) * { * flattenedProps= Intelli.Core.Helpers.Helpers.GetNotificationPropertiesFromMessageContent(JObject.FromObject(settings.FlowPartCreateMode)); * } * else * { * flattenedProps= Intelli.Core.Helpers.Helpers.GetNotificationPropertiesFromMessageContent(JObject.FromObject(settings.FlowPartEditMode)); * } * * var shifted = flattenedProps.Where(x => x.Key.EndsWith("PartPanelPart.Part")); * foreach (var shiftedPanel in shifted) * { * _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items[$"PartPanelContainer_{shiftedPanel.Value}"] =$"PartPanelContainer_{shiftedPanel.Value}"; * } * */ //based on iscreate or iseditmode pass in appropriate flowpart m.FlowPart = context.IsNew == true ? settings.FlowPartCreateMode : settings.FlowPartEditMode; m.IsNew = context.IsNew; m.Updater = context.Updater; // m.BuildPartDisplayContext = context; }) .Location("Detail", "Content:5")); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end (or optionally also on the admin) for a full view. if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && (_options.AllowOnAdmin || !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext))) { dynamic layout = await _layoutAccessor.GetLayoutAsync(); var footerZone = layout.Zones["Footer"]; footerZone.Add(await _shapeFactory.CreateAsync("MiniProfiler")); } await next.Invoke(); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <GoogleAnalyticsSettings>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings?.TrackingID)) { _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(new HtmlString($"<script async src=\"{settings.TrackingID}\"></script>")); _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(new HtmlString($"<script>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag() {{ dataLayer.push(arguments); }}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', '{settings.TrackingID}')</script>")); } } await next.Invoke(); }
public void Discover(ShapeTableBuilder builder) { builder.Describe("FlowPart_Edit") .OnDisplaying(displaying => { // IF FLOWPART_EDIT IS SHAPE // // IF CONTENTTYPE = tABSContainer and isnot in admin // thena add alternate TabsContainer-FlowPart-FrontEnd.Edit.cshtml var isAdminMode = AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext); if (isAdminMode == false) { if (displaying.Shape is IShape flowPartShape) { var flowPartEditViewModel = displaying.Shape as FlowPartEditViewModel; if (flowPartEditViewModel?.FlowPart.ContentItem != null) { var contentType = flowPartEditViewModel.FlowPart.ContentItem.ContentType; if (contentType == "TabsContainer") { // e.g.TabsContainer-FlowPart-FrontEnd.Edit.cshtml displaying.Shape.Metadata.Alternates.Add($"{contentType}__FlowPart__FrontEnd_Edit"); } if (contentType == "TabPanel") { // e.g.TabPanel-FlowPart-FrontEnd.Edit.cshtml displaying.Shape.Metadata.Alternates.Add($"{contentType}__FlowPart__FrontEnd_Edit"); } //wizard widget if (contentType == "Wizard") { // e.g.TabsContainer-FlowPart-FrontEnd.Edit.cshtml displaying.Shape.Metadata.Alternates.Add($"{contentType}__FlowPart__FrontEnd_Edit"); } if (contentType == "WizardStep") { // e.g.TabPanel-FlowPart-FrontEnd.Edit.cshtml displaying.Shape.Metadata.Alternates.Add($"{contentType}__FlowPart__FrontEnd_Edit"); } } } } }); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // should only run on the front-end for a full view if (!((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext))) { await next.Invoke(); return; } try { var pathBase = context.HttpContext.Request.PathBase; var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync(); var faviconSettings = siteSettings.As <ContentItem>("FaviconSettings")?.As <FaviconSettings>() ?? null; if (faviconSettings != null && faviconSettings.HasAppleTouchIcon) { _resourceManager.RegisterLink(new LinkEntry { Href = $"{pathBase}/icon.png", Rel = "apple-touch-icon" }); } if (faviconSettings != null && faviconSettings.HasFavicon) { _resourceManager.RegisterLink(new LinkEntry { Href = $"{pathBase}/favicon.ico", Rel = "shortcut icon" }); } if (faviconSettings != null && faviconSettings.HasWebAppManifest) { _resourceManager.RegisterLink(new LinkEntry { Href = $"{pathBase}/site.webmanifest", Rel = "manifest" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Error defining meta/link tags for favicon feature"); } await next.Invoke(); }
public override async Task <IDisplayResult> UpdateAsync(ListPart listPart, IUpdateModel updater, UpdatePartEditorContext context) { var isAdminMode = AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext); if (isAdminMode) { var settings = context.TypePartDefinition.GetSettings <ListPartSettings>(); if (settings.AllowOverrideDataFillModePerInstance) { await updater.TryUpdateModelAsync(listPart, Prefix, m => m.ContainedContentTypes, m => m.DataFillMode, m => m.SelectedWorkMapContentItemIds); } } return(Edit(listPart, context)); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext filterContext, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Dont run in the admin if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(filterContext.HttpContext)) { await next(); return; } // You can decide when the filter should be executed here. If this is a ViewResult or PageResult the shape // injection wouldn't make any sense since there wouldn't be any zones. if (!