コード例 #1
        public IHttpActionResult PutActiveRequest(int id, ActiveRequest activeRequest)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (id != activeRequest.ID)

            db.Entry(activeRequest).State = EntityState.Modified;

            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!ActiveRequestExists(id))

コード例 #2
        public IHttpActionResult PostActiveRequest(ActiveRequest activeRequest)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)


            catch (DbUpdateException)
                if (ActiveRequestExists(activeRequest.ID))

            return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = activeRequest.ID }, activeRequest));
コード例 #3
        public void ModifyActiveRequest(ActiveRequest newActiveRequest)
            var activeRequest = data.ActiveRequests.Where(x => x.Id == newActiveRequest.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (activeRequest != null)
                activeRequest = newActiveRequest;
コード例 #4
        public IHttpActionResult GetActiveRequest(int id)
            ActiveRequest activeRequest = db.ActiveRequests.Find(id);

            if (activeRequest == null)

コード例 #5
        public IHttpActionResult DeleteActiveRequest(int id)
            ActiveRequest activeRequest = db.ActiveRequests.Find(id);

            if (activeRequest == null)


コード例 #6
        private Task <SMPPMessage> _submitMessage(SMPPMessage message)
            ActiveRequest sendingMessage = _activeRequests.AddMessage(message);

            sendingMessage.SendTask = _sendMessage(message);
            sendingMessage.SendTask.ContinueWith((task) =>
                if (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                    _activeRequests.CompleteError(sendingMessage, task.Exception);
コード例 #7
 public void Active([FromBody] ActiveRequest activeRequest)
     using (var client = new WebClient())
             var json     = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(activeRequest);
             var dataByte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
             client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json";
             dataByte = client.UploadData(this.svconfig.admindbip + "/api/OnSite/Active/", "POST", dataByte);
         catch (Exception e)
             throw new Exception(e.Message);
コード例 #8
 private bool FindActiveRequest(EasyRequest easy, out IntPtr gcHandlePtr, out ActiveRequest activeRequest)
     // We maintain an IntPtr=>ActiveRequest mapping, which makes it cheap to look-up by GCHandle ptr but
     // expensive to look up by EasyRequest.  If we find this becoming a bottleneck, we can add a reverse
     // map that stores the other direction as well.
     foreach (KeyValuePair<IntPtr, ActiveRequest> pair in _activeOperations)
         if (pair.Value.Easy == easy)
             gcHandlePtr = pair.Key;
             activeRequest = pair.Value;
             return true;
     gcHandlePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
     activeRequest = default(ActiveRequest);
     return false;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取公众号或企业号的jsapi_tickets
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>返回json数据</returns>
        public string GetJsApiTicketsJson()
            string sJsApiTicketsJson = string.Empty;
            string sUrl = string.Empty;

            if (this._wxPlatType == WxPlatFormTypeEnum.QY)
                sUrl = "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/get_jsapi_ticket";
                sJsApiTicketsJson = ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(sUrl, "", null, "get"));
            else if (this._wxPlatType == WxPlatFormTypeEnum.GZ)
                sUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/ticket/getticket";
                Dictionary <string, string> dictParams = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "type", "jsapi" }
                sJsApiTicketsJson = ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(sUrl, "", dictParams, "get"));
コード例 #10
        public override bool GetPiece(int index, int begin, byte[] piece)
            bool          isFind      = false;
            int           pieceLength = piece.Length;
            bool          doIHave;
            ActiveRequest newRequest = new ActiveRequest(index, begin, pieceLength);

            foreach (ActiveRequest request in requests)
                if (request.Equals(newRequest))
                    isFind = true;

            if (!isFind)
            last = DateTime.Now;

            if (downloader.MeasureFunction != null)

            downloader.StorageWrapper.PieceCameIn(index, begin, piece);

            doIHave = downloader.StorageWrapper.DoIHave(index);
            if (doIHave)
コード例 #11
 public void RemoveActiveRequest(ActiveRequest request)
コード例 #12
            private void WorkerLoop()
                Debug.Assert(!Monitor.IsEntered(_incomingRequests), "No locks should be held while invoking Process");
                Debug.Assert(_runningWorker != null && _runningWorker.Id == Task.CurrentId, "This is the worker, so it must be running");
                Debug.Assert(_wakeupRequestedPipeFd != null && !_wakeupRequestedPipeFd.IsInvalid, "Should have a valid pipe for wake ups");

