public async Task <ActionResult> AddAssignment(Guid groupId, [FromBody] AddAssignment command) { command.UserId = User.GetUserId(); command.GroupId = groupId; await _assignmentService.AddAssignment(command); return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult AddAssignment(int id)//route id! { var model = new AddAssignment(); model.ClassID = id; //make sure you assign a class id to the model so you are adding the assignment to the right class model.ClassName = _teacherRepository.GetClassInformationbyClassID(id).ClassName; //if you need class information and it is not available in the model - request it here! model.DueDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1); //set the default value for the due date (otherwise the non-nullable property defaults to Jan. 1, 0001) return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult AddAssignment(AddAssignment assignment) { if (ModelState.IsValid)//ModelState.IsValid tells you if any model errors have been added to ModelState - ex passing non-number as int { var dto = assignment.CreateClassFromUIModel(); dto.UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId(); _teacherRepository.AddNewAssignmentbyClass(dto); return(RedirectToAction("Gradebook", new{ id = assignment.ClassID })); } return(View(assignment)); }
private void AddAssignment() { AddAssignment assignment = new AddAssignment(); assignment.ShowDialog(); Assignments.Add(new Assignment( assignment.CName, assignment.StartDate, assignment.NumberDaysNeeded, assignment.Location, assignment.NumberModelsNeeded, assignment.Comment)); Assignments.SaveAssignments(); }
public async Task AddAssignment(AddAssignment command) { await _administratorService.ValidateAtLeastModerator(command.UserId, command.GroupId); var group = await GetGroupForAssignmentActions(command); var course = command.CourseId == null ? null : ValidateCourseExists(command.CourseId.Value, group); IAssignmentActions assignmentActions = command is ITeamAssignment cmd?group.Teams.First(t => t.Name == cmd.TeamName) : group; assignmentActions.AddAsignment(new Assignment( command.Name, command.Description, course == null ? command.Semester : course.Semester, command.Deadline, course)); await _groupRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); }