public DataTable GetAllData(bool isConfig, string URL) { DataTable ReportDataTable = new DataTable(); try { //5/18/2015 NS modified for VSPLUS-1661 string SqlQuery = "SELECT [ID],[Name],[Category],[Description],[PageURL]+'?M=" + URL + "' AS PageURL,[ImageURL],[ConfiguratorOnly] FROM ReportItems t1,SelectedFeatures sf,FeatureReports fr " + "WHERE fr.FeatureID=sf.FeatureID AND fr.ReportID=t1.ID AND isworking='True' " + " ORDER BY Category,Name"; //2/14/2014 NS modified //string SqlQuery = "select [ID],[Name],[Category],[Description],[PageURL]+'?M=" + URL + // "' as PageURL,[ImageURL],[ConfiguratorOnly] from ReportItems where isworking='True' " + // (isConfig == false ? " and ConfiguratorOnly='False'" : "") + // " order by Category,Name"; //string SqlQuery = "select t1.[ID] ReportID,ISNULL(t2.[ID],0) ID,[Name],[Category],[Description],[PageURL]+'?M=" + URL + "' as PageURL," + // "[ImageURL],[ConfiguratorOnly],ISNULL(Frequency,'') Frequency,ISNULL(Days,'') Days,ISNULL(SpecificDay,0) SpecificDay," + // "ISNULL(SendTo,'') SendTo,ISNULL(CopyTo,'') CopyTo,ISNULL(BlindCopyTo,'') BlindCopyTo,ISNULL(Title,'') Title," + // "ISNULL(Body,'') Body,ISNULL(FileFormat,'') FileFormat from ReportItems t1 left outer join ScheduledReports t2 on t1.ID=t2.ReportID " + // "where isworking='True' " + (isConfig == false ? " and ConfiguratorOnly='False'" : ""); ReportDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch { } finally { } return(ReportDataTable); }
public DataTable GetData(string SName) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { if (SName != "" && SName != null) { string SqlQuery = "Select Status, DominoServerTasks,Name, DominoVersion as Server,Category,TypeandName from Status where Type='Notes Database'and StatusCode in ('Issue','Maintenance','Not Responding','OK')and StatusCode is not null and [Name]='" + SName + "'"; dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } else { string SqlQuery = "Select Status, DominoServerTasks,Name, DominoVersion as Server,Category,TypeandName from Status where Type='Notes Database'and StatusCode in ('Issue','Maintenance','Not Responding','OK')and StatusCode is not null"; dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(dt); }
public bool UpdateLogo(Company cobj) { bool update = false; DataTable dt; string sqlQuery; try { //5/23/2013 NS modified sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Company"; dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(sqlQuery); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { sqlQuery = "UPDATE Company SET LogoPath = @LogoPath,CompanyName = @CompanyName"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LogoPath", (object)cobj.LogoPath ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyName", (object)cobj.CompanyName ?? DBNull.Value); update = objAdaptor.ExecuteNonQuerywithcmd(cmd); } else { sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO Company VALUES (@CompanyName,@LogoPath)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LogoPath", (object)cobj.LogoPath ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyName", (object)cobj.CompanyName ?? DBNull.Value); update = objAdaptor.ExecuteNonQuerywithcmd(cmd); } //update= objAdaptor.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(update); }
public DataTable GetSharePointServerDetails() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { //string SqlQuery = "select * from SharePointServerHealth"; //7/22/2014 NS added OperatingSystem and DominoVersion to the list //10/9/2014 NS modified the query by adding Status to the QueryString //1/20/2015 NS modified the query by adding Status sort for VSPLUS-1377 string SqlQuery = "select * from " + "(Select Type,Name,Status,CASE WHEN Status='Not Responding' THEN 0 WHEN Status='Issue' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END StatusSort, " + "ResponseTime,ContentMemory,OperatingSystem,DominoVersion, " + "(CPU*100) as CPU, " + "'''../images/icons/SharePoint_2013.jpg''' as imgsource, " + "'Sharepointdetailspage.aspx?Name=' + Name + '&Type=' + Type + '&Status=' + Status + '&LastDate='+CONVERT(VARCHAR,LastUpdate,101) + ' ' + substring(convert(varchar(20), LastUpdate, 9), 13, 5) + ' ' + substring(convert(varchar(30), LastUpdate, 9), 25, 2) as redirectto, " + "isnull(Memory,0)*100 as MemoryPercent " + "from [VitalSigns].[dbo].