public void generateAddressFromUser(User user, int start, int end) { var addressGenerator = new AddressGenerator(user.getSeed()); int i; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { AddressTable addr = new AddressTable() { Index = user.AddressIndex + i, generatedAddress = addressGenerator.GetAddress(user.AddressIndex + i).ToString(), UserID = user.UserID }; _context.AddressTable.Add(addr); } user.AddressIndex += i; var entity = _context.User.Find(user.UserID); _context.Entry(entity).CurrentValues.SetValues(user); _context.SaveChanges(); }
private async Task <Guid> CreateKalleAnkaAsync() { var person = new PersonTable { Name = "Kalle Anka" }; var personId = await _storage.Person.CreateAsync(person); var address = new AddressTable { Type = 1, Street = "Kalles gata", City = "Ankeborg", PersonId = personId }; await _storage.Address.CreateAsync(address); address = new AddressTable { Type = 4, Street = "Box 123", City = "Ankeborg", PersonId = personId }; await _storage.Address.CreateAsync(address); return(personId); }
internal override void Register(TransportChannelListener channelListener) { AddressTable.RegisterUri(channelListener.Uri, channelListener.HostNameComparisonModeInternal, (TChannelListener)channelListener); channelListener.SetMessageReceivedCallback(new Action(OnMessageReceived)); }
public static int InsertUser(string firstname, string lastname, string birthday, string phonenumber, string email, string gender, string city, string street, string login, string type) { db = new Database(); db.Connect(); Address a = new Address(city, street); AddressTable.Insert(a); a.Id = AddressTable.SelectMaxId(db); Person p = new Person(firstname, lastname, birthday, phonenumber, email, gender, a, a.Id); PersonTable.Insert(p); p.Id = PersonTable.SelectMaxId(db); User u = new User(login, type, p, p.Id); u.Id = UserTable.SelectMaxId(db); int uAdded = UserTable.Insert(u, db); db.Close(); return(uAdded); }
public ArmEmitterContext( IMemoryManager memory, EntryTable <uint> countTable, AddressTable <ulong> funcTable, TranslatorStubs stubs, ulong entryAddress, bool highCq, Aarch32Mode mode, bool hasTtc) { Memory = memory; CountTable = countTable; FunctionTable = funcTable; Stubs = stubs; EntryAddress = entryAddress; HighCq = highCq; Mode = mode; HasPtc = Ptc.State != PtcState.Disabled; HasTtc = hasTtc; _labels = new Dictionary <ulong, Operand>(); }
public async Task SaveAddress(AddressTable address) { try { var data = await Connection.InsertAsync(address); } catch (Exception e) { } }
/* 追加アドレス情報 */ public void dbAddAdrs(AddressTable AddData) { DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext(); DateTime day = DateTime.Today; /* 登録日情報を設定 */ AddData.登録日 = day.Date; db.AddressTable.InsertOnSubmit(AddData); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public override void Start() { _adtService = ApplicationContext.GetService <IAdtService>(); _sexChoices = _adtService.GetSexEnumTable(); _addresses = new AddressTable(); _phoneNumbers = new TelephoneNumberTable(); _toolSet = new ToolSet(new PatientPreviewToolExtensionPoint(), new PatientPreviewToolContext(this)); UpdateDisplay(); base.Start(); }
private Address CreateAndMapFromServer(AddressTable source) { InternalContract.RequireNotNull(source, nameof(source)); InternalContract.RequireValidated(source, nameof(source)); var target = new Address { Type = MapperHelper.MapToType <string, int>(source.Type), Street = source.Street, City = source.City }; FulcrumAssert.IsValidated(target); return(target); }
/* */ public void dbUpdataAdrs(AddressTable AddData, int id) { DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext(); var q = db.AddressTable.Single(x => x.Id == id); q.使用者氏名 = AddData.使用者氏名; q.アドレス = AddData.アドレス; q.ふりがな = AddData.ふりがな; q.パスワード = AddData.パスワード; q.転送先 = AddData.転送先; db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void AddAddress(int uid, AddressModel model) { using (ShoppingELFEntities context = new ShoppingELFEntities()) { AddressTable at = new AddressTable() { AddressLine1 = model.AddressLine1, AddressLine2 = model.AddressLine2, Pincode = model.Pincode, State = model.State, city =, UserID = uid }; context.AddressTable.Add(at); context.SaveChanges(); } }
TChannelListener GetChannelListener(Uri via) { TChannelListener channelListener = null; if (AddressTable.TryLookupUri(via, HostNameComparisonMode.StrongWildcard, out channelListener)) { return(channelListener); } if (AddressTable.TryLookupUri(via, HostNameComparisonMode.Exact, out channelListener)) { return(channelListener); } AddressTable.TryLookupUri(via, HostNameComparisonMode.WeakWildcard, out channelListener); return(channelListener); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return; } if (!File.Exists(args[0])) { return; } var lines = File.ReadAllLines(args[0]); var semantemes = Semanteme.ProcessLines(lines); var table = new AddressTable(semantemes); var script = table.ToScript(); string out_path = args.Length >= 2 ? args[1] : Path.ChangeExtension(args[0], "avm"); File.WriteAllBytes(out_path, script); }
private AddressTable ToServer(Guid personId, Address source, bool nullIsOk = false) { if (nullIsOk && source == null) { return(null); } InternalContract.RequireNotNull(source, nameof(source)); InternalContract.RequireValidated(source, nameof(source)); var target = new AddressTable { Type = MapperHelper.MapToType <int, string>(source.Type), Street = source.Street, City = source.City, PersonId = personId }; return(target); }
/// <summary> /// Registers and inserts a new customer into the DB /// </summary> /// <param name="firstname">String first name of the customer</param> /// <param name="lastname">String last name of the customer</param> /// <param name="password">Password to be hashed</param> /// <param name="zip">Int Zip code</param> /// <param name="location">String Location name</param> /// <param name="streetName">String street name</param> /// <param name="houseNumber">Int house/ stairs number</param> /// <param name="locationID">int location ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool RegisterNewUser(string firstname, string lastname, string email, string password, int zip, string location, string streetName, int houseNumber, int locationID, string birthDate, string phoneNumber) //Date birthDate { DataTable userTable = new DataTable(); try { // EMAIL VALIDATION SQLQueryModel queryBuilder = new SQLQueryModel(); string query = string.Format("SELECT firstName FROM customer WHERE firstName = '{0}' AND lastName = '{1}';", firstname, lastname); userTable = queryBuilder.ExecuteMySQLQuery(query); if (userTable.Rows.Count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("User already exists"); } else { #region Create Address Table string insertQuery = ""; _addressTable = new AddressTable(); _addressTable.HouseNumber = houseNumber; _addressTable.LocationID = locationID; _addressTable.IsValidAddress = true; _addressTable.StreetName = streetName; insertQuery = string.Format("INSERT INTO address(locationID, streetName, houseNumber) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}');", _addressTable.LocationID, streetName, houseNumber); queryBuilder.ExecuteMySQLQuery(insertQuery); #endregion #region Create Customer Table insertQuery = ""; DataTable addressTable = new DataTable(); EncryptionModel encryption = new EncryptionModel(); //insertQuery = string.Format("INSERT INTO customer(firstName, lastName, customerpwd, email, addressID, birthDate) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}', '{3}',(SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(),'{4}'));", firstname, lastname, encryption.EncryptPassword(password), email ,birthdate); insertQuery = string.Format("INSERT INTO customer(firstName, lastName, customerpwd, email, addressID, birthDate, phoneNumber) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',(SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()),'{4}','{5}');", firstname, lastname, encryption.EncryptPassword(password), email, birthDate, phoneNumber); queryBuilder.ExecuteMySQLQuery(insertQuery); MessageBox.Show("User " + firstname + " " + lastname + " has successfully been created"); #endregion } } catch (ArgumentNullException nullex) { Protocol.WriteToProtocol(0, "RegisterNewUser() :" + nullex.Message + nullex.StackTrace, "User already exists Error"); } return(true); }