                // Create the multi handle to use for this round of processing.  This one handle will be used
                // to service all easy requests currently available and all those that come in while
                // we're processing other requests.  Once the work quiesces and there are no more requests
                // to process, this multi handle will be released as the worker goes away.  The next
                // time a request arrives and a new worker is spun up, a new multi handle will be created.
                SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle = CreateAndConfigureMultiHandle();

                // Clear our active operations table.  This should already be clear, either because
                // all previous operations completed without unexpected exception, or in the case of an
                // unexpected exception we should have cleaned up gracefully anyway.  But just in case...
                Debug.Assert(_activeOperations.Count == 0, "We shouldn't have any active operations when starting processing.");

                bool endingSuccessfully = false;
                    // Continue processing as long as there are any active operations
                    while (true)
                        // First handle any requests in the incoming requests queue.
                        while (true)
                            IncomingRequest request;
                            lock (_incomingRequests)
                                if (_incomingRequests.Count == 0) break;
                                request = _incomingRequests.Dequeue();
                            HandleIncomingRequest(multiHandle, request);

                        // If we have no active operations, we're done.
                        if (_activeOperations.Count == 0)
                            endingSuccessfully = true;

                        // We have one or more active operations. Run any work that needs to be run.

                        // Complete and remove any requests that have finished being processed.
                        CURLMSG message;
                        IntPtr easyHandle;
                        CURLcode result;
                        while (Interop.Http.MultiInfoRead(multiHandle, out message, out easyHandle, out result))
                            Debug.Assert(message == CURLMSG.CURLMSG_DONE, "CURLMSG_DONE is supposed to be the only message type");

                            if (message == CURLMSG.CURLMSG_DONE)
                                IntPtr gcHandlePtr;
                                CURLcode getInfoResult = Interop.Http.EasyGetInfoPointer(easyHandle, CURLINFO.CURLINFO_PRIVATE, out gcHandlePtr);
                                Debug.Assert(getInfoResult == CURLcode.CURLE_OK, "Failed to get info on a completing easy handle");
                                if (getInfoResult == CURLcode.CURLE_OK)
                                    ActiveRequest completedOperation;
                                    bool gotActiveOp = _activeOperations.TryGetValue(gcHandlePtr, out completedOperation);
                                    Debug.Assert(gotActiveOp, "Expected to find GCHandle ptr in active operations table");
                                    if (gotActiveOp)
                                        DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, completedOperation.Easy, gcHandlePtr, completedOperation.CancellationRegistration);
                                        FinishRequest(completedOperation.Easy, result);

                        // Wait for more things to do.
                        bool isWakeupRequestedPipeActive;
                        bool isTimeout;
                        ThrowIfCURLMError(Interop.Http.MultiWait(multiHandle, _wakeupRequestedPipeFd, out isWakeupRequestedPipeActive, out isTimeout));
                        if (isWakeupRequestedPipeActive)
                            // We woke up (at least in part) because a wake-up was requested.  
                            // Read the data out of the pipe to clear it.
                            Debug.Assert(!isTimeout, "should not have timed out if isExtraFileDescriptorActive");
                            VerboseTrace("curl_multi_wait wake-up notification");
                        VerboseTraceIf(isTimeout, "curl_multi_wait timeout");

                        // PERF NOTE: curl_multi_wait uses poll (assuming it's available), which is O(N) in terms of the number of fds 
                        // being waited on. If this ends up being a scalability bottleneck, we can look into using the curl_multi_socket_* 
                        // APIs, which would let us switch to using epoll by being notified when sockets file descriptors are added or 
                        // removed and configuring the epoll context with EPOLL_CTL_ADD/DEL, which at the expense of a lot of additional
                        // complexity would let us turn the O(N) operation into an O(1) operation.  The additional complexity would come
                        // not only in the form of additional callbacks and managing the socket collection, but also in the form of timer
                        // management, which is necessary when using the curl_multi_socket_* APIs and which we avoid by using just
                        // curl_multi_wait/perform.
                    // If we got an unexpected exception, something very bad happened. We may have some 
                    // operations that we initiated but that weren't completed. Make sure to clean up any 
                    // such operations, failing them and releasing their resources.
                    if (_activeOperations.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Assert(!endingSuccessfully, "We should only have remaining operations if we got an unexpected exception");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<IntPtr, ActiveRequest> pair in _activeOperations)
                            ActiveRequest failingOperation = pair.Value;
                            IntPtr failingOperationGcHandle = pair.Key;

                            DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, failingOperation.Easy, failingOperationGcHandle, failingOperation.CancellationRegistration);

                            // Complete the operation's task and clean up any of its resources
                            failingOperation.Easy.Cleanup(); // no active processing remains, so cleanup

                        // Clear the table.

