コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a set of equipped items, not exceeding the total cost. If actor profession is not passed, will assume a balanced warrior, otherwise will emphasise on the profession
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary<EquipmentLocation, InventoryItem> GenerateEquippedItems(int totalCost, ActorProfession? profession = null)
            Dictionary<EquipmentLocation, InventoryItem> equipped = new Dictionary<EquipmentLocation, InventoryItem>();

            //Decide what percentage to spend on the weapon, the rest will be armour
            int weaponPercentage = 3 + GameState.Random.Next(8);

            if (profession.HasValue && profession.Value == ActorProfession.BRUTE)
                //Spend more on weapons, and less on armour
                weaponPercentage += 2;
            else if (profession.HasValue && profession.Value == ActorProfession.DEFENDER)
                //Spend less on weapon, and more on armour
                weaponPercentage -= 2;

            InventoryItemManager mgr = new InventoryItemManager();

            int moneyLeft = totalCost;

            int moneyForWeapon = moneyLeft * weaponPercentage / 10;

            //If it's a ranged user, give him a ranged one instead of a WEAPON

            InventoryItem weapon = null;

            if (profession.HasValue && profession.Value == ActorProfession.RANGED)
                weapon = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("BOW", moneyForWeapon);

                if (weapon != null)
                    //Equip it
                    equipped.Add(EquipmentLocation.BOW, weapon);
                    //And reduce the value
                    moneyLeft -= weapon.BaseValue;

                //We'll also need a hand to hand weapon
                moneyForWeapon /= 3; //Buy one a third of the price


            if (moneyLeft > moneyForWeapon)

                //Buy the weapon
                weapon = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("WEAPON", moneyForWeapon);

                if (weapon != null)
                    //Equip it
                    equipped.Add(EquipmentLocation.WEAPON, weapon);
                    //And reduce the value
                    moneyLeft -= weapon.BaseValue;

            //Now let's buy the rest of the items. For now let's divide everything equally and try to get everyything at least
            int moneyForEachPiece = moneyLeft / 4;

            //Try to buy an armour piece for each part
            var shield = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("SHIELD", moneyForEachPiece);

            if (shield != null)
                //Equip it
                equipped.Add(EquipmentLocation.SHIELD, shield);
                //And reduce the value
                moneyLeft -= shield.BaseValue;

            var helm = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("HELM", moneyForEachPiece);

            if (helm != null)
                equipped.Add(EquipmentLocation.HEAD, helm);

                moneyLeft -= helm.BaseValue;

            var bodyArmour = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("BODY ARMOUR", moneyForEachPiece);

            if (bodyArmour != null)
                equipped.Add(EquipmentLocation.BODY, bodyArmour);
                moneyLeft -= bodyArmour.BaseValue;

            var legs = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("LEGS", moneyForEachPiece);

            if (legs != null)
                equipped.Add(EquipmentLocation.LEGS, legs);
                moneyLeft -= legs.BaseValue;

            //Now that we presumably have one of each, let's buy something better

            //To do this, let's start with a divisor of 3.
            //We see if we can buy three better items.
            //Then we look at what we can do with the rest divided by 2
            //Then we look at what we can do with the rest divided by 1
            //And if that doesn't work, we 'lose' the rest

            for (int divisor = 3; divisor > 0; divisor--)
                int moneyToSpend = moneyLeft / divisor;

                for (int i = 0; i < divisor; i++)
                    var item = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("Armour", moneyToSpend);

                    if (item == null)

                    InventoryItem previousItem = null;

                    //Do we have something else already?
                    if (equipped.ContainsKey(item.EquippableLocation.Value))
                        previousItem = equipped[item.EquippableLocation.Value];

                        //Does one cost more than the other ?
                        if (item.BaseValue >= previousItem.BaseValue)
                            //Swap them
                            equipped.Add(item.EquippableLocation.Value, item);

                            //And fix the total amount of money
                            moneyLeft += previousItem.BaseValue;
                            moneyLeft -= item.BaseValue;

                            moneyToSpend = moneyLeft / divisor;
                        equipped.Add(item.EquippableLocation.Value, item);
                        moneyLeft -= item.BaseValue;