public async Task <IActionResult> MakeConnectionAsync(User model) { //Get both userIDs User temp = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <User>("User"); User userA = _context.User.Single(m => m.UserID == temp.UserID); User userB = _context.User.Single(m => m.Name == model.Name); //check if connection already exists! Connections testConn = await GetConnectionFromTwoIDsAsync(userB.UserID, userA.UserID); if (testConn != null) { TempData["msg"] = "<script>alert('Connection Already established');</script>"; return(RedirectToAction("Overview")); } //Get Open addresses: AddressTable addrA = _context.AddressTable.First(m => m.UserID == userA.UserID); AddressTable addrB = _context.AddressTable.First(m => m.UserID == userB.UserID); Connections conn = new Connections { UserA_ = userA, UserB_ = userB, AddressA = addrA.generatedAddress, AddressB = addrB.generatedAddress, Refresh_A = false, Refresh_B = false, EncryptionKey = generateEncryptionKey() }; _context.Connections.Add(conn); //generate a new address for your own user: generateAddressFromUser(userA, userA.AddressIndex, userA.AddressIndex + 1); //remove addresses out of the list _context.AddressTable.RemoveRange(addrA, addrB); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("ChatAsync", new { id = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <User>("SelectedUser")?.Name })); }
public async Task ThenTheAddressSectionIsReturned(Table table) { var expected = table.CreateSet <AddressTable>().FirstOrDefault(); var response = (await _response.ReadBodyAsJsonAsync()).SelectToken("address"); var actual = new AddressTable { Line1 = response.Value <string>("line1"), Line2 = response.Value <string>("line2"), Line3 = response.Value <string>("line3"), Line4 = response.Value <string>("line4"), Line5 = response.Value <string>("line5"), Town = response.Value <string>("town"), County = response.Value <string>("county"), Postcode = response.Value <string>("postcode"), Country = response.Value <string>("country") }; actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); }
/// <summary> /// 从控件信息中获取提示信息 /// 如果参数index非-1则返回对应序号的参数提示信息 /// 否则返回所有参数的提示信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="ctrl">控件信息</param> /// <param name="index">参数序号</param> /// <returns>提示信息</returns> public void GetTipmessage(ControlInfo ctrl, int index) { List <string> TipMes = new List <string>(); //返回用的信息数组 string tip = null; //提示 if (ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count == 0 && ctrl.UnvisibleFunctionProperty.Count == 0) {//默认功能属性为空则没有参数提示信息 this.toolTip1.Hide(this); return; } if (index == -1) {//查找全部的参数信息 int paraCount = 0; //foreach (XProp element in ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty) //{ // tempMes = AddressTable.ConvertShowType(element.ValueType) + " " + element.VarName; // if (TipMes.Count % 4 == 3)//每行3个参数 // { tempMes = "\n" + tempMes; } // TipMes.Add(tempMes); //} foreach (XProp element in ctrl.UnvisibleFunctionProperty) { if (element.TheValue.ToString().Contains("array")) { //tempMes = AddressTable.ConvertShowType(element.ValueType) + " " + element.VarName; //if (TipMes.Count % 4 == 3) //{ tempMes = "\n" + tempMes; } //TipMes.Add(tempMes); paraCount++; } } paraCount += ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count; if (this.toolTip1.ToolTipTitle != ctrl.SortName) { //控件中文名作标题 this.toolTip1.ToolTipTitle = ctrl.SortName; } if (PLCCodeEditor.CanTipCode.Contains(ctrl.CodeInfo[1])) { tip += "1个参数"; } else if (paraCount == 0) { tip += "无参数"; } else { tip += paraCount + "个参数"; } tip += "\n" + ctrl.OtherProperty[2]; this.toolTip1.Show(tip, this, new Point(Size.Width, 0)); //return TipMes; } else if (ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count != 0) { //查找制定参数信息 int ParaCount = 0; //数组参数个数 在不可见功能属性遍历中记录所用 XProp tempFun = new XProp(); if (index < ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count) {//查找序号小于可见功能属性 tempFun = ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty[index]; } //else //{ for (int x = 0; x < ctrl.UnvisibleFunctionProperty.Count; x++) { if (ctrl.UnvisibleFunctionProperty[x].TheValue.ToString().Contains("array")) { //不可见数组参数 if (index == ParaCount + ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count) { //序号符合 tempFun = ctrl.UnvisibleFunctionProperty[x]; } ParaCount++; } } //} //string tip = AddressTable.ConvertShowType(tempFun.ValueType) + " " + tempFun.VarName; //if (index <= ParaCount + ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count - 1) //{ // if (index != ParaCount + ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count - 1) // {//当不为最后一个参数 // tip = tip + ",..."; // } // if (index != 0) // { //当不为第一个参数 // tip = "...," + tip; // } // //类型后换行加入描述信息 // tip += "\n" + tempFun.Name + ":\n" + tempFun.ValueExplain; // TipMes.Add(tip); //} string title = tempFun.Name + " (" + (index + 1) + "/" + (ParaCount + ctrl.VisibleFunctionProperty.Count) + ")"; tip = AddressTable.ConvertShowType2(tempFun.ValueType) + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < tempFun.ValueExplain.Length; i++) { if (i % 11 == 0) {//11个字符换行 tip += "\n"; } tip += tempFun.ValueExplain[i]; } if (this.toolTip1.ToolTipTitle != title) { this.toolTip1.ToolTipTitle = title; } this.toolTip1.Show(tip, this, new Point(Size.Width, 0)); } //return TipMes; }
internal override void Unregister(TransportChannelListener channelListener) { EnsureRegistered(AddressTable, (TChannelListener)channelListener, channelListener.HostNameComparisonModeInternal); AddressTable.UnregisterUri(channelListener.Uri, channelListener.HostNameComparisonModeInternal); channelListener.SetMessageReceivedCallback(null); }
public override Users Create(Users obj) { Users result = null; using (SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection(connection)) { objConn.Open(); using (var myTran = new TransactionScope()) { if (obj.Logging_ID == null) { try { AspNetUsers logging = new AspNetUsers { Id = obj.AspNetUsers.UserName, EmailConfirmed = false, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, LockoutEnabled = false, AccessFailedCount = 0, UserName = obj.AspNetUsers.UserName, PasswordHash = obj.AspNetUsers.PasswordHash, Email = obj.AspNetUsers.Email, PhoneNumber = obj.AspNetUsers.PhoneNumber, AvailabilityState = _context.GetTable <AvailabilityState>().First(x => x.ID == 1).ID, }; _context.GetTable <AspNetUsers>().InsertOnSubmit(logging); _context.SubmitChanges(); var addressExists = _context.GetTable <AddressTable>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Postcode == obj.AddressTable.Postcode); if (addressExists == null) { addressExists = new AddressTable { Postcode = obj.AddressTable.Postcode, City = obj.AddressTable.City, Region = obj.AddressTable.Region, }; _context.GetTable <AddressTable>().InsertOnSubmit(addressExists); _context.SubmitChanges(); } Users u = new Users { FirstName = obj.FirstName, LastName = obj.LastName, Logging_ID = logging.Id, Gender_ID = _context.GetTable <Repository.DbConnection.Gender>().FirstOrDefault( t => t.Gender1 == obj.Gender.Gender1.ToString()).ID, AddressLine = obj.AddressLine, City_ID = addressExists.ID, PayPalMail = obj.PayPalMail, }; _context.GetTable <Users>().InsertOnSubmit(u); _context.SubmitChanges(); myTran.Complete(); result = u; } catch { result = null; throw new DuplicateKeyException(this); } finally { myTran.Dispose(); objConn.Close(); } } else { try { var addressExists = _context.GetTable <AddressTable>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Postcode == obj.AddressTable.Postcode); if (addressExists == null) { addressExists = new AddressTable { Postcode = obj.AddressTable.Postcode, City = obj.AddressTable.City, Region = obj.AddressTable.Region, }; _context.GetTable <AddressTable>().InsertOnSubmit(addressExists); _context.SubmitChanges(); } Users u = new Users { FirstName = obj.FirstName, LastName = obj.LastName, Logging_ID = obj.Logging_ID, Gender_ID = _context.GetTable <Repository.DbConnection.Gender>().FirstOrDefault( t => t.Gender1 == obj.Gender.Gender1.ToString()).ID, AddressLine = obj.AddressLine, City_ID = addressExists.ID, PayPalMail = obj.PayPalMail, }; _context.GetTable <Users>().InsertOnSubmit(u); _context.SubmitChanges(); myTran.Complete(); result = u; } catch { result = null; throw new DuplicateKeyException(this); } finally { myTran.Dispose(); objConn.Close(); } } } } return(result); }