(filterContext.Result is ViewResult || filterContext.Result is PageResult)) { await next(); return; } //todo //this is a temp solution to inject styles because when registering them from shape MessageRoomsListByUser.cshtml is does not work //@* *@ _resourceManager.RegisterResource("stylesheet", "vendor-emoji-picker").AtHead(); _resourceManager.RegisterResource("stylesheet", "vendor-comments").AtHead(); _resourceManager.RegisterResource("stylesheet", "vendor-comments-chat").AtHead(); _resourceManager.RegisterResource("stylesheet", "vendor-bootstrap-linkpreview").AtHead(); _resourceManager.RegisterResource("stylesheet", "vendor-chatbox-popup").AtHead(); // The layout can be handled easily if this is dynamic. dynamic layout = await _layoutAccessor.GetLayoutAsync(); // var asideRightZone = layout.Zones["AsideRightNav"]; // asideRightZone.Add(await _shapeFactory.New.MessageRoomsSideBarPanel()); //add sidebar zone before closing the body tag layout.Zones["BodyTagClosingZone"].Add(await _shapeFactory.New.MessageRoomsSideBarPanel()); //add button to main content area to trigger sidebar toggle layout.Zones["MainLayoutActionsZone"].Add(await _shapeFactory.New.MessageRoomsSideBarTriggerAction()); await next(); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { var site = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()); var settings = site.As <FacebookSettings>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings?.AppId)) { if (settings.FBInit) { var setting = _resourceManager.RegisterResource("script", "fb"); setting.AtLocation(ResourceLocation.Foot); } } } await next.Invoke(); }
public async Task <ThemeSelectorResult> GetThemeAsync() { if (AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)) { string adminThemeName = await _adminThemeService.GetAdminThemeNameAsync(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(adminThemeName)) { return(null); } return(new ThemeSelectorResult { Priority = 100, ThemeName = adminThemeName }); } return(null); }
public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the Admin if (!AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { await next.Invoke(); return; } // Should only run on the Admin Home Page if (!(context.HttpContext.GetRouteValue("area").ToString() == "OrchardCore.Media" && context.HttpContext.GetRouteValue("controller").ToString() == "Admin" && context.HttpContext.GetRouteValue("action").ToString() == "Index")) { await next.Invoke(); return; } //redirect to inspiniaadmin custom actions context.Result = new RedirectToActionResult("Index", "MediaAdmin", new { area = "InspiniaAdmin2" }); // await next(); // var httpMethod = context.HttpContext.Request.Method; //var routeValues = context.RouteData.Values; // var workflowTypeEntries = _workflowTypeRouteEntries.GetWorkflowRouteEntries(httpMethod, routeValues); // var workflowEntries = _workflowRouteEntries.GetWorkflowRouteEntries(httpMethod, routeValues); // // if (workflowTypeEntries.Any()) // { // var workflowTypeIds = workflowTypeEntries.Select(x => Int32.Parse(x.WorkflowId)).ToList(); // var workflowTypes = (await _workflowTypeStore.GetAsync(workflowTypeIds)).ToDictionary(x => x.Id); // // foreach (var entry in workflowTypeEntries) // { // var workflowType = workflowTypes[Int32.Parse(entry.WorkflowId)]; // var activity = workflowType.Activities.Single(x => x.ActivityId == entry.ActivityId); // await _workflowManager.StartWorkflowAsync(workflowType, activity); // } // } }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync( ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { //Only inject in client if (!AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext) && (context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult)) { var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <BuyMeCoffeeSettings>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.DataId)) { // build the script var script = ScriptBuilder(settings); _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(new HtmlString(script)); } } await next.Invoke(); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { if (_scriptsCache == null) { var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <CivicCookieControlSettings>(); if (settings?.IsValid ?? false) { _scriptsCache = new HtmlString($"<script src=\"\"></script><script>var config = {_cookieControlSettingsService.ToJson(settings)}; CookieControl.load( config );</script>"); } } if (_scriptsCache != null) { _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(_scriptsCache); } } await next.Invoke(); }