                        moneyToSpend = moneyLeft / divisor;


            //Do we still have any cash?
            if (moneyLeft > 0)
                //Pick up some form of jewelry
                var item = mgr.GetBestCanAfford("ring", moneyLeft);

                if (item != null)
                    equipped.Add(EquipmentLocation.RING1, item);


            //Equip them
            foreach (var value in equipped.Values)
                value.IsEquipped = true;
                value.InInventory = true;

            return equipped;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a number of actors for a particular owner and profession. It will also balance the level and difficulty of acctors, and will create a hierarchy of warriors.
        /// Do not use this for animals
        /// If there are no actors of that particular type for that profession, will not create anything
        /// </summary>
        public static Actor[] CreateActors(OwningFactions owner, ActorProfession profession, int total)
            List<Actor> actors = new List<Actor>();

            //Get all the data from the database and we'll make our own filtering
            var dictionary = DatabaseHandling.GetDatabase(Archetype.ACTORS);

            var possibleMatches = dictionary.Values.AsQueryable();

            //Correct owner
            possibleMatches = possibleMatches.Where(v => v[4].ToUpper().Equals(owner.ToString()));

            //Correct profession
            possibleMatches = possibleMatches.Where(v => v[6].ToUpper().Equals(profession.ToString()));

            //Have we got at least one ?
            if (possibleMatches.Count() == 0)
                return new Actor[] { }; //Nope - return nothing

            //For use with warriors
            int level1 = 0;
            int level2 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                var possibles = possibleMatches;

                //Are we generating warriors?
                if (profession == ActorProfession.WARRIOR)
                    int warriorGenerationLevel = 1;

                    if (level2 == 3)
                        warriorGenerationLevel = 3;
                        level2 = 0;
                    else if (level1 == 3)
                        //Generate a medium
                        warriorGenerationLevel = 2;
                        level1 = 0;
                        //Generate an easy
                        warriorGenerationLevel = 1;

                    possibles = possibles.Where(p => p[7].ToString().Equals(warriorGenerationLevel.ToString()));

                //Pick a random one from the possibilities - this'll crash if we have no possibles, but that's going to be a problem anyway

                var chosen = possibles.ToArray()[(GameState.Random.Next(possibles.Count()))];

                //Now we can generate the actors themselves
                Actor actor = new Actor();
                actor.Anatomy = GenerateAnatomy(chosen[5]);
                actor.Attributes = GenerateAttributes(chosen[5], (ActorProfession)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActorProfession), chosen[6], true), Int32.Parse(chosen[11]), actor);

                actor.Attributes.Actor = actor;
                actor.EnemyData = new EnemyData()
                    EnemyID = Int32.Parse(chosen[0]),
                    EnemyLineOfSight = Int32.Parse(chosen[9]),
                    EnemyName = chosen[1],
                    EnemyType = chosen[5],
                    Intelligent = true,
                    Profession = profession

                actor.FeedingLevel = FeedingLevel.FULL;
                actor.Gender = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), chosen[13]);

                actor.Inventory = new ActorInventory();

                if (profession == ActorProfession.WARRIOR)
                    actor.Inventory.EquippedItems = GenerateEquippedItems(Int32.Parse(chosen[12]));

                    //Add all of those into the inventory
                    foreach (var item in actor.Inventory.EquippedItems.Values)
                        actor.Inventory.Inventory.Add(item.Category, item);

                actor.IsActive = true;
                actor.IsAggressive = chosen[8] == "1";
                actor.IsAlive = true;
                actor.IsAnimal = false;
                actor.IsDomesticatedAnimal = false;
                actor.IsPlayerCharacter = false;
                actor.IsStunned = false;
                actor.Attributes.Perc = Int32.Parse(chosen[9]) - 2;

                actor.Name = ActorNameGenerator.CanGenerateName(chosen[5]) ? ActorNameGenerator.GenerateName(chosen[5], actor.Gender) : chosen[1];

                actor.Owners = owner;
                actor.UniqueId = Guid.NewGuid();

                actor.MapCharacter = new LocalCharacter();