public void InitLocalMySQL() { if (this.Database.CreateIfNotExists()) { EntityGenerator <Address> generatorAddress = new EntityGenerator <Address>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { AddressTable.Add(generatorAddress.GenerateItem()); } EntityGenerator <StreetNumber> generatorStreetNumber = new EntityGenerator <StreetNumber>(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { StreetNumberTable.Add(generatorStreetNumber.GenerateItem()); } EntityGenerator <Employee> generatorEmployee = new EntityGenerator <Employee>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { EmployeeTable.Add(generatorEmployee.GenerateItem()); } EntityGenerator <Animal> generatorAnimal = new EntityGenerator <Animal>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { AnimalTable.Add(generatorAnimal.GenerateItem()); } EntityGenerator <Job> generatorJob = new EntityGenerator <Job>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { JobTable.Add(generatorJob.GenerateItem()); } EntityGenerator <Schedule> generatorSchedule = new EntityGenerator <Schedule>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ScheduleTable.Add(generatorSchedule.GenerateItem()); } EntityGenerator <Structure> generatorStructure = new EntityGenerator <Structure>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { StructureTable.Add(generatorStructure.GenerateItem()); } EntityGenerator <Zoo> generatorZoo = new EntityGenerator <Zoo>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ZooTable.Add(generatorZoo.GenerateItem()); } this.SaveChangesAsync(); AddressTable.Find(1).StreetNumber = StreetNumberTable.Find(1); this.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Database db = new Database(); db.Connect(); /***1.1 Vloženie užívateľa***/ Address a1 = new Address("Bratislava", "Lomnická 9"); AddressTable.Insert(a1); a1.Id = AddressTable.SelectMaxId(db); Person p1 = new Person("Lukáš", "Náhodný", "1996-10-12", "+421" + RandomString("number", 9), RandomString("word", 5) + "", "muz", a1, a1.Id); PersonTable.Insert(p1); p1.Id = PersonTable.SelectMaxId(db); User u1 = new User((p1.LastName.Substring(0, 3) + RandomString("number", 4)).ToLower(), "courier", p1, p1.Id); UserTable.Insert(u1); u1.Id = UserTable.SelectMaxId(db); /***1.2 Aktualizácia užívateľa***/ p1.LastName = "Aktualizovaný"; PersonTable.Update(p1); u1.Login = (p1.LastName.Substring(0, 3) + RandomString("number", 4)).ToLower(); UserTable.Update(u1); /***1.3 Zrušenie užívateľa**/ //int UserToDelete = 15; //UserTable.Delete(UserToDelete); //PersonTable.Delete(UserToDelete); //Console.WriteLine("User with ID " + UserToDelete + " has been deleted." ); //Console.WriteLine(" "); List <Shipment> Shipments2 = ShipmentTable.SelectAllShipments(db); foreach (var shipment in Shipments2) { Console.WriteLine(shipment.Id); } /*List<Shipment> ShipmentsD = ShipmentTable.SelectShipmentDetail(21,db); * * foreach (var shipment in ShipmentsD) * { * Console.WriteLine(shipment.Id.ToString() + shipment.Type + " " + shipment.Price + " " + shipment.DeliveryPrice + " " + * shipment.Weight + " " + shipment.OrderTime + " " + shipment.DeliveryTime); * }*/ /**1.4 Zoznam užívateľov**/ List <User> Users = UserTable.SelectUsers(db); Console.WriteLine("(1.4)User list"); foreach (var user in Users) { Console.WriteLine(" " + user.Id + " " + user.Person.FullName + " " + user.Login + " " + user.Type + " " + user.Person.Email + " " + user.Person.Address.City + "..."); } Console.WriteLine(" "); /***1.5 Detail užívateľa***/ User UserDetail = UserTable.SelectUser(p1.Id, db); Console.WriteLine("(1.5)User detail with ID: " + p1.Id + " " + UserDetail.Person.FullName + " " + UserDetail.Login + " " + UserDetail.Type + " " + UserDetail.Person.Address.City + "...."); Console.WriteLine(" "); /***2.1 Zoznam neskoro doručených zásielok (podľa id kuriéra)***/ int CourierToCheckId = 3; List <Shipment> LateShipments = ShipmentTable.SelectLateShipmentsByCourierId(CourierToCheckId, db); Console.WriteLine("(2.1)Late shipments by courier id"); foreach (var shipment in LateShipments) { Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id.ToString() + " with " + shipment.Delay.ToString() + " day(s) delay. " + "Delivered " + shipment.Delivered + " instead of " + shipment.DeliveryTime); } Console.WriteLine(" "); /***2.2 Ukončené zásielky***/ string StateToCheck = "zrusena zakaznikom"; /*vyzdvihnuta, nevyzdvihnuta*/ ; List <Shipment> DoneShipments = ShipmentTable.SelectDoneShipmentsByState(StateToCheck, db); Console.WriteLine("(2.2)Done shipments by state"); foreach (var shipment in DoneShipments) { Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id + " done