                    // Finally, dispose of the multi handle.
コード例 #13
ファイル: OnSiteController.cs プロジェクト: SomSor/eexam2
 public void Active([FromBody] ActiveRequest activeRequest)
     repoOnSite.Active(activeRequest.ActiveThruDateTime, activeRequest.centerId);
コード例 #14
ファイル: DepartmentManager.cs プロジェクト: jackjet870/xlwx
 /// <summary>
 /// 查询部门
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listJson">传递的json数据</param>
 /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string List(string listJson, Dictionary <string, string> dictParam)
     return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(this._strDepartmentUrl + DepartmentAction.list.ToString(), listJson, dictParam, "get")));
コード例 #15
ファイル: DepartmentManager.cs プロジェクト: jackjet870/xlwx
 /// <summary>
 /// 删除部门
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deleteJson">传递的json数据</param>
 /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string Delete(string deleteJson, Dictionary <string, string> dictParam)
     return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(this._strDepartmentUrl + DepartmentAction.delete.ToString(), deleteJson, dictParam, "get")));
コード例 #16
        public JsonResult SendRequest(string accessToken, string startingAddressMainText, string startingAddressSecondaryText, string startingAddressLocationLat, string startingAddressLocationLng, string finishAddressMainText, string finishAddressSecondaryText, string finishAddressLocationLat, string finishAddressLocationLng)
            if (HttpContext.Request.RequestType == "POST")
                var newAccessToken = _accessTokenService.GenerateAccessToken(accessToken);
                if (newAccessToken == null)
                    return(Json(new { status = "INVALID ACCESSTOKEN" }));

                var userId = _accessTokenService.GetUserId(newAccessToken);
                if (userId == null)
                    return(Json(new { status = "ERR1", accessToken = newAccessToken }));
                var client = _clientService.GetAll().Where(x => x.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (client == null)
                    return(Json(new { status = "ERR2", accessToken = newAccessToken }));
                var anotherRequest = _requestService.GetClientRequest().Where(c => c.Client.Id == client.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (anotherRequest != null)
                    return(Json(new { status = "ERR3", accessToken = accessToken }));
                var requestInfo = new RequestInfo()
                    CreatedBy                = CreatedBy.Client,
                    CreatedDateTime          = DateTime.Now,
                    CreatorUserId            = userId,
                    LastModificationDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    RequestStatus            = RequestStatusEnum.NoCarChosen,
                    StartingAddress          = startingAddressMainText + " " + startingAddressSecondaryText,
                    FinishAddress            = finishAddressMainText + " " + finishAddressSecondaryText,
                    StartingLocation         = new Models.Models.Location()
                        Latitude  = double.Parse(startingAddressLocationLat),
                        Longitude = double.Parse(startingAddressLocationLng)
                    FinishLocation = new Models.Models.Location()
                        Latitude  = double.Parse(finishAddressLocationLat),
                        Longitude = double.Parse(finishAddressLocationLng)
                var activeRequest = new ActiveRequest();
                activeRequest.Request           = requestInfo;
                activeRequest.DateTimeChosenCar = DateTime.Now;
                var appropriateCar = _carService.AppropriateCar(new Models.Models.Location()
                    Latitude = double.Parse(startingAddressLocationLat), Longitude = double.Parse(startingAddressLocationLng)
                if (appropriateCar != null)
                    activeRequest.AppropriateCar = appropriateCar;
                    requestInfo.RequestStatus    = RequestStatusEnum.NotTaken;

                var clientRequest = new ClientRequest()
                    Client  = client,
                    Request = requestInfo

                return(Json(new { accessToken = newAccessToken, status = "OK" }));
            return(Json(new { }));
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 批量删除成员
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchDeleteJson">json字符串</param>
        /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string BatchDelete(string batchDeleteJson)
            string strUrl = this._strDepartmentUrl + "user/" + UserAction.batchdelete.ToString();

            return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(strUrl, batchDeleteJson)));
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新成员
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updateJson">json字符串</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Update(string updateJson)
            string strUrl = this._strDepartmentUrl + "user/" + UserAction.update.ToString();

            return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(strUrl, updateJson)));
コード例 #19
        private void _initializeComponents()
            // Parent Vbox
            VBox ParentContent = new VBox();