                LocalCharacter mc = actor.MapCharacter as LocalCharacter;

                mc.Actor = actor;
                mc.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate();
                mc.Description = chosen[10];
                mc.EnemyThought = EnemyThought.WAIT;

                string chosenGraphic = string.Empty;

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chosen[3]))
                    string setChoice = String.Empty;
                    //Does graphicset contain multiple choices?
                    if (chosen[3].Contains(","))
                        //Yes, lets split it
                        var possibleSets = chosen[3].Split(',');

                        setChoice = possibleSets[GameState.Random.Next(possibleSets.Length)];
                        setChoice = chosen[3];

                    //Instead of a single graphic, use a graphical set
                    mc.Graphics = GraphicSetManager.GetSprites((GraphicSetName)Enum.Parse(typeof(GraphicSetName), setChoice.ToUpper()));

                    //Does graphic contain multiple choices?
                    if (chosen[2].Contains(","))
                        //yes, lets split it
                        var graphics = chosen[2].Split(',');

                        //use random to determine which one we want
                        chosenGraphic = graphics[GameState.Random.Next(graphics.Length)];

                        mc.Graphic = SpriteManager.GetSprite((LocalSpriteName)Enum.Parse(typeof(LocalSpriteName), chosenGraphic));
                        mc.Graphic = SpriteManager.GetSprite((LocalSpriteName)Enum.Parse(typeof(LocalSpriteName), chosen[2]));

                mc.InternalName = chosen[2];
                mc.IsActive = true;
                mc.IsStunned = false;
                //mc.LineOfSightRange = actor.LineOfSight.Value;
                mc.MayContainItems = false;
                mc.Name = actor.Name;
                mc.OwnedBy = owner;


            return actors.ToArray();
コード例 #3
        public static SkillsAndAttributes GenerateAttributes(string race, ActorProfession profession, int level, Actor actor)
            //Roll 6 3d3s and put the results in an array
            int[] results = new int[6];

            //We'll throw away the smallest one

            for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
                results[i] = random.Next(3) + 1 + random.Next(3) + 1 + random.Next(3) + 1;

            //sort the array by size so top one goes first
            results = results.OrderByDescending(r => r).ToArray();

            //Create a new ActorAttribute
            SkillsAndAttributes att = new SkillsAndAttributes();

            if (profession == ActorProfession.WARRIOR)
                //Prefer Brawn, Agil, Perc, Intel then char
                att.Brawn = results[0];
                att.Agil = results[1];
                att.Perc = results[2];
                att.Intel = results[3];
                att.Char = results[4];

                //Combat skills - give him evasion and attack in an amount equal to level
                att.Evasion = level;
                att.HandToHand = level;

            else if (profession == ActorProfession.BRUTE)
                //Prefer Brawn, Agil, perc, Intel then char.
                att.Brawn = results[0];
                att.Agil = results[1];
                att.Perc = results[2];
                att.Intel = results[3];
                att.Char = results[4];

                //Combat skills - give him evasion and attack in an amount equal to level. More hand to hand, less evasion
                att.Evasion = level - 2;
                att.HandToHand = level + 2;
            else if (profession == ActorProfession.RANGED)
                //Prefer Perc, Agil, Brawn, Intel then char
                att.Perc = results[0];
                att.Agil = results[1];
                att.Brawn = results[2];
                att.Intel = results[3];
                att.Char = results[4];

                //Combat skills - give him evasion and attack in an amount equal to level.
                att.Evasion = level;
                att.HandToHand = level;

                actor.UsesRanged = true;

            else if (profession == ActorProfession.DEFENDER)
                //Prefer agil, brawn, perc, intel than char
                att.Agil = results[0];
                att.Brawn = results[1];
                att.Perc = results[2];
                att.Intel = results[3];
                att.Char = results[4];