at " + shipment.DoneAt); } Console.WriteLine(" "); /***2.3 Nedoručené zásielky***/ int IdOfCourierChecking = 5; List <Shipment> NotDoneShipments = ShipmentTable.SelectNotDoneShipmentsByCourierId(IdOfCourierChecking, db); Console.WriteLine("(2.3)My shipments to deliver"); foreach (var shipment in NotDoneShipments) { Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id + " should be delivered at " + shipment.DeliveryTime + " to " + shipment.Person.FullName); } Console.WriteLine(" "); /***2.4 Počet jednotlivých zásielok pre ich stavy (u každého kuriéra)***/ List <User> ShipmentsByState = ShipmentTable.SelectShipmentsByState(db); Console.WriteLine("(2.4)Shipment count by its state with courierID"); Console.WriteLine(" " + "Courier ID" + " Picked Not Picked Canceled On way"); foreach (var user in ShipmentsByState) { Console.WriteLine(" " + user.Id + " " + user.CourPicked + " " + user.CourNotPicked + " " + user.CourCanceled + " " + user.CourOnWay); } Console.WriteLine(" "); /***2.5 Aktuálne meškajúce zásielky (kuriéra)***/ List <Shipment> CurrLateShipments = ShipmentTable.SelectCurrLateShipmentsByCourierId(7, db); Console.WriteLine("(2.5)My currently late shipments"); foreach (var shipment in CurrLateShipments) { Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id + " should be delivered " + shipment.Delay + " day(s) ago."); } Console.WriteLine(" "); /***3.3 Vloženie novej zásielky a automatická aktualizácia cien a váhy***/ Console.WriteLine("(3.3)Adding new shipment..."); Person p2 = new Person("Neregistrovaný", "Užívateľ", "1996-10-12", "+421" + RandomString("number", 9), RandomString("word", 5) + "", "muz", a1, a1.Id); PersonTable.Insert(p2); p2.Id = PersonTable.SelectMaxId(db); string productIds = "4,5,6"; /* ID produtkov, ktoré si užívateľ vyberie v rozhraní*/; String CreateAndUpdateResult = ShipmentTable.CreateAndUpdateShipment("Test funkcie 3.3.", p2.Id, 1, 4, 2, productIds, db); Console.WriteLine(CreateAndUpdateResult); Console.WriteLine(" "); /***3.4 Automatická aktualizácia ceny doručenia pri oneskorenom doručení a upozornenie zákazníka o tejto udalosti***/ Console.WriteLine("(3.4)Updating shipment delivery prices and sending notifications..."); Console.WriteLine(ShipmentTable.LateShipNotificationAndUpdate("Ospravedlňujeme sa za meškanie vašej zásielky.", db)); Console.WriteLine(" "); /***3.5 História a pohyb zásielky***/ String Updated = ShipmentTable.HistoryAndMovement(11122, "zrusena zakaznikom", 4, db); Console.WriteLine("(3.5) " + Updated); Console.ReadLine(); db.Close(); }
private async void ExceuteRegisterCommand(object obj) { if (Settings.Role != "admin") { AddressService address = new AddressService(); AddressTable addressdata = new AddressTable() { City = this.City, Country = this.Country, PostCode = this.PostalCode, State = this.State, Street = this.Street }; await address.SaveAddress(addressdata); DocumentTable documentTable = new DocumentTable() { Base64String = this.DocumentName }; DocumentService documentService = new DocumentService(); await documentService.SaveDocument(documentTable); StudentTable studentTable = new StudentTable() { AddressID = addressdata.AddressId, DocumentID = documentTable.DocumentId, ISAuditable = "false", StudentClass = this.StudentClass, StudentContact = this.Number, StudentEmail = this.Email, StudentGender = this.IsFemale == true ? "FeMale" : "Male", StudentName = this.Username, StudnetDOB = this.DOB.ToString(), UserID = this._StudentTable.UserID }; RegistrationService registrationService = new RegistrationService(); registrationService.DeleteStudent(_StudentTable); var row = await registrationService.SaveStudent(studentTable); if (row != 0) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Success", "Update SuccessFull", "Cancel"); } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", " Data Not Updated ", "Cancel"); } } else { //StudentTable studentTable = obj as StudentTable; RegistrationService registrationService = new RegistrationService(); var row = await registrationService.UpdateStudent(_StudentTable); if (row != 0) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Success", "Audit update SuccessFull", "Cancel"); } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", " Audit Not Updated ", "Cancel"); } } }