            // Request URL in frame
            Frame RequestUrl = new Frame()
                Label   = Director.Properties.Resources.RequestInfoBox,
                Padding = 10
            VBox RequestUrlContent = new VBox();

            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(new Label(Director.Properties.Resources.RequestUrl));
            TextEntry RequestUrlField = new TextEntry()
                Text = ActiveRequest.Url

            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(RequestUrlField, expand: true, fill: true);
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(InvalidRequestUrl, vpos: WidgetPlacement.End);

            // Method
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(new Label(Director.Properties.Resources.RequestMethod));
            RequestHttpMethod = new ComboBox();
            RequestHttpMethod.Items.Add(1, "GET");
            RequestHttpMethod.Items.Add(2, "HEAD");
            RequestHttpMethod.Items.Add(3, "POST");
            RequestHttpMethod.Items.Add(4, "PUT");
            RequestHttpMethod.Items.Add(5, "PATCH");
            RequestHttpMethod.Items.Add(6, "DELETE");
            RequestHttpMethod.Items.Add(7, "OPTIONS");
                RequestHttpMethod.SelectedText = ActiveRequest.HTTP_METHOD;
                RequestHttpMethod.SelectedText = ActiveRequest.HTTP_METHOD = "GET";
            RequestHttpMethod.SelectionChanged += delegate
                ActiveRequest.HTTP_METHOD = RequestHttpMethod.SelectedText;
                if (RequestSettings.CurrentTab.Child is OverviewWidget)

            // Wait in seconds
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(new Label(Director.Properties.Resources.WaitPreviousRequest));
            TextEntry WaitTime = new TextEntry()
                Text = ActiveRequest.WaitAfterPreviousRequest + ""

            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(WaitTime, expand: true, fill: true);
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(InvalidTime, vpos: WidgetPlacement.End);
            WaitTime.Changed += delegate
                    ActiveRequest.WaitAfterPreviousRequest = int.Parse(WaitTime.Text);

                    if (ActiveRequest.WaitAfterPreviousRequest < 0)
                        ActiveRequest.WaitAfterPreviousRequest = 0;
                        WaitTime.Text = "0";
                        throw new InvalidCastException();

                    InvalidTime.Visible = false;
                    InvalidTime.Visible = true;

            // Repeat count
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(new Label(Director.Properties.Resources.NumberOfCallRepeats));
            TextEntry RepeatCounter = new TextEntry()
                Text = ActiveRequest.RepeatsCounter + ""

            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(RepeatCounter, expand: true, fill: true);
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(InvalidRepeatCount, vpos: WidgetPlacement.End);
            RepeatCounter.Changed += delegate
                    ActiveRequest.RepeatsCounter = int.Parse(RepeatCounter.Text);

                    if (ActiveRequest.RepeatsCounter < 0)
                        ActiveRequest.RepeatsCounter = 0;
                        RepeatCounter.Text           = "0";
                        throw new InvalidCastException();

                    InvalidRepeatCount.Visible = false;
                    InvalidRepeatCount.Visible = true;

            // Time between repeaters
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(new Label(Director.Properties.Resources.TimeBetweenRequests));
            TextEntry RequestTimeouts = new TextEntry()
                Text = ActiveRequest.RepeatsTimeout + ""

            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(RequestTimeouts, expand: true, fill: true);
            RequestUrlContent.PackStart(InvalidBetweenRepeatTime, vpos: WidgetPlacement.End);
            RequestTimeouts.Changed += delegate
                    ActiveRequest.RepeatsTimeout = int.Parse(RequestTimeouts.Text);

                    if (ActiveRequest.RepeatsTimeout < 0)
                        ActiveRequest.RepeatsTimeout = 0;
                        RequestTimeouts.Text         = "0";
                        throw new InvalidCastException();

                    InvalidBetweenRepeatTime.Visible = false;
                    InvalidBetweenRepeatTime.Visible = true;