[Status] st) as sts " + "inner join " + "(select * from (select * from ( " + "select s.ID,s.ServerName,roles.rolename,sa.CPU_Threshold as CPUThreshold,sa.MemThreshold,sa.ResponseTime as ResponseThreshold, spf.Farm FROM Servers AS s " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN ServerAttributes sa on sa.ServerID=s.ID " + "INNER JOIN " + "ServerTypes AS st ON st.ID = s.ServerTypeID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "(select ss.serverId, as roleId, rm.rolename from ServerRoles ss, RolesMaster rm " + " where = ss.RoleId) as roles on s.ID = roles.serverId " + "inner join (Select Main.ServerId, Left(Main.Students,Len(Main.Students)-1) As Farm From " + "(Select distinct ST2.ServerId, (Select ST1.Farm + ', ' AS [text()] " + "From dbo.SharePointFarms ST1 " + "Where ST1.ServerId = ST2.ServerId " + "ORDER BY ST1.ServerId " + "For XML PATH ('') ) [Students] " + "From dbo.SharePointFarms ST2) [Main]) as spf on spf.ServerId=s.ID where st.ServerType='SharePoint') " + " as exchangeservers " + ") as pr " + ") as exg " + "on exg.ServerName = and sts.Type = 'SharePoint' " + "order by StatusSort"; dt = adaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch { } finally { } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetReports(int ReportID) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string SqlQuery = ""; try { //2/12/2016 NS modified for VSPLUS-2588 if (ReportID != 0) { SqlQuery = "SELECT sr.ID,ReportID,CASE WHEN Frequency = 'Daily' THEN Frequency WHEN Frequency = 'Weekly' THEN " + "Frequency + ' on ' + [Days] ELSE Frequency + ' on the ' + CAST(SpecificDay as varchar(2)) + ' day' END FrequencyDisp, " + "Frequency,Days,SpecificDay,SendTo,CopyTo,BlindCopyTo,Title,Body,FileFormat,Name " + "FROM [ScheduledReports] sr INNER JOIN [ReportItems] ri ON sr.ReportID=ri.ID " + "WHERE sr.ID=" + ReportID.ToString(); dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } else if (ReportID != -1) { SqlQuery = "SELECT sr.ID,ReportID,CASE WHEN Frequency = 'Daily' THEN Frequency WHEN Frequency = 'Weekly' THEN " + "Frequency + ' on ' + [Days] ELSE Frequency + ' on the ' + CAST(SpecificDay as varchar(2)) + ' day' END FrequencyDisp, " + "Frequency,Days,SpecificDay,SendTo,CopyTo,BlindCopyTo,Title,Body,FileFormat,Name " + "FROM [ScheduledReports] sr INNER JOIN [ReportItems] ri ON sr.ReportID=ri.ID "; dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetPwrData() { DataTable Pwrsheltab = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT Replace(ScriptName,''', '''') as ScriptName,Replace(ScriptDetails,''', '''') as ScriptDetails,Replace(Category,''', '''') as Category,Replace(Description,''', '''') as Description FROM PowershellScripts"; Pwrsheltab = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(Pwrsheltab); }
public DataTable ResponseThresholdForGeneric(string ServerName) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string que = "select ServerID,ResponseThreshold from Servers s inner join WindowsServers ds on ds.ServerID= s.ID where s.ServerName='" + ServerName + "'"; dt = adaptor.FetchData(que); return(dt); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public DataTable SetGraphForDiskSpace(string serverName) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string strQuerry = "SELECT [DiskName], [DiskFree], [DiskSize]-[DiskFree] As DiskUsed FROM [DiskSpace] where [ServerName]='" + serverName + "' order by [DiskName]"; dt = adaptor.FetchData(strQuerry); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(dt); }
public DataTable Fillcombobox() { DataTable WebsphereCellnames = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "Select CellID,CellName from WebsphereCell"; WebsphereCellnames = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(WebsphereCellnames); }
public DataTable GetLicensedetails() { DataTable BsTable = new DataTable(); try { string sqlQuery = "Select * from License"; BsTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(sqlQuery); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(BsTable); }
public DataTable SetGrid() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string strQuerry = "SELECT distinct UserName,DeviceName,device_type, DeviceID,OS_Type FROM [Traveler_Devices] where deviceid not in(select deviceid from MobileUserThreshold)"; dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(strQuerry); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(dt); }
public DataTable DistinctServerTypes() { DataTable serverTypes = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "select Distinct [Type] from Status"; serverTypes = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(serverTypes); }
public DataTable getStatusAndLastScanDate(string Servername, string type) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string Sql = "Select Status, LastUpdate from Status where Type='" + type + "' and Name='" + Servername + "'"; dt = adaptor.FetchData(Sql); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(dt); }
public DataTable SetGridForLyncDisk(string ServerName) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string strQuerry = "select DSP.ID,DSP.ServerName,DSP.DiskName,DSP.DiskSize,DSP.DiskFree,DSP.PercentFree,DSP.PercentUtilization,DSP.AverageQueueLength,DSP.Updated,CAST(DDS.Threshold as varchar(50)) + ' ' + CASE WHEN DDS.ThresholdType='Percent' THEN '%' ELSE DDS.ThresholdType END ThresholdDisp,DDS.Threshold,DDS.ThresholdType, DDS.DiskName from DiskSpace DSP LEFT OUTER JOIN DiskSettings DDS " + "ON (DDS.ServerID =(select ID from Servers where ServerName= DSP.ServerName) and DSP.ServerName='" + ServerName + "') and (DSP.DiskName=DDS.DiskName or DDS.DiskName='AllDisks' ) Where DSP.ServerName='" + ServerName + "' ORDER BY DSP.serverName,DSP.diskname"; dt = adaptor.FetchData(strQuerry); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(dt); }
public DataTable getfillgrid() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string s = "select *,servers.ID as SID,ServerName as Name,(Select Location from Locations where ID = LocationID) as Location,Description,IPAddress as Address from BlackBerryServers right join servers on BlackBerryServers.ServerID=servers.ID where servertypeID=(select ID from ServerTypes where ServerType='BES')"; //string s = "select * from BlackBerryServers"; dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(s); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetMailServiceData() { DataTable StatusDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "select Status,Name,TypeANDName,Location,Category,Details from Status where StatusCode in ('Issue','Maintenance','Not Responding','OK') and Type='Mail'"; StatusDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch { } finally { } return(StatusDataTable); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Data from FeaturesDAL /// </summary> public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable FeaturesDataTable = new DataTable(); Features ReturnLOCbject = new Features(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Features] ORDER BY Name"; FeaturesDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch { } finally { } return(FeaturesDataTable); }
public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,Sr.LocationID,ls.ScanInterval," + "ls.Enabled,ls.Category FROM Servers Sr INNER JOIN ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + "INNER JOIN Locations L ON Sr.LocationID=L.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN LyncServers ls ON sr.ID=ls.serverid " + "WHERE S.ServerType='Skype for Business' "; dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(dt); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Data from UserSecurityQuestions /// </summary> public DataTable Getimagepath(string loginname) { DataTable usersecuritydt = new DataTable(); Users retobj = new Users(); try { string sqlquery = "SELECT * from Users where LoginName ='" + loginname + "'"; usersecuritydt = objAdaptor.FetchData(sqlquery); } catch { } finally { } return(usersecuritydt); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Data from NotesDatabase /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable NotesDatabasesDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT *,(select servername from servers where id=NotesDatabases.serverid) as servernames FROM NotesDatabases"; NotesDatabasesDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(NotesDatabasesDataTable); }
public DataTable GetWebsphereCellStatus() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string SqlQuery = ""; try { SqlQuery = "select * from WebsphereCellStats"; dt = adaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch { } finally { } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable MSServersDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,Sr.LocationID,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + " inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where S.ServerType='Windows' "; MSServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(MSServersDataTable); }
public DataTable GetFeedback() { // string logopath; DataTable Feedbacks = new DataTable(); try { string sqlQuery = "Select ID,Subject,Type,Message,Status from Feedback where status='pending'"; Feedbacks = objAdaptor.FetchData(sqlQuery); //5/23/2013 NS modified } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(Feedbacks); }
