public async Task <ActionResult> Create(AddCatalogViewModel request) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { Alert($"Invalid Request.", NotificationType.error, Int32.Parse(_appConfig.Value.NotificationDisplayTime)); return(View()); } try { var catalogRequest = new AddCatalogRequest { Name = request.Name, Description = request.Description, EffectiveDate = request.EffectiveDate, EndDate = request.EndDate, EntityId = request.EntityId, Published = request.Published }; var result = await _catalogService.Create(catalogRequest); if (!result.Success) { Alert($"{result.Message}",, Int32.Parse(_appConfig.Value.NotificationDisplayTime)); return(View()); } Alert($"Catalog Created Successfully", NotificationType.success, Int32.Parse(_appConfig.Value.NotificationDisplayTime)); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch (Exception ex) { Alert($"Error! {ex.Message}.", NotificationType.error, Int32.Parse(_appConfig.Value.NotificationDisplayTime)); return(View()); } }
public async Task <ServiceResponse <Catalog> > Create(AddCatalogRequest request) { try { var catalog = new Catalog { Code = $"CTLG{_codeGeneratorService.GenerateRandomString(8)}", Description = request.Description, Name = request.Name, EffectiveDate = request.EffectiveDate, EndDate = request.EndDate, EntityId = request.EntityId, Published = request.Published }; var exist = await _baseRepository.GetByIdAndCode(catalog.Id, catalog.Code); if (exist != null) { return(new ServiceResponse <Catalog>($"A Catalog With the Provided Code and or Id Already Exist")); } var exist2 = await _baseRepository.FindOneByConditions(x => x.Name.ToLower().Equals(catalog.Name.ToLower())); if (exist2 != null) { return(new ServiceResponse <Catalog>($"A Catalog With the Provided Name Already Exist")); } await _baseRepository.Create(catalog); return(new ServiceResponse <Catalog>(catalog)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new ServiceResponse <Catalog>($"An Error Occured While Creating the Catalog. {ex.Message}")); } }