            // Set content
            RequestUrl.Content = RequestUrlContent;
            ParentContent.PackStart(RequestUrl, expand: false, fill: true);

            // Change request URL field
            RequestUrlField.Changed += delegate
                if (RequestSettings.CurrentTab.Child is OverviewWidget)

            // Create Notebook
            RequestSettings = new Notebook()
                ExpandHorizontal = true,
                ExpandVertical   = true,
                TabOrientation   = NotebookTabOrientation.Top
            RequestSettings.CurrentTabChanged += delegate
                if (RequestSettings.CurrentTab.Child is OverviewWidget)
            ParentContent.PackStart(RequestSettings, true, true);

            // Close btn
            Button ConfirmButton = new Button(Image.FromResource(DirectorImages.OK_ICON),
                WidthRequest     = 150,
                ExpandHorizontal = false,
                ExpandVertical   = false

            ConfirmButton.Clicked += delegate { Close(); };
            ParentContent.PackStart(ConfirmButton, expand: false, hpos: WidgetPlacement.End);

            // Set content
            Content = ParentContent;
コード例 #20
            private void WorkerLoop()
                Debug.Assert(!Monitor.IsEntered(_incomingRequests), "No locks should be held while invoking Process");
                Debug.Assert(_runningWorker != null && _runningWorker.Id == Task.CurrentId, "This is the worker, so it must be running");
                Debug.Assert(_wakeupRequestedPipeFd != 0, "Should have a valid pipe for wake ups");

                // Create the multi handle to use for this round of processing.  This one handle will be used
                // to service all easy requests currently available and all those that come in while
                // we're processing other requests.  Once the work quiesces and there are no more requests
                // to process, this multi handle will be released as the worker goes away.  The next
                // time a request arrives and a new worker is spun up, a new multi handle will be created.
                SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle = Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_init();

                if (multiHandle.IsInvalid)
                    throw CreateHttpRequestException();

                // Clear our active operations table.  This should already be clear, either because
                // all previous operations completed without unexpected exception, or in the case of an
                // unexpected exception we should have cleaned up gracefully anyway.  But just in case...
                Debug.Assert(_activeOperations.Count == 0, "We shouldn't have any active operations when starting processing.");

                bool endingSuccessfully = false;

                    // Continue processing as long as there are any active operations
                    while (true)
                        // First handle any requests in the incoming requests queue.
                        while (true)
                            IncomingRequest request;
                            lock (_incomingRequests)
                                if (_incomingRequests.Count == 0)
                                request = _incomingRequests.Dequeue();
                            HandleIncomingRequest(multiHandle, request);

                        // If we have no active operations, we're done.
                        if (_activeOperations.Count == 0)
                            endingSuccessfully = true;

                        // We have one or more active operations. Run any work that needs to be run.
                        int running_handles;
                        ThrowIfCURLMError(Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_perform(multiHandle, out running_handles));

                        // Complete and remove any requests that have finished being processed.
                        int    pendingMessages;
                        IntPtr messagePtr;
                        while ((messagePtr = Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_info_read(multiHandle, out pendingMessages)) != IntPtr.Zero)
                            Interop.libcurl.CURLMsg message = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Interop.libcurl.CURLMsg>(messagePtr);
                            Debug.Assert(message.msg == Interop.libcurl.CURLMSG.CURLMSG_DONE, "CURLMSG_DONE is supposed to be the only message type");

                            IntPtr        gcHandlePtr;
                            ActiveRequest completedOperation;
                            if (message.msg == Interop.libcurl.CURLMSG.CURLMSG_DONE)
                                int getInfoResult = Interop.libcurl.curl_easy_getinfo(message.easy_handle, CURLINFO.CURLINFO_PRIVATE, out gcHandlePtr);
                                Debug.Assert(getInfoResult == CURLcode.CURLE_OK, "Failed to get info on a completing easy handle");
                                if (getInfoResult == CURLcode.CURLE_OK)
                                    bool gotActiveOp = _activeOperations.TryGetValue(gcHandlePtr, out completedOperation);
                                    Debug.Assert(gotActiveOp, "Expected to find GCHandle ptr in active operations table");
                                    if (gotActiveOp)
                                        DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, completedOperation.Easy, gcHandlePtr, completedOperation.CancellationRegistration);
                                        FinishRequest(completedOperation.Easy, message.result);

