コード例 #1
        void ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetLibAttr(out IntPtr ppTLibAttr)
            // initialize out parameters
            ppTLibAttr = default;

            using (var typeLibAttrPtr = AddressableVariables.CreatePtrTo <ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR>())
                var hr = _this_Internal.GetLibAttr(typeLibAttrPtr.Address);
                if (ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))
                ppTLibAttr = typeLibAttrPtr.Value.Address;
コード例 #2
        void ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetVarDesc(int index, out IntPtr ppVarDesc)
            // initialize out parameters
            ppVarDesc = default;

            using (var varDescPtr = AddressableVariables.CreatePtrTo <ComTypes.VARDESC>())
                var hr = _this_Internal.GetVarDesc(index, varDescPtr.Address);
                if (ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))
                ppVarDesc = varDescPtr.Value.Address;          // dereference the ptr, and take the contents address
コード例 #3
        void ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetTypeAttr(out IntPtr ppTypeAttr)
            // initialize out parameters
            ppTypeAttr = default;

            using (var typeAttrPtr = AddressableVariables.CreatePtrTo <ComTypes.TYPEATTR>())
                var hr = _this_Internal.GetTypeAttr(typeAttrPtr.Address);
                if (ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))

                ppTypeAttr = typeAttrPtr.Value.Address;        // dereference the ptr, and take the contents address
コード例 #4
        public override int GetFuncDesc(int index, IntPtr ppFuncDesc)
            var hr = _target_ITypeInfo.GetFuncDesc(index, ppFuncDesc);

            if (ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))

            if (_target_ITypeInfoAlternate != null)
                var pFuncDesc = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <IntPtr>(ppFuncDesc);
                var funcDesc  = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <ComTypes.FUNCDESC>(pFuncDesc);

                // Populate wFuncFlags from the alternative typeinfo provided by VBA
                // The alternative typeinfo is not as useful as the main typeinfo for most things, but does expose wFuncFlags
                // The list of functions appears to be in the same order as the main typeinfo.
                using (var funcDescAlternatePtr = AddressableVariables.CreatePtrTo <ComTypes.FUNCDESC>())
                    var hr2 = _target_ITypeInfoAlternate.GetFuncDesc(index, funcDescAlternatePtr.Address);
                    if (!ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr2))
                        var funcDescAlternate = funcDescAlternatePtr.Value.Value;    // dereference the ptr, then the content

                        //sanity check
                        if (funcDescAlternate.memid == funcDesc.memid)
                            funcDesc.wFuncFlags = funcDescAlternate.wFuncFlags;
                            Debug.Assert(false, $"The sanity check failed; {nameof(funcDesc.memid)}: {funcDesc.memid} and {nameof(funcDescAlternate.memid)}: {funcDescAlternate.memid}");

                        RdMarshal.StructureToPtr(funcDesc, pFuncDesc, true);

コード例 #5
        private void InitCommon()
            using (var typeAttrPtr = AddressableVariables.CreatePtrTo <ComTypes.TYPEATTR>())
                var hr = _target_ITypeInfo.GetTypeAttr(typeAttrPtr.Address);

                if (!ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))
                    CachedAttributes = typeAttrPtr.Value.Value;    // dereference the ptr, then the content
                    var pTypeAttr = typeAttrPtr.Value.Address;     // dereference the ptr, and take the contents address
                    _target_ITypeInfo.ReleaseTypeAttr(pTypeAttr);  // can release immediately as CachedAttributes is a copy
                    if (hr == (int)KnownComHResults.E_VBA_COMPILEERROR)
                        // If there is a compilation error outside of a procedure code block, the type information is not available for that component.
                        // We detect this, via the E_VBA_COMPILEERROR error
                        HasModuleScopeCompilationErrors = true;

                    // just mute the error and expose an empty type
                    CachedAttributes = new ComTypes.TYPEATTR();

            Funcs = new TypeInfoFunctionCollection(this, CachedAttributes);

            // Refer to AllVars XML docs for details
            AllVars = new TypeInfoVariablesCollection(this, CachedAttributes);
            if (CachedAttributes.typekind == ComTypes.TYPEKIND.TKIND_MODULE && HasVBEExtensions)
                _consts = new TypeInfoConstantsCollection(this, CachedAttributes);

            ImplementedInterfaces = new TypeInfoImplementedInterfacesCollection(this, CachedAttributes);

            // cache the container type library if it is available, else create a simulated one
            using (var typeLibPtr = AddressableVariables.Create <IntPtr>())
                using (var containerTypeLibIndex = AddressableVariables.Create <int>())
                    var hr = _target_ITypeInfo.GetContainingTypeLib(typeLibPtr.Address, containerTypeLibIndex.Address);

                    if (!ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))
                        // We have to wrap the ITypeLib returned by GetContainingTypeLib
                        _container     = TypeApiFactory.GetTypeLibWrapper(typeLibPtr.Value, addRef: false);
                        ContainerIndex = containerTypeLibIndex.Value;
                        if (hr == (int)KnownComHResults.E_NOTIMPL)
                            // it is acceptable for a type to not have a container, as types can be runtime generated (e.g. UserForm base classes)
                            // When that is the case, the ITypeInfo responds with E_NOTIMPL
                            // However, we create fake container to avoid errors from CLR when using those "uncontained" TypeInfo
                            HasSimulatedContainer = true;
                            var newContainer = new SimpleCustomTypeLibrary();
                            _container     = newContainer;
                            ContainerIndex = newContainer.Add(this);
                            throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognised error when getting ITypeInfo container: \n" + hr);