public ServiceBusResponse addCompanyReview(AddCompanyReviewRequest request) { send(request); ServiceBusResponse resp = readUntilEOF(); return(resp); }
/// <summary> /// Publishes an EchoEvent. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The data to be echo'd back to the client</param> /// <returns>The data sent by the client</returns> private ServiceBusResponse addCompanyReview(AddCompanyReviewRequest request) { if (authenticated == false) { return(new ServiceBusResponse(false, "Error: You must be logged in to use the echo reverse functionality.")); } AddReviewEvent reviewEvent = new AddReviewEvent { review = }; //This function publishes the EchoEvent class. All endpoint instances that subscribed to these events prior //to the event being published will have their respictive handler functions called with the EchoEvent object //as one of the parameters eventPublishingEndpoint.Publish(reviewEvent); return(new ServiceBusResponse(true, "Review Saved.")); //might have to change this later... TODO!!! }
public ActionResult Review(string companyReview, string companyStars) { if (Globals.isLoggedIn() == false) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Authentication")); } ServiceBusConnection connection = ConnectionManager.getConnectionObject(Globals.getUser()); if (connection == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Authentication")); } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; AddCompanyReviewRequest request = new AddCompanyReviewRequest(new Review(companyNameeeee, companyReview, companyStars, now.ToString(), Globals.getUser())); ServiceBusResponse response = connection.addCompanyReview(request); //Can check if result is true here or just redirect to displaycompany and reload page return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }