private static void AssertAdaptiveImagePropertyValue(string expectedPropertyName, string expectedPropertyValue, AdaptiveImage image) { bool addedSource = false; if (image.Source == null) { image.Source = "img.png"; addedSource = true; } string xml = $"<image {expectedPropertyName}='{expectedPropertyValue}'"; if (addedSource) xml += " src='img.png'"; xml += "/>"; AssertAdaptiveChild(xml, image); }
protected Attachment ToAdaptiveCardForDeletionRefusedFlow( List <TaskItem> todos, int allTasksCount, string listType) { var toDoCard = new AdaptiveCard(); var response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(DeleteToDoResponses.DeletionAllConfirmationRefused); toDoCard.Speak = ResponseManager.Format(response.Reply.Speak, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", allTasksCount.ToString() }, { "listType", listType } }); var body = new List <AdaptiveElement>(); response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ToDoSharedResponses.CardSummaryMessage); var showText = ResponseManager.Format(response.Reply.Text, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", allTasksCount.ToString() }, { "listType", listType } }); var textBlock = new AdaptiveTextBlock { Text = showText, }; body.Add(textBlock); var container = new AdaptiveContainer(); foreach (var todo in todos) { var columnSet = new AdaptiveColumnSet(); var icon = new AdaptiveImage { UrlString = todo.IsCompleted ? IconImageSource.CheckIconSource : IconImageSource.UncheckIconSource }; var iconColumn = new AdaptiveColumn { Width = "auto" }; iconColumn.Items.Add(icon); columnSet.Columns.Add(iconColumn); var content = new AdaptiveTextBlock(todo.Topic); var contentColumn = new AdaptiveColumn(); iconColumn.Width = "auto"; contentColumn.Items.Add(content); columnSet.Columns.Add(contentColumn); container.Items.Add(columnSet); } body.Add(container); toDoCard.Body = body; var attachment = new Attachment() { ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType, Content = toDoCard, }; return(attachment); }
protected Attachment ToAdaptiveCardForReadMore( List <TaskItem> todos, int allTasksCount, string listType) { var toDoCard = new AdaptiveCard(); var response = new ResponseTemplate(); if (todos.Count == 1) { response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ShowToDoResponses.NextTask); toDoCard.Speak = response.Reply.Speak; } else if (todos.Count >= 2) { response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ShowToDoResponses.NextTasks); toDoCard.Speak = response.Reply.Speak; } var body = new List <AdaptiveElement>(); response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ToDoSharedResponses.CardSummaryMessageForMultipleTasks); var showText = ResponseManager.Format(response.Reply.Text, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", allTasksCount.ToString() }, { "listType", listType } }); var textBlock = new AdaptiveTextBlock { Text = showText, }; body.Add(textBlock); var container = new AdaptiveContainer(); int index = 0; foreach (var todo in todos) { var columnSet = new AdaptiveColumnSet(); var icon = new AdaptiveImage { UrlString = todo.IsCompleted ? IconImageSource.CheckIconSource : IconImageSource.UncheckIconSource }; var iconColumn = new AdaptiveColumn { Width = "auto" }; iconColumn.Items.Add(icon); columnSet.Columns.Add(iconColumn); var content = new AdaptiveTextBlock(todo.Topic); var contentColumn = new AdaptiveColumn(); iconColumn.Width = "auto"; contentColumn.Items.Add(content); columnSet.Columns.Add(contentColumn); container.Items.Add(columnSet); if (index < todos.Count) { if (todos.Count == 1) { toDoCard.Speak += todo.Topic + ". "; } else if (index == todos.Count - 2) { toDoCard.Speak += todo.Topic; } else if (index == todos.Count - 1) { toDoCard.Speak += string.Format(ToDoStrings.And, todo.Topic); } else { toDoCard.Speak += todo.Topic + ", "; } } index++; } body.Add(container); toDoCard.Body = body; var attachment = new Attachment() { ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType, Content = toDoCard, }; return(attachment); }
protected Attachment ToAdaptiveCardForPreviousPage( List <TaskItem> todos, int toBeReadTasksCount) { var toDoCard = new AdaptiveCard(); var speakText = Format(ShowToDoResponses.ShowPreviousToDoTasks.Reply.Speak, new StringDictionary() { }) + Format(ShowToDoResponses.FirstToDoTasks.Reply.Speak, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", toBeReadTasksCount.ToString() } }); toDoCard.Speak = speakText; var body = new List <AdaptiveElement>(); var showText = Format(ShowToDoResponses.ShowPreviousToDoTasks.Reply.Text, new StringDictionary() { }); var textBlock = new AdaptiveTextBlock { Text = showText, }; body.Add(textBlock); var container = new AdaptiveContainer(); var index = 0; foreach (var todo in todos) { var columnSet = new AdaptiveColumnSet(); var icon = new AdaptiveImage(); icon.UrlString = todo.IsCompleted ? IconImageSource.CheckIconSource : IconImageSource.UncheckIconSource; var iconColumn = new AdaptiveColumn(); iconColumn.Width = "auto"; iconColumn.Items.Add(icon); columnSet.Columns.Add(iconColumn); var content = new AdaptiveTextBlock(todo.Topic); var contentColumn = new AdaptiveColumn(); iconColumn.Width = "auto"; contentColumn.Items.Add(content); columnSet.Columns.Add(contentColumn); container.Items.Add(columnSet); if (index < toBeReadTasksCount) { toDoCard.Speak += (++index) + " " + todo.Topic + " "; } } body.Add(container); toDoCard.Body = body; var attachment = new Attachment() { ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType, Content = toDoCard, }; return(attachment); }
protected Attachment ToAdaptiveCardForShowToDos( List <TaskItem> todos, int allTasksCount, int readSize, string listType) { var toDoCard = new AdaptiveCard(); var response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ShowToDoResponses.TaskSummaryMessage); var speakText = ResponseManager.Format(response.Reply.Speak, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", allTasksCount.ToString() }, { "listType", listType } }) + " "; if (todos.Count == 1) { response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ShowToDoResponses.LatestOneTask); speakText += response.Reply.Speak + " "; } else if (todos.Count == 2) { response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ShowToDoResponses.LatestTwoTasks); speakText += response.Reply.Speak + " "; } else if (todos.Count >= readSize) { response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ShowToDoResponses.LatestThreeOrMoreTasks); speakText += ResponseManager.Format(response.Reply.Speak, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", readSize.ToString() } }) + " "; } toDoCard.Speak = speakText; var body = new List <AdaptiveElement>(); response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ToDoSharedResponses.CardSummaryMessage); var showText = ResponseManager.Format(response.Reply.Text, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", allTasksCount.ToString() }, { "listType", listType } }); var textBlock = new AdaptiveTextBlock { Text = showText, }; body.Add(textBlock); var container = new AdaptiveContainer(); int index = 0; readSize = Math.Min(readSize, todos.Count); foreach (var todo in todos) { var columnSet = new AdaptiveColumnSet(); var icon = new AdaptiveImage { UrlString = todo.IsCompleted ? IconImageSource.CheckIconSource : IconImageSource.UncheckIconSource }; var iconColumn = new AdaptiveColumn { Width = "auto" }; iconColumn.Items.Add(icon); columnSet.Columns.Add(iconColumn); var content = new AdaptiveTextBlock(todo.Topic); var contentColumn = new AdaptiveColumn(); iconColumn.Width = "auto"; contentColumn.Items.Add(content); columnSet.Columns.Add(contentColumn); container.Items.Add(columnSet); if (index < readSize) { if (readSize == 1) { toDoCard.Speak += todo.Topic + ". "; } else if (index == readSize - 2) { toDoCard.Speak += todo.Topic; } else if (index == readSize - 1) { toDoCard.Speak += string.Format(ToDoStrings.And, todo.Topic); } else { toDoCard.Speak += todo.Topic + ", "; } } index++; } if (todos.Count <= readSize) { response = ResponseManager.GetResponseTemplate(ShowToDoResponses.AskAddOrCompleteTaskMessage); toDoCard.Speak += response.Reply.Speak; } body.Add(container); toDoCard.Body = body; var attachment = new Attachment() { ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType, Content = toDoCard, }; return(attachment); }
protected Attachment ToAdaptiveCardForOtherFlows( List <TaskItem> todos, int allTaskCount, string taskContent, BotResponse botResponse1, BotResponse botResponse2, string listType) { var toDoCard = new AdaptiveCard(); var showText = Format(botResponse2.Reply.Text, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", allTaskCount.ToString() }, { "listType", listType } }); var speakText = Format(botResponse1.Reply.Speak, new StringDictionary() { { "taskContent", taskContent } }) + " " + Format(botResponse2.Reply.Speak, new StringDictionary() { { "taskCount", allTaskCount.ToString() }, { "listType", listType } }); toDoCard.Speak = speakText.Remove(speakText.Length - 1) + "."; var body = new List <AdaptiveElement>(); var textBlock = new AdaptiveTextBlock { Text = showText, }; body.Add(textBlock); var container = new AdaptiveContainer(); foreach (var todo in todos) { var columnSet = new AdaptiveColumnSet(); var icon = new AdaptiveImage(); icon.UrlString = todo.IsCompleted ? IconImageSource.CheckIconSource : IconImageSource.UncheckIconSource; var iconColumn = new AdaptiveColumn(); iconColumn.Width = "auto"; iconColumn.Items.Add(icon); columnSet.Columns.Add(iconColumn); var content = new AdaptiveTextBlock(todo.Topic); var contentColumn = new AdaptiveColumn(); iconColumn.Width = "auto"; contentColumn.Items.Add(content); columnSet.Columns.Add(contentColumn); container.Items.Add(columnSet); } body.Add(container); toDoCard.Body = body; var attachment = new Attachment() { ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType, Content = toDoCard, }; return(attachment); }
protected static HtmlTag ImageRender(AdaptiveImage image, AdaptiveRendererContext context) { var uiDiv = new DivTag() .AddClass($"ac-{image.Type.Replace(".", "").ToLower()}") .Style("display", "block") .Style("box-sizing", "border-box"); switch (image.Size) { case AdaptiveImageSize.Auto: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("max-width", $"100%"); break; case AdaptiveImageSize.Small: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("max-width", $"{context.Config.ImageSizes.Small}px"); break; case AdaptiveImageSize.Medium: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("max-width", $"{context.Config.ImageSizes.Medium}px"); break; case AdaptiveImageSize.Large: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("max-width", $"{context.Config.ImageSizes.Large}px"); break; case AdaptiveImageSize.Stretch: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("width", $"100%"); break; } var uiImage = new HtmlTag("img") .Style("width", "100%") .Attr("alt", image.AltText ?? "card image") .Attr("src", image.Url.ToString()); switch (image.Style) { case AdaptiveImageStyle.Default: break; case AdaptiveImageStyle.Person: uiImage = uiImage.Style("background-position", "50% 50%") .Style("border-radius", "50%") .Style("background-repeat", "no-repeat"); break; } switch (image.HorizontalAlignment) { case AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Left: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("overflow", "hidden") .Style("display", "block"); break; case AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Center: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("overflow", "hidden") .Style("margin-right", "auto") .Style("margin-left", "auto") .Style("display", "block"); break; case AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Right: uiDiv = uiDiv.Style("overflow", "hidden") .Style("margin-left", "auto") .Style("display", "block"); break; } uiDiv.Children.Add(uiImage); if (context.Config.SupportsInteractivity && image.SelectAction != null) { uiDiv.AddClass("ac-tap"); } return(uiDiv); }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); // Construct a temporary object model tree until the parser is available AdaptiveCard card = new AdaptiveCard(); AdaptiveContainer container1 = new AdaptiveContainer(); AdaptiveTextBlock textBlock1 = new AdaptiveTextBlock(); textBlock1.Text = "Hello"; textBlock1.Weight = TextWeight.Normal; textBlock1.Color = TextColor.Warning; textBlock1.Size = TextSize.Large; container1.Items.Add(textBlock1); AdaptiveTextBlock textBlock2 = new AdaptiveTextBlock(); textBlock2.Text = "World"; textBlock2.Weight = TextWeight.Normal; textBlock2.Color = TextColor.Accent; container1.Items.Add(textBlock2); card.Body.Add(container1); AdaptiveContainer container2 = new AdaptiveContainer(); AdaptiveTextBlock textBlock3 = new AdaptiveTextBlock(); textBlock3.Text = "In new container"; textBlock3.Weight = TextWeight.Normal; textBlock3.Color = TextColor.Default; container2.Items.Add(textBlock3); card.Body.Add(container2); AdaptiveImage image = new AdaptiveImage(); image.Url = new Uri(""); card.Body.Add(image); m_renderer = new AdaptiveCards.XamlCardRenderer.XamlCardRenderer(); AdaptiveHostConfig hostConfig = AdaptiveHostConfig.CreateHostConfigFromJson(hostConfigString); m_renderer.SetHostConfig(hostConfig); m_renderer.Action += async(sender, e) => { if (m_actionDialog != null) { m_actionDialog.Hide(); } m_actionDialog = new ContentDialog(); if (e.Action.ActionType == ActionType.ShowCard) { AdaptiveShowCardAction showCardAction = (AdaptiveShowCardAction)e.Action; m_actionDialog.Content = await m_renderer.RenderCardAsXamlAsync(showCardAction.Card); } else { m_actionDialog.Content = "We got an action!\n" + e.Action.ActionType + "\n" + e.Inputs; } m_actionDialog.PrimaryButtonText = "Close"; await m_actionDialog.ShowAsync(); }; PopulateXamlContent(card); }
public static FrameworkElement Render(AdaptiveTextInput input, AdaptiveRenderContext context) { if (context.Config.SupportsInteractivity) { var textBox = new WatermarkTextBox() { Text = input.Value }; if (input.IsMultiline == true) { textBox.AcceptsReturn = true; textBox.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; textBox.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled; } if (input.MaxLength > 0) { textBox.MaxLength = input.MaxLength; } textBox.Watermark = input.Placeholder; textBox.Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.Input.Text.{input.Style}"); textBox.DataContext = input; context.InputBindings.Add(input.Id, () => textBox.Text); if (input.InlineAction != null) { if (context.Config.Actions.ShowCard.ActionMode == ShowCardActionMode.Inline && input.InlineAction.GetType() == typeof(AdaptiveShowCardAction)) { context.Warnings.Add(new AdaptiveWarning(-1, "Inline ShowCard not supported for InlineAction")); } else { if (context.Config.SupportsInteractivity && context.ActionHandlers.IsSupported(input.InlineAction.GetType())) { // Set up a parent view that holds textbox, separator and button var parentView = new Grid(); // grid config for textbox parentView.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }); Grid.SetColumn(textBox, 0); parentView.Children.Add(textBox); // grid config for spacing int spacing = context.Config.GetSpacing(AdaptiveSpacing.Default); var uiSep = new Grid { Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.Input.Text.InlineAction.Separator"), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, Width = spacing, }; parentView.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(spacing, GridUnitType.Pixel) }); Grid.SetColumn(uiSep, 1); // adding button var uiButton = new Button(); Style style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.Input.Text.InlineAction.Button"); if (style != null) { uiButton.Style = style; } // this textblock becomes tooltip if icon url exists else becomes the tile for the button var uiTitle = new TextBlock { Text = input.InlineAction.Title, }; if (input.InlineAction.IconUrl != null) { var actionsConfig = context.Config.Actions; var image = new AdaptiveImage(input.InlineAction.IconUrl) { HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Center, Type = "Adaptive.Input.Text.InlineAction.Image", }; FrameworkElement uiIcon = null; uiIcon = AdaptiveImageRenderer.Render(image, context); uiButton.Content = uiIcon; // adjust height textBox.Loaded += (sender, e) => { uiIcon.Height = textBox.ActualHeight; }; uiButton.ToolTip = uiTitle; } else { uiTitle.FontSize = context.Config.GetFontSize(AdaptiveFontStyle.Default, AdaptiveTextSize.Default); uiTitle.Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.Input.Text.InlineAction.Title"); uiButton.Content = uiTitle; } uiButton.Click += (sender, e) => { context.InvokeAction(uiButton, new AdaptiveActionEventArgs(input.InlineAction)); // Prevent nested events from triggering e.Handled = true; }; parentView.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = GridLength.Auto }); Grid.SetColumn(uiButton, 2); parentView.Children.Add(uiButton); uiButton.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; textBox.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Enter) { context.InvokeAction(uiButton, new AdaptiveActionEventArgs(input.InlineAction)); e.Handled = true; } }; return(parentView); } } } return(textBox); } else { var textBlock = AdaptiveTypedElementConverter.CreateElement <AdaptiveTextBlock>(); textBlock.Text = XamlUtilities.GetFallbackText(input) ?? input.Placeholder; return(context.Render(textBlock)); } }
public static Button CreateActionButton(AdaptiveAction action, AdaptiveRenderContext context) { var uiButton = new Button { Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.{action.Type}"), }; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(action.Sentiment)) { Style sentimentStyle = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.{action.Type}.{action.Sentiment}"); if (sentimentStyle == null && String.Equals(action.Sentiment, "positive", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { sentimentStyle = context.GetStyle("PositiveActionDefaultStyle"); } else if (sentimentStyle == null && String.Equals(action.Sentiment, "destructive", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { sentimentStyle = context.GetStyle("DestructiveActionDefaultStyle"); } uiButton.Style = sentimentStyle; } var contentStackPanel = new StackPanel(); if (!context.IsRenderingSelectAction) { // Only apply padding for normal card actions uiButton.Padding = new Thickness(6, 4, 6, 4); } else { // Remove any extra spacing for selectAction uiButton.Padding = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); contentStackPanel.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); } uiButton.Content = contentStackPanel; FrameworkElement uiIcon = null; var uiTitle = new TextBlock { Text = action.Title, FontSize = context.Config.GetFontSize(AdaptiveFontStyle.Default, AdaptiveTextSize.Default), Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.Action.Title") }; if (action.IconUrl != null) { var actionsConfig = context.Config.Actions; var image = new AdaptiveImage(action.IconUrl) { HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Center }; uiIcon = AdaptiveImageRenderer.Render(image, context); if (actionsConfig.IconPlacement == IconPlacement.AboveTitle) { contentStackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; uiIcon.Height = (double)actionsConfig.IconSize; } else { contentStackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; //Size the image to the textblock, wait until layout is complete (loaded event) uiIcon.Loaded += (sender, e) => { uiIcon.Height = uiTitle.ActualHeight; }; } contentStackPanel.Children.Add(uiIcon); // Add spacing for the icon for horizontal actions if (actionsConfig.IconPlacement == IconPlacement.LeftOfTitle) { int spacing = context.Config.GetSpacing(AdaptiveSpacing.Default); var uiSep = new Grid { Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.VerticalSeparator"), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, Width = spacing, }; contentStackPanel.Children.Add(uiSep); } } contentStackPanel.Children.Add(uiTitle); string name = context.GetType().Name.Replace("Action", String.Empty); return(uiButton); }