public async Task <ThemeSelectorResult> GetThemeAsync() { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if (!AdminAttribute.IsApplied(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)) { var customLookAndFeel = await GetLookAndFeelAsync(); if (customLookAndFeel != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customLookAndFeel.Theme)) { //var currentThemeName = await _siteThemeService.GetCurrentThemeNameAsync(); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentThemeName)) // return null; //set to higher priority tham SiteThemeSelector to win // return new ThemeSelectorResult { Priority = 1, ThemeName = context.HttpContext.Items["IntelliTheme"].ToString() }; // Priority should override current theme priority, but not admin theme priority. // Admin Theme Priority = 100 // Current Theme Priority = 0 //check and set custom layout if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLookAndFeel.Layout)) { _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items["IntelliLayout"] = customLookAndFeel.Layout; // var layoutAccessor = _serviceProvider.GetService<ILayoutAccessor>(); // IShape layoutShape = await layoutAccessor.GetLayoutAsync(); // layoutShape?.Metadata.Alternates.Add("Layout__" + customLookAndFeel.Layout); } return(new ThemeSelectorResult { Priority = Priority, ThemeName = customLookAndFeel.Theme }); } } return(null); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { if (_scriptsCache == null) { var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <GoogleTagManagerSettings>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings?.ContainerID)) { _scriptsCache = new HtmlString("<!-- Google Tag Manager -->\n<script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':\n new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],\n j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src=\n ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);\n })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','" + settings.ContainerID + "');</script>\n<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->"); } } if (_scriptsCache != null) { _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(_scriptsCache); } } await next.Invoke(); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { if (_scriptsCache == null) { var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <GoogleAdSenseSettings>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings?.PublisherID)) { _scriptsCache = new HtmlString($"\n<script async src=\"\"></script>"); } } if (_scriptsCache != null) { _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(_scriptsCache); } } await next.Invoke(); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { if (_scriptsCache == null) { var settings = (await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync()).As <MatomoSettings>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings?.SiteID) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings?.ServerUri)) { _scriptsCache = new HtmlString($"<script>var _paq = window._paq || [];_paq.push(['trackPageView']);_paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']);_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', 'https://{settings.ServerUri}/matomo.php']);_paq.push(['setSiteId', '{settings.SiteID}']);</script> <script src=\"https://{settings.ServerUri}/matomo.js\" async defer></script> "); } } if (_scriptsCache != null) { _resourceManager.RegisterHeadScript(_scriptsCache); } } await next.Invoke(); }
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next) { // Should only run on the front-end for a full view if ((context.Result is ViewResult || context.Result is PageResult) && !AdminAttribute.IsApplied(context.HttpContext)) { // Even if the Admin attribute is not applied we might be using the admin theme, for instance in Login views. // In this case don't render Layers. var selectedTheme = (await _themeManager.GetThemeAsync())?.Id; var adminTheme = await _adminThemeService.GetAdminThemeNameAsync(); if (selectedTheme == adminTheme) { await next.Invoke(); return; } var widgets = await _memoryCache.GetOrCreateAsync("OrchardCore.Layers.LayerFilter:AllWidgets", entry => { entry.AddExpirationToken(_signal.GetToken(LayerMetadataHandler.LayerChangeToken)); return(_layerService.GetLayerWidgetsAsync(x => x.Published)); }); var layers = (await _layerService.GetLayersAsync()).Layers.ToDictionary(x => x.Name); dynamic layout = await _layoutAccessor.GetLayoutAsync(); var updater = _modelUpdaterAccessor.ModelUpdater; var engine = _scriptingManager.GetScriptingEngine("js"); var scope = engine.CreateScope(_scriptingManager.GlobalMethodProviders.SelectMany(x => x.GetMethods()), _serviceProvider, null, null); var layersCache = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (var widget in widgets) { var layer = layers[widget.Layer]; if (layer == null) { continue; } bool display; if (!layersCache.TryGetValue(layer.Name, out display)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(layer.Rule)) { display = false; } else { display = Convert.ToBoolean(engine.Evaluate(scope, layer.Rule)); } layersCache[layer.Rule] = display; } if (!display) { continue; } var widgetContent = await _contentItemDisplayManager.BuildDisplayAsync(widget.ContentItem, updater); widgetContent.Classes.Add("widget"); widgetContent.Classes.Add("widget-" + widget.ContentItem.ContentType.HtmlClassify()); var wrapper = new WidgetWrapper { Widget = widget.ContentItem, Content = widgetContent }; wrapper.Metadata.Alternates.Add("Widget_Wrapper__" + widget.ContentItem.ContentType); wrapper.Metadata.Alternates.Add("Widget_Wrapper__Zone__" + widget.Zone); var contentZone = layout.Zones[widget.Zone]; contentZone.Add(wrapper); } } await next.Invoke(); }