public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable MSServersDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,Sr.LocationID,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category,wc.CellName, wn.NodeName,ws.CellID,ws.NodeID from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID inner Join WebsphereServer ws on ws.ServerName=Sr.ServerName Inner join WebsphereCell wc on wc.CellID=ws.CellID inner join WebsphereNode wn on wn.NodeID=ws.NodeID inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where S.ServerType='WebSphere'"; //string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,Sr.LocationID,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category,wn.NodeName,wc.CellName from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + // " inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid inner join WebsphereServer ws on sr.ID=ws.serverid inner join WebsphereNode wn on wn.NodeID=ws.NodeID inner join WebsphereCell wc on wc.CellID=ws.CellID where S.ServerType='WebSphere' "; MSServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(MSServersDataTable); }
public DataTable GetDagSettings(DagSettings objdag) { DataTable MSServersDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "select dg.ServerID,dg.ReplyQThreshold,dg.CopyQThreshold,(select sr.ServerName +'-'+ l.Location from servers sr inner join Locations l on l.ID=sr.LocationID where sr.ID=dg.PrimaryConnection) as PrimaryConnection,(select sr.ServerName +'-'+ l.Location from servers sr inner join Locations l on l.ID=sr.LocationID where sr.ID=dg.BackupConnection) as BackupConnection from DagSettings dg where ServerID=" + objdag.ServerID + ""; // select (ServerName +'-'+ Location) as Primaryname,dg.PrimaryConnection from servers sr inner join DagSettings dg on dg.PrimaryConnection=sr.ID inner join Locations l on l.ID=sr.LocationID where ServerID=34 //select (ServerName +'-'+ Location) as Backupname,dg.BackupConnection from servers sr inner join DagSettings dg on dg.BackupConnection=sr.ID inner join Locations l on l.ID=sr.LocationID where ServerID=34 MSServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(MSServersDataTable); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Data from DominoCluster /// </summary> public Settings GetData(Settings StObject) { Settings ReturnStObject = new Settings(); DataTable SettingsDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT svalue FROM Settings WHERE sname='" + StObject.sname + "'"; SettingsDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); ReturnStObject.svalue = SettingsDataTable.Rows[0]["svalue"].ToString(); } catch { } finally { } return(ReturnStObject); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Data from LocationsDAL /// </summary> public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable LogFileDataTable = new DataTable(); LogFile ReturnLOCbject = new LogFile(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM [LogFile]"; LogFileDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(LogFileDataTable); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Data from DominoCustomStatValues /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable DominoCustomStatDataTable = new DataTable(); DominoCustomStatValues ReturnDSObject = new DominoCustomStatValues(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT ID,ServerName,StatName,ThresholdValue,GreaterThanORLessThan,TimesInARow,ConsoleCommand" + " FROM DominoCustomStatValues"; DominoCustomStatDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(DominoCustomStatDataTable); }
public DataTable GetAllData() { DataTable MSServersDataTable = new DataTable(); try { //3/21/2014 NS modified the query - need to add locationid //string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + // " inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where S.ServerType='Exchange' "; string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,Sr.LocationID,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + " inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where S.ServerType='SharePoint' "; MSServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(MSServersDataTable); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Data from UserSecurityQuestions /// </summary> public DataTable GetAllData(Users u) { DataTable UserStartupURLs = new DataTable(); ServerTypes ReturnUQobject = new ServerTypes(); try { string SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM [UsersStartupURLs] "; string whereClause = ""; if (u.Isdashboard) { whereClause += " WHERE isDashboard=1 "; } if (u.IsConfigurator) { if (whereClause != "") { whereClause += " OR IsConfigurator=1 "; } else { whereClause += " WHERE IsConfigurator=1 "; } } if (u.Isconsolecomm) { if (whereClause != "") { whereClause += " OR Isconsolecomm=1 "; } else { whereClause += " WHERE Isconsolecomm=1 "; } } if (whereClause != "") { SqlQuery = SqlQuery + whereClause; } UserStartupURLs = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } catch { } finally { } return(UserStartupURLs); }