                        // Wait for more things to do.  Even with our cancellation mechanism, we specify a timeout so that
                        // just in case something goes wrong we can recover gracefully.  This timeout is relatively long.
                        // Note, though, that libcurl has its own internal timeout, which can be requested separately
                        // via curl_multi_timeout, but which is used implicitly by curl_multi_wait if it's shorter
                        // than the value we provide.
                        const int FailsafeTimeoutMilliseconds = 1000;
                        int       numFds;
                            Interop.libcurl.curl_waitfd extraFds = new Interop.libcurl.curl_waitfd {
                                fd      = _wakeupRequestedPipeFd,
                                events  = Interop.libcurl.CURL_WAIT_POLLIN,
                                revents = 0
                            ThrowIfCURLMError(Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_wait(multiHandle, &extraFds, 1, FailsafeTimeoutMilliseconds, out numFds));
                            if ((extraFds.revents & Interop.libcurl.CURL_WAIT_POLLIN) != 0)
                                // We woke up (at least in part) because a wake-up was requested.
                                // Read the data out of the pipe to clear it.
                                Debug.Assert(numFds >= 1, "numFds should have been at least one, as the extraFd was set");
                                VerboseTrace("curl_multi_wait wake-up notification");
                            VerboseTraceIf(numFds == 0, "curl_multi_wait timeout");

                        // PERF NOTE: curl_multi_wait uses poll (assuming it's available), which is O(N) in terms of the number of fds
                        // being waited on. If this ends up being a scalability bottleneck, we can look into using the curl_multi_socket_*
                        // APIs, which would let us switch to using epoll by being notified when sockets file descriptors are added or
                        // removed and configuring the epoll context with EPOLL_CTL_ADD/DEL, which at the expense of a lot of additional
                        // complexity would let us turn the O(N) operation into an O(1) operation.  The additional complexity would come
                        // not only in the form of additional callbacks and managing the socket collection, but also in the form of timer
                        // management, which is necessary when using the curl_multi_socket_* APIs and which we avoid by using just
                        // curl_multi_wait/perform.
                    // If we got an unexpected exception, something very bad happened. We may have some
                    // operations that we initiated but that weren't completed. Make sure to clean up any
                    // such operations, failing them and releasing their resources.
                    if (_activeOperations.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Assert(!endingSuccessfully, "We should only have remaining operations if we got an unexpected exception");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <IntPtr, ActiveRequest> pair in _activeOperations)
                            ActiveRequest failingOperation         = pair.Value;
                            IntPtr        failingOperationGcHandle = pair.Key;

                            DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, failingOperation.Easy, failingOperationGcHandle, failingOperation.CancellationRegistration);

                            // Complete the operation's task and clean up any of its resources
                            failingOperation.Easy.Cleanup(); // no active processing remains, so cleanup

                        // Clear the table.

                    // Finally, dispose of the multi handle.
コード例 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Add an Active Request
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request"></param>
 public void AddActiveRequest(ActiveRequest request)
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Refresh overview summary.
 /// </summary>
 public void RefreshOverview()
     ActiveRequest.CreateOverview(Overview, Font.WithSize(17).WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold));
コード例 #23
            private void Process()
                Debug.Assert(!Monitor.IsEntered(_incomingRequests), "No locks should be held while invoking Process");
                Debug.Assert(_workerRunning, "This is the worker, so it must be running");
                Debug.Assert(_wakeupRequestedPipeFd != 0, "Should have a valid pipe for wake ups");

                // Create the multi handle to use for this round of processing.  This one handle will be used
                // to service all easy requests currently available and all those that come in while
                // we're processing other requests.  Once the work quiesces and there are no more requests
                // to process, this multi handle will be released as the worker goes away.  The next
                // time a request arrives and a new worker is spun up, a new multi handle will be created.
                SafeCurlMultiHandle multiHandle = Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_init();

                if (multiHandle.IsInvalid)
                    throw CreateHttpRequestException();

                // Clear our active operations table.  This should already be clear, either because
                // all previous operations completed without unexpected exception, or in the case of an
                // unexpected exception we should have cleaned up gracefully anyway.  But just in case...
                Debug.Assert(_activeOperations.Count == 0, "We shouldn't have any active operations when starting processing.");

                bool endingSuccessfully = false;

                    // Continue processing as long as there are any active operations
                    while (true)
                        // Activate any new operations that were submitted, and cancel any operations
                        // that should no longer be around.
                        lock (_incomingRequests)
                            while (_incomingRequests.Count > 0)
                                EasyRequest easy = _incomingRequests.Dequeue();
                                Debug.Assert(easy._associatedMultiAgent == null || easy._associatedMultiAgent == this, "An incoming request must only be associated with no or this agent");
                                if (easy._associatedMultiAgent == null)
                                    // Handle new request
                                    ActivateNewRequest(multiHandle, easy);
                                    // Handle cancellation request.
                                    Debug.Assert(easy.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested, "_associatedMultiAgent should only be non-null if cancellation was requested");
                                    IntPtr        gcHandlePtr;
                                    ActiveRequest activeRequest;
                                    if (FindActiveRequest(easy, out gcHandlePtr, out activeRequest))
                                        DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, easy, gcHandlePtr, activeRequest.CancellationRegistration);
                                        easy.FailRequest(new OperationCanceledException(easy.CancellationToken));
                                        easy.Cleanup(); // no active processing remains, so we can cleanup
                                        Debug.Assert(easy.Task.IsCompleted, "We should only not be able to find the request if it was already completed.");

                        // If we have no active operations, we're done.
                        if (_activeOperations.Count == 0)
                            endingSuccessfully = true;

                        // We have one or more active operaitons. Run any work that needs to be run.
                        int running_handles;
                        ThrowIfCURLMError(Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_perform(multiHandle, out running_handles));

                        // Complete and remove any requests that have finished being processed.
                        int    pendingMessages;
                        IntPtr messagePtr;
                        while ((messagePtr = Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_info_read(multiHandle, out pendingMessages)) != IntPtr.Zero)
                            Interop.libcurl.CURLMsg message = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Interop.libcurl.CURLMsg>(messagePtr);
                            IntPtr        gcHandlePtr;
                            ActiveRequest completedOperation;
                            if (message.msg == Interop.libcurl.CURLMSG.CURLMSG_DONE &&
                                Interop.libcurl.curl_easy_getinfo(message.easy_handle, CURLINFO.CURLINFO_PRIVATE, out gcHandlePtr) == CURLcode.CURLE_OK &&
                                _activeOperations.TryGetValue(gcHandlePtr, out completedOperation))
                                DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, completedOperation.Easy, gcHandlePtr, completedOperation.CancellationRegistration);
                                FinishRequest(completedOperation.Easy, message.result);

                        // Wait for more things to do.  Even with our cancellation mechanism, we specify a timeout so that
                        // just in case something goes wrong we can recover gracefully.  This timeout is relatively long.
                        // Note, though, that libcurl has its own internal timeout, which can be requested separately
                        // via curl_multi_timeout, but which is used implicitly by curl_multi_wait if it's shorter
                        // than the value we provide.
                        const int FailsafeTimeoutMilliseconds = 1000;
                        int       numFds;
                            Interop.libcurl.curl_waitfd extraFds = new Interop.libcurl.curl_waitfd {
                                fd      = _wakeupRequestedPipeFd,
                                events  = Interop.libcurl.CURL_WAIT_POLLIN,
                                revents = 0
                            ThrowIfCURLMError(Interop.libcurl.curl_multi_wait(multiHandle, &extraFds, 1, FailsafeTimeoutMilliseconds, out numFds));
                            if ((extraFds.revents & Interop.libcurl.CURL_WAIT_POLLIN) != 0)
                                // We woke up (at least in part) because a wake-up was requested.  Read the data out of the pipe
                                // to clear it. It's possible but unlikely that there will be tons of extra data in the pipe,
                                // more than we end up reading out here (it's unlikely because we only write a byte to the pipe when
                                // transitioning from 0 to 1 incoming request or when cancellation is requested, and that would
                                // need to happen many times in a single iteration).  In that unlikely case, we'll simply loop
                                // around again as normal and end up waking up spuriously from the next curl_multi_wait.  For now,
                                // this is preferable to making additional syscalls to poll and read from the pipe).
                                const int ClearBufferSize = 4096; // some sufficiently large size to clear the pipe in any normal case
                                byte *    clearBuf        = stackalloc byte[ClearBufferSize];
                                while (Interop.CheckIo((long)Interop.libc.read(_wakeupRequestedPipeFd, clearBuf, (IntPtr)ClearBufferSize)))

                        // PERF NOTE: curl_multi_wait uses poll (assuming it's available), which is O(N) in terms of the number of fds
                        // being waited on. If this ends up being a scalability bottleneck, we can look into using the curl_multi_socket_*
                        // APIs, which would let us switch to using epoll by being notified when sockets file descriptors are added or
                        // removed and configuring the epoll context with EPOLL_CTL_ADD/DEL, which at the expense of a lot of additional
                        // complexity would let us turn the O(N) operation into an O(1) operation.  The additional complexity would come
                        // not only in the form of additional callbacks and managing the socket collection, but also in the form of timer
                        // management, which is necessary when using the curl_multi_socket_* APIs and which we avoid by using just
                        // curl_multi_wait/perform.
                    // If we got an unexpected exception, something very bad happened. We may have some
                    // operations that we initiated but that weren't completed. Make sure to clean up any
                    // such operations, failing them and releasing their resources.
                    if (_activeOperations.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Assert(!endingSuccessfully, "We should only have remaining operations if we got an unexpected exception");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <IntPtr, ActiveRequest> pair in _activeOperations)
                            ActiveRequest failingOperation         = pair.Value;
                            IntPtr        failingOperationGcHandle = pair.Key;

                            DeactivateActiveRequest(multiHandle, failingOperation.Easy, failingOperationGcHandle, failingOperation.CancellationRegistration);

                            // Complete the operation's task and clean up any of its resources
                            failingOperation.Easy.Cleanup(); // no active processing remains, so cleanup

                        // Clear the table.

                    // Finally, dispose of the multi handle.
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// 邀请成员关注
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendJson">json字符串</param>
        /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Send(string sendJson)
            string strUrl = this._strDepartmentUrl + "invite/" + UserAction.send.ToString();

            return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(strUrl, sendJson)));
コード例 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// 创建菜单
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="strJson">传递的json数据</param>
 /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
 /// <returns>返回json结果</returns>
 public string Create(string strJson, Dictionary <string, string> dictParam)
     return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(this._strMenuUrl + MenuAction.create.ToString(), strJson, dictParam)));
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除成员
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deleteJson">json字符串</param>
        /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Delete(string deleteJson, Dictionary <string, string> dictParam)
            string strUrl = this._strDepartmentUrl + "user/" + UserAction.delete.ToString();

            return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(strUrl, deleteJson, dictParam, "get")));
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取菜单列表(全部菜单)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Get(Dictionary <string, string> dictParam)
            string strUrl = this._strMenuUrl + MenuAction.get.ToString();

            return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(strUrl, "", dictParam, "get")));
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取部门成员
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simpleListJson">json字符串</param>
        /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string SimpleList(string simpleListJson, Dictionary <string, string> dictParam)
            string strUrl = this._strDepartmentUrl + "user/" + UserAction.simplelist.ToString();

            return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(strUrl, simpleListJson, dictParam, "get")));
コード例 #29
ファイル: DepartmentManager.cs プロジェクト: jackjet870/xlwx
 /// <summary>
 /// 创建部门
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="createJson">json字符串</param>
 /// <param name="dictParam">url上的除access_token参数</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string Create(string createJson, Dictionary <string, string> dictParam)
     return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(this._strDepartmentUrl + DepartmentAction.create.ToString(), createJson, dictParam)));
コード例 #30
 private bool FindActiveRequest(EasyRequest easy, out IntPtr gcHandlePtr, out ActiveRequest activeRequest)
     // We maintain an IntPtr=>ActiveRequest mapping, which makes it cheap to look-up by GCHandle ptr but
     // expensive to look up by EasyRequest.  If we find this becoming a bottleneck, we can add a reverse
     // map that stores the other direction as well.
     foreach (KeyValuePair<IntPtr, ActiveRequest> pair in _activeOperations)
         if (pair.Value.Easy == easy)
             gcHandlePtr = pair.Key;
             activeRequest = pair.Value;
             return true;
     gcHandlePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
     activeRequest = default(ActiveRequest);
     return false;
コード例 #31
ファイル: DepartmentManager.cs プロジェクト: jackjet870/xlwx
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新部门
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="UpdateJson">json字符串</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string Update(string UpdateJson)
     return(ActiveRequest.SendRequest(this.GetEntityByAction(this._strDepartmentUrl + DepartmentAction.update.ToString(), UpdateJson)));