                //Combat skills - give him evasion and attack in an amount equal to level. +2 to evasion -2 to H2H
                att.Evasion = level + 2;
                att.HandToHand = level - 2;
            else if (profession == ActorProfession.WORKER || profession == ActorProfession.MERCHANT || profession == ActorProfession.RICH)
                //Prefer things randomly
                results = results.OrderByDescending(r => random.Next(10)).ToArray();

                att.Brawn = results[0];
                att.Agil = results[1];
                att.Perc = results[2];
                att.Intel = results[3];
                att.Char = results[4];

                att.HandToHand = level;
                att.Evasion = level;
                throw new NotImplementedException("No code for profession " + profession);

            //Add the racial bonuses
            RaceData data = ReadRaceData(race);

            att.Agil = att.BaseAgil + data.AgilModifier;
            att.Brawn = att.BaseBrawn + data.BrawnModifier;
            att.Char = att.BaseChar + data.DexModifier;
            att.Intel = att.BaseIntel + data.IntelModifier;
            att.Perc = att.BasePerc + data.PercModifier;

            //Make sure all attributes are larger than 0
            att.Agil = att.BaseAgil > 0 ? att.BaseAgil : 0;
            att.Brawn = att.BaseBrawn > 0 ? att.BaseBrawn : 0;
            att.Char = att.BaseChar > 0 ? att.BaseChar : 0;
            att.Intel = att.BaseIntel > 0 ? att.BaseIntel : 0;
            att.Perc = att.BasePerc > 0 ? att.BasePerc : 0;

            att.Actor = actor;
            att.Health = actor.Anatomy;

            return att;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Enemy of a paticular type (optional), having a particular tag (optional) and having a particular intelligence (optional).
        /// Will return the enemy ID so that you can get the actual item from the crea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="enemyType"></param>
        /// <param name="enemyTag"></param>
        /// <param name="intelligent"></param>
        /// <param name="level">The skill level of this enemy</param>
        /// <param name="gearCost">The total cost of this unit's equipped items</param>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Actor CreateActor(string enemyType, string enemyTag, bool? intelligent, int level, int gearCost, Gender? gender, out int enemyID, ActorProfession? profession = null)
            //Get all the data from the database and we'll make our own filtering
            var dictionary = DatabaseHandling.GetDatabase(Archetype.ENEMIES);

            var possibleMatches = dictionary.Values.AsQueryable();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enemyType))
                possibleMatches = possibleMatches.Where(v => v[4].Equals(enemyType));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enemyTag))
                possibleMatches = possibleMatches.Where(v => v[5].Equals(enemyTag));

            if (intelligent.HasValue)
                possibleMatches = possibleMatches.Where(v => Boolean.Parse(v[7]).Equals(intelligent.Value));

            if (gender.HasValue)
                possibleMatches = possibleMatches.Where(v => (v[12]).Equals(gender.Value.ToString()));

            //Put the possible matches and pick one at random
            if (possibleMatches.Count() == 0)
                enemyID = -1;
                return null; //No match

            //Pick one at random
            var selected = possibleMatches.ToArray()[random.Next(possibleMatches.Count())];

            int aggressivity = Int32.Parse(selected[10]);

            //Create the details
            enemyID = Int32.Parse(selected[0]);
            EnemyData data = GetEnemyData(enemyID);

            DRObjects.Actor actor = new DRObjects.Actor();
            actor.EnemyData = data;
            actor.IsPlayerCharacter = false;
            // actor.LineOfSight = data.EnemyLineOfSight;
            actor.UniqueId = Guid.NewGuid();
            actor.IsAggressive = aggressivity > 0;
            actor.Gender = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), selected[12]);

            actor.Name = ActorNameGenerator.GenerateName(enemyType, actor.Gender);

            //Give him attributes
            actor.Attributes = GenerateAttributes(data.EnemyType, data.Profession, level, actor);

            //Set his anatomy too
            actor.Anatomy = GenerateAnatomy(data.EnemyType);

            //link one to another
            actor.Attributes.Health = actor.Anatomy;

            //Create the equipped item inventory
            actor.Inventory.EquippedItems = GenerateEquippedItems(gearCost);

            //And create the inventory
            foreach (var item in actor.Inventory.EquippedItems.Values)
                actor.Inventory.Inventory.Add(item.Category, item